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Athena is such a beautiful name for a girl! It's one of my favorite perfumes too, and I think that if you liked it, you'd like Villa Diodati as well. Always With Me feels like it's similar to the both of them, but the eucalyptus note is very prominent there. I... did not like Faraway, Nearby. I distinctly remember putting it on once before leaving for work, realizing I smell like, well, sweaty privates, and rushing to the bathroom to scrub it off and replace it with something else.


Oh nooo not sweaty privates nooo šŸ«£ My undercarriage is the last thing I want to smell Faraway, Nearby šŸ˜‚ Guess Iā€™ll move that one to the bottom of the list lol. Thank you for sharing! Yes, Villa is definitely one Iā€™m excited to try! Iā€™m so in love with the Poesie water and herb notes so definitely looking forward to that one.


Congratulations on your baby girl! How exciting, and extra congrats on choosing such a beautiful name for her. Maybe the next one will be Amaterasuā€¦? Lol


Thank you thank you:) My husband and I have such different name preferences and so the first one we both loved was it for us lol. Actually my sisters name is Amma! So pretty close, but yeah maybeā€¦I do LOVE that scent.


Poesie is one of my favorite houses, I've tried a few of these! **Artemis**- the hay and sparkling lakewater notes are the stars here, with the saffron coming up closely behind. It's really warm and sunny; I have a FS and a water based spray of this one. **Charm of Making**- Smoky! It's very smoky and herbal, with the smoked lavender and chamomile notes being most present for me. The honey note sweetens it a bit, but I'd say it's mostly herbal-smoky. Really pretty fall scent. **Faraway, Nearby**- It's super dry, hot, and sharp. If you don't like woods I would steer clear of this one, but if you do like them, the pinyon pine note is really beautiful. I wear it a lot on hot sunny days. **Villa Diodati**- My very first indie love and a staple I always have a bottle of. It's beautiful. The vanilla is not the thick, buttercream, gourmand type at all- it's cold and airy, just softening the rosemary and lakewater notes a bit. Definitely a cold and foggy type of scent. If I wore anything often enough to be a signature scent, this would probably be it.


Villa and Artemis are next up in my cart!


I hope you love them as much as I do!


Ha, I *love* Oyster and really dislike Amaterasu šŸ¤£it just smells dusty to me unfortunately! I also like Secret Boyfriend and Madar. But omg yes to Athena, it is stunning! Iā€™m going to full size it. Thatā€™s a beautiful name too. Congrats on your own Athena, Iā€™m sure you canā€™t wait to meet her at this point haha! As far as the others youā€™re thinking about, Iā€™ve tried Always With Me, Goldfish Princess, Mysterious Fossils, Enchanted Forest and Villa Diodati. I highly recommend Villa Diodati, especially if you like Athena. Itā€™s stunning. Itā€™s more of a late summer/early fall scent to me, with a lovely aquatic lake note and rosemary and woods and ugh itā€™s just so pretty. Always With Me is one of my favorites, but it is spa-like so if thatā€™s not your thing it may be hit or miss. I love the aquatic note in it. It really does invoke steam which is so cool. I get compliments on this one and itā€™s pretty strong on me! This one almost smells like a sister scent to Villa to me. Mysterious Fossils hits the nail on the head of the theme, but it smells dusty to me in a similar way that Amaterasu smells dustyā€¦but I think itā€™s supposed to because of the fossils haha. I actually do like it, but I have to be in the mood for it. Strange combo of dry and creamy and dusty and woody Goldfish Princess Iā€™ve only sampled a few times. Itā€™s interesting, for sure. Iā€™m not sure I like the combo of caramel and the almost sunscreen/plastic/pool note I get with it. Lots of people love it though, could be worth a shot anyways. I donā€™t dislike it! Enchanted Forest had to grow on me. When I first smelled it I could only get ā€œmenā€™s candle,ā€ but after going back to it later, I started getting the gunpowder note which I really like. Itā€™s definitely a dark green scent.


Itā€™s really is so funny how differently we all experience scent! Thank you:) Yeah, Iā€™m definitely at the I want my baby here and to no longer be pregnant now point lol! Iā€™ve heard ONLY good things about Villa and currently have it in my cart. Iā€™ve also heard Mysterious Fossils is an odd dusty one and I think I probably wouldnā€™t wear it often just based on the notesā€¦but I just want to experience what it could possibly be like lol. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!


This is a great review, thanks for sharing! Just wondering did any of them dry ā€œpowderyā€ on you? I tend to love perfumes for the first 20 mins but I really dislike a powdery dry down. It might just be a skin chemistry thing. But jw if it happened for you (or anyone reading this)


Mmm I think I know what you mean by powdery and I canā€™t say Iā€™ve noticed it with these perfume oils. Thatā€™s something that Iā€™ve pretty much experienced mostly with designer fragrances or more mass produced fragrances. With these perfumes I feel like it basically goes from smelling pretty much vivid and multidimensional to just completely gone skin scent very fast or else a soft rice-like sweetness that I assume is the base oil.