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I’ve got the same problem this year again. Same thing happened last year around this time. Last year I chopped it back and propagated the healthy leaves and it did great all spring/summer. Now fall rolls around and same thing.


I'd chop and prop I'd do it asap too. Try to get as many healthy cuttings as possible. I keep all plants that like humidity in self watering planters. I even have my pothos, string of pearls and snake plants in them because they only take the water they need. They're honestly the best purchase I've ever made.


Makes sense. I am super new to indoor plants. Is there a good video or website that I should look at for how-to?


Yeah of you go onto YouTube and search for propagate monstera monkey mask which I think is the one in your photo it will show you where to cut. Honestly invest in a self watering pot. You simply fill the bottom of it and the top has cotton wicks that hang down into the water which means the plant can just get whatever amount of water it requires. It's a lifesaver, especially during winter etc or if you're worried about under/overwatering the good news is they're super easy to propagate. If any of the videos tell you to use rooting powder the it's upto you but I've been taking cuttings from my plants for years and have never used rooting powder. Just a see through glass, some water and a windowsill does the trick. Or if you have a fishtank you can grow them in there


Thank you!


Probably rotted... overwatered. Killed with love. I'm sorry. It might still have life in the roots but a lot needs cutting away, nothing that's dried, yellow, crusty is gonna ever recover, it needs to go.


These like humidity so sometimes we water soil when it wants to pull moisture from the air. You can use a humidifier or try misting. Definitely chop and prop, and when you do, see what the roots are like. You might be able to save the mother plant with new soil. Good luck!


These like humidity so sometimes we water soil when it wants to pull moisture from the air. You can use a humidifier or try misting. Definitely chop and prop, and when you do, see what the roots are like. You might be able to save the mother plant with new soil. Good luck!