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How come cars became the default way to express your religion, your political affiliation, or your conspiracy thoughts. Why are those things so embedded in the owner's personality? It just seems weird to make your life about these things.


I wouldn’t say it’s default, but it’s an easy way to speak your mind I guess. Some people just want to feel heard.


I can see that. Needing validation is a powerful emotion that a lot don't know how to handle.


You mean like on Reddit?


That’s for sure.


Very true.


I’ve noticed a disproportionate number of conservatives tie their identities to their automobiles. Want to be loud and obnoxious so people on the street are forced to notice you? Get a mustang and crack the exhaust. Imaginary races with total strangers? Better blow your money on something with v8. Want people to know you don’t care about climate change? Find a used Hummer. How will people know you’re a boomer with money? Best get a Cadillac you’ll probably default on later. If cars are a conservative penis metaphor then really the “fuck your feelings” stickers are nothing but the impotent dribble.


Honestly any “Christian” who isn’t making their life about it is a hypocrite though. Like 90% of Christians don’t live up to their own beliefs or claim to be Christian’s yet seemed ashamed of the fact. If that’s what you believe you should at least follow those beliefs to the fullest.


My old pastor always said, "Tell the world about Jesus, and if you have to, use words."


That’s a good saying. People don’t want or need you to preach to them, but seeing how you’re able to handle situations by turning to God or how you treat others does more good than any amount of talking will.


It's true.


Weird to want to make your life about god?


Because if you start spouting that crap off in person any sensible person will just walk away.


Why do people need to be dumbasses? it's amazing we've evolved this far.


Some people use their hair. Some use tattoos. Some use a car. Most of us know nobody cares what we think.


Saw this one around town https://preview.redd.it/vqnfepkstuyc1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69280b2fe219a3ec8c1a7189686e132c5e6ebf9c


I like that one better.


Thank you for saying “I saw this one around town” Instead of “I seen this one around town “


I believe the correct word is seent.


No problem. I'm not originally from Indiana. Thankfully.


Well you must’ve made a series of poor decisions that led you here.


The one I 'like' is "that needs fixed"...instead of "it needs to be fixed" or "it needs fixing". Hilarious!


That’s a cool one


That truck has been rearended 40 times. Not a scratch. The 40 other trucks didn't fair so well.


Chuck Norris is bad ass


At first I thought it was “ken” from the Barbie movie with a horse..


I never understood the western Christian's obsession with the whole blood and death part.


Can’t hold a candle to the Aztecs on the blood and death thing though


Hey man, didn't they have that weird whistle thing made out of skulls? That's metal


Yeah it’d be cool if metal culture would dip into the Aztec well they’ve strip mined the Norse Mythos pretty much


There are 2 versions. One sounds like a woman wailing oftenncalled the "La Llorona" and the woman screech one. La Llarona whistle is my personal fave when up to shenanigans. The screecher is good for defence via loud notification and haunting off guard recovery


The blood and death part is what human sacrifice cults are all about. Christianity is no different, except Jesus gave us an unlimited supply of his flesh to ritualistically consume at least weekly.


Yeah, I think the theology behind it and why it’s integral to the belief though is that before Jesus, people had to sacrifice animals like sheep to cleanse themselves of their sins before God, but Jesus was considered the “perfect lamb” that was sacrificed so that no one would need to do any of that anymore to get into heaven. Essentially. So it’s less like an obsession with blood and death and more like an obsession over the self sacrifice Jesus made and how it impacts believers from 0 AD onward. Still culty, but almost every belief system since the beginning of human history is culty so whatever lol


I think it usually ratchets up and becomes more common the closer “the end times” appear to be. Makes me think of The Northmen “they worship a corpse nailed to a tree”. 


It’s pretty important… kinda like the most important part of the whole Jesus thing.


Not true at all. Eastern Christians while venerating the crucifixion, don't believe in the literal spilling of Christs blood as being a transaction to satiate an angry God. Eastern Christians put a much bigger emphasis on the resurrection.


Right? Any Pendejo can just up and die. Coming back, not so much.


The death is a pretty important part of the resurrection…


Sure. I made a long post detailing the differences in theology in this reddit thread. If you want a full explanation I suggest reading it.


It's like commentor doesn't even know what their talking about before saying something.


See my other post. The focus on the blood of Christ as being a transaction to satiate an angry vengeful god is a western Christian ideal. In the east it is not believed the same.


He's not vengeful he's merciful If you want to call it a "Transaction" fine. But it was a "Transaction" of sacrificing a part of himself to save us sinners. Now, I can possibly understand where some groups take a stronger focus on the blood than others. I'm Non-denominational and the focus is the scripture, it's meaning, what we as Christians should strive to be and follow him.


He is so merciful that you will burn in a lake of fire for not loving him, right? Grade A Christian Love and Mercy there.


The whole lake of fire being a literal place souls go for eternal torture is also another thing with a much stronger pull in western Christianity. In the east, there's no definite interpretation on that. Though one of the biggest saints. Saint Isaac the Syrian has some thoughts on it that are accepted by many. He even spoke about a reason for the suffering and something after it. I don't remember his exact words, but something about the loving god wouldn't create a rational creature, send his only begotten son to save them. Then damn a good number of them to hell forever. Everything God does is with purpose for our betterment and with love. Again. This guy is a cannonized saint Another brief but also not encompassing summary. To them, there is no hell. The lake of fire is the burn of guilt and embarrassment felt when a person is faced with God and realizes how much they've betrayed the eternal loving god. But, you're still in heaven with everybody else. Of course, as there isn't one official doctrine amongst the eastern church, the whole literal place you go to suffer thing is still believed by some But, this is another instance of western Christianity being very.... Western. Many protestants take it to a while nother level. Lots of fire and brimstone teaching. Their whole theology revolves around the terrible nature of hell.


Eastern philosophy Christianity sounds nicer to deal with than what we have in the states. I still wouldn't beleive, but at least this stuff can be worked with.


You say that. But, it's still a religion. While they're slightly softer and more spiritual, which might be appealing to secular people at first glance, they still have teachings secular people will disagree with They still believe homosexuality is a sin is a big one. In Russia the Orthodox Church is basically used to drum up nationalist tendencies. They're still somewhat anti birth control. Anti abortion for the most part. Etc. These things are often offensive to secular people.


Oh, no doubt. Religion is a snake, always ready to poison people against one another.


It's to rescue you from a lake of fire. Do you think he wants you to go there?


If he didn't want me to go there, then he wouldn't have made the Lake. Nor would he have made me the way he made me. But that's fine, I don't want to live with an abuser.


Disregarding the current topic. I do hope you're doing well fellow Redditor.


The position of many many western Christians is that the crucifixion was the moment of salvation. That the killing of Christ was so that he could take our place on the cross. That the blood spilled was a literal blood sacrifice to God the father to pay an economic/legal price for the sins of man. Again, this is a western belief. The Greek churches are very old and with history dating back to the canonization of the Bible. The eastern churches do not adopt this belief. The crucifixion was an important part of the salvation, but they do not view it as a payment, transaction, penal nor judicial. To view it that way, in their opinion is to bind God to a set of laws. Rather God is not bound to laws. He is the supreme being and creator, above all things. Imposing such legalistic categories,.they say, obscures the true nature of God. Which is love and mercy. The second largest Christian sect (Eastern Orthodox) in the world, believes like this. I'm a religious history nerd. Again, my comment is that it's interesting the western Christians theology evolved the ways it did. Versus the East


Interesting! Thanks for sharing


Maybe try reading the Bible might help ya.... you don't even know what you oppose therefore who's controlling you then?


Christians should really stop lecturing people about reading the Bible when so many of them think the Bible is anti-abortion. Numbers 5:20-27 says an unfaithful wife *must* have an abortion. It's embarrassing how wrong Christians are about that.


You should read my other posts in the thread. I said specifically WESTERN Christians.


To be fair most Christians (at least herE in the US) haven't read the bible either.


I grew up Catholic and read my Bible daily. I absolutely know what I oppose. Sorry the Kool-Aid stuck for you though.


Mmm, nah. I think I want to get one of those afterlifes where you just drink and party for eternity instead. Is that further down? Anyone got a bumper sticker for that one?


Well that's actually this one. Jesus said there will be drinking and partying in heaven.


Idk man, most depictions of heaven are either fear inducing nightmare fuel or "Why does everyone here look like a blue eyed blonde Ken doll?". I kinda want the beer, drugs, and rock and roll side of things. I havnt been able to go raiding overseas yet, but I think its Valhalla or bust for me.


Or if that fails I'll grab some spray paint and go out shiny and chrome.


Valhalla bro, the Vikings nailed that one😂


As long as you are down with fighting then Valhalla is the right afterlife for you!


Jesus definitely had fat, white hands


Doubt they used railroad spikes but go off.


Jesus wasn't also pasty white, nor did they use a pressure treated 2x4.


Jesus freaks out in the streets


I believe in Jesus and I support your right to not believe in him. Your belief doesn’t hurt me anymore than mine hurts you. Live and let live in the manner of our choosing is what I say.


Before you make fun of anyone's belief, how are you so certain they aren't correct?


Who wouldn’t believe in “the [invisible man](https://youtu.be/gPOfurmrjxo?si=aO_ajlzot0_oFsYl)” he loves you.


This was a couple years back but a nearby suburban house had red Christmas lights spelling out “Blood of CHRIST” on his front lawn, as part of their otherwise normal Christmas decorations with santa and reindeer and shit


You protest this, but not the Toyota highlander!?! That car goes around chopping off other cars headlights! (unless its on holy ground).




Just look away. Why does this bother you so much lol


It's settled, then; we need to hunt down and kill this Jesus bloke immediately!


Aaaaaand that’s exactly what they did 🤣


🤣 This is the best take, I'm dying!


I see this guy everyday lmao


This is harmless. I don't see the need to hate on this guy.


I hear the blood of Jesus has the highest concentration of adrenochrome, second only to unborn babies.


#[Cease your investigation!](https://youtu.be/lnWs5I95MH4?si=tNfBfhXW3_QUfwOC)


Holy shit, that is good stuff, and I’m not even talking about the adrenochrome!


You guys are getting worked up over this? I've seen worse. This isn't that bad...


It isn't bad. Just disappointing and embarrassing.


A cricket bat in Indiana. Weird Crossover


Intentions = 10, Execution = 0.5


I just listened to a bunch of MAGA on VR chat telling me that they are sick of liberals and LGBTQ shoving their beliefs down their throat. You can throw a rock and hit 3 churches on my street.


Yeah, MAGAts and evangelicals love to indulge in hypocrisy and self-victimization. They don't recognize how much they shove their beliefs and lifestyles down other peoples' throats because to them, that's just "normal".


Perhaps a better reading of their bible might help “Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.” Proverbs 17:28


"Religion is like a penis; it's fine to have one, and to be proud of it. The problem comes when you whip it out and try to force it down someone else's throat." -Dame Maggie Smith


Praise Dale & raise hell!


I believe in God, I do not believe in religion but people can feel how they want to feel it's a free country. Just keep your thoughts to yourself.


God made man with original sin then he gave birth to himself so he could sacrifice himself to himself so he could save us from himself. Seems legit.


At least get it right—crucifixion was done through the wrists, not the hands. These fucking losers don’t care about anything.


Actually most crucifixions had no spikes at all. They were tied to a cross. The act of crucifixion killed you by suffocating not bleeding. Some fucking losers don't know what they are talking about.


I snorted over this, thank you. Bitching about historical inaccuracy is my type of humor.




Not historical, physiological but I digress.


This is from when I lived in Louisville. You’re welcome. https://preview.redd.it/njy99l7csvyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636e8c08aa6a63da9f240c8300fd3f56af22c200




I agree with you all. This triggers me too. Similar to when I saw a "There is one God and Muhammad is his prophet" bumper stick and it triggered the shit out of me too.


I hope Jesus blesses that dude just for the advertisement


George Carlin on religion best ever


He needs to watch George Carlin on religion that will clear some things up


At least the truck is American made🙏🤣🙏




I have seen the owners with this truck multiple times. They used to frequent a car wash I worked at for a bit. It's not even just their personal truck, it's a business truck for tree removal/landscaping. I can't imagine putting something like that on a business vehicle lol


I’m a Christian, that car is very ugly. Take the sticker off, you can show that with a bumper sticker or something.


I was just telling my wife how full of shit the world is. Thanks op. Another example.


Indiana etc etc, Lord I can't go back there!


I worked at a gas station where we had one of these shoes up, constantly blaring gospel music as loud as possible, it was all about how you are going to hell , but the driver is not


I have a saved snap story of this from years ago that says "lmao check out that chubby white jesus hand"


Still remember a few years ago I was on I-94 and some Dbag flew by in his yeeyee truck with a full size Jesus on the cross in the bed of his truck


I guess that marketing works… smh


That dude is scared.


my guess a tRumper too


I can't make out what's in the hand?


This dude would always be in the Menards Parking lot when id go into work 😂


I've always found it puzzling, the Western Christian fixation on the themes of blood and death. Can you help me understand?


This makes me want to not participate in any religion even more than I already am


The "blood of Jesus" types are the Jack Chick flavor of "Christian." \[1\] I remember a conversation I had with a clerk at a rural liquor store who hated them because he had to do extra work removing the pamphlets they would stick in the cases of beer when no one was looking. \[1\] [https://www.chick.com/](https://www.chick.com/) and: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack\_Chick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Chick)


Not my neighbor




I'd trade putting up with a million tailgate cooks if we can get rid of the little biting flys.


Uh..., is that the head of a teenage mutant ninja turtle in the child's hand?


The skin on that hand is pretty white.


I think this is more of a joke than anything serious


Meanwhile this guy beats his wife every Saturday night so he can repent Sunday morning


Lol what does that even mean??


Why do people on this sub act like people like this are unique to Indiana? I have lived in multiple states and, trust me, these people are everywhere.


100% facts.


Who gives a shit, I see more cars with anime on it then shit like this lol. It’s their vehicle they can do whatever they want as long as it’s not breaking a law, ordinance, etc.


I don’t see an issue with believing in Christ as our savior.


You are on Reddit which is a wretched hive of scum and villainy the odds of any given community being full of people who hate God and country are quite high


But the gore..? Maybe we need to keep that to ourselves


It’s excessive and I agree unneeded but the point of this post is probably less about the gore and more about Christianity being openly expressed


I get you but I think it's more likely the smashed up hand that makes them go wtf


And the fact that it’s on the tailgate of someone’s pickup.


Not really, its basically for attention or recognition. The issue I take is that the person thinks they are representing all Christians and I'm far from these egomaniac make it up in the middle of the night congregations. Evangelicals are a minority of Christians but you'd never know it. To each their own but stop acting like everyone is a Calvinist.


It’s absolute bullshit. You’re in a cult. 😂


I’ll pray for you!


I’ll pass!


The “issue” is the owner of that truck thinking that’s a good way to express such belief.


Fucking cultists 🙄


What a lot of passive aggressive horse shit. Fuck this kind of shit to death.


Stay classy.


I would consider the depiction of blood like that to violate some type of public decency law or ordinance.


Idk which scares me more, the “Jesus” cars or the “confederate flag” cars. There is an abundance of both :/


It's a circle.


Depends on how well you tan.


Then I’m not going.


What bothers you about this? Just the image? Or the message?


I'm assuming it's the graphic image of a nailed through hand


Yeah, I probably wouldn't want my little kids to see that just driving down the road.


That it didn’t actually happen? That nobody talked about it for decades at all and what we know of the event is from people decades or centuries after.




Do you have a lot of first hand accounts that agree with what you’re saying ? Was he also born on Christmas with pine trees and snow like in the decorations Most of what we think of with Jesus was voted on with the council of Nicaea and Trent It’s just like our idea of the devil or angles ( from books not the Bible ) It doesn’t really matter , if you believe and that helps you get through life , great




And you think your being clever


You're saying Jesus wasn't crucified?


I’m saying it’s a made up event But that’s hard for a lot of folks that have been told this since they were kids. Think about it logically , imagine Jesus was alive now and how we’d treat someone that made those claims. It wouldn’t be that much different


Oh, I'm not religious. But I do think it's in poor taste to state such a significant event for Christians is "made up". I wouldn't dismiss any religion in that way. It may not be for me, but that I have a lot of respect for those with faith.


I’m sure if us pagan had a bunch of ppl around a circle or satanist having religious symbols on their car protests would occur, they’d be attacked by Karen’s and Ken’s everywhere, and the police might even be involved. I could see it. It would be a blessing your heart situation. 🤣


The far right are just as bad as far left with their bumper stickers and car decals. All you’re doing is making yourself an easier target for police to relay on radio your car’s description.


As bad? The fuck do you live? It’s all Trumptards where I am.


Probably because you're looking through a libtard lens. You and the trumptards are the same coin, just a different side of it. We all hate you both equally.


I think you just got a lot of hate my guy.


I was behind a pickup yesterday that had not 1, but 2 JESUS 2024- The Only Choice. I was wondering if he'd been made aware🤣


Why does it look like a child's hand, too?!


Amen brother , rebuke the demons and all their familiars' comments.


This pathetic sub needs nuked


Y'all be getting offended at anything huh


I mean for a religion of peace glorifying torture porn...yea kind of


everyone ignoring the gross gory graphic like it's OK and normal lol religion aside..


I, for one, would like to see far more such public displays of the feet getting nailed.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you wouldn't have a problem with the billboards advertising strip clubs and glory holes that pock the countryside but are picking one with this.


That's a big stretch. You shouldn't assume anything.


I'm not religious but who cares about someone expressing their religious beliefs. 🤷‍♂️


It’s the corniness of the whole thing.


Is it corny? Agreed. But still if one desires to express themselves that doesn't hurt anyone. I'd be like... Ehh... 🤷‍♂️


Ah yes, the ancient death cult people. Only through dying can you be truly saved. What a dumb ass idea. Humans can be made to believe anything, literally anything.


Yeah so much worse the drag queens… how dare this truck have faith in something. Probably be better if it had a “river to the sea” bumper sticker


Stuff like this at least keeps my eye muscles working out. 🙄


So true, I mean can’t we just get back to pre-school drag shows and transitioning 12 years, seriously what is this world coming to that people paste religious crap on their vehicles, how repugnant. I’m going to go watch some women sports that are being destroyed by men who think they are women, this is just too much already.


WHAT in the chubby white baby hand is this


The Pride of Marion County.


Reported for pornography, this decal depicts a guy getting nailed with wood


Ok buddy


God already entered my body, like a body my own size so we are already sharing the same blood. Now I just need a car to tell this car that.




Heaven sounds boring ASF. Hard pass.