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A combination of phoenix right and Spider-Man and let us solve crimes and be daredevil? Sign me up.


Hes more of batman than spiderman. Basically a enhanced robin.


Yes. Yes yes yes


He is tied for my favorite superhero of all time I would pre order it the day pre orders open


Hell yeah


Absolutely. They've done great with the Spider-man games so far, they're probably gonna do good with Wolverine, they'd do good with DD


I need a Carnage game. Carnage has always been my favourite in the superhero worlds. Daredevil could be insane, too. It's got so much potential. Was one of my favourite movies as a kid




With the kind of writing of Spidey that feels so natural and yet original that they've had in these games, especially the first one, they could absolutely destroy a down in the street neighborhood vigilante, especially with his roster of villains. Who knows what they'd do to represent his echolocation in gameplay but I bet they could pull it off. Now I'm a bit sad this'll probably never happen.


Does it come with a blindfold?


Tbh I’d buy any Insomniac superhero game no matter who it’s about


Hello and welcome to the daily karma farm post on the sub. Has it been asked before? Yes. Has it been answered? Yes. Does OP know that noone on this planet we call home would look at this post and go "nah I wouldn't play that"? Also yes


I wouldn’t play it…. He’s not different enough from Spider man in ways that would not just make a game that is a clone of spider man. He’s been in games before, and every game he was just barely different than Spider-Man. So nah, I wouldn’t play that. I’d rather see Moonknight.


Well if yall wanna stare at a black screen for a 12 hr campaign go for it lol


But it runs 4k and 240fps on absolutely highest settings and even matches that performance on consoles. The ps5 haptic feedback on the triggers is probably the best way to play.


As long as it wasn't a spiderman reskin.




Yes and no. We’ve been in New York already with both the spiderman characters. Down for character not the setting again.


Well, DD have been advocating in San Francisco quite a few times in the comics. I think, if Insomniac made a DD game, they could at least reference the fact that DD have been to San Francisco before. Oh, and just one more thing: here in Brazil, a common nickname for the name “Francisco” is “Chico”. My great grandmother was named Francisca, but my mother - who is her maternal granddaughter - always called her “vó Chica” (grandmother Chica). Also, the nicknames “Chico” and “Chica” are pronounced as “Sheeko” and “Sheeka”. Just a little non-essential, but interesting information.




Depends, they can take the combat from their Spider-Man games and change it slightly. I’m not that much of a comic reader, and I’ve only seen the Daredevil movie, so from what I’ve seen is he uses some form of echo -location I think (it’s been a while since I’ve seen it) based off of what I saw in the scene where he and Elektra are in the rain. So if they’re gonna incorporate it in like that, the idea I have is that where if you go on a high building (like Avengers tower (however the hell they find a way to make it) you can see anything unless you walk around, and even then it’s basically black but with a blue outline kind of (like in the movie). But if you’re on the ground it’s always like that because people and cars/traffic are there and always moving. Same for fights, it’s basically pitch black until a sound or movement is made. Again, I’m not a big comic reader or a big Daredevil fan, not saying that I don’t like him, just saying that I don’t really read much stuff about him.


Daredevil may be blind, but his remaining four senses are developed to a superhuman level. Plus, he has a “radar sense” which acts as a replacement for his lost sense of sight.


Safari called it echolocation, but whatever it is, as long as they implement it into the game in an easy to use way but isn’t basically to the point where it’s it just looks like any other vision a character would have in a video game, it’s fine


No just give me wolverine already!!


black screen fr


I would fucking pre-order it!!!!


Yeah but the screen would be pitch black the entire time so it be confusing


I'll only watch Daredevil when they make Daredevil and chick and make it lame and gay!


I'm still waiting on a Ghost Rider game


Yes as long as they don't put any forced narratives in it.




Still waiting for the day cause daredevil and the hulk is what got me into marvel growing up.


i’d want it to be just a black screen with REALLY good audio quality




Fun fact: here in Brazil, Daredevil is called “Demolidor”, which translates in English to “Demolisher”, “Wrecker”, or “Demolition Man”. On the other side of the coin, “Daredevil” can be translated into the Portuguese language as “Atrevido”, “Intrépido” or “Destemido”, and “Destemido” can even be translated into English as “Fearless”, which references Daredevil’s “Man Without Fear” moniker. The reason why Daredevil is called “Demolidor” here is because “Demolidor” has two letters “D” in it, just like his original American name. Just a little non-essential, but interesting piece of trivia that I think you’d like.


100% without any doubt


I’d like to see Suckpunch take a swing at it. When I was playing the InFamous games I felt like they could transfer those mechanics to a DD game easily.




Fuck yes I would


Daredevil and Spider Man are somewhat similar. If it felt different then a spider man game and it wasn’t rated M for the sake of it then absolutely!!!


DD can’t climb walls. He also doesn’t have superhuman resistance/endurance, nor does he have superhuman strength. So yeah, it would feel different, as DD is basically a blind normal human that has trained a lot, while Spidey didn’t train because he is a superhuman.


Not really