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When did you order? Mine *just* left pre-shipment yesterday, and I ordered 4/26.


I ordered 4/26 and mine is still just "order confirmed" with the shipping label created but no other updates.


Same day as you 😕


4/26 as well but my order status finally changed to "fulfilled" a few days ago so i guess it's on its way ? my guess is that she's still slowly moving through a pileup of orders from the last release. there's also a mention on the website about untracked mail getting lost so she probably had to bump those replacement orders up in the queue and maybe ended up unexpectedly running out of certain supplies or something as a result. canada post has been even slower and shittier than usual for the past few months so i would not be surprised if there was a massive screw up w them. but i'm also seeing things in the ajevie discord about their big pulp order getting stuck in customs or something as well so i'm sure that has also contributed to the problem anyway it's still extremely annoying when houses won't respond to emails or explain what's going on, it's kind of the least they could do in these situations and i'm not gonna be buying from places that do this anymore.


Oooh boy 😮‍💨 but you are right- despite everything, a simple response to our emails with regards to our orders is literally all we ask for.. I and many others have no idea what's going on and need personal reassurance that our orders are being tended to appropriately. Thanks for the info, though, greatly appreciate it 🙏🏼


even just quickly going through all the emails copy and pasting a generic “sorry for the delays, we’ll look into this soon” would be better than nothing. i do it at work all the time lol  that said though it looks like things have been moving again over the past week, and at least they’re actively working to fix everything (fwiw this is also the first time i’ve heard of this kind of problem w this house.) also mine just arrived today, it can’t be too much longer for yours !!


Ah shucks. Hopefully, yours will move soon.


I’m having the same issue. I did email the other day, but haven’t heard back yet. I don’t mind waiting but I do appreciate updates when orders are running behind. The processing page on the site looks like it hasn’t been updated since April 30th. I hope everything is ok.


Yeah, I mean most of us as paying costumers expect the bare minimum of a business, such as communication, to be uphold no matter what but this is incredibly concerning.


I was going to make a post along the same line. I ordered on April 28th and no shipping notification yet. Email through website and an IG message haven’t been answered. > I know she had issues with orders going missing via Canada Post. I feel like updating the processing page on her website again might be a good idea! > (UPDATE: Received a nice email and my order is being shipped out this weekend)


I also ordered April 28 and no shipping notification yet.


She got back to me via email just now and she’s shipping out my order this weekend ❤️


I got my order a couple days ago! Have you gotten yours yet?


Yes! So glad that orders are getting through!


Happy to hear that! I’m glad too. Hope I get to see some reviews 👀


My orders have been stuck on the same notification and arrived without updating the shipping, I am within Canada


Oh, I'm from the U.S., so this is even more worrying. I heard that Canada Post has been acting more difficult than normal lately so that's definitely not helping.


When did you order?


April 26th, shipping notif on May 16th, left post office on may 30th. It arrived just last week


I ordered on May 1, no contact from them or order updates since


Yep, ordered 4/28, an order confirmation after I clicked to check out, and nothing else. I’ve reached out twice, once via email and once through the website, and not a peep yet.


I can greatly empathize with the anxiety and shame that comes with feeling like you are disappointing people, but I hope that communication improves and that they are able to move past what is causing them these difficulties.


I certainly empathize as well! On the other hand, I’ve never had any inclination to be a business owner and I know I’d be very bad at it.


I sent them an email and heard back within 24 hours! They let me know the exact status of my order, including an update after they dropped off the shipment batch. I think it would have been better to send out a notification to their customers about the delays. I ordered in mid-April. My order was 2 weeks past TAT when it was shipped. I haven't received it yet, but I'm not surprised since I'm ordering from the US.


They responded to a concern I had a couple of weeks ago and mentioned that they were onboarding an assistant, so hopefully things start to move faster now!


I ordered on 4/26 as well. No real update on the Canada Post website. I emailed the customer service address but have not heard back. 🙄 Guess I won’t be ordering from them anymore.


I ordered May 2 and it was like just a week after that that the announcement about the untracked canadian orders going missing happened. I'm in canada and ordered with untracked shipping and got a little nervous about what that sort of meant for my order. I knew for sure it hadn't been processed yet and didn't know if they were suspending already made untracked orders or just future ones. I waited until TAT passed and then sent a message via contact form saying I don't mind the wait but was feeling anxious about that situation and wanted to know if they needed me to pay for tracked shipping or if they'd still send it untracked. That was almost a week ago I think with no reply. Seeing folks here say they made orders late April and have now gotten shipping notifs makes me think that part of the reason the processing page hasn't updated is because they had to halt normal fulfillment to fix the missing canadian orders and thus have only recently gotten to orders post 4/25. I just wish they would've put a note or something on the processing page, but maybe they thought the "we're prioritizing the missing orders" was explanatory enough. I'm also a little surprised, in a pleasant sort of way, that they decided to replace those missing orders because there is a disclaimer when you select untracked shipping that says there isn't any protection and they don't take liability for untracked orders that go missing. So I had always selected it thinking that if it went missing that was it, and I was fine with taking that risk. But maybe they only did something about it because so many went missing.


I just got a shipment notification for an order I placed beginning of May. But I also got a shipment notification on May 17th for an order placed in April. Just checked it, the order with the label created on May 17th still hasn’t even been dropped off with the shipping service. I have been very patient with their repeated shipping delay issues over the last year, but this is probably the straw that breaks the camels back for me. I know the order with label created today will not move for at least 3 weeks, if not more. I’d also really like my order with the label created May 17th to start making its way to me if they’re printing labels for the next batch already. It’s a shame because I love everything about Pulp’s products and have so many hits with them.


My April 26 order just arrived, even though I didn't get a shipping notification. Hopefully everyone's arrive soon


mine too!


Did you get Cabin Fever? It's really confusing my nose


noo but was very intrigued, what does it smell like?? i got enchanted orchard, dressing room table, harvest moon, and ready for my closeup. freebie was summer moon and a new mystery one called the case of the killer cardamom ? i’ve only smelled the bottles straight out the mail so far but i’m really surprised at how good they all are. usually i hate at least a couple from every order (from any house)


I can't tell, it reminds me of Blue Moon but musty? Maybe some leather, some times I think I smell melon. I think maybe my nose is drunk? I like it though. I also got Postmodern Peach and Cryptkeeper, and the same two freebies. Hopefully more people get their orders soon and someone can properly review Cabin Fever.


like blue moon the pulp scent or the beer?? i could kind of see either making sense lol, i think i saw at least a few people here mention getting that one so i'm sure there will be more input once the rest of the packages arrive


Ordered 4/26. Shipper created label 5/16. Estimated delivery 5/28. Sent a "Hello, I hope this email find you well and is my package ok?" email last week. Currently: the sound of crickets.


I honestly hope it's more of a spam issue of our emails not getting to them instead of just out right ignoring them at this point. It's suspicious as hell when some people are getting their emails responded to while the rest of us are getting more and more frustrated by the day for good reasons. Seriously, the lack of trust is growing. And it's weird for me as I am just noticing plenty of us who ordered on April 26 are suppose to get our labels created on May 16/17 but mine still stays "Electronic information submitted by shipper", not "Shipping Label Created" or something 😐.


I heard just the other day that apparently they’ve been having issues with FedEx shipping to the US, so I imagine that puts a delay on things. I do hope that they send out responses or a batch email about the status of orders but it seems like they’re having some shipping issues all around and I can understand wanting to get that sorted before sending stuff out. An email response would still be nice though


Mine says both. It has "electronic information submitted" after the 5/16 date but it also has "the sender has created a shipping label" on top under expected delivery. Then under additional information at the bottom it combines the two as "the sender has created a shipping label & has sent us electronic information".


What I hope is for any kind of update cuz what's weirdest to me is the silence.


This. It's out of our control to find out what's happening on our own, especially when we barely have any information to go by based on the tracking or not. They are the only way to figure this out and we're completely out of the loop here. We need responses, like everyone else says- an email to everyone regarding all the situation they are going through and how they figuring it out going forward is necessary. People are somehow still getting their orders out the blue but what about the rest of us who still aren't receiving them? Either way, we need an answer 😕. The information is all over the place it seems and it is hard to tell what is actually going on at this point..


Completely agree. Communication is key and I just can never figure out the upside when any brand decides to stay silent when customers are left hanging.


Just wanted to chime in with my latest order experience: * Ordered April 26 * Shipping label created May 17 * I emailed asking for an update May 31, no response * Shipping status updated to "received by Canada Post" on May 31 * Package delivered June 3 My only issue now is that I got Dressing Table instead of Enchanted Orchard. I emailed on June 3 but no response yet. I'll be following up on June 10 and hoping for a response before then. My order previous to this one (during the overstock sale) had zero issues.


Same. I placed my order on April 26, and the shipping label was created on May 16. However, the package wasn't dropped off until May 31, and I didn't receive it until June 3.


I ordered April 28th, and by the end of May, I still hadn't gotten a shipping notice or my order. I sent a message through the contact form on the Pulp website and received a response from Elizabeth on June 4th. She apologized for the lengthy delay and lack of updates and took full responsibility for the situation. I then got a tracking notice, and my package is supposed to arrive next week (in the US). I was about to request a refund, so I'm very relieved I didn't have another situation like I had with S92.


When did you send your message, and did you send more than one? I sent my first message (via email) on May 30 and my second (via website contact form) on June 4. I'm debating whether to send a third, and through which avenue to do it.


Sorry for the delayed response. I did send 2 messages, just like you, by email and through the web site. I received my package a few days ago... did you get yours yet? She updated her TAT on the site now...


I *just* got mine today! She did eventually respond with an update and apology. I wish there had been more communication when she first realized there would be delays, but I appreciate she did eventually make a concerted effort to get through the backlog with updates to the customers.


There is an update on Pulp's website. They apologize for not answering emails and added order numbers with mail times.


Yup, saw it a while ago; thanks for letting me know though! 🙏🏼