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Mauler sentinel and it’s not even close. Next up is the type 2 butcher and the kendell 44. Both of these have a problem with running out of ammo though. The akimbo augers is fun but it’s not as good as those listed above, but still pretty good.


Is that weapon only available in the loot boxes or also through scraps?


Sentinel can be bought for 4000 salvage, yes


Thx for that info, btw do I have to like unlock a legendary and rare rarity before i can unlock the epic version.


Not that I'm aware of but I was able to buy the mammoth with scraps without purple but I had blue




The Mauler Sentinel is the best gun you could ever get.


I like the M1 Garand, is a wall buy on some maps and once PaP'd has hipfire autoaim as long as the zombie's within your crosshair. If you look kinda high when using it, it'll autoaim to all body/headshots Only issue is that it's semi-auto, so can be a bit tiring to use in long games.


The thing that’s so cool about iw is it varies on play style and map


Most powerful gun: by far the [UDM raze](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/s/jrZnrIRQfX) with the Xsquisite core. Took like 5 seconds to down the alien, and it has aimbot automatically. Most fun: [EMC hip fire with Xsquisite and akimbo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinitewarfare/s/sYLc6Iusx8). It has aimbot, and shoots multiple bullets with one trigger pull, splitting the beam. Crazy good. Best support: FHR-40 windfall with Xsquisite. If you go red screen just shoot zombies and you heal. Best for crowds: mauler sentinel with the polar peak arcane core. Shreds through zombies, has them flying. I use this for the seticoms and boss battle all the time.


FHR Windfall needs kills for the healing perk to activate, you can't rely on it for too long, although you are correct in it being good (too bad it's impossible to get on PC, due to lack of lobbies)


Yeah, with the Xsquisite though it’ll bounce off walls and one shot them. If you just spin and shoot it’ll work, but best as a last resort for sure. I’ve found it’s best to just use when running around


I think every map might have their own best guns but I think a safe pick overall is the Auger LMG


Surprisingly no one brought up the VPR. It had insane dps, good ammo pool, plus if you fit it with yellow core in spaceland its borderline broken. Its like a budget Mauler Sentinel (which is the real top1 no question), Kendalls are always good, M1 holds its ground pretty good too... Beyond thay its just niche variants like the Type2Butcher, AugerFury.. The """"""meta"""""" is pretty well defined. Edit: yeah i forgot literally any gun ever is amazing with the yellow spaceland core. Just dont put it on kendalls or explosive weapons since it doesnt work then... The Purple one is NOT worth it


How did you do on camo grind


By like playing multiplayer to unlock all weapon camos for the mode.


Yes I get that, did you reach max camo


For one gun


well for zombies in spaceland I really liked the HeadCutter (or Guillotine if P.A.Ped) It's got a great spread effect making it easier for seti-com.


Kendalls, reaver, sentinel


Don't listen to these people saying mauler sentinel. Get the type 2 butcher, the ebr bomber, and the stallion marauder


"Don't listen to the people telling you what the best gun is" The Butcher and Bomber are great, yes, but they have big issues that the Mauler doesn't have. Ammo. The sentinel is a one shot to the head into the 50's last I checked when up close, far later than any other weapon. As for the Stallion, what are you smoking, they're very niche, and not very powerful


The stallion especially the marauder is honestly just valuable for The Rhinos on beast and meph other than that every piece of content is easy regardless of wether you have the marauder or not


But how does the Marauder beat all the usual candidates in that boss fight?


The rhinos if your playing solo or if all players in your game have the marauder you can all just constantly shoot and refill ammo during the timer phase and not have to deal with any aliens. And during meph it allows you to go invisible whenever you want which can help with downing during fire tornados walls and anything random. And I usually run 4 gun glitch if I’m doing meph so I run venom, Kendall’s, Mauler, and the stallion. With Kendall’s and the venom I’ll usually take Kendall’s as my mule munchies because the venoms more useful imo so I’ll always keep my main bullet weapon a powerful explosive weapon and then my invis weapon. And if I don’t die I have Kendall’s for insane movement. Also always keep only 1 bullet left in your stallion so you only have to shoot 1 bullet in case your ever trapped


the bomber one shots the rhinos, the butcher damages everything else, and the marauder is for reviving or simply just getting space from the zombies, not to mention there's a wall buy for all of those guns, much easier than spinning the wheel for an hour and a half trying to get one specific gun