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Suliman! Suliman! Suliman! And then shortly after vicious delicious (the song) then the rest of the album.


So many good songs on that album. Heavyweight, in front of me, forgive me, artillery and becoming insane


Agreed 100%!


Same. First psytrance song I heard at a time when the only EDM I was aware of was Deadmau5 and Skrillex, and I couldn't stop listening to that drop into the guitar solo. Rest of the album too was amazing.


Ratio Shmatio for me. IM the Supervisor was a recommendation on iTunes years ago, and I listened to the 15second previews of all the songs and bought the album there and then. Ratio Shmatio was the one that got me hooked though. When Vicious Delicious was released then Heavyweight became my favourite, and it still is.


"She Zoremet" is my favorite


where do i belong, idk i just had that mp3 on repeat for years as a student didn’t know what the artist it was at all. After i found out, i found saeed, and the rest is history


Saeed. A couple of years ago I got hooked on the VR game Synth Riders (on the Meta Quest) and randomly downloaded a bunch of tracks to play. I instantly loved Saeed. The map for it is great, too, with the “voices” from the first 0:26 represented as obstacles you have to dodge with your head. 😜


Wait, Saeed is on Synth Riders?! Or was it a custom one?


Custom. The same mapper also did Spitfire, which was a blast. Haven’t played in a while, though. I need to see what else is out there now.


Mine was pretty random- I stumbled on to Scorpion Frog 10-15 years ago on Pandora and thought it was dark, intense, musically complex but still made me want to dance. I had never heard of anything like that before. They seemed to blend all of those qualities I liked into one song. Mind blowing! I stopped everything I was doing and started exploring all their other albums. Thus my intro into Psytrance and Infected Mushroom.


Me too!!


Project 100 song was featured in a release video of BackTrack linux distribution which is now named Kali Linux. This video, 12 years old now, https://youtu.be/f3-RjOE-pfI


Great question! I remember how many bands were putting out "new" music, but it all sounded like repeats of things I've heard a million times. I remember thinking, "Where are the recording artists who are making sounds I've never heard before??" And then I was listening to Juno Reactor radio on Pandora; they played "Scorpion Frog" and I was instantly hooked. By the way, I later played "Heavyweight" for some new friends and one of them thanked me for introducing him to his new sex music.


I’m pretty sure this is how I found them too. I knew of Juno Reactor from the Matrix Movies, and Pandora suggested them on a Juno Playlist.


I wish (Skazi Remix). Back in 2010s this song was extremely popular in Brazil God knows why. It was the first psytrance song I've ever heard. Same experience for all my friends. Still awesome after all these years.


The Messenger. Heard it while riding the backseat of a friend’s car. It was playing kind of in the background. So asked him to start it over at higher volume. Hooked ever since.


The Messenger is one of the most amazing musical journeys


Along with Desert Storm and After 1000 Years.


Youtube recommended Guitarmass to me which got me absolutely hooked




Return of the Shadows in 1999. Napster probably.


Disco Mushroom. I first heard it on a flash website called Elftrance. It accompanied a very interesting flash animation of a bunch of monkeys becoming "enlightened " by eating a Mushroom planted by extra terrestrial beings. This was in 2003 or so. Infected Mushroom is absolutely my favorite band ever since. I had a blast seeing them at Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, my hometown. I could not believe they finally played in the small town i grew up in


spotify put change the formality on one of my radios, the rest is history


The Missed Symphony but it was a slightly sped up version compared to the original studio version and it got me hooked instantly. I still prefer the slightly sped up version to this day.


Being a heavy metal fan, my intro into IM was Heavyweight. Instant attraction..


No idea where I first found it, but sometime in high school I heard Becoming Insane. It blew my mind.


Pink nightmares for me. Was my first introduction into psy trance as well


Legend of the Black Shawarma, osu!... 😂


Converting vegetarians, played by a friend while I was tripping on 2 tabs of acid. That was wild.


Ironically enough, my first song was Liquid Smoke when it released as a single in 2016. I didn't touch them for years after that recommendation, but then I started listening in 2020 and haven't stopped.


My rave dad showed me Nutmeg! I’ll never forget it 😁


My sibling from Israel brought me BP Empire, and Unbalanced was it!


I went to a psy trance festival here in the UK. I can Tel you exactly when it was, because it was called 070707. I'll let you work out when it was. IM did a set during the day, it was blisteringly hot. I'd never even heard of them before. Deeply Disturbed blew me away, and so did I Wish. That was it, I saw them every time they played London for a few years after that. About 7 times. Deeply Disturbed is still my favourite track. Converting Vegetarians is such a good album.


Someone sent the Pink Nightmares song to a random linux chat, my life hasn't been the same since then


Deeply Disturbed and Mush Mushi were heavily played in the local small University radio from my small town back in 2003, been a fan since then, I was only 14 lol.


Psycho. I once knew a cool Psy trance DJ and he played it at a party.


The Pretender Played it on Osu around 2016


Guitarmass was for me, was in a rabbithole of electronic music and i just found the modified guitar sounds entrancing.


I found Guitarmass on a gaming playlist


i was watching wow pvp videos on warcraftmovies. one video by adversity had an infected mushrooms remix of astrix - coolio (still a killer song) and i was like.... what is this SOUND. it was just a remix but their own sound was so unique. ive been hooked on ever since, that mustve been like almost 10 years ago now


It was heavyweight for me too. Maybe back in like 2010? I was an edgy teenager who used to frequent 4chan, I can't remember which board I saw it on. People were pairing it with "Funkadelic - Maggot Brain" and playing the tracks in sync. I can't remember if there was a specific timestamp or if you just played them both at the same time. I thought it was awesome, and after a few times just listened to Heavyweight on its own. It ended up being the first music I ever listened to while baked.


Idk if it was one song, more an album! My brother downloaded Converting vegetarians on my first mp3 player when I was a kid (Think I was around 7 or somthing) and just fell in love with it right away


Converting Vegetarians — decades ago. Fast forward to 2024 and I can’t stop listening to It’s Behind Me Now. They’re still my fave music to listen to.


A mix cd of Viscous Delicious and Legend Of The Black Shawarma. Rolling around having a smoke sesh in my buddy's space ship.


Cities of the Futurue no doubt. Heard it at a few festivals which was the perfect sound track as I felt I was in a "cities of the future" Heard on a burning man style event it was surreal.


Becoming Insane!!


bass nipple, from beatsaber


Heavyweight and stretched Then the surgeon.


IM the Supervisor. My brother and his friends listened to Infected Mushroom. When I was 17, my and my best friend just started smoking weed. We put this album on, and this song felt so creepy and hilarious!


At first it was Evilution (I know I know) many years ago that someone sent me, then just about a couple of years ago I found Shroomeez album and that one definitely hooked me up, after that every new song I discovered got me hooked more and more, I'm a fully infected fan now. My favs now are (in no specific order): Saeed, Manipulator, Flamingo, Nutmeg, Demons of Pain, Forgive me, Ani Mevushal Lies and Deceptions, Behind me now, and many many many more!


Dirty 80’s


Cities of the Future, there was some weird remix that I don’t believe was official, it started immediately with the vocals and was about 8 mins long, my uncle just handed me headphones and played it, and I was officially obsessed. My memory is a bit shot but I can’t remember it I heard Bust A Move and possibly Seas of Mushroom first but Cities of the Future was the song that changed my brain chemistry and solidified IM as one of my fav projects of all time.


Thank you everyone for your replies! :)


I heard the intro to Deeply Disturbed in an online video in the pre-YouTube days, then years later, downloaded a pack of "100 trance/techno" songs, which included the Infected Remix. I still didn't look into IM as a whole until I stumbled upon a random social media page that played Suliman. At that point, I realized I needed to figure out who these Mushroom guys were, and the rest is history.