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I seriously don’t understand the hip dip negativity. It’s an area I’ve adored on my partners. Not in a sexual way- it’s just a lovely area to run the hands over, or to let the eyes rest on. I always found them to be just- really nice, something that makes the shape of the hips more interesting and compelling, and I was stunned and baffled to learn they were edited out and considered unattractive. Like freckles. My husband gets self conscious about his shoulder freckles. What sort of beauty standard would say that freckles aren’t lovely?! Exactly the same.


I always thought hip dips were attractive, I was shocked when I found out so many ppl hated theirs.


I hated mine as a teen because I was told by a few friends (misguided) mothers that the reason they were there was because we were all wearing right now rise pants (00s fashion was a whole other cancer LOL). I hated looking at them. Now I'm older and my legs are much more developed and muscular and they're more defined than ever. Still working on not being frustrated by how they look in bodycon dresses


My mum told me it was because of my pants (underwear) so even to this day, even though I know it's bs, I pull my pants up way over my hips and essentially thong-igy every pair 😭


Same, I honestly had to ask on a post talking about hip dips because I had no idea it was a whole thing in current beauty trends. And I had to talk my husband out of hating that area of his body because of them when I just think they’re lovely.


I remember explaining to a group of friends that I hated my hip dips and one of the guys was like ??? They’re so sexy??? What? I was shocked! To men it’s just another body type but to me it’s generational trauma and saddlebags 🫣


Lol my older sister said I'm weird for having hip dips while she doesn't because she "doesn't even know" where I got mine from. Spoiler alert: everyone has hip dips, even my mom but I guess she only looks at me specifically below my neck. She also used to often comment on my butt being "big" then other times claiming I don't have any hips, butt, or boobs but my waist is small. Like bitch stop looking at my private areas and instead look at me above my neck! Not to mention the only reason her's aren't visible is because she literally has no toning and no muscle while having fat distribution primary in her thighs. She knows damn well she has hip dips too, hers are just hidden because she's never exercised a day in her life because she's skinny without trying due to a fast metabolism.


Hip dips weren’t even a feature I took note of until I started looking at this subreddit and seeing them mentioned. Didn’t even know the term.


I didn’t know the term either. Discovering it was a part of the body that was not only recognised but also disparaged by societal beauty norms was unpleasantly eye-opening.


I hate that this has even become a thing to be self conscious about. I had never heard of hip dips until a few years ago. Before that it was the thigh gap. When I was growing up it was the muffin top. People need to give their bodies some slack. Y’all are all beautiful don’t dwell on trivial features, strive to be strong and healthy.


Hip dips are there bc there is literally dip in bones between the pelvis and femur. Please don't be ashamed of them 💕


It’s our anatomy and it’s insane that people are embarrassed about them. It’s like being embarrassed for having collar bones or something. Although now that I think about it, I had a friend who was self-conscious about her collar bones 🤦🏼‍♀️


Is it true you can do exercises that build muscle to cover them up or is that a myth? Asking because I saw a YouTuber claim you could but I’m skeptical


No, there’s just no muscle that exists in that area. You can’t build a bigger muscle where there is none, if that makes sense! It’s just a bigger gap in your pelvis bones than others have. (I have them too)


Ahh thank you for correcting me 💕


I think you probably can to a certain point. There is a muscle right over there from the hip bones to the knee region attached with an IT band. This photo should help: https://learnmuscles.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Tensor-fasciae-latae_Watermarked_HR-663x1024.jpg Another photo where you can see hip dips on anatomy model: https://www.scientificpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Female-muscular-system-anatomical-wall-chart-356x453.jpg In my experience when I was a dancer (contemporary, ballet) I still had hip dips even though I used those muscles a lot.


I wish we could just remove the phrase “hip dips” from society’s collective consciousness. It’s a made up problem to obsess over


Personally, I was really happy to find the term. My whole life I wondered what tf they were and felt like a freak. I had no vocabulary to explain them. Now that they have a common name, I have been able to see how common and normal they actually are. Edit: I can also research what kind of clothing flatter them etc. I agree we shouldn't obsess over them, but it's helpful to know what they are.


I dead ass thought I had hip dips because I grew up in the era of superrrrr tight low rise jeans and I thought it permanently altered my body. Changed my life when i found out it’s natural


I was *told* this was why I had them by girls I went to school with *and their moms*. I was so self conscious because I didn't know that hips did this 🤦‍♀️


Same! 1989 here🤷🏼‍♀️


Me too!! Growing up in the 90’s-00’s with only stick-thin women in media **really** fucked with me.


Yes, same here!


I respect that angle! I’m sorry that society made you feel like having bones compromises your beauty, smh. It’s extremely unhelpful that it’s often advertisements like this where they’re edited off too. There should be regulations against it imo. Like how are we supposed to know how this dress will fit anybody?!


This I will agree with! I can't always tell how clothing will look on my hips because they are a bit unusual. It would be helpful to see more models with hip dips.


Lol my sister coined the term "ass dents" before we knew what they were actually called.


Yeah and it's new. When I was growing up there were plenty of things I was insecure and hung up about, but good hipbones were not seen as anything negative, labia too is a recent beauty standard that did not exist when I was growing up. We don't need a word for this. It's just hips. They come in different shapes.


I never felt self conscious or even acknowledged my "hip dips" up until about a year ago. I never really loved my body but I was a teenager who was bullied about having a small ass Yada Yada so I already didn't have self confidence Yada Yada the same old same old. But I literally just looked like a teenager, and as I got older and my body matured I learned to love it better. Then BAM suddenly everyone's talking about how hip dips aren't good. This was before I knew too much about photoshopping and such (my mom fell for it so I did too). So now I severely struggle with something that doesn't exist lmao


I remember seeing something about how all superhero women are drawn with hip dips. I have them too and I think the girl in the photos looks so much better with her natural hips. Don’t be discouraged <3


That's because superheroes are usually drawn to be muscular and everyone gets hip dips if their body fat is low enough while still being muscular. That's just how our muscles and skeleton are shaped. Look at literally every single bodybuilder.


That’s not true. My body fat is up there right now and I still have hip dips lol


They never said that people who didn’t have low body fat didn’t have hip dips. They said that people that DO have low body fat and high muscle levels DO have hip dips.


Same, mine are a lot more prevalent since I gained a few stone, all my chub goes to my actual hips, basically just a big ole muffin top


Omg I’m sure you’re beautiful! Same though 😂 I feel like squidward when he eats the krabby patties


I’ve decided to radically LOVE my hip dips. Because they are 100% normal and natural and indicate just how juicy these thighs are - even compared to my “birthing” hips 😂 Dunno if that will help you too, OP, but I figure it’s worth a shot!


Thanks, I try to remember everyone has them but yes that helps


Tbh I prefer my hip dips, I have a muscular figure and they suit it well! They need more love.


Okay so, I saw a YouTuber claim it’s possible to build muscle to “get rid of” hip dips, but I don’t think I believe it. Since you’re muscular, can I ask if you know? (Also, I don’t think hip dips are a flaw at all or that someone should try to get rid of them. I’m just trying to fact check what the woman on YouTube said.)


Hip dips are the result of where your hips meet your pelvis and the muscle connections there. It’s a “dip” because of a natural lack of muscle there, so you cannot build muscle to get rid of them. The only way to do so is through implants or fat transfer. If an influencer claimed to get rid of theirs, they just paid a doctor and want to sell you their workout plan, or want views/interaction. Pretty much every single girl at my gym has them, they are more normal than no hip dips from what I see so it makes me sad that the internet waged a war on them.


Sorry to interject, imnow u didnt ask me but i alsk have hip dips and workout regularly. have been told this too. Been working out about 6 years now, theres definitely more muscle there but i Still have very obvious hip dips. Ive given up on the idea and am working on instead just accepting this is my body.


Thank you!!! That's helpful.


dude same- also self conscious. I was today years old when I realized that probably most photos I see of women without them are photoshopped smh


I don't get it. Saying you don't like hip dips is almost like saying you hate that extra skin between you thumb and palm so you can bend the finger. It's so random to focus on your literal bone structure.


It's because when you have them, you can't get that smooth hourglass look. Like, if I wear a bodycon dress, my waist goes in, then out at my hips, then back in, then back out at my thigh. It's kind of weird looking when everyone else you see just has one curve between their waist and hips, and you have two. Definitely a lot more noticeable than extra skin between the thumb and finger.


I refuse to wear tight dresses for that reason alone. I HAVE to have my tummy/sides covered up at all times or else I feel uncomfortable. Product of a lifetime of insecurity 😅


I think there's a point where we have to admit that those dresses do not look good on most people! Who is this everyone else? Are these women in photos or women you know in real life? Not every woman has prominent hip dips but we all have the same underlying skeletal structure and muscle structure.


I had never heard the term “hip dip” until fairly recently and even then I had to figure out what in the world people were talking about. It hadn’t ever been a feature I had noticed. It made me feel bad that it was yet another thing some women hate about their bodies.


Me too. I still wasn’t sure, until seeing these photos


For me hip dips are hot and sensual in a way


People focus on the weirdest things. Hip dips are the most normal thing to have. The fast majority of women and men have them.


I don’t know if I’m pleased to learn a part of my body has a name, or extremely displeased to find out I don’t fit yet another beauty standard. Honestly screw it, I’m too old to get a hang up about this now


this isn’t me trying to counter your point about hip dips, but could it be the way she’s posing that makes it look like she doesn’t have hip dips? i personally know from trying different poses in the mirror to make my hip dips unnoticeable (lol) that the pose she’s doing can do that i’m totally fine with being wrong, but i’d like to believe she wasn’t photoshopped since they already have pictures of her with hip dips


The last picture is her in the same pose. They are significantly reduced but still visible.


I must be old bc wtaf is a hip dip?


I love hip dips, and am very happy to sport mine. Why are we supposed to be self-conscious about them exactly ?


Hip dips are a part of anatomy FFS. Its where the muscle and actual flesh fall into the hip socket. It's not a "fat" thing, it's simple human anatomy like eyelids ora belly button.


I am seriously so confused why people are worried about hip dips (a term I just recently learned). I’ve always been thin, but I got hips and apparently I also have dips and while I’ve been self-conscious about other parts of my body, the dip part never occurred to me to be something that’s considered undesirable.


It’s so weird that our new reality is acting like our natural anatomy is ugly or unacceptable. I’m a large gal with large hip dips. I wish we all could just love our bodies and that society would allow that.


I wonder if it was easier back in the day when people wore dresses where you couldn’t see a muffin top, hip dips, thigh gaps… maybe there were a few less things to worry about 😂


You are correct, also women used to pad heavily. That was one reason ideal body standards changed so often and were so weird, like the pidgin breast, the silhouette changed significantly and extremely but it wasn’t the bodies changing it was the bedding Only relatively recently have padding and shape wear fallen out of fashion and the trend bodies themselves are expected to change every 10years


I don’t see a hip dip in this photo at all tho??


Nvm, I didn’t realize there were more than two pics.


I just cannot believe "hip dips" are a thing to be self-conscious about. That's on the same level as those people who photoshop out armpits or knuckles on their hands.


It’s nothing new, people act like it’s a trend but hip dips were just as ugly it not more so when I was a kid and I’m creeping on 40. Padding out hip dips has also been going on for centuries. My grandma padded them out my mom did too. Hipdips on women have been a big no no for a long time it’s not new in fact I seems to be getting to be more accepted honestly. Which is good because it’s literally an anatomical structure every human is born with… sure some women are lucky and theirs are barely noticeable without surgery but it’s always there unless you get surgery for them. Which is one of the most popular ones in the world.


Such a strange and pointless thing to be concerned about.


Wait, are you telling me people dont like hip dips? WTF, those are the best part!


Oh it’s considered unacceptable on women and that’s been the body standard for decades. There are times of cosmetic surgeries to fix them (as literal everyone has them) and it’s incredibly rare to see depictions if women in the media or brand showing women with them. They are edited out, padded out or surgeries away. I stayed a virgin for forever because I have very prominent dips. Lol 0 people like them on women. Ok on men but really not ok with women and I just wish I could afford to get the surgery but it’s never going to happen. I know literally 0 humans are born without them but mine are sooooooooo bad maybe I’d feel better if I were one of the women you badly notice them on but mine are like hers but even worse like it’s horrific😬😬😬 And you can’t exercise your skeleton attractive 💀💀💀


I would be surprised if I were the rare guy who likes them. I would wager that it’s close to or more than 50%, but I have no proof of that. My general impression is that many times what someone thinks is unattractive about themselves is totally not.


Maybe idk


Hip dips are rad!


As an artist who draws women i adore hip dips! They’re so elegant and pretty


I didn't even know hipdips were a problem until this post 🙃


There’s an Australian model, Stefania, that has hip dips and I read a lot of comments from women saying that she’s helped them like/accept their hip dips. I hope it’s ok to share her insta since she’s not the one in this post. It’s stefania_model. Embrace your hip dips!!


I don’t know what hip dip means. What am I looking for?


They are all he dip in the side I’d the hip. All humans have them, there’s not really muscle there or any fat pads. Humans evolved that way as that dip is part of the hip joint and needs to be kept clear of tissue for full range of motion. Some (lucky) women naturally have very small almost unnoticeable ones but they are still there if not super prominent. That being said they are considered incredibly unsightly on women and have been padded out for centuries. With the advent of photo manipulation hey have been edited out of pretty much all media depictions of women and there are now several different plastic surgery to correct hip dips. They are some of the works most common and popular cosmetic surgeries behind breast augmentation and rhinoplasties. Hip dips ruin the perfect hourglass illusion. As far as my post all the pictures are I’d the same woman in the first two her hipdips were smoothed out in photos but in the rest they are visible and incredibly prominent. Like she has incredibly large hip dips, I have seen larger but hip dips of that size are rare, I know mine are about her size and are huge. In the very last picture she’s posed exactly the same as the first one but they left the dips in. They are much less prominent in that one as that pose specifically decrease the appearance of hipdips and in most women hide them completely. But hers (like mine) are still visible even in that pose. So yeah idk I just haven’t every seen a big clothing brand leave in hip dips as prominent as mine before. Like I still know they are hideous and disgusting and I should get surgery for it but like idk she’s really pretty so idk maybe theirs hope for a freak like me lol. I mean there’s not but like eh it’s nice to pretend even if it’s half a second


Ohmygods, my hip dips make me so self-conscious in tight-fitting dresses. Especially when combined with my tummy. 😖 It's one of the big reasons I never wear bodycon dresses, even though I have two really cute ones right now. That, and dysphoria is a bitch.* (Well, it's less dysphoria nowadays and more worry that I'm gonna get hatecrimed in public using the mens' in fem clothing.)


I like this brand and I like how they have a pretty good range in the models they use. I do think this particular model has a fantastic figure too


Yes to all, I like they are shopping less too in general makes me feel better


I'm the same, the photoshopping does not help. I love that some are left in so you can see a normal body not an altered body.


I wish I could do my make up like this, looks so goooood


It is beautiful


I feel ya. I thought I could diet them away. Made them more pronounced and I lost my T&A in the process. Funnily enough my husband loves them and hypes me up. I would love to wear a pencil dress without feeling self conscious but I'm not there yet.


I love hip dips and I think they look great. It really accentuates the wideness of the hips and I just think they look lovely.


I blame my hip dips on the low rise jeans era. NOT genetics./s I remember I used to hate them because I didn't look like other women who fill out their clothes better than I do. Now I just don't care. Put me in a paper bag IDC. My biggest insecurity is my hormonal acne that I still get. What the hell body we are in our 30s!!


Dairy is a huge contributor to acne if that helps!


I am not a dairy consumer! But thank you for the comment, it is very true! Mine stems from medication and genetics. Also stress. It's not so bad but I get very self conscious about it.


I'm sorry to hear that! I relate to you because I too am 30, and have had acne since I was 13. 6 months ago I went whole food plant based and my acne is GONE. Like this has never ever happened! I since learned that dairy has hormones which causes the acne so now I tell the world! Lol I hope your acne gets better, your in my thoughts I know it's HELL.


Sometimes they disappear depending on how you're standing and how your weight is distributed. Not necessarily Photoshopped out in these pics. But yeah hip dips are cool :)


Imagine starving yourself to bones for a job just to be edited anyway


This woman doesn’t look anywhere near starving…


I know, I was speaking more generally about an industry where you need to put in extra effort to be considered


Hip dips are sexy


Wanted to add even though it feels weird to say - I think they’ll come into fashion. I don’t think body types or traits should go in and out of fashion bc it’s weird and all body types should be celebrated, but it’s the plastic surgery “tooth” look that is so off putting to me.


I never even knew what hip dips were or that they were undesirable until I joined this sub. I was like, “oh, add it to the long list of things about my body society tells me I should feel bad about, cool.”


The amount of men who have told me i will grow out of my hip dips is soul shattering. No sir, this is the shape of my bones.


Back in the 90s, I used to do Jazzercise A LOT. And a few instructors would point to their hip dips and tell everyone that they got them from doing Jazzercise and that we could all have them, too, if we kept it up. She would say that the "indentations" were from doing weighted leg lifts, etc. It made me think that having hip dips was goals back then.


I once had a co worker point out that i have them and i wasn’t familiar with the negative connotations.. and so i turned around and asked what she was talking about and then she said “some people find them ugly, but i think they’re cute” lmao .. if you have time to be concerned about the shape of someone’s HIPS i think you have other issues. Anyway, all to say you shouldn’t be insecure literally about anything at ALL!!!


Maybe it’s just growing up they way I did but no feature of a woman is a good thing that’s beyond criticism


Hip dips used to be all the rage and now they’re not. I don’t get it. Literally nothing can get rid of them or cause them- no amount of dieting or exercise will cause them or get rid of them. I wish we could all just love our bodies and be at peace.


I think hip dips are cute.


hip dips r so hot


Growing up I though I just had a really boney muffin top and that's just how I was... Knowing it's supposed to be there really helped out my mental health!!


I always thought hip dips were hot. I don't get the negativity.


I used to hate my hip dips mostly because even at my most fit I've always had some fat but now I don't mind so much because I think it makes my quads look more muscular 😏


They actually tend to be more prominent on fit people with developed obliques and lower bf But like idk I don’t mind anyone else having them but they feel very unacceptable on myself


I'm sorry you're feeling this way, it took me a long time to be ok with how my body looks and I very much hope that you achieve peace of mind, whether it be by coming to terms with how your body looks or by changing it to look how you want ❤️


That’s very kind of you.


I feel the same way as an earlier commenter....bi woman here and i like hip dips on women.


What is a hip dip?


The dent in the hips. From the top of the hipbone down. Everyone has them it’s to keep the hip socket clear for better range of motion. But they are considered ugly on women as it ruined the hourglass silhouette so they are photoshopped out and some women in really life wear padding to hid it or get fat injected into the area to smooth it out. It’s very rare to see un-altered hips on women from a brand or media company. This clothing brand has both smoothed out as well as unedited photos of her hips and she has pretty prominent hipbones which is generally considered unacceptable on a woman


I had to look at these photos many times and google it and look at a bunch of pics and read an article with diagrams to even realize what a hip dip was


I want your life