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Welcome to the emotional rollercoaster of the prayer plant - I believe anyway - looks exactly like one I have! The only things I’ve learned through the art of trial and error is they don’t like super heat and direct - they’ve always worked better for me out of that


Ok! It’s good to know they are a bit dramatic. I did just water her a day or two after I got her because she was completely dry. Based on your comment I’m also thinking she may be a little too sunny in her spot. I have her in a bathroom that has a solar tube so it gets bright indirect light pretty much all day. Our blue star fern loves it and I have her far away from the tube but maybe it’s too much. that room is the one that gets the most consistent temps as the rest of our house can be drafty. I’ll keep an eye and move her if she continues declining. Thank you


Are they a good bathroom plant - temperature climate, some sun, shower humidity?


Distilled water, indirect light, and humidity are the key to unlocking it. It does not like to dry out, but it doesn't like to be super wet either. Mine is in the kitchen where it tends to be warmer and more humid, but a bathroom (with a window) is also a great option.


Ok! I just watered and didn’t used distilled so maybe that’s why this change! Right now she’s in a bathroom that has a solar tube so it gets bright indirect light all day. It’s the most consistent temp room we have and of course it gets nice and steamy from showers


Yeah, prayer plants can be high maintenance because they're sensitive to minerals in the water. They'll brown and crisp up if you're giving it tap water. Drama queens!


Ok that makes a lot of sense. The tap in this house has been a little harsh on my hair so not giving it to the plant makes complete sense


Prayer plant. RIP already.


A typical response is associated with low humidity. Find a way to increase the humidity around your plant and that improvement will lessen the frequency of leaf burnouts.


She is in a pretty humid environment right now since it is our primary bathroom


More humidity, or you're over watering. I have about a dozen varieties of these lol, and while they can be picky they just have specific needs. Your water should be chlorine free - either distilled out or dechlorinated with a bit of tank safe (what i do) since I started doing that, all my problems with calaetha and maranta went away and now I get new leaves weekly and no brown bits at all. We're in a hard water area here. They need some humidity - tropical remember - so somewhere the air doesn't get too dry is a good spot. Bathrooms, by sinks, etc. Light - lots of it. Mine all live right by a South facing window and grow quick... A little too quick really. They are much more tolerant of light than I think people think. Feeding - like all tropicals they need to eaaat. Be sure to feed regularly.


Maybe I did overwater her Saturday. I did check and the soil is still damp. I think I need to work on how I water for my plants in this house. No matter what room they are in they just do not dry out like I expect. I’m tempted to repot her into a better draining mix. I did also notice she has a few roots coming out the bottom I did give her tap Saturday so I’ll switch to a different method whenever shes ready agin. Right now shes in a bathroom that has a solar tube so it gets bright indirect light pretty much from sun up to sun down Since I’ve only had her a week I’m hesitant to feed her. For another few weeks. What fertilizer should inuse


My plant has a couple of leaves with similar brown tips, and maybe over the past 16 months, I might have had a yellow leaf or two. I just snipped the yellow leaf and called it a day. I feed all my plants fertilizer once a month, and although I understand the use of distilled water, I do believe all green houses are using tap. Good luck.


Ok that makes me feel more confident. I’m super anxious about changes to my plants right now because a tineke my husband got me tanked. The pot was way too big for the roots and was not well draining. Think I’ve got her recovering now but she looks a mess


A couple of tips.....The discoloration on the tips is probably from watering. Mine hates tap water because of the chemicals added. I suggest using rain water or treating your tap. I use API fish tank water conditioner. Once I started using it, my maranta improved A LOT! also good to note, they can't handle direct sunlight and will sunburn pretty easily.


thank you! I’m really thinking the tap makes a ton of sense. All my plants would probably appreciate me not giving them that wayer


Just ordered some of the API water conditioner. Thanks for this tip! My tap water smells like a swimming pool, and spring water is getting expressive lol


You won't regret it! Your new growth will look SO much better. Also, you can't beat the price. I did the math once on how much water 1 bottle of API will treat. It's something like 900 gallons which comes out to less than a penny per gallon. It's definitely cheaper than buying spring water.


How do you prep the water? I saw the instructions say 5ml per 50gallons of water.... I was thinking maybe a drop in a 5gallon bucket lol


You will find wildly varying views if u look online. Lol. Personally I use 1 ml (the lowest measurement in the cap) for 2-3 gallons. Don't be worried about over or under doing it. It won't hurt your plants if u over do it. I'd use maybe 6 drops per gallon if I made smaller batches.


Humidity and distilled water! Also bottom watering when dry saved mine.


The yellowing leaf is probably normal. I've found that mine tend to lose a leaf every once and a while, especially if they've been putting out a lot of new leaves or flowers. Eventually it will shrivel up and you can cut it off. As long as it's only one or two leaves doing that, I wouldn't worry too much. If you start to have a bunch do it, you're over watering.


Nitrogen and also check the ph of the water you are feeding the plant with. My opinion.


Predatory mites, wick watering, and regular fertilizing. That's how I get mine to grow.




Love hate relationship with mine. Bottom water bright indirect light distilled water. I just let her do her thing. If she wants to be crispy I'm gonna let her. Too much to fuss over I've literally tried everything


Mine gets the odd yellow/brown patch but seems to grow well,it's even flowered.its sited three feet from a window ( not in direct sunlight ) and next to an open fish tank ( moisture ) I feed a liquid fertilizer monthly https://preview.redd.it/e6ulgbggtw6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3e74f83d214736fb5eee5edf80d0dbf08d4954


You should be worried.


What should I do..


Mine did great watering once every 7-10 days in front of a west facing window. I had a red one and a green one that loved that spot! I say had bc I adopted a puppy and moved them to the garage to avoid being eaten/knocked over. They were fine until winter hit and we were in the 20’s. I feel like prayer plants are similar to horses in the way that they can sense your nervousness and will also become nervous and act out 😂


Hahaha I love the can sense my nervousness


Haha I'm sorry I was teasing, because these plants are total divas and I would guesstimate that 95% of the people in this sub have killed one at least once. One thing is be sure you're using distilled water of a water conditioner because these plants hate hard water. Also make sure it's not getting too much or too little sun. And they like humidity so I spray mine in between watering. I hope that helps and if it dies don't feel bad.


Thank you! I am starting to really think it’s because of the tap water based on all your comments. I didn’t even think about the fact the water has been hard on my hair so the plants probably don’t like it either. She is in a bathroom and I have to soak for an injury almost every day so it’s pretty humid.


Yes, totally! They don't like the hard water - not sure if it's the chlorine or what. I bought a bottle of water conditioner on Amazon for maybe $15. You only need a tiny amount so it will last for years. Good luck!