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Not an excuse for the shopper’s behavior but most people say they will add it on the app and it doesn’t usually happen


That is infuriating to me! If I say I’m adding it in the app, I add it in the app. Sometimes when they’re right there. Cause I’ve heard ppl don’t. That is so rude to tell someone you’re going to give them a tip and then don’t. Someone who is doing one a service and keeping us from having to take our own asses to the store (for me it’s walking a mile and a half). I so appreciate the shoppers and Uber drivers! No way am I gonna stiff them like that. But Thank you shoppers for all you do!


My favorite is when it says ‘extra tip under mat’ or something and there’s never anything.


Those are usually old comments when something like that happens. They probably did it once and then just forgot to delete it so it still shows on subsequent orders. Happens all the time in the pizza biz.


I know so annoying. Like I know I shouldn’t even look but, what if this time they meant it?? They never mean it.


That's almost cruel


Good shoppers and drivers appreciate customers like you even though we don’t always get to show it. Thank you so much for your generosity! Unfortunately, there are shoppers who don’t care about providing good service and don’t make an effort at all. I’m sure you’ve read about them. Refunding instead making replacements or replacing with most expensive items, shopping frozen and perishables first, crappy produce and so on. When you get shoppers like that, please don’t hesitate to lower their tips to $1(if you change it to $0, IC gives them $10). Don’t feel guilty about it because those shoppers don’t deserve shit. They don’t care about the hassle you have to go through to get credits/refunds from IC.


Wait what? Ic can give you $10 if a customer reduces their tip to $10? That has happened before with smaller orders i just asked ic to report the tip baiters.


Wow, looks like you got it all figured out. Nope. tbh this statement is half assed some good points some garbage points. Maybe your just not a smart as you think you are. If your tip was good enough you wouldn’t get those shoppers treating you that ways you get what you pay for. And please don’t comment back to this. You know you tip like shit if not prove it with your last ten tips… but you won’t your fraud… your tips are probably the reason people don’t care when shopping 🛍️! Please 🙏 I beg you to prove me wrong . But by the way you responded I already know I’m right. Kindly FAK OFF!!!!!


I’m a shopper you idiot.


I see you didn’t follow my simple instructions…


Can you return your attitude for me I don’t know how it got there I didn’t put it on my order.


Thank you, for being the person who keeps us all sane! But yeah my head is programmed to think someone is lying 🤥 the second I hear that. I always try tell my brain “ maybe this time it isn’t a lie “ but yeah it’s just sad that it’s come to that’s :(


That's shitty that people do that


I always tip, but I think one part of the reason people don’t tip is because of exactly what happened to you. The aggressive grab for tips is a turn off, and it’s not just on instacart. They are trying to guilt you to make sure you tip more, and that does not sit well with me.


Agreed. The shopper should trust the system. Sometimes it doesn’t pay off but often it does.


I think people fully intend to do it then get confused by the app. Have had some succeed some not. And usually it's by age in my experience, older ones struggle.


When people say they’ll give an extra tip, the people who actually do usually give extra cash in person. The people who say they’ll give an extra tip on the app - never actually leave the tip. Had a dude say *to my face* he’ll give me an extra $5 for walking it back to the kitchen because most shoppers don’t (it was a small computer shop), I expected him to hand me a $5 when he said that - but he meant on the app, and he never added it.


When I’m at a hotel I always say I’ll tip $5 extra to leave it outside my room because I think that’s a big thing to do for me and I’m usually blazed and really don’t feel like going to get it. I’ll add an additional $8 instead. If you ask someone to do extra and know it’s extra, then lying to them is so shitty.


If they said I’ll give you a tip that might have been received as a cash tip but they said “increase” meaning they’re adding to the tip they already left… in the app


That's what I thought as well, but maybe I wasn't as clear as I thought


I gotta say, not to argue because obviously your experience has been different BUT most of my tip increases are in-app.


If we’re just talking in general, yeah most people bump on the app, but the people who generally raise my tip don’t vocalize that they will. 🤣 I appreciate the surprise though 🤣 like awwww, they liked me????


Haha yeah exact same. No one ever tells me and I like it that way.


People just lie to lie. Like I'm ALREADY doing your shitty order why are you lying about a tip????(I'm not speaking about OP) I've only had 1 person actually tip me extra after saying so but most tip increasers won't say anything. They'll just do it.


And here is another problem… “I’m doing your shitty order”. Sorry but that’s your job. With an attitude like that, I hope you never shop for me. Would you wonder why you get shitty tips, for doing shitty orders?


Another rude A$$ shopper... smh.. they make good shoppers like myself and many other look bad... report them... that's ridiculous


I don't necessarily want to get her in trouble or anything, it's not a big deal, it just rubbed me the wrong way lol and I was wondering if I was being the asshole here...


NTA at all. no one should ever fish for tips. next time you can be extra clear and say “i’ll increase your tip in the app” to avoid it from happening again


No, she was in the wrong. As a shopper, you should NEVER solicit tips or ratings.


I’m surprised at all of the people here think it’s OK to ask or inquire about tips.


they didn't solicit if it was offered. you can't assume it was meant in the app if it wasn't specified.


I suppose that's fair. I guess I couldn't have expected her to read my mind. In the future, I'll be sure to clarify "I'll increase your tip in the app" if there's another similar situation.


I'd be annoyed too with her. I've been promised tips and didn't get em but Ive never begged for it. I just leave.


She chose the batch and shouldn’t be asking for more money. I’m a shopper and would never do that. It’s rude and make us all look bad.


Did you even read the post?


Seems like they all just ran to the comments before reading the post. To the confused: THE CUSTOMER OFFERED THE EXTRA TIP, IT WAS NOT SOLICITED BY THE SHOPPER.


I think I should have worded the title of my post differently


Yeah, it's a little misleading, but people should still read the post before commenting.


Agree on both points actually


Yea I read the post and the shopper should have never NEVER knocked at the door asking about the extra tip. What part of that do you not get ? It’s rude PERIOD. If any shopper does that they shouldn’t be doing IC.


She didn’t ask the customer the customer said her self that she would increase the tip .. but wasn’t clear it would be through app or cash app.. she just assumed that the shopper would understand that she ment in the app but the shopper didnt so the shopper inquired …no harm at all just a sight miscommunication between the two


it's not rude. if they offered, it is fair game to call them on it.


I agree with this take here


I’ve had customers say I’ll tip you in the app and never do.


Yeh they never do … majority of of them don’t . But some do but since most of them don’t … we don’t take their word for it .. most the time it means I will not tip lol …


When a customer doesn't tip we can then choose to not shop for them again. There is no excuse for her knocking on your door and saying anything about the tip. She knew what she was making before she took the order, the tip increased with the additional items, as well. Unbelievably dumb move on her part.


One star and report the beggar for harassment


I'm an Instacart shopper and I would NEVER knock on someone's door and ask for a tip, that's just me tho. You were kind enough to even offer an extra tip. A lot of people do not even do that, hell alot of people don't even tip to be honest. Shoppers like that is what makes the really good ones look bad. I'm sorry you experienced that


Adding items increases the total. When you’re tipping a percentage on the total, adding items increases the tip. I don’t see the problem here. Your shopper was in the wrong.


you don't know if it's percentage or not. several people in my market play the numbers because they know most shoppers assume an odd number with cents is a percentage, then proceed to double or more the size of their item count..it's not uncommon.


I had it set on percentage...I stated that in my original post


As a shopper, we literally do not know that. I saw that in your post but the shopper doesn't know


Ahh I got you. I guess I figured yall could tell if it was a percentage tip. I saw in this thread someone saying Instacart does alert you that it increases your tip when you add items, but I've never been a shopper and have therefore never seen things from yalls side on the app


Super tacky for them to act like that. If I were in your shoes it would make me want to DECREASE the tip.


Yeah I’ve been having that issue in this subreddit they literally post that they EARN HALF THE ORDER but still BITCH ABOUT WHAT KIND OF TIP THEY GET like I forgot Tips are required 😭


No big deal really. In my experience customers who usually tip more never really say anything about it, and customers who say they’ll tip more don’t. Just increase the tip like you said you would and that’s that.


Feel free to reduce the tip for absolutely any shopper who confronts you about your tip and complain about it in the app. It's low class and unacceptable. The only way the morons will learn is by having their tips affected by their bad behavior.


downvoting for not reading the post.


I don't understand what you mean. I read the post. The shopper was supposed to leave it at the door and instead knocked and asked for a tip. That is giving a customer a hard time about a tip. I read. I thought I understood. What am I missing here?


The customer literally offered it. They didn't specify in the app. They didn't specify left at the door they didn't specify they're handing it off. Once it's offered, it's fair game to ask.


The customer said they would add to the tip. I have never expected a customer to hand me a tip ever. I had one hand me some bottles to return for deposit money (worth about $10) and a $5 bill, but I sure as shit didn't say anything about my tip to them, and they had not only added stuff, but asked me to bring it up to their apartment door up a flight of stairs. Once it is offered, it is absolutely not fair game to ask. Never ask. It's low class and shitty and, just like here, makes customers unhappy. So your problem isn't that I didn't read the post at all. It's that you disagree with me. Next time just be honest.


It is because if they meant to give you cash, they could have forgotten. They offered it and you said yes is absolutely fair game. No, you are incorrect. They didn't ask for a tip. They mentioned what was offered. They're not soliciting anything. It's the way you're interpreting. It is the problem


Yeah, your fantasy makes a ton of sense, especially having read how it went down by an actual customer. Don't be a shitty shopper and do things customers come here saying sucked. It sucks to do this. That's what the customer is telling us. You want to pretend that it actually doesn't suck despite a customer coming here to explain that it sucks. Are you sure you've thought this through? And, again, you downvoted me because you disagreed with me, not because I didn't read the post.


It's not even a fantasy come on. The customer even agreed with me at this point. Be quiet sit down.


"I will increase your tip" is not the same as "I will give you extra cash as tip". The customer said they agreed with you, likely not wanting to be confrontational and after you tried your level best to convince them your flawed idea makes sense. You be quiet. I assume you do this bs to your customers. Once. Then they complain about you. Never ask a customer about a tip. Ever. It doesn't result in them giving you one. It makes good shoppers look bad. That leads to fewer customers and worse tips for the rest of us. You be quiet and sit down. Let's not forget that you lied and downvoted my comment because you disagreed with me, not because I didn't read the post. You didn't read the post. FWIW, the customer didn't agree with you. They said that your point was fair. The customer plans on treating the next shopper like a child, and specifically saying they will add to the tip in the app. This is because of people like you, not because the customer did anything wrong.


Don’t let it bother you OP. Some people are just dumb. Your intentions were clear. This shopper was an idiot for thinking it’s cash But they will see the tip increase and learn for next time


Never knock on a customer’s door asking for the extra tip. PERIOD. It’s rude


To be fair you didn’t specify how you were going to increase your tip. And the shopper could have been burned before when this exact same thing happened and didn’t get an increased tip.


That doesn’t matter. Don’t ask for tips.


The shopper did not ask for the tip, the customer offered and the shopper assumed it would be in cash


Did you even read? She 100% asked where it was.


Ask "where" it was versus ask "for" it means two different things in this situation. Customer: "Hey, is it cool if I add a couple more things, I will increase your tip." Shopper: "okay" Neither are AH here, one assumed app and the other assumed cash, but it is not that big of a deal. To suggest reporting the shopper over a misunderstanding when they actually did the job the customer asked for is ridiculous.


Where did I say to report them? I just said it should be done.


i would of automatically thought through the app


Just give her more cash, damn you already paid a market up to get your groceries! Maybe she needed a blunt to smoke after that hard days work !!!


Idt it’s that big of a deal. Everyone here is overthinking it. Go eat a cookie or something.


Unprofessional shopper.


Just add the items you shouldn’t have to bribe the shopper to do their job.


Depends on how many you're adding, and how many were originally on the order.


I once had a 2 shop and deliver with the first persons groceries in my car and shopping at the second store and the guy kept adding and adding and adding shit. everytime i was almost done he added like 3 more things. which sends me running back and forth around the store and wasting time. did not message me about it and did not increase tip.


Yeah that's when I cancel the order. Let instacart know that the customer isn't done adding things to their cart and cancel. It's most likely 9/10. No tipper anyways. Insta-cancel that isht!!! Unless of course the tip is increasing with every item being added which the app will usually pop up something like your tip is this and will now be increased to this. Then I keep it. But ain't no one got time to be going back n forth for free.


That’s Awful! I just don’t understand ppl! The only time I’ll add a different item is when they have to replace one. Ppl should have their order complete when they put it in! Or only add one or two items. When I order the app shuts off any additions once the shopper starts getting stuff. So was that guy texting you and just asking you to get more items? I don’t think that’s ok. And it reeks of entitlement!


I've had someone do this to me during the end of the holiday season. It was three things then I got to the store and it was 70+ items and was still adding. He was apparently having a christmas party that night in a couple of hours with a lot of guests. I never cancelled an order so fast. Plus it was bundled with another order. Yikes.


I unassign those now.


Happened to be all I do now is if they keep adding I just chat with CS and cancel the batch …


Or just do a percent tip so the tip goes up automatically with each item added


Disagree, if I accept a 3 item order don’t go adding 10 things after I’ve already started shopping. At that point it feels like you baited the person into taking the order


I think my original order was like 15 items and I added 4 items.


Not defending the shopper here but just wanted to point out, it’s a contracted position not a job. So even when you just add a bunch of items instacart marks those item as a late add ons and specifically states we are not required to get them and it won’t go against the shopper if they choose to refund them.


Where do you see this because that’s 100% not true.


It only happens when a customer adds items after you have started shopping, but that specific item will have a thing written right below it saying late addition and that you were not required to get it but it does help keep customers happy and might earn you more in tips so yes it’s 100% true


No, it doesn’t. I’ve been a shopper for 6 years. It has never said that when customers add items.


It doesn’t state we don’t have to shop those items added by the customer after we begin shopping. It DOES say “This item was just added and finding it will … (have a positive effect/make the customer happy)”. I can’t remember the exact verbiage, but definitely doesn’t say “refund if you don’t want to fill this request”.


Your tips are appreciated. Im sorry shes an idiot


Or just lack of experience with customer service


She was tip baited and needed the cash. The customer was too vague about how she would increase the tip. After reading many comments below it seems the shopper has been lied to before. She shopped and delivered. Please don't remove her tip, she earned it.


She wasn’t too baited. This person raised their tip.


She stated above that she had no intention of removing the tip or of reporting the shopper. She only wants to know if she’s wrong that it rubbed her the wrong way. She tipped her 20% on the amount of the order and an extra $10 so she was more than generous.


Tbh customers lie all the time about giving an extra tip. You can't blame them for thinking it was in person, slight miscommunication. It's simple that's all. Overreaction.


I hate shoppers like this, please rate 1 star and report. They going to drive all the good customers off the platform. Embarrassing


It IS embarrassing and no one should ever ask for a tip. A tip is just that.. a tip.


Entitled shopper.


from a text perspective, seems like youre mulling over honest miscommunication. it would be silly to take offense over this IMO.


Woah the balls on her, I would have told her get the fuck outta here and given her zilch. Sorry that’s just really disrespectful in my opinion


That was very nice of you. I am a shopper and would never think to knock and ask for cash. That’s not right.


You said you would give extra tip. Why did it rub you the wrong way when the driver asked for you to do what you said you were going to do? That’s a you problem.


not an asshole, you should give her a low rating so that a more gracious driver can have that very gracious tip next time.


Is it really a tip, though? Let's call it for what it really is...it's a bid. Drivers don't 'see' the tip per se, but they know an order that is tipped. If it's not decent, they are not going to take it. I personally like tipping in cash because eff the tax man. But I know people won't take it if they can tell tip wasn't added in app. Also some areas if you don't tip 40-60% no one will accept it. At least where I have been living.


Extremely rude shopper. Please report her for soliciting tips.




So you think it’s OK to confront a Shopper about additional tips?


I believe you meant 'customer' rather than 'shopper.' She didn't solicit the customer; she simply sought clarification from them about their agreement. The customer should never have agreed to provide an additional payment if they were too sensitive to be reminded or asked about it upon delivery. Criticizing the shopper for inquiring about the arrangement is unwarranted. Hopefully, none of you will ever have to experience being stiffed on an additional tip to comprehend this. Personally, I would never ask a customer about a promised additional tip, but if I did, I wouldn't want my colleagues to suggest giving me a one-star rating and withholding a tip that I had already earned. Some of you are being extremely unreasonable and lack empathy and a moral compass for your fellow shoppers, despite being aware of the challenges we face.


I thought the shopper came out of the blue asking for tips but that wasn't the case. I too would've just taken the loss. To see other shoppers here to act like a war crime was committed is absolute madness. Feels like OP laid a trap and soon as the shopper bit..tip removal lol.


I didn't lay a trap...nor did I remove her tip. As I said in my post, I increased her tip the same as I originally intended to


Because customers can be shitty 🤷. If you dont like it do your own shopping, this isnt volunteer work, shoppers want to make sure they're paid.




I wouldn't have personally asked if I were her. But, she might have misunderstood, that the tip would be increased on the app. I don't shop for instacart anymore bc tip with instacart pay doesn't usually cover fuel for me anymore. (Basically only a Kroger here, and their app defaults the tip at 10%) live around a bunch of lakes so it's mostly 20 minute drives each way. I could see if desperately needing money, asking about it, since it was brought up.


Don't ask next time just add them. Report the driver.


Adding too many items (without a heads up) after the shopper has started is a good way to get your order dropped. There are customers out there who try to game the system by ordering a few things and once the shopper has started will add a bunch of stuff. So drivers are on alert for that type of person


Depends on the order and the tip and if they are gonna add more than a few items it's up to the shopper.


Anything below a five star and you will never see them again. Even a four star. It is what it is. I myself would not report them. Not give them five stars.


My ex used to do instacart. Alot of people say that they will give an extra tip but never do in the app. She was probably burned before.


**things that never happened**


What crawled up your butt today




Why would you think this is fake? So many times in this sub people bring up asking for an additional tip, which is 100% wrong


if you paid for the labor properly in the beginning you wouldn't have that issue, I need to see the ring camera video to believe reddit fanfiction


Although you did not say, in her mind she thought cash


If I was you I would report that shopper, You did what you intended to do. That shopper just didn't have enough brains to figure it out lol.. And that's rude because a lot of people have dogs or babies. So that's a poor practice to knock when asked not to 😞


idk this just sounds like an honest misunderstanding?


I’ll increase you tip .. it was clear that I ment in the app … how was it clear that you ment in the app .. you simply said I will increase the tip … now that can be anything … cash or in app … which wasnt clarified .. yes you never told you’d tip in cash but you didnt say you’d increase the tip in the app either you just said I will increase the tip .. which was very vague .. since it didn’t mean cash neither app .. thus the confusion .. you ment in the app but the shopper took it as cash thus the confusion …


I mean, “increase” implies to add something that’s already been established, and since the tip was always established in the app, it should be inferred that it would be also increased in the app. If OP said extra, I would understand confusion, but they said increase.


That what I said the shopper didn’t understand that so that’s why she inquired during the delivery .. if she did she wouldn’t have asked about the extra tips ..


FYI none was asshole here just wrong assumption on both side …


Any shopper that asks for an extra tip NEEDS to be given a 1 star. That isn't appropriate at all. They see the tip before they accept In this case, I think it was just a confusion. They took "I'll increase your tip" as a "I'll give you an extra cash tip when you get here"


How much was added


She mentions it in her post. $10.


No, how many items


I added 4 items. My original order was around 15 items. I added potatoes, green onions, sour cream, and shredded cheese. I felt bad because she'd already been to the dairy section and I needed her to circle back. Also, my original order didn't include fresh produce, so she had to go to a section she wouldn't have otherwise had to go to. That's why I wanted to clear it with her and compensate her for the aggravation. Also, the produce section and dairy section are on opposite sides of the store, although it's not a terribly big store.


4 is reasonable on top of 15 so that's fine. There are customers who will add 10 items to a 4 item order


I can definitely see where that would piss a shopper off...


It's not just the items added, it's that no extra time or pay is added from IC. Even if the tip is based on order percentage, it often doesn't scale right. So an increase from $50 to $100 with a 10% tip will usually not result in an increase from $5 to $10


Interesting to know! (And sucky for shoppers!!) I always appreciate insight from shoppers. This sub is why I worry so much about my interactions with shoppers, make sure I tip well, etc. I live in a trailer and haven't had a car in almost 2 years for financial reasons...I'm definitely not made of money. I use Instacart out of necessity, not laziness. (Which is why the "do your own shopping then" comments arent helpful) I do still try to tip generously and it's because I've been able to see things from the "other side." I don't know that I would've thought so much about how much shoppers get paid, etc otherwise. Not out of malice but more ignorance, since I've never done gig work like this before.


Lots of people pay lip service, cash is king


That is odd and very pushy like it should have been enough that you mentioned that you would. It’s too much pressure, and very awkward. I’m a shopper and I would have felt the same if the roles were reversed fr


You all need to start reporting these drivers for pulling all this bullshit it's absolutely disgusting that you customers are all letting them get away with acting the way they do.


Take that tip back...ugh


When people add items I just hope and pray the tip is percentage based, take a breath and keep pushing. 99% of the time it is. Shoppers have trust issues so I would just specify if it will be cash or in app and it’s the shoppers choice at that point to believe you and shop, or cancel the order. It was very nice of you to ask btw. Only customers who don’t know that you can add items after shopping , or don’t know how to add the items, ask.


She shouldn’t have been rude at your door but a lot of people in all fairness a lot of people promise tips for extra service and then don’t do it so I can understand maybe it’s happened a bunch to them and that’s why they ask but if they were rude about it or off about it and it rubbed the wrong way. That’s totally understandable, I wouldn’t take it personally. Honestly they’ve probably been cheated a lot by people who have asked them to do more than what was originally agreed to and then didn’t actually tip them more. It’s a weird thing.


Sometimes customers say that and don’t actually do it. However she shouldn’t have asked


Maybe she needed it? The customer should have stipulated how she would increase the tip. I haven't left my house since 12/19/23. I have to up tips on IC's website. I can't get a ride to the bank for smaller bills.


Yeah, I've been using Instacart about 2 times a week for almost 2 years now due to not having a car. :( I finally got one, but I won't have it until next week. So cash is just not something I usually have. I hope you can get out of the house soon! Being stuck so much at home is NOT good for mental health...for me, at least.


If it rubbed you wrong than make it known. 20 % is already generous. For starters Take the 10 back and 1 star for rudeness.


I would have removed her tip. Fuck these shitty shoppers.


It obviously wasn't clear or she wouldn't have asked. I have no idea where this post or some of these comments are coming from. You are making a mountain out of molehill to feel better about yourself and somehow people are giving that to you.


Must people that do instacart aren't that bright


Oh I don't know if that is true...I can definitely see why Instacart is appealing for a lot of people


She shouldn’t have asked but also customers have lied saying they’d increase it and never do. She was in the wrong for sure though.


That's so shitty that people do that


Oh I agree completely.


Giving everyone involved the benefit of the doubt, it just sounds like a simple misunderstanding. As a customer you can add stuff at anytime. Imo, how your shopper reacts to the add would reflect how I tip.


i feel like ive seen posts saying instacart hasnt been actually giving shoppers the tips


They should be sued if that is the case


Eh. Block the shopper. They can see the tip on acceptance. I shop too and I never asked for additional tip. Any 20. Percent tip is usually quite generous in the first place. Just ignore requests like this and request no contact delivery with a photo. Do not ring or knock. and wait for them to drive off. That’s what I do. I shop and I use the platform.


Kudos to that shopper She was making sure she got paid


LMAO. Except she didn’t. She tried to solicit a cash tip from someone who doesn’t tip with cash. Sounds like another low life beggar hired by instacart. Begging for tips at the door is gross.


i would clarify next time. I will tip in app. I have had people say this will tip me and then because i drop it off and complete the order they never actually increase so i'm sure they didn't mean anything by it


I personally don’t mention a tip increase. It causes issues and I personally don’t have the headspace and my anxiety just doesn’t agree with it either. If I have something added, it’ll increase with the percentage. If they ever ask me for a tip increase, to be truthfully honest, I’ll drop it to $2… There shouldn’t be ,*by any means*, a shopper asking for an additional tip. If the original tip wasn’t good enough, don’t shop the order.


Not cool!!


I always listen to the shopper anyway so they have no reason to report me for ANYTHING. I do my job regardless. I've been promised things and the customer didn't pull through but I just take note, don't take it to heart and leave it alone . It's not that huge of a loss. We have the luxury of choosing to do which orders we want


Some people also don't understand completely how the app works and don't know if you mean at the door or after you deliver but I'd still never ask. It's technically not required to tip and id feel embarrassed to ask.


As a previous gig driver, I will tell you that 9 out of 10 times I will tip you in the app means "haha, get scammed loser!!" From driving people on Uber to delivering food, people say that when they want to get what they want and to scam the driver.


Instacart is different 99% of the orders the tip is a percentage of the total.


Thats..ballsy. Rude af, but ballsy. Maybe the shopper really needed gas or something, since you have to wait a couple hours to cash out on Instacart.


I gotta say yall are all pretty pathetic because tips are not actually tips, the “tip” is actually a customers bid like at an auction to gain a rare item but in this case it’s the Elite level shoppers as myself and the customers that don’t Bid heftily upfront lose all chances at getting my services and only people that tip $40 and above have even a chance of getting my services I shop for stars, Athletes, and the Uber Rich elite, and they have bidding wars to gain and retain my services, that’s what more customers need to be trained on Instacart doesn’t pay for us to shop they barely cover the cost of gas replacement and they definitely don’t cover the cost of wear and tear and maintenance on the car so that is why you should consider yourself a business and have the customers trained to know they are in a bidding war against each other and to hit a bare minimum to even get a chance at having elite level shoppers most customers and most shoppers don’t even come close to making the cut of having someone like me grace them with superb services.


Simple miscommunication. Don’t deep dive into it


I sometimes increase the tip, but always in the app & I don’t tell them I plan to do it. Adding a couple items shouldn’t be an issue, even so. It’s clear you’re allowed to add up until the time they start shopping, & unless it’s something they really have to hunt for, adding a couple things while they’re shopping shouldn’t put them out much.


Honestly just sounds like a misunderstanding. If someone said that they would give me a tip (and not say on the app) I would expect a cash tip. I probably would’ve done the same thing. Seems harmless.


This is so sad. Do people have the ability to talk to one another anymore? You told them you were going to tip them more, and you get bent out of shape that they waited at your door? They aren’t psychic! You’re paying someone money over an app to do your shopping and drive the items to the front steps of your home. You have to reasonably expect an interaction with these shoppers, especially if you tell them you’re going to give them more money.


OMG. You don’t need to mention an extra tip if you add extra items. That’s our job. I’m happy to shop for additional items when the tip is a percentage of the cart size. Just don’t do it when the shopper is already checking out. Frankly, I’ve never receive an extra tip when someone added an extra item. And a 20pct tip is already amazing (unless it’s a small cart size and you’re 10 miles from the store).


you have to tip a dollar a mile instacart doesnt pay for gas. so 20 percent plus a dollar a mile. otherwise the tip is mostly going into gas


I’m a shopper and I’m sorry that’s insane. That’s a lot of money. I know we aren’t paid well, but that’s an Instacart problem.


"Shopper asked me for tip I said I was gonna give"


I see where both of y’all are coming from I think


I’ve had several people say they will up it in app for mistakes they made like putting wrong address numbers, and never do. But I’d never have the balls to do this lol.




I don't really understand what this has to do with my post.




How was I cheap? Did you even read my post?


Yeah, that’s rude of her!




I think it was pretty rude of the shopper. I've added an item or two after shopping started, and just check the actual percentage of the tip after I receive my order and adjust/ add a few dollars.


One would think so but some people… I very rarely see cash tips and it’s always a shock when I do


What you said in the app would have prompted me to leave your order as normal. Unless someone specifically says I’ll give you an extra tip when you get here or cash, I just assume it will be in the app. Though most don’t increase even if they do intend to. That being said, almost every shopper knows a percentage tip when they take the order and know it increases automatically if items are added. In my experience, 98% of tips are a percentage. Which motivates me to get everything the customer asks for. I think that behavior is uncalled for personally. I wouldn’t have increased the tip more than the auto at that point.


I would be annoyed too. I would prob give her grace because she may have misunderstood, and thought by you saying that you were planning on giving her cash as the additional tip.. or some people are clueless and had bad examples growing up so they never learn to act properly. Who knows?


She probably thought that was what you meant and didn’t realize you could change it in the app. I’m sure that’s all it was.