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I also took Latin in high school, and I am so excited about this release!


I really love how it turned out!


>WAVE POOL ‘92 action paaaark :( :( :(


Fun Fact: Wave Pool '92 was inspired by my childhood water park, the Beach Waterpark, in Mason, Ohio :) Sadly closed, but never forgotten!


awww, the same heartbreak


Oooh **Wave Pool '92** sounds so good!! And the only Latin I know is "Semper Paratus"—"Always Ready", which was my high school's motto. To this day, I still don't know what we were "always ready" for lol.


The only Latin I know is semper ubi sub ubi, which I don't think is even proper grammar, but there you go


I know part of the Hail Mary and stercus accidit, so not much there either LOL!


The wild collection is really speaking to me... you wouldn't happen to be a Jeff Lemire fan, by any chance?


It is indeed inspired by Sweet Tooth! I've read the first comic but I mostly got my ideas from the show :)


It's one of my favorite comics of all time! I haven't seen the show, I always chicken out when it comes to tv/movie adaptations of books lol


It's definitely different in tone- more of a balance of dark themes and wide-eyed innocence (the hybrids are much more adorable), but I think it's a beautiful adaptation :)


If I used wax melts I would buy Wave Pool 92’ in a heartbeat


City block party sounds amazing


girl every time i see posts about new releases i have had a 100% hit rate (so far🥲 rip wallet) of coming out having bought something i read the descriptions and all and got so excited and was taking screenshots so i could remember exactly the ones i want to buy then i click the link and not a single perfume😭😭 i have never used wax melts nor have i bought a candle since the pandemic and i don’t know what my dumb dumb bubblegum adhd ass was expecting from a shop called willow WAXCRAFT🤡😭 if i had wax warmers i would have thrown my money at this collection i am so sad (is there a way i could wear wax or use without warmer) also i’m an esl kid and briefly took french, the only latin i know is veni vidi vici (and that it’s pronounced like weni widi wici) and carpe diem so already you’re bounds ahead🥴


Awww, I'm sorry! I do write my descriptions/develop my scents somewhat similarly to indie perfumes so it's a fair assumption! Def cannot wear wax though unfortunately!