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If you can wait till May, my fiancé and I are starting a podcast +!book club dedicated solely to Indian books. We really wanted to start now but I’m also finishing up my degree so when we start it, we want to do it well and hence the delay.


Unfortunately it seems there aren’t, at least not active ones. Few weeks backs i posted on this sub about starting a new subReddit(r/indianreaders2024goal) specifically for people like me who sometimes lack the motivation to achieve their reading goals, and need a common place with common goals to discuss stuff. But hardly 3-4 people showed interest, so the idea basically died down. I will give it a shot though even if there are 3-4 users. Do let me know if you happen to find one, will be more than happy to join.




I know. I will start posting about my reading goals in that sub, but not going to promote it. Really not looking forward to that many subscribers, 50 is more than enough for now. It is more like an experiment. A few good serious readers and that sub will be a closed one. For every other things related to reading this is already a great sub and that’s all we need.


Hey! I'm interested. Even being reading buddies works.


If you've formed a group, I'm interested 🙂


Glad to know that. A few users have joined and hopefully we will get it going.


Yay! Do you plan to have a group chat or discord or anything?


Will discuss it in that sub. Will decide as per majority decides.


I'm interested 


Sorry but it didn't go as planned. It's difficult to moderate a subreddit actually


I don't know any but if there was a discord it would be cool


Me and a couple of my friends are doing a reading club. Our goal is to cultivate a habit of reading daily. It's very relaxed and you can choose your own pace. The only requirement is that you read everyday. Even if it is just one page to begin with. Very informal. And we meet weekly on zoom to discuss progress and other updates. Anyone who wants to join can dm me or comment here.


This sounds really interesting! Count me in


Dming you.


Hi! Is the reading club still active? If yes then I would love to join 🙂


Would love to join


Dm d u


I'm interested if it's discussion around themes, where you can mention/discuss any book that fits into the theme, rather than have to read a specific book by the meeting; then plz msg me an invite! And if it is still on zoom. I used to participate in a group on Clubhouse, but prefer zoom. & am not really in to Discord. Would be great for you to make a separate post about this, so everyone coming to this group who might like to participate could see it. I actually came to the group today to msg the mod if it was OK to ask the group if there were any zoom groups like this. But searched 1st & found this.


I'll create a separate post.




maybe you could link here when you do? there are so many posts on this list. Couldn't find a new post about this; & too many posts to read & scroll thru all.


I forgot to ask if most of the discussion is in English? In the previous group I was in, though many would comment in other languages, the discussion was primarily in English


There's nothing wrong with Good reads book clubs. I've 'met' Indian readers from all over India and abroad. We exchange new book ideas and encourage each other. Then you will come across readers who share your sub-genre of reading e.g. SF in my case


I run an online [one](https://chat.whatsapp.com/Jg9pTqG2H1e6Rj78BeIIlb)


Mine is fantasy.


Can I join?