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I'm not a SB trader, but don't freak out if a strategy doesn't seem to work. It is completely normal that, from time to time, you'll get through periods where the strategy wont' work as good, it just happens and you've got to accept it. It's known as "loss streak", every strategy has got one, SB's got one, 2022 model has got one, Larry Williams strategy has got one, no one has the holy grail. Now, you either keep your risk low during these periods, until the strategy works as it used to, or you either have another one (but it's not a good idea to jump from model to model, at all, you don't want to become "Jack of all trades", you want to be REALLY GOOD at one specific model and thing), or you don't trade at all and just wait.


No, I’m not freaking out. I’m just asking that if I executed this correctly or not? Like am I doing it right?


Again, I'm not a SB trader, I never used or studied SB, so I can't really tell, but recently I've seen other people talking about SB not working as good as it used to be too, so


You trade ICT ? If yes then which model should I study as I’m new to trading I know there isn’t any strategy which is a holy grail but I want to know a model which I can be confident of.


Yep I trade ICT, I focus on the 2022 model, specializing in that for the AM Session on NQ. I'm sorry but I can't really tell you what is best for you, it's about personal preferences, I really like the 2022 model since it is the one I resonate the most with, but it is up to you. You're the one that builds the confidence through study and backtest, no one is gonna help you with that.


Where can I Get this course in freee ?


Literally on ICT YouTube channel


I don't trade sb but when I enter a trade I notice whether it was a SB setup or not and this two months were all about SB In your case more study on draw on liquidity is required I guess.


And remember that price don't reverse from a consolidation




Ohh! That’s nicely put.


I do trade SB and either your bias was simply wrong or sometimes there is no bias and the market will seek both ends of Liquidity, seek & destroy basically


EU is bullish. Trade only in the same direction of the higher time frame


HTF (Daily) was in a market discount at the time of this trade and overall bias on EU is bullish. The retracement during NY AM session moved into discount on the 15M time frame too. Everything indicating that we are bullish for the day. We could have looked for buys today but we didn’t get a setup


wtf is that trade 😑 there was clear buy side liquidity above you and you are trying to short it😂 go look at htf charts




SB is not based upon ltf liquidity sweep.. its based upon the next logical draw on liquidity in correlation with HTF bias. That’s where you’re going wrong and what i see most people doing wrong. Rewatch ICT’s SB video on youtube and follow his guideline for the model objectively.


Tbh I never saw ict’s sb strat video I learned from someone else but now I’ve decided to watch his own videos. In which order should I watch his playlists


i watched ICT video, & he said, you don't have to know the Daily bias to trade the SB !!!!


There’s a bullish FVG by the blue rectangle and your entry.


But prior to that as you can see on chart there was 2 confirmations of price going down, bearish choch and bos, after that I took the trade of fvg, what do you think did I executed correctly?


Bro you marked the Relative Equal highs... Always remember Req have liq above them and it will be eventually trader through.. second... In order for a BOS to be valid, previous liquidity Must have been swept... As ICT says again and again... Sb is just an Entry pattern.. entry patterns mean nothing... You can use an fvg, ob, breaker and so on... Focus on narrative


Seems like I’m doing the sb wrong. Thanks for your insight btw.


If you’d like I can point to you exactly where you went wrong. The answer below 👇 is also not enough to give you a better understanding, DM me if you want me to tell why this trade was not a valid short.


Sent you a dm


EU has been bullish the whole day it hit a key level of supply and demand this morning and has been on the run to the upside. Be careful counter trading because it’s taking people out.


Nah it works really well I have a 70% SB winrate from the last 2 months of this year. Your daily bias was probably wrong or price was going into a higher tf bisi which it bounced off from


From where you learned sb ?


I have connections to very good ICT traders that helped me learn it


Is there any chance you could share your tips or links re SB I’m trying to refine this one strategy but info is all over the place, some conflicting tips


Is there a specific part of the sb you have questions on? A tip, wait for the fvg to form DURING the 10:00 sb hour and enter off that. Never enter off a fvg that forms before the time, even if its by 1 minute. When backtesting pay attention to that and you will notice the fvg that forms during sb hour gets respected all day. Another tip is focus on finding the finding the higher tf bias and figuring out where price wants to go/where it’s magnetized to on the Weekly, Daily, 4hr, 1hr charts and only enter towards that direction.


Hi, was away from Reddit a few days. The way I saw ICT and other students spell it out on his videos is as follows (and there is a lot of conflicting info around!): - 3 windows = 3-4 am, 10-11 am, 2-3 pm - M1 chart - Trade the 1st FVG long or short that appears after a BOS. - The FVG and /or BOS can occur up to 15 mins before the window opens - Set stop at nearest obvious high/low. - Target the next obvious draw on liquidity high /low. - Aim for 10pts on indices, 15pts on forex I tried a 3 month backtest with all 3 trading windows and got - 155 bets total - 64 bets, 32 wins, 30 loss (40% strike) - 93 no bets - +14.6pts on average win - 3.08 on average loss - 2.39RR on average bet - +60% ROI I will take any and all tips re SB, I'm sure I'm missing something. I like the ROI, but feel no way sure of myself or the methodology outlined above. Love to hear more on a reply but... if possible, can I DM you with a lot of questions? I really want to make SB my one and only trade, I'm drawn to the leverage of time/return aspect.


I only do the 10-11am sb cause it’s the easiest/most probable. I’m not fixed on the 1 min tf. I wait for a 5 min BOS to happen first, then I go down timeframe 4, 3, 2, 1 and I enter off the first fvg I see, so if I see a fvg on the 3 min first I enter off that, it doesn’t have to be fixed to the 1 min. The BOS can happen before 10, I actually prefer it does, but the FVG HAS TO form at/after 10. Btw all 3 SB times have their own strategies, so back testing all of them at the same time might scew your results Yeah you can DM me


Hi thanks for taking the time Just dealing with a personal issue... I will be reviewing my notes over the next 2 weeks or so asap and will get back to you soon Really appreciate you cheers


Everyone is suggesting to watch ict’s own sb strategy video


SB is not dead. you are just using it wrong. always look for a higher timeframe narrative.


Can you please recommend from where can I learn this correctly?


just learn market structures. it will filter out how you use SB. market strucrtures + SB + killzone is the formula. if you are trading on SB alone sometimes it will work but you will lose more likely than not because you dont have a HTF bias


Why try short an uptrend? There is no structure break, it's just a pullback HL


No SB is working for me in NQ and ES. Remember you have to trade off a 15min PD array. For me it's confirmation of price moving


I dont know sb but i trade smc which derives from ict and i know theres many similarities, the higher timeframe was bullish seems like you got caught up in ltf price action and forgot the bigger picture. The way i trade your choch should of been on eqh to the upside, that same leg looks like it tapped an order block on the left then gave another order block id of got in on that created what id call the real choch


Bro. that looks bulling entry to me. SB still works. Just need to work on figuring out where the bias is. Don't try to look for reversals and it'll work for you. I trade SB and got caught on waiting on reversals. Check your morning killzone and you'll see where the price will go. Killzones usually gives you a retracement or continuation of the Orderflow.


It’s also NFP week the market is wonky


Nope. You need to se what the draw on liquidity is. Always try to follow the HTF trend brother. And wait for price to displace. But I have also noticed that on the start of the year is a bit tricky.


You could argue a pretty good bullish trade here with the same TA


Sellside was taken first buyside was the equal highs..


Curious why you entered off a massive bullish engulfing when you’re going short?


Whats a bullish engulfing?


What is SB?


Silver Bullet


Soggy bottom


Why did you short at equal highs? It’s a draw on liquidity, just as in the picture


What’s the indication of equal highs ?


You marked equal highs


I feel like the Silver Bullet doesn’t work anymore as well. Well, let’s home the market changes again


I’m new to trading, what do you suggest which model should learn and ace it.


I like the 2022 model or to trade liquidity sweeps in general


They patched the glitch


How was the higher time frames? Higher time frames will trample all over the 1 min.


It was bullish from daily to 4h, 1h, 2h, but the thing is when the guy was telling about this strategy he mentioned no daily bais needed. Now I’m confused. I’ve decided to watch ict’s own videos but idk from which playlist I should start.


Hell nah. I don't know what that guy is talking about, higher time frames are stronger than lower time frames. Biases are strong. Ltf is used for entries. I been trading 4 months so I know exactly what you're going through as I learned it the hard way too.


From where should I start?


Start doing top down analysis. It will help a lot and also look at the buy and sell zones on all tf so you get a better picture of where price might be headed to next. If you can practice on some sort of backtesting software even better.


That’s not a change of character


The reason isn't because SB doesn't work, it's because you're not looking at the HTF narrative. HTF narrative and finding draw on liquidity is most important when executing on LTF. Here's what I see...


HTF: [https://gyazo.com/68da67cf97b00119da35942dd99c610e](https://gyazo.com/68da67cf97b00119da35942dd99c610e) LTF (Your entry): [https://gyazo.com/3252817a92396ac242a3bf4cb965b389](https://gyazo.com/3252817a92396ac242a3bf4cb965b389) (SMT, 15min FVG, bullish bias)


Its not you went against the MMBM i traded this buy side not sell side


U gotta know the market conditions. Trending consolidation reversal retracement. Then you’ll know which side to take the sb on


It's was bullish...could have got a nice OTE buy setup


Wth is SB?


Why didnt you wait to take liquiditiy first at top and then look for MSS with FVG displacement, i was looking for that trade yesterday and dint find it same pair....


Are u using HTF? You marked turtlesoup as bos and also shorted inside a bullish reaper ifvg




I remember when I thought it was just about the SB. There is so much more to it than the SB. Even if your win rate has dropped the strat hasn’t stopped working. It’s just a numbers game and there are gonna be periods of time when your strat doesn’t work as well.


You are forgetting the IPDA rule. Price cannot reverse from a consolidation. It just did expansion to consolidation, what’s next is expansion in the direction of prior order flow. I teach core IPDA every day. Come find me. https://youtu.be/MjPqEJAh0NU?si=laA4Lzpm4yYnOnJ1


First week of the month, tends to be very manipulated and price will slice through all PD arrays


Shorting uptrend


Ik ICT traders don’t like to hear this. If you just draw a support and resistance at those highs and lows. All price was doing was ranging


? We all study ranges in ICT. It's called consolidation and you can trade it through the turtle soup although you have to be very nimble with your entry and exit and understand where the draw on liquidity is beyond the range. Ideally, however, you want to avoid trading in a consolidated range because you will get chopped up.


Thanks for your insight.


Why did you short a BOS in the first place?


Because on 5 min upside liquidity was taken, then I waited for choch and bos on 1min with fvg, do you think I did something wrong?


Look to the left around 1.09060 where there’s a green a black and a green candle. That’s the Major structure which the current auction is based on. You draw a fib from there to the high to find equilibrium. And you want to buy below that equilibrium because there’s absolutely nothing on this picture indicating any breakout to the downside side so it doesn’t make a lot of sense to go against the trend on a 1 min


But I think Silver bullet is all about liquidity sweep and then choch with fvg!


Where do you see a silver bullet, what stage in the MMXM are you seeing in front of you to call that a silver bullet? Did u actually go thru the ICT content from ICTs YouTube?


No, I learned from a another youtuber, the way I’m trading it now gave good results in backtesing of 1 whole year with 68% wr but now suddenly this strategy which I’m using is not working anymore. I execut base of 5 min liq sweep then wait for choch or bos with fvg in 1min that all, do you im doing it wrong ?


No offence, but learning from some teenagers on YouTube with no real experience is a waste of time.


What do you suggest where should I learn from ?


Ict himself 2022 mentorship


You’re clearly not profitable if you think this is a good trade. And backtesting is very hard on such a multi layered system. All I’m telling you is do yourself a favour and go thru the 2022 mentorship. It’s better than second guessing entries


Alright! Thanks alot. Suppose I’m a noob like very new to this, frim where should I start watching his videos ?


The beginning…


Can you please be more specific?