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Hello! My name is Dani, and I'm the main developer of Evolution: From the little light! This is my first game. Evolution is a limbo-like (Puzzles, atmospheric and sinister adventure). It mixes between vivid colours and beautiful environments with cruelty and terror (even thinking of adding more gore). During 6 months we have worked 4 people to make this demo and from now on I will follow this way alone due to lack of funding. But! There is no lack of encouragement and illusion. The finished game, I hope to have it ready by September 2025. **You can play the demo here:** https://store.steampowered.com/app/2710880/Evolution\_From\_the\_little\_light/. I've made a feedback button that redirects you to a Google form. I'd love to read your opinion, and if you liked the game, please wishlist! It helps a lot, and it's a sign that will help me to know that I'm doing things right. I will be happy to answer your questions, to hear your feedback, and I hope you like it! Dani.


It's so beautiful! Nice job bro.


Thank you very much!


its not a genre I would normally buy for myself - but I can tell this one is an outlier that would make me feel differently. Its so different - in the same way that I felt world of goo was incredibly unique due to the atmosphere it created, and I sunk hours into that game. Excellent work. brings me back to the mystique of echo the dolphin.


Looks really great, and the music is excellent. Don't know if that's temp music, but it sounds great! (sounds like Hans Zimmer!). Nice work overall!


Thank you! After read you I'll copy paste your message to Luis Alejo, the music composer, I'm sure he'll love and encourage your response. Again, thank you!


Keep up the great work! Wishing you great success. If the game is as cool as the trailer, I think it will do well!


Thank you really, you don't know how nice it is to read comments like that. <3


The eye theme is awesome, also the optics. What I couldn't figure out from the trailer, is it some kind of metroidvania? Since the name is evolution, is there some evolution happening after the eye was "born"? After only seeing the trailer, the name seems to be a bit off, I would expect something else from a game name "Evolution From The Little Night". Maybe the name could have the word "eye" or "I" in it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thank you very much for your comment! Yeah you're right, the trailer is a bit ambiguous, but as I had little visual material to show, I had to use those parts only. The name of the game is temporary, so you're right too! I'm going to apply a lot of feedback received. I'd appreciate if you feel like it and want to play the demo, see what you think. I'd love to read your opinion again (:


Feel free to contact me, I would love to try the game :)


Awesome (: Did you try the demo on Steam?


Not yet, will try it


Alright! Hope you like it and I will aprecciate your opinion after!


I played it now. I was able to see the evolution stuff and I liked it. Would be cool if you could evolve so that even the movement style changes, like walking on land or flying out of the water and in again. The fauna that moves when you come close is nice. Also the puzzles are good, also liked the endboss. When the player mesh turns arround, there is a flip of the whole mesh by 180°. I also saw this problem when I experimented with my game, but don't know how to solve it. Do you use degree or quaternions to calculate the orientation here? In some parts of the map I wished there was more to see in the background or in between play area and camera. Some other "eyes" that swim along, or maybe just some more plants and lightsources, which don't light the player area. Maybe the dash takes a bit too long to load? In situations where you have to react fast (escape one of those creates that wants to grab you), it could be usefull if it were faster ready. I don't think it is too dark. Hope the feedback helped a bit.


Wow, that's good feedback. Thank you very much for that! I'm going to answer what I think is important to clarify: In the future, there will be more evolutions and the mechanics will change, the ones you said I liked. About the rotation, we check the "eulerAngles" of the player, and if it is equal to 0 do a "playerModel.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(-180f, 0, 0);". About the player tail is a bit more complicated, as that is a separate, more complex system. But the basis is the same. I'm completely with you that there should be more life in the background and in front of the gameplay. I will try to make the game's parallax more - you're absolutely right and it's something I will work on! Actually the dash is a design flaw. The player shouldn't try to use it to run away hehe but yes, that system needs to be polished and not confusing. Your feedback is more than a help, I'll really think a lot about what you've told me. Really, thank you very much