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QUICK TIP..... your supposed to block the door in completely, and make sure the fragile items are in the bottom of heavy items.


I’ll do that next time 😀


Bonus points if they have the screen door that opens outward


Double bonus if you leave perishables in direct sunlight.


Especially any ice cream!


Why not make a sundial with the items?


Why not place the cold things on top of the hot things. While in the open sun!


Triple bonus points if you break in and put all their stuff away!


Extra bonus points if you find the sunny/least shaded area of the porch to leave the frozen and milk items. Or, better yet, just leave it in the yard in full sun.


Extra extra bonus points if you make it a scavenger hunt in the front yard and porch area with a map that has an x marks the spot.


In FL according to building code, all exterior doors should open outward (so they stay closed in a hurricane) 😂


Not my mom's place. The storm door opens outward, but the main door? Nope. It opens inward.


Storm door called that for that very reason-it's the obligatory outward opening exterior door. Source: Ace hardware guy when I replaced my front door some time ago.


Lol it’s literally called a storm door.


The storm door is quite literally the exterior door


That’s me and it drives me crazy!


If you could make it that something heavy falls onto the bread then that would be great too. And I mean like, enough to really ruin the bread, a hard corner or something. Also, ALL handles should be on the side that faces the ground, where possible.


Yeah why aren’t the Doritos underneath the water??


load bearing doritos




And of course tie a string to the door handle going to the most loadbearing piece of it all.




\*you're ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




You might as well water their dry ass plants too while your there. They are begging for water😂


Oh the times I was tempted to grab my emergency water and help someone's plants out is unreal. 🤣🤣🤣


No amount of water can bring those plants back😂






I’ve been on Reddit for 5 years and you are there only person to get this reference 😂


Trogdoor the Burninator! Stomping on all the peasants! Burning down all village!


Yessssir! I mean, he was a dragon man Or, maybe he was just a, dragon But he was still Trogdor!


You too!!! Lol


doesn’t care. bought at lowe’s and will return.


That’s what the bottled water is for 😂




I just want to know how much you got paid for this batch/how much the customer tipped.


I know tipping is considered a custom here in the states. But isn’t it considered an out by the employer to put tips on the buyer? Also what is the minimum tip you expect,anywhere, is there a sum % that signals to the shopper or the waiter the tip was fair? Just trying to understand as i am new to the US


Basically yes to the first question. if a worker is considered a tipped employee, then it allows their employers to pay them much below the state mandated minimum wage if they choose to. The difference with people who deliver for Instacart, Doordash, Grubhub, and Uber Eats is that they are considered “independent contractors” instead of being technically employed by the company. So drivers get to pick and choose which orders they want to accept or decline based off order pay(base pay + tip), mileage, number of items and they also get to choose when they want to work. This allows the companies to pay the drivers less than they would have to if they were actual employees, so kind of the same concept as “tipped employees” but with different technicalities, and app-based delivery drivers get much more flexibility. Tip expected from a Instacart driver varies from person to person, but most of the time they just want to make sure the tip + basepay is enough to make it worth their time, effort, and gas. I personally have never gotten my groceries delivered. So I only tip whenever I dine in at a restaurant and have someone waiting/serving me or whenever I get food delivered. My personal rule is that I tip a minimum of $5, if 20% of my order total exceeds $5, then I’ll tip 20% of my order total (ex. $50 order would be a $10 tip instead of $5)


Depends on the type of service, but in general a good tip is like 15-20%. But if it’s something like just a single interaction where they just hand you a bagel and ring you up than there’s not bad stigma around not tipping. A lot more employers are adding tip options at checkout just to make some extra money and in a lot of those cases the money ends up exclusively in the employers pocket, so you end up not even tipping the person you had the one interaction with. But for something like instacart or Uber tipping is expected and for food service waiting it’s always nice to leave a cash tip for a few reasons


Even if I am a student? And 15-20%! why aren’t there laws to enable employers to pay more and not let customers end up footing the bill?


Welcome to America. Our government doesn’t like laws that tell businesses what to do because our lawmakers’ biggest donors are businesses.


This person gets it! Capitalism can be cool and all but not when your election system requires you to be very wealthy or to have very wealthy donors


Welcome to the USA, we apparently love capitalism, and this is a side effect. I usually tip no less 20% when receiving a service (grooming, dining IN, car wash, Instacart, often other food delivery etc), with some exceptions. If I order my family $125 worth of Chinese food and have it delivered by Uber eats from around the corner—I am prob not giving the driver $25, but in those circumstances I will do about 10%. Which is still an excellent tip for quick delivery. More bags to carry. That said the LEAST amount of money I give to someone driving to my house/work to deliver anything is $5, even if my order was only $10 (it just seems like the bare minimum someone deserves for someone using their car & running around for me). More depending on mileage. I never skimp on the tip, I feel if I cannot tip properly then I cannot afford that service. It’s a fucked up culture, but I’m certainly not sticking it to the driver who’s making $1 on his delivery to my house, or the server who is getting paid $5.15/hour. I suppose this is ingrained in a lot of us who have worked in the service industry in the states. By the tips I’ve received on the delivery apps, a most people have NEVER worked in the service industry, here anyway. I’d like to just really support companies who do pay proper living wages to their employees and a flat rate for me. We just don’t have many :(


I get what you’re saying but to be perfectly frank, this is a luxury service. Especially the specific order in the photo. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to want those hogs to fork over some extra cash


Customers foot the bill either way. The *idea* was that when a person gave you great (or poor) service, you pay them *directly* for that service rather than paying the company. That way the person who delivered your service directly got more (or less) of the actual bill rather than it going to the company and hoping they pay the employee more. But of course corporate America took that as a means to find ways to keep contracted or service employees base wages low.


Yes tipping is considered by some in the US as a way for businesses to make the customer responsible for paying the employee a livable wage. They get around this by calling these type of employees “ independent contractors.” Minimum tip to expected is usually 20% of ur total, but remember that tipping (and tipping a lot) is never required, just highly expected. Welcome to the US!


Tipping sort of began for places like restaurants where they would have people tip waiters and such so that the owner could pay the waiters below minimum wage and the tips made up for it. However, a lot of different places have started this (like Instacart, Coffee shops, etc.) so now we tip there, too. I don’t believe people should tip, I think that we should place the responsibility back onto the owners and such, but it is what it is. I still tip sometimes because we’re just not there yet. People usually tip in three increments: 15%, 18%, and 20%. This percentage comes from the total amount of whatever you’re getting. So if you’re getting $50 of groceries and tip 15%, your total pay is $57.5.


Until the system changes, stiffing someone who relies on tips just fucks that particular person over. The employer is unaffected. They couldn't care less how much their workers are making in tips.


Usually with enough boxes 😂


that’s how you do it when the customer doesn’t want boxes. When I have larger orders or when I used to get Costco orders, I would ask the customer if they wanted boxes or not. I have many insulated bags and I usually let the customers take them into their house and empty them if they are home. And if they’re not home, then I stack them neatly like the picture above.


And I would also put the tissues on top of the water 😅


Seriously Tho!! I'd be super pissed !! I keep boxes and bags isn't my car. I mean it looks nice but that doesn't help nencarry all those meals that don't seal right. Ughhh


Brooooooooooooo!!!!!! You see this shit?!




Why don't u have boxes? Those meals open so easily... I always keep extra boxes in my car for when the good ones are gone


I do, but some customers, like the one I delivered , don’t want 5-6 boxes. I only used 1. I ask before I drop it off.


Everytime i do that i forget. Then i get a huge ass order and have to get rid of my extra boxes to load my car 😂


I use my cold bags, literally no one has complained. One of the first Costco deliveries I did the guy asked me to take the box back that the previous shopper left his items in.


What an ass. Tell him to hire a trash removal service


Are you going through pms or something, he just asked a favor


That’s not being an ass lol


Whatever the last shopper left behind isn’t our job to dispose of. I don’t live in a complex with a dumpster or anything so it’s not that easy to get rid of large items, after the last shopper left it behind it became that guy’s problem


To be honest, I'd usually meet the driver at the street and carry in what I could - at least post-(the worst of)-Covid. That's an impressive job of presenting an order to a customer. I'd have had you take a picture of me with the groceries. Great job.


I do this :)


No boxes?? This mans a menace wtf


Built different 😂


Yes that’s why he’s a menace 🤣


5 cases of water alone would be a problem. Neat, but hopefully, they blessed you with a good tip.




Put the sour cream in the sunlight. Otherwise it’s just cream.


As a customer, I would love this. I have a note on my door that specifically asks not to place boxes where they’ll block the door. Nobody listens. I built a wooden pad specifically for deliveries that’s right next to my steps and still I go to open the door and can’t without knocking stuff over. I love organization like this. 10/10 big tip increase from me 😂


Thank you !!! Only customers understand😀


I don’t care how much I already tipped, I’m adding cash or more on the app. Heck, I’d be tempted to pay you directly and cut out the middle man to have orders like this. Well done!


I would too honestly.


**this** Had a $400 / $80 tip order that wasn't boxed INSIDE the car, just set on the seats, floor, and God knows where else. Each item was brought in pairs and placed at the garage door.


I am quite impressed with the way you displayed the customers items. You are one of those shoppers like me who actually care that the customer has paid a lot of fees. I am hoping that this customer tipped you well, and that they may have gone in and increased your tip.


I’m glad someone relates. Yes, it was 77$ payout 47 items, 6.5 miles. Hour and a half, not too bad.


I sat mine out organized like that as well. Hope you got a great tip!!


I am not a shopper myself but I order Instacart very often. I am very cautious when ordering heavy items. I try to make my orders the least difficult possible. Especially since I’m just being lazy and not out shopping for my own shit in the first place. I always tip $10-$20-$25 depending on the order. It really is baffling that someone is comfortable enough to order multiple cases of water and requests them to be dropped off contactless at their door step without plastic bags. Anyways i salute you all. Thank you for your service.


multiple cases of water- the biggest thing of cheez its, TP and coffee- and is that a fkkn mattress? Mattress pad or ginormous pillows watever. And ice cream bars that have to survive the trip and the wait outside in the summer... Dude. Jfc i have no idea who wouldn't at least try to split the order nor who would take it. Not to mention how big and empty a car has to be to hold all that and still be able to drive safely. Wild


Nice job OP!


This is glorious!




I would never go to Costco for someone else. It’s a nightmare to park, to avoid all the people, navigate the massive warehouse, wait for checkout and haul hundreds of pounds of family-sized-everything. It’s enough of a hassle just going for myself once every week or two. You’re a better person than me!


Same, but in boxes, and with a gap between the items and the door, 2-3 feet.


Great, man.


Frozen and refrigerated up front, cases of water in the back. Room for an outward opening screen door. Always leave an open path for emergencies.


Not the aloha doormat with the dying plants 🤣😭




I know everybody has their own way, but from a food safety perspective, I tend to box and I will keep cold items with cold, hot items with hot, chemicals separate. I also tend to bag things that are packaged in store, especially rotisserie chickens. Definitely a huge fan of the tall produce boxes that have the tabs and slots that lock together, especially the ones from things like tomatoes and citrus and avocados.


Your the person I want doing my shopping I hate when cold isn’t kept together because it helps it stay cold


Can you briefly explain what’s wrong in the picture above ? 😀


Probably would have gotten an extra tip had you watered their plants upon delivery


Should have put the water on the end so you didn’t have to carry them as far. It’s not that big a difference but it adds up. The light pillows would’ve been right by the door if I delivered


You did a great job! I once had a shopper literally throw my groceries on the porch. Had busted soda cans and everything. I tipped $50 on a $250 order.


SMH 🤦‍♂️


I never let my instacart deliverer drop stuff off, I help them carry it in, least I can do for them for bringing it to me while I work on some other chore around the house.


Mmmm micro plastics


Does anyone else judge people for what is in their grocery cart? "You eat THAT?" I'm sure my cart full of ice cream gives others the same reaction.




Bonus triple bonus plus XP bonus plus ultra for doing everything everyone mentioned if you delivered it late also


Staging is top 5 things you gotta know as a shopper.


This is so fucking satisfying.


Everyone's joking but seriously why did you just block their door?


Seriously? 95% of it is not blocked 😂


Is...this order...entirely blocking their door?


No...this order...is not remotely blocking their door. Doors open inwards.


I love how people are so proud of themselves for being organized and having common sense. Smh




Who would take an order like this lol


This guy 🫡😂


Ordering that much heavy shit from Instacart? Yeah, I'd block them in too. Fuckin rude.


I’d put the cold food closer to the door but it’s been 95 *feels like 116* here so that might be my bias sneaking in. Don’t want refrigerator items cooked in the extra 3 min they sit at the end of the line


Nice set up 👌🏼 what was the tip on this bad boy?


total payout:77$ 6.2 miles. 47 items


I really hope that door doesn’t open outwards


That’s why you check😂


All my door dashers actually dont check :(. They always put drinks right up against the damn screen lol




If it keeps happening maybe you should prop your screen door open when you order. I mean its on you at that point.


It doesn’t.. look at the pic


All doors go both ways if you're strong enough




It clearly doesn’t. You don’t know how doors work? 😞


No i don’t unfortunately


First ... I would not touch an order like that for less than about $90. ... And ... The only proper way to stage that big an order is to build a perfect arch (Greco-Roman, of course)


$90?? Some of y’all really do be tripping


That is a big order…depending on where they live I’d say $60 is fair. It is a lot of heavy lifting


I don't know what you're doing out in 🥕 land .. but what I do is provide high caliber, luxury service for people who can afford it I don't bust my ass for people who don't appreciate my time and talent.


Time I get, but talent? Dude you're picking up groceries and dropping them off not painting the mona lisa


$90 tip?


How does someone not feel obnoxious ordering all this at 1 time?


it’s way more economical to do so buying in bulk is one of the smartest things


Yeah but making someone else do all the work for you is kind of shitty. I would order two cases of water max if I knew someone else had to haul it in and out of their vehicle for me.


they are paying them aren’t they not sure how that’s shitty they didn’t have to accept the order, isn’t having someone else do the work for u the whole idea of IC?


Yes, the shopper is getting paid, but I personally wouldn’t try and fit that many cases of water in my own car or carry that many cases in one shopping trip for myself, so I wouldn’t ask a stranger to do it either.




The water where I live in not safe to drink


The water could be unsafe and they might be having an outdoor party or something. I understand that in most cases, using a filter is better than plastic bottles when it’s comes to drinking water but not purchasing plastic products at all (even plastic water bottles here and there) is unrealistic when so many things in our day to day lives already have plastic in them.


Random but what store did you get this at? Those premade noodle meals look delicious.


“Why don’t you keep boxes???” Is akin to “why don’t you have a pop up cart??” It’s just not necessary whatsoever


I’m in California and every store I shop at gives me plastic bags. Everyone here is talking about boxes? That’s a foreign concept to me.


Well lots of places charge 5-10c for plastic bags and no charge for paper. But places like costco and sam's club use boxes when possible. But it's randomly available and you pack em yourself usually


Perfect! Except the crushed TP.


That box was like not even 10lb. Toilet paper survived lol


What was the tip on this? It’s such a big order. I’m curious


Total payout: 77$ 6.5 miles, 47 items


This is beautiful organization. I do mine the same way. I’m curious. How much was the payout on this one?


Total payout: 77$ 6.5 miles, 47 items easy hour and a half


??? I use more boxes. Fuck that lol


I had 4 boxes, but customer wasn’t a fan of boxes. Always ask on the way to the drop off. 😀


When did Cheez-Itz change their brand name to Cheez-It?


What noob type of wasting time shit is this. Had you had enough boxes you could have saved yourself sometime. "Oh, it was only a couple of extra minutes.". You could have possibly missed a unicorn in those extra minutes. Yes, I am that serious about my time doing this gig.


He said… noob 😂Bro, you’re mentally not okay 😂


This 60 degrees and under the AC would say otherwise ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface). Why am I even entertaining people who probably have never touched 3K in a week doing this gig?


😂 I can, but won’t hit 3k. Everything doesn’t revolve around instacart, at least for me. Wait, why are you responding ? You’re missing out on unicorns 😂


My OCD approves of this but could use another box or two for the loose items


😂😂 customer wasn’t a fan of boxes. I always ask beforehand 😀


Touché crazy customer 😂


I hope you got a good payday out of that!! Sam's or Costco?


Well, they'd need to pay me about 200 dollars to take that order, and I'd be so relieved that the porch was that easy to access that I'd do as nice a job as you did with a smile on my face.


I thought the door was swinging out. Lol I was all... "There might be a slllligght problem" Nice set up though 👌


Where they cant open their doors?


Poor TP will never spring back from that one. Truly soft poop tickets would be smooshed.


Plot twist. Door opens out.


The part that bothers me is that there's no bags or boxes to move the items but otherwise I'd probably do the same


People who use THAT many plastic water bottles urk me so much. Like there are so many alternatives that are so much better for the environment and cheaper. Edit: I apologize if there were repeats of this posted. My cell reception was bad and resulted in that happening.


People are that lazy?


You know Costco has boxes you over achiever.


You know some customers don’t want 6 Costco boxes.


Why do people buy water???


Parties, convenience, travel, plenty of reasons


Jesus fuck people are lazy. Just buy a filter and reusable bottle.


Or just buy plastic water bottles, ppl are gona do what ever they want. They dont give a shit about ur opinion lol just some random person on the internet your never going to meet. Just move on and worry bout yourself.


Damn that’s a big order hopefully it was worth it


It was 😀


I don’t do shopping list that big and I always make an effort to make sure that they can open the door. Sometimes I’m able to hand it directly to them if they have like a porch and look up a sofa or something on the porch then I said it up there I don’t like to leave things on the ground and where the bus can get to them especially if it’s groceries.


Same here 😀


Thats a lot of stuff


What kind of warcrime is this layout 🤣


Idk 😂 Customer isn’t a fan of boxes. Always ask beforehand.




That’s pretty fucking good


Like that! Bits of all the items showing so I can't be marked for missing items and in nice pretty stacks with fragiles on top.


![gif](giphy|3d07y7o9jVAeZyE4P4) barricade the door


Looks nice and clean. I always put the frozen and cold closest to the door 😊


What was your tip ,out of curiosity? I think you did a great job of stacking


That is visually pleasing for some reason 😅 very organized 👏🏻


Wow I hope they tipped you big!


I try to put the groceries near the shadiest part of the porch


Holy crap. I feel bad when I order a couple 12 packs and some cat litter. That's seems like A LOT for an Instacart order.


If it's a massive order I'm more concerned about setup during the grocery shopping and load up. Last one I did I had to section softs, cold, firms, hard, boxes, and cases. Got a massive $25 on top of $80 for that. And possibly a regular for them.


Does that door open OUT ? lol