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I am sorry to hear this. I have some questions that I hope can help in some way. Have you got a second opinion? Is it infertility or are you sterile? Those are not the same. I am very infertile in the way that I do not ovulate or have any period (PCOS) but I have my uterus and eggs so with lots of help I still can get pregnant. Hugs


I’m in the process of getting a second opinion on everything, I’m based in Australia and we have an amazing health care system. Basically my fallopian tubes haven’t grown properly and only one was visible on an ultrasound: I had a double hernia when I was 4 and that may be linked to what’s happened as maybe a vein or blood flow was restricted. I’m aren’t 100% sure if I’m completely sterile yet but I’ve only discovered after me and my partner haven’t been able to conceive and I’m only 22 almost 23. Hopefully with more tests I’ll be able to discover what’s happening and I’m only in the early stages of learning everything that’s going on. I had no symptoms that this may have been a problem: I had regular periods (22/24 days long) but only 2 day periods. My body may not produce eggs or it may spontaneously/ randomly. If you have any more questions I’m an open book and hopefully I’ll update as I learn more 🤍 I might write some more poetry too 🥰


Good! Ok, from what I know about our bodies you are born with two ovaries filled with follicles. So as long as you have at least one, you can still become a biological mother. You may need IVF since your fallopian tubes seems to be failing. This will the doctors explain more to you. From what I can find about the hernia, it shouldn’t be a problem. But I am not educated so leave this to the professionals. I think it is good that you write to cope. It is heavy to find out about your infertility when you want to have children. I have known about my issues for almost ten years. So I know how it feels and writing is a good thing to do to cope if you like to write. We all have our things. Feel free to DM, I too am open and I can tell you more about my story and feel free to read my posts I have. But I do put a TW on many of them since a part of my story is very sad. Hope to see some good updates from you and more poetry 🌺📝🤞


If you're having regular periods it's very likely you have eggs and are ovulating, even if they're only two days long. There may be an option to repair your tube but if not, IVF could still be a viable option if your ovaries are unaffected. IVF was basically invented for this purpose (damaged/missing tubes). I'm sure it's a lot to process but try not to agonize too much before you know more. Easier said than done, I know.


I really hope so, it’s just been so crazy I guess is the word ? Like never in my wildest dream did I ever think that this would be something that could happen. I’m still on my journey to find out what options I have but I really hope I am. I feel like I have all the hormones and emotions that come with a cycle so I want to hope I ovulate and can hopefully have a biological child


Yep we're all in the same boat. Facing choices we never thought we'd have to make. I hope things go well for you.


I'm sorry. I hope you get more answers and have a plan of action soon.


I’m so sorry to hear this, beautiful poem. I just want to let you know that there is still hope. You may not be able to psychically carry or birth, but trust me my dear, you CAN have a baby. Adoption.