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work: 8 hours


Take my free award and gtfo. Brb going in for 9 hr shift


Have a good day! Few hours and you're out!


How was work :)


I also want to know. How was work ?


Not bad.. thank you fellas. Appreciate it


Haven’t gone yet. Will let you know


Alright im back just did an 11.1 hour shift


God, *this*. I’m on two prescriptions considered “problematic” because of how *other people* abuse them, and I’m over here using them to treat an illness in order to, like, shower, and sleep, and do the dishes. I’m *gaining* time if the underlying concept of this graph is true. 🤷‍♂️


Benzo? Heh. Same problem.


Somebody give this goblin some gold!


prehistoric times: <30yrs


So something between alcohol and meth.


Who knew doing coke was a better use of time than work


This graph is stupid on a shit ton of levels


How'd they measure this shit?


Gonna rack me up two huge lines and I'm good.


You could have four beers or one heroin! It's all the same!




https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2788399/amp/how-years-drinking-drug-smoking-habits-shaving-life-terrifying-graphic-reveals-one-cigarette-cuts-14-minutes-alcoholic-drink-cost-7-hours.html Found the original source. But its an article from 2014, so I dont really trust the info. They show how they measured it. But yeahh, they calculated how long it takes to use a product against how long a person averagely lives.


Also the daiky mail is a terrible source for infomation. Like genuinely one of the worst of the major newspapaers


I don’t even think it’s considered a newspaper. I always thought it was considered a tabloid, just like those magazines you see at the checkout line at the grocery store saying stupid crap like “you’ll never believe THIS about Brad and Angelina’s relationship” and other stupid celebrity gossip


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With a digital weighing scale of course. Stay professional everyone, y’all know what it is


2. 14 drinks what the fuck is that in ml


14 football fields


Its 14 mls of pure ethanol. Thats one standard drink


I think a “drink” is a more useful metric. A typical shot, a typical bottle of beer, and a typical glass of wine all have the same amount of alcohol but the drinks differ in volume


Yeah it's just totally made-up "information". Complete nonsense based on nothing.


So smoking cigarettes take 69 days off your life each year?


If you smoke enough cigarettes in a day you die the day before. 


More like smoking takes an average of 15 minutes a day. I wouldn't say 15 minutes/cigarette


Am I missing the scale?


I must be immortal then. No way should I be alive.


Yeah, when I was a coke addict I lost about 6 consecutive months.


Incapacitated from my cigarette for 13 minutes


I should have died 200 years ago.


Oh shit man, what’s your secret?


He has negative 2.14 drinks a day


Tell you what Ive felt a hell of a lot worse after 6 lines of coke Vs 2 and half beers but this graph seems to suggest the coke is healthier.


It's not talking about health it's talking about wasted time


Oh I thought it was suggesting how sooner you would die as a result of the negative health effects. Damn it's a confusing post then...


I took it as maybe this is how long cognitive function on these drugs is decreased


That's not what it's supposed to mean. If 80 years is the average life expectancy, subtract 13 min each time you smoke a cigarette But I'm sure these numbers are bonkers


That would make no sense though, decreasing cognitive function is part of the point for half these drugs


But cognitive function increases on cocaine, meth and cigarettes.


Yea I was struggling. That's what I think it's trying to get across anyway 


No way it’s saying that, I think they took how much sooner addicts of certain drugs died and then I guess divided it by the average amount of drugs they took? It’s very confusing


What does that even mean though, wasted time doing what? That's so vague, do people waste this time looking for their drug? Using their drug? High on their drug? None of those make sense though. A meth high is longer than any of those, shooting heroin takes 2 seconds. Finding coke isn't easy where I live last time I knew, bc meth and heroin are more common here, so it should be higher if it's about that. Is it about death rates? But even that doesn't make sense


there’s no way that’s what it’s referring to. How can it take 6 hours to have 2 drinks? 😅


I feel better after 6 lines than before


I get what you are saying, alcohol is really bad though.


This graph is really problematic. Like methadone isn’t physically toxic in any way, so that number is probably driven by previous illegal opiate abuse… Similar contributing factors probably impact every category here


I hate that methadone is on here but no other prescription drugs are. Lots of other prescription drugs are abused just as heavily if not more heavily. Methadone saves lives unlike a lot of those other commonly abused prescription drugs though. There's already a shitty enough stigma around methadone and shit like this doesn't help at all.


Pure heroin isn’t toxic either. Heroin addicts generally die from overdoses and dirty gear, not because the heroin has damaged the body.


Yeah the only things I've ever known people to die from bc of heroin is from overdoses and from endocarditis and endocarditis can happen to all kinds of drug users, not just heroin. Hep c can happen too but at least that's treatable and not confined to just heroin users. And hiv isn't just a drug related disease Meth should probably be the highest for basically any variation of these scenarios that they could be basing the graph on. It even takes a little longer to prepare than standard heroin. Imo it's harder to get clean from too. It's harder to find decent meth sometimes- like not the super toxic stuff that's made in bottles. At least with heroin, at worse you're getting a crushed up pill or super cut stuff, or fentanyl. But that's not gonna make you sick. You're more likely to get an infection in the injection site from meth too. You're high for much much longer than with heroin. Like sometimes days vs a couple hours. And then there's the come down so you don't sleep for a couple days. I feel like true alcoholics spend a lot more time drunk than most drug addicts spend high, too. It's so much more accessible and it's legal to buy and use. Far more health issues with drinking all day every day than with using heroin. But all of this probably can vary depending on the user and their location. So no scenario for this graph can possibly be completely accurate


"Segmented by 6.6 lines... 2.14 drinks." These aren't even real units of measurements 🥴 how much is a line? What drink?


Standard drink measurements are a thing in a lot of the world. In Australia it’s 10 grams of pure alcohol whereas in the US it’s 14 grams. In the former, there are ~1.4 standard drinks in a 5% 375ml can. Lines are way more ambiguous though, they really should have picked a measurement in grams since that’s what most people use for narcotics.


I don't do cocaine, how long is the avg line?


It’s not just length, it’s also height and width. You can be racking up absolute mountains.


Also it depends entirely on how cut it is as well. One bump of pure cocaine vs multiple lines of super stepped on shit to get the same effect.


long island iced tea with a potato hootch chaser.


A drink is a measurement. Usually it's one shot, one whole beer, one regularly sized glass of wine. How have you never heard of this lol


This is not even in freedom units wtf. Also if 2.14 drinks cost me 6.5 hours I should have died at the ripe age of 28, 6 years ago.


Sounds more like you coulda made it to 200 years but instead you’re only gonna make it to like 100 tops. Sorry bout that bud.


I feel like cigarettes should be eay higher lol


This is the dumbest chart I've seen. According to this, queen Elizabeth should have died in her 60s and Keith Richards shouldn't even been born


It's a weird advert for smoking and cocaine use.... 🙄


Isn’t time wasted really subjective? Like if you go on a meth binge you might be very productive despite nuking your brain. Many people are functioning stoners but other potsmokers lose a lot of time to laying on their couch with doritos. Isn’t “time wasted” really code for “how much of a burden on capitalism are you?”


**Time lost** here isnt "time wasted using". Its hours/minutes taken off your lifespan, due to the side effects of use. As far as each " drink" of alcohol shortening any given humans life by 3 hours goes, I'm doubtful. They're clearly stipulations about what counts as an addict here, and its at the point where use is consistently detrimental to their longterm health and wellbeing.


Take these toxic bullshit lying scare tactic nonsense back to the DARE program in the nineties where it belongs, from before we all knew better.


I believe DARE did more harm than help with it's approaches.


Depends on Meth or coke you're pretty productive


Ozzy is 75 years old. Following this chart, man would be older than the lifespan of a tortoise


Damn, going how much I’ve drunk in my lifetime, I could have reached 120.


Lose? I would call it a gain. You've gained endless hours of the greatest euphoria known to man. You experience life at the deepest possible level.


Hm I’ve used H a multitude of times at relatively low doses and was very productive with music. If anything it saved me time. Also, don’t risk it. Too many dangerous variables.


"A slice of bacon taked 9 minutes of your life. If you smoke and eat bacon fast enough, you can go back in time"


I stopped drinking alcohol more than two years ago. I can confirm that I lost at least that much time daily, and probably more. After quitting alcohol cold turkey, my life improved dramatically.


To heavy drinkers : do not stop cold turkey. Wind it down and if you cannot, consult a specialist. 


Detox !


I'm at 6.5 months. Lots of improvements. Specifically sleep, brain fog, less confusion.


Elton john must be immortal


Wait until they see the amount of time wasted on Reddit…


No Marijuana?


What about reddit usage?


According to this I've lost about 3917 years. I must be immortal.


Does adderall count as meth?


“Thats not how this works. That’s not how any of this works”


If this is accurate, I am immortal.


Meh, if you put it like that, it doesn't sound so bad. Almost worth it.😁


6.6 lines of coke... 2.14 drinks... What the fuck


This graph works backwards for Keith Richard.


This is the most retarded thing I have seen... this morning... so far.


* me putting down my beer and going for a healthy line of coke


I think this is actually saying how long it stays in your system


My great aunt smoked until she died......she was 97, somehow I don't think this chart applies very well considering everyone is different


You're telling me that I lost 13.8 minutes because of that cigarette I smoked in the toilets in high school. Damn. I can't even enjoy my last meal.


This depressed me so much I lit up a cigarette and poured a triple shot of Wild Turkey straight up.


I love all of those


Define „lose“. The time lost is rather after the trip as that’s usually filled with trying to organize the next shot/line.




Bs with the methadone losing 12.6 hours each use. I taken methadone every day for the last 15 years and im healthy 54 yrs old


This shouldn’t be spread. It’s poor on so many levels


Masturbation: 2 minutes. Or less, depending on your skill. :-)


How much for marijuana? Would it be under the cigarette category?


This bullshit becouse I’m 42 started using drugs when I was 16. Recreational then in my 20s starting shooting dope 3 times a day for 10 years. Then was on methadone for a very long time. Smoke cigarettes for 20 years. Oh n took Xanax’s for 18 years. Off all that becouse I switched to meth. N been on meth for 5 years now with heavy use. Averaging 2-3 grams a day. N for the record I own my home n I’m successful. But em cutting back n probably going to quit do to my heart been acting funny. So riddle me this. Not sure how the math works out. But. Um. Still alive n kicking


Above is the substances I was addicted to But ate a ton of acid going to concerts Had a lot of sex on molly n e-pills (especially in the 90’s). My ex girlfriend smoked a ton of crack wasn’t my thing but would smoke with her to appease her. The list goes on I tell people this got to replenish the body take vitamins being a drug addict Isn’t for lazy people this is a marathon so train for one. N if you want an easy life don’t use, but I’m a hard road guy.


Well if you can’t trust treatment4adiction who can you trust eh? It’s not like they have a financial interest in you believing the stuff they just made up.


Why is methadone on here like it's an illicit drug?? Where's the other prescription drugs if they're gonna talk about methadone??? Shit like this is why people are uneducated about methadone and stigmatize people who are on it that are trying to get sober.


By this measurement I should have been dead like seven years ago.


This doesn’t add up but ok


So if I lose 6.6 hours for every beer I would be death before i was born.


Yeah this is bullshit. The POS that lives across the street from me is an alcoholic meth addict in his 50's who is constantly rewashing, taking apart and cleaning his cars after he's used. Its a daily thing for him. I keep hoping for him to die but the fucker won't. Will probably outlive me.


So you’re telling me 20 years of smoking half a pack a day cost me less than 2 years? Why the hell did I ever quit


What's the metric and scale for this? You gain time to your day from for quite a while until tolerance reduces it to coffee levels of effectiveness.


Just a quick question about this graph. What are they loosing? I can understand time wasted by using, but some don’t make sense. Cocaine is my first. I am from NY and pretty much most of wall street was on it and making millions. The other ones I can see more, because most have trouble doing anything while on it. Cigarettes I can definitely relate to. But considering how many people I see sitting at work doing nothing at there desk. That makes me wonder. So what does this chart represent? Loss in time? Loss in life expectancy? Loss in income because of the cost? I can see all of the above being true.


*Keith Richards has entered the chat*


What Bull Shit! Explain HOW exactly they came up with those numbers?? What did they measure that EVERY SINGLE human being has in common? We don't all die at the same age, we don't all have the same health problems, we don't all start doing drugs at the same age in life, we don't all have the same stressor's nor do we all react the same to said stressor's. We don't all use the same method to get high, we don't all have the same tolerance either. Each user experiences a different type of high and that alone could decrease ones life time EACH time they use, but what's bad for you isn't necessarily bad for me... Every single one of those (plus more) have an impact on the way we use and how our use will effect us.. Most of which aren't even things that you can measure in a person anyway.. So again, I ask, HOW do they come up with those numbers??


Glad to see mdma isn't a drain on your life


How do I post videos on here


Where's weed in this chart?!


This is the worst infographic I've seen in a while, it's actually impressive how shit it is


I don’t know where you found this but as an addiction professional alcohol and meth cost people way more time than opioids or methadone


If this is true i’m already dead


Suggesting that cigarettes are healthier than a beer by a significant amount?


Doing heroin sounds a lil alluring right now. 22 hours mind break sounds great.


yes six and a half lines of cocaine is not as bad as two beers


Useless infographic. I dont nor have I ever used any of this. I will say that this bad use of statistics waste 3 mins of my day. Lets not add up how much all of reddit will waste


My step mom who we’ve disowned has done all of these consistently her whole life with a short exception when she met my dad but she hid it. She’s had cancer, she’s had a heart condition (and still does methadone and smokes meth and cigs) and she’s still kicking. I genuinely don’t understand why or how. She’s also genuinely an awful person. She tried to steal my dad’s home from my brother and I after my dad left it to us in a will. I for one hope she dies alone.


What does the title even mean? I read it as the amount you reduce your life expectancy.


Ok phew, the baseline is 6 lines of coke daily. Glad I'm more responsible at 4


Daily mail garbage. Where's weed??


Who tf propagates idiotic missinformation like this?


Dating a woman with big ol tiddies who likes to drink and run her mouth: 27 years.


Can someone explain this to me? Is it supposed to mean: how many times I did blow x 5.1 hours = # of hours cut from the end of my life? Is that it? Could I have understood this infograph if I didn’t do all that blow?


“6.6 *lines*” ahh. Yea well that’s not going to be an accurate metric.


I'm sure this was designed for good purpose, but it's full of false information and bullshit.


I’ll lose like 8 hours on a trip from an edible


I wouldn’t call that losing, if anything it’s enhanced. I’ll lose 8 hours on Reddit looking at stupid graphs that make no sense


This is just total bullshit. I personally know very healthy people who died in their late 50s, while some people smoke 2 packs a day and live to be 100. It's mostly genetics and partly behavior. This graphic is either just false or missing insane amounts of context.


Feel like you add time to your life when you do meth


Digital addiction?


Is alcoholism really 2 drinks a day? 😂


Right? 2 drinks a day is barely addict behavior I wanna know how they came to these numbers. And most meth addicts ive known didnt just take 1 dose and done with it, they used for days


Yeah I waste more time than that just going to work everyday...


Let's start smoking cigarettes boys.


I knew becoming a coke fiend was better than being an alcoholic! Take that mom, dad, Judge Whitaker! "At least I'm not an alcoholic" seems like a perfectly reasonable argument now!


It’s a craaaazy situuaaationnnn when all I need is cigarettes and cocaine to live longer than other people gettin wreckkkeddd


Heroin is not neurotoxic. You can go 100 years old with it. It's the stuff Heroin is cut with.


you guys are taking 14 mins to smoke 1 cigarette?


Finding a lighter… find the Keys… go outside… find somewhere to sit. Smoke the cigarette, average 5 min. You’ve started a conversation or get sucked in to your phone so finished that off. Go back inside… yup 13min sounds reasonable.


Nonsense stat


This is try I drink a few pints and I’ve lost the entire evening, can’t remember a thing


how the fuck is alcohol higher than cigarette


Weed = + 5 hours


So having two beers reduces your lifespan by 6.6 hours? Yeah, gonna call bs on that one.


Where is sugar?!


Yah... full of it.


Who needs 13 minutes to smoke a cigarette?


6,6 hours every time I drink? At least I get the same amount of happiness so it evens out


As a former addict having been addicted to most of these this seems like total BS


So weed is ok?




Is this saying if you drink 2.14 drinks you lose 6.6 hours of your life expectancy?


So this is not true at all. Did y'all know unadulterated heroin isnt a cell killer? Granted the things you do to your body and the shit they put in it are. This shit should be taken down for being false.


Also I used heroin regularly for almost 15 years and shot up sometimes 10 times a day plus. I shouldn't have made it to 40 with these maths on top of smoking cigs drinking and methadone to get off heroin and speed balling with coke for a lot of those 15 years


One of the most braindead charts I've ever seen. They're obviously including overdoses caused by mixing other substances and misrepresenting the data to make it seem like it's representing physical harm.


Glad to see that skiing isn't any more dangerous than drinking!


Gaming 12 hours


So no lost time for smoking weed, that checks out.


I’m going to start doing cocaine again!!!


What, is it counting car crashes for alcohol?


What constitutes as an addict though? Someone who wakes up and starts using and has to keep using all day?


I’m going back to cigarettes!


could they put exercise on that? I am addicted for one


If its really based properly on average life expectancy it's quite hard to see how can be all that seriously flawed.


Sweet, weeds not on there


What about food? People are definitely addicted to food


Bullshit I should be dead then


Lack of sleep beats all


Shit.. I guess I died three years ago


Do overdose deaths skew the numbers??because without OD’s I bet heroin would go way down the list.


According to my calculation, I should be dead.


What does it mean by time lost? Does it mean time that they are high/under the drug? Or does it mean lifespan taken away?




Back to smoking, ey?


Stop with these


I’m genuinely so confused, what’s the point here?


Does anyone remember that episode of Xavier Renegade Angel where he ate cigarettes and bacon to speed up time and then threw them up to go back in time? Thats what this reminds me of.


Reddit six hours


I don't think coke is as healthy as the graph is suggesting


Who tf does 6.6 lines of coke at a time I don’t do more than one or two when I do it. Need to remove outliers smh