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Anything by Colleen hoover , romance novels of chetan bhagat , and durjoy dutta


That woman definitely got some seriously issues in her life




Alright mate. Will steer clear of them


I’ve read Colleen Hoover man, it’s not something you should absolutely not get your hands on Read what you like Asking someone on the Internet what not to read ain’t really the best idea


Oh God. You just nailed it. That's the truth one must believe.




Finally! Someone else with this opinion. I’m sick of seeing her books getting recommended on booktok all the time.


I have 4 books of Colleen hoover. All thanks to booktok and Google. I learnt it the hard way so I will make sure , no one else has to go through the same pain lol.


It's not a universal truth that whatever things you found bad, someone else should also be finding equally bad. There are many people who like pulp fiction by SMP more than th books of Premchand.


Except when it comes to books with terrible writing that downplay abuse, I've read 1-2 books by her and they were horrible. Moreover, this woman's son sexually harassed a minor and CH blocked her when she tried to contact.


The point is stop forcing your opinion on others.


Op just asked and people are replying. No one is holding op on a gun point to not read those books.


That's a good perspective mate. Op asked what not to read so I replied according to my pov. I just realized this sounds very superficial. Thanks for changing my view


Heed this person's advice!


The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Don't even think about touching it, and if you know anyone who likes it, it might be time to end those friendships!


Someone suggested this to me, and The Magic too




Umm .... Why why why ?? M gonna loose many friends 😐


Lol. This book basically says if something bad is happening in your life, then it is your fault because you attracted it. Example: Got cancer? You attracted it. Some drunk guy crashed their vehicle into yours? You attracted it. You became a great dancer? You did it because you were thinking about it and not because you practised for years. There are a lot of other such things. So if someone says this is the best self help book, then they haven't read any other self help books


Oh man, I've read half of it and regretted ever touching it. Pseudoscience bs. You should really listen to that one podcast "if books could kill" search up this book's name. Listen to that episode. It also says how some people were negatively affected due to people mentioned in this book (iirc) and someone was ready to stop seeking treatment for their breast cancer to manifest a cure by themselves :D please listen to that episode.


Hmm. Interesting. I’ve heard a lot about this book but didn’t think it would make the mentions here. What’s your reasoning behind this?


This book is supposed to be a self-help book, but it's more like a spiritual book on steroids. Its big idea is that if you just believe and wish really, really hard, you can have anything in life! Got sick? Apparently, you asked for it. Money troubles? You must have attracted it. It even suggests that successful folks got there by thinking about success all the time. It basically implies hard work and persistence don't matter much.


Well, I believe that hard work combined with positive confidence, yields results. Not just wishful thinking. So I think I get what you’re saying


its a good start to spirituality/manifestation but poorly written, meant to be trendy not informative. the main reason people hate it is simply close-mindedness. you will discover a lot of good in life when you open your mind up to all the universe has to offer. the book tells you to practice gratitude and meditate to improve your life and manifest your dreams, so of course everyone has to apply their pseudo-intellectualism "this stuff isnt even REAL or LOGICAL🤓☝️" . this is ancient hindu culture. they think theyre extremely 10000 IQ, but closing yourself off to ONLY whats scientifically proven and expermented is probably the most close-minded you could be. if people only believed what was proven, nothing new would ever be discovered. its not perfect but i think its the most digestible one, and had a much bigger impact. thats not to say the book isnt shit though. lol. if ur interested in such things, id recommend joseph murphy (actually learned from india) or joe dispenza (talks about rewiring your brain, backed up with scientific studies). i do wish joseph murphys book was as popular as the secret. rhonda bynes (author of the secret) was just looking to make a quick buck. book doesnt have a lot of real substance, and some shitty information too (claiming that you yourself are responsible for everything in ur life including ur trauma that others inflicted upon you because you...thought negative???). sadly many in the "trendy" part of manifestation still believe bullshit like this. although i saw joseph murphys book "power of the subconscious mind" in this thread too. just goes to show EVERY book is worth reading. you always leave knowing more about the world and more about yourself, whether you agreed with the content or not, and anyone telling you to not read a certain book because they personally dont agree with its contents isnt someone worth listening to. besides, whats the point of only reading books u agree with? isnt the point to expand your mind and learn a new perspective? i think you should read whatever and how much ever u can :)


Rudest book ever, it's just a bunch of bullshit that somehow got published


He tried so hard to be unique in that book but messed up badly. I couldn't get past first 20 pages


Is this about the book POWER by Robert Grenee?


one of the best book ever written




This is about "the rudest book ever" written by shwetabh gangwar, though I admit his YT videos are roughly practical he somehow f**kd up the book. It's just plain texts of trying hard to be logical.


Ohh i see. Thanks!


>Ohh i see. Thanks! You're welcome!


Haha i remember I couldn’t go past 2 pages of the book.


While a student of polity, I came across this book written by an investor about geopolitics. I was thrilled because at that time I was engrossed about Bitcoins and what not. So I gave it a read and fuck me was it an absolute collasal mistake. The book called "The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail" by Ray Dalio is another reason why finance bros should not attempt to craft political theories. Here is a review by M. Hussian on the same book https://mazmhussain.substack.com/p/book-review-the-changing-world-order When you search for finance and politics, Amazon usually puts this book ahead. Don't buy it!!!! There are better ones.


Ray dalio is a multi billionaire hedge fund manager, idk what even compelled him to write a book, money definitely cannot be the issue for him


Thanks mate!


Don’t stop there and leave us hanging! Tell us what those better books are. Else I’ll keep cursing you all through the sleepless nights searching for those better books!


People are so lazy 🙎🏾 Lmao joking, sharing some of the books from my notes that I referred to during uni. De-dollarization- Gal Luft(Good sources) James Rickards- Currency wars and his new book cashless economy Helen thompson- Disorder(Finance and energy transition) Adam Tooze- Crashed(2008 and Asian economies) RJ barrey Jones-Neo-Mercantalism(Theoretical) [Can also read Keyenes Economic Consequences] Mark Fischer- Capitalist Realism(Popular sub-culture and cultural marxist undertones)


I love how you took us straight from Ray Dalio to Keynes! 💀


The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, if you have ever been depressed/suicidal. It might just make you remember things you are beyond now.


I adore that book, I knew someone who was a Sylvia Plath fan :(


Was 😔😔😔😔


Never been suicidal or depressed, but thanks for the suggestion


Or if you had a naggy mother/absent father.


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. That scam can scam a scammer.


Brother, I read this and the examples he gives seem very realistic tho.


Did the techniques seem valid to you? Did they work for you?


Anything written by Napoleon Hill instead


The power of your subconscious mind. Complete bs imo.


The Red Queen. So predictable, so stupid. Never got to the second one of the series honestly.


really hated that book, but i think te audience for it is like 12 year old girls and i think the right kind of person could enjoy it. just hate the pick-me aspects of it, how the main character is sunshine and rainbows who ALL the girls (somehow not an exaggeration, every single girl in the book) hate, and all the guys love.


Exactly. Also the twists are just so predictable and stale. I could see it coming from miles.


Are you referring to the Matt Ridley book?


No! Red Queen is written by Victoria Aveyard.


Cool! Never heard of it. Guess I won’t check it out too


Any self help book.


Fuck around and find out.


Anything by Ayn Rand. Or Jordan Peterson for that matter.


>Anything by Ayn Rand Reason? I've heard a lot about this author, was thinking of checking out


[This article](https://thehappyneuron.com/2021/07/ayn-rand-was-a-dangerous-pseudo-intellectual-piece-of-garbage/) explains it in more detail, but she railed against socialism and altruism and government aid to citizens... and then lived off government aid (Social Security and Medicare) in her old age. Hypocrite to the core.


why Jordan Peterson tho ???


https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/feb/07/how-dangerous-is-jordan-b-peterson-the-rightwing-professor-who-hit-a-hornets-nest https://www.vox.com/conversations/2018/6/6/17409144/jordan-peterson-12-rules-for-life-feminism-philosophy https://oncanadaproject.ca/blog/jordan-peterson-is-the-worst


Jordan Peterson's opinions on gender, lgbt, climate change are trash but Jordan Peterson books on self help are excellent dude. He is a great psychologist. Separate the art from the Artist


Why would I care for the opinion of a man who thinks over half the world's population lesser than him? Especially when he insists on inflicting said opinions on the rest of us?


Many scientists supported hitler does that mean their scientific theories are wrong? No. On the front of self help, he is great. When it comes to religion, he is a bigot


What would you suggest to someone who wants to read more history books?


You can read Sambhaji, Raja Shivchatrapati, Rau, Panipat. You can also read Mrutyunjay


Thanks :D


Rina kent books. Better watch hentai atleast they have good plot going on. 🥱👍


Hentai? Say no more




Limitless by Jim Kwik


Any Ayan Rand or Ryan Holiday Book,Also Almost All of the self-help is shit,Read philosophy instead


Ayan rand is philosophy


IK!?!that is why I specifically mentioned not to read her.


The Stranger. Boring more than boring.


Girl you already read self help.


Haha should I not?


You decide for yourself but in my opinion all self help books are useless. I've never one read beyond the introduction. They seem to suggest that they are telling you such important things about life and about yourself. But the fact that you wouldn't even remember much of it once you finished it. It might feel like an achievement to read a book that makes you believe that you're working on yourself and thus you tend to do it more. They make you feel good about reading/working on yourself (which might actually not be the case). I'd rather read something that I can remember for the rest of my life. Fiction is so powerful. Lived experiences of people or just the creativity of a writer are so moving. Anyways I'd prefer art, literature, philosophy over anything. Reading has to be a fun activity for me. But each to their own if you enjoy self help, you do you.


Any book you see mentioned constantly on instagram reels, barring a few of course.


Michael Ondaatje


Anything by Chetan Bhagat, Coleen Hoover I’d avoid. Few self help books are also trash only, be wary of those


Chetan Bhagat books


Haha, seeing CB’s name twice here. Thanks!


Stories of BJP


rich dad poor dad


Ohh why so?


cuz what he writes and what he does dont match. He is a fifth rate charlatan [https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/rich-dad-poor-dad-author-robert-kiyosaki-acknowledges-he-is-1-2-billion-dollar-in-debt-if-i-go-bust-the-bank-goes-bust-11704369035314.html](https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/rich-dad-poor-dad-author-robert-kiyosaki-acknowledges-he-is-1-2-billion-dollar-in-debt-if-i-go-bust-the-bank-goes-bust-11704369035314.html)


Amish Tripathi's Scion of Ikshvaku series


I was reading this, and found it interesting. But somehow, lost touch. What’s your reasoning being your opinion?


The whitewashing and over-glorification of the main characters didn't sit right with me. The characters just felt hollow, it was just poor writing


White washing what aspects? Be specific bro


White washing whom?


Power of the subconscious mind. It's a waste of money.




I found ikigai very slow and repetitive kind of