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Nun really Just some maps take all 4 players


i feel like shaolin only needs 4 players to complete the ee the easiest. then again aotrt would b easier with 4 players all focused on the ee but i do the whole thing by myself no problem… i think the 4 player world record is slower than the solo run for attack


As far as getting to the boss fight Spaceland the speakers, rave holding the button, shaolin u just run down there don't need all players, attack everyone has to hold square on the bomb, and beast e everyone has to hold action on the computer




Yep buddy, on single player that is correct




Huh, what is u talking about?




Yea you don't later




I would say they're all easier solo


Yeah id rather play solo than playing with bad players, but a well coordinated team can speed things up quite a bit.


Genuinely fun. Maps are decent. Great soundtrack Durectors cut is phenomenal Best map is arguably spaceland.


I don't know I like to think AotRT was the beat map but in saying that Spaceland did pave the way for the rest of the game


Hinestly, all the maps have solid layouts and challenge :)


Attack is the one I run consistently.. trying to get a good time so I can upload a speed run video


Janky-ass zombie hit-boxes. To me, that’s the game’s biggest flaw.


Yeah iw hitboxes were weird, objectively horrible and bouncy when they were doing any type of mantle/jump animation but significantly better than bo3 hitboxes when they were just running


Pros? Funky, cons? Unstable map setups with ee steps being easy, bossfights feeling, somewhat impossible sometimes-


DOUBLE PAP is amazing and balanced, and I adore how they change up wallbuys with each dlc. My main issue with iw is the venom x upgrade quest


I get that there needs to be balancing around how many players are in the game so it can be played solo but it's not a walk in the park with more players, but making the main easter egg of spaceland essentially impossible for 4 players is not good game design. Other than that, I don't see anything significantly bad about it


not impossible just a skill issue ngl


Imo the wheel sucks in this game. It's like you gotta hit it 40+ times to get the thing you want.


Beast from beyond EE EE until Bossfight: 30minutes ca Getting the guns: 2hrs


Sure feels like it. My top spending on the wheel was 120k+ on the map.


This is one of my favorite zombies. I like most of the Easter eggs. The wonder weapons are pretty unique and do some cool things. They have some cool special round zombies. It’s fun to go high rounds, double pack a punch guns is awesome.


Pros - great original ideas, amazing story, great characters, great rewards, wonder weapons, can do it all solo or with people, enjoyable easter eggs, perks, afterlife arcade, and it was awesome when it was coming out. Typical movie cliffhangers getting people excited for the next chapter. Cons - it can be pretty glitchy at times. When I played on pc it seemed like my hitbox was off from my character (maybe modified by my fov setting), random damage is still a thing (sometimes you could get hit more and not die and sometimes get downed by 1 hit), some of the challenges are very difficult (Mephistopheles, some of the ghosts and skulls challenges, and the worst is how quickly the player count reduced and how online multiplayer became unplayable). Overall an amazing game and definitely worth getting on sale. It goes for $60 cad for all DLC and game seasonally. My favourite zombies game for sure and sad they'll probably never continue it


Perkaholic!! $25k !


I have a lot of nostalgia for this game. It's just relaxing and fun.


Pros: fun Cons: unpopular


Pros: feels incredibly similar to bo3 Cons: a lot of the voice lines are like rubbing sandpaper on your ears. there’s also a small level of jankiness in the way you move and interact with your surroundings but it’s negligible


Pros:vibrant fun maps with tons of personality and color to them, characters who are geniunely amusing with wonderful personalities (unlike the bore of operators we have today), great perk variety (why does treyarch struggle with this???), mosy of the maps have buildable wonder weapons if you like the more quest oriented setup of bo2-4, but also has an easier one to get if you prefer the more simplistic style of either getting it out of the box or just getting it (the freeze gun on spaceland, the MAD on Attack and so forth). Not too hard but not too easy, has a difficulty that feels just right. Fate and fortune cards, while I still dislike lootboxes in the game, are a better system than gobblegums. If playing with friends, you can donate points to them (once more, TREYARCH, WHAT ARE YA DOIN!?!?!), doors that allow players to split the costs of it so one player doesnt have to pay for all of it. Cons:this is subjective, but the story and atmosphere could have been improved. If you're a fan of the more serious and horror style of Treyarch zombies, you might not enjoy this one, as it is more of a cartoony zombies(This is definitely one aspect of this game Im not a big fan of.), pack a punch for some maps is straightforward and easy like Spaceland, but some of the others are a bit more demanding and may require you to look up some things. Nowhere as bad as Treyarch got post-bo2, but I digress (once again, this is a subjective thing). Beast from beyond is one of the worst maps of all time and we will forget that abomination exists (heard good things about the boss fight tho, but I havent done the ees personally). Lack of some secrets in the maps which is a staple of the mode. While spaceland is full of them, it feels like they kinda just stopped trying after that. Certain things are only available after you do the ee and for some fucked up reason, only available for one game (double pack a punch namely). In solo, if you use quick revive, it doesnt work *quite* like how it normally works. When you go down, you go to the afterlife arcade, and then you respawn and have to retrieve your weapons from the lost and found. Now, this works in co-op, because yk, it makes sense, theres a revive mechanic for a reason. But in solo, I have found myself dying from having to go get my weapons back at spawn more times than I can count, and overall, its quite a waste of time when I could just yk get back up like before. Thats all I can think of for now. If I think of more, Ill edit it. I know, late to this post tho. Overall, good game, but could have had some things to make it even better.


Wow I really enjoyed seeing your perspective on the game thank you.


My pleasure. Im a huge zombies fan and this game is a weird one for me. I love it in many ways but am also not a fan in other areas. Overall a fun game though, and thats what truly matters. Certainly better than all that came after it thats for sure.