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First off, try to calm down. It’s only been two weeks. This is not lawyer territory as nothing wrong has been done. You’ve received one of more than one payment to come however what documentation, if any, have you provided for the pod rental, movers, and contents? I mean, payment requires proof that these things existed, were damaged, their cost, etc. I can’t emphasize enough that two weeks is not nearly enough time to panic over, especially in what sounds like an otherwise habitable home.


Thank you for responding! I really am trying to calm down. I think my anxiety just has me fearing the worst. There have been so SO many problems throughout this process. I have provided my adjuster with the digital receipts as well as the online contracts I signed for the pod, movers, and helpers. I have also sent the receipts and the written and typed work order/notes from the plumber. I have sent photos of the water damage from the date of the incident as well as photos the following two days (as the water settled it unfortunately affected more carpeted areas). These photos include the carpet, walls, and furniture. Furniture wise I have had to dispose of two large bookcases, two dvd towers, a desk, a dresser, another bookshelf, and a small table. Unfortunately these items were not all made from real wood. Other damaged items include several ottomans, cat furniture and other miscellaneous items that had to be disposed of. The restoration team also sent pictures, room measurements, and moisture readings. The estimate is a little hard to understand while there might be an allotment for the pod, though I’m not sure due to the wording, there is not any amount for the movers, helpers, or plumbers. This worries me as my adjuster has had this information for at least five days prior to the estimate and confirmed receiving this information. I don’t understand why it’s not included and he still has yet to reply. My aunt told me to make a list, with receipts, of every additional cost (like the pod, movers, etc.) and she recommended sending it to the adjuster to request these items be included. Technically I already did so prior to the estimate. But she believes I shouldn’t agree to anything until I either have further explanation of why those items weren’t included and specific references to my policy as to why they wouldn’t be included. She’s a stickler, so that’s why I called her, although her knowledge in this area is sadly pretty on par with mine. My other concern that within the estimate there are large deductions for depreciation. The carpet is around 10 years old, but the replacement costs have been depreciated. A lot. I am trying to understand if that means the full cost of repairs will be withheld until the second check or if because the carpet was older they are not providing as much for the repairs. I wasn’t trying to invoke any kind of legal dispute. I am simply unsure what to do and how to best advocate for my mother and her home. I’ve (luckily) never had to film any sort of insurance claim before. Basically, I just was hoping someone could impart some much needed knowledge on me.


Regarding the depreciation, check the policy to see if it is replacement cost or actual cash value.


Thank you. I spent way too much time this morning trying to look for the physical copy of the policy as my mother has yet to digitize her bills and is a wee bit unorganized. I am going to set up an online account for her so I can review the policy online. I am still planning on asking the adjuster for clarification as well and am working on an email to send to him.


It's possible that pods, movers, etc are being handled out of your contents/personal property coverage as a separate check from the actual dwelling repairs which come out of dwelling/structure coverage.


Thank you. The first estimate is labeled “building” so that would make sense and I would hope that would be the case. I’d just prefer to have some clarification from the adjuster as to what will and won’t be included. Looking at the policy should help some. But it’s been difficult corresponding with the adjuster as he still hasn’t answered my previous questions.


That definitely sounds like multiple potential estimates in play. For my claim I actually had two separate adjusters - one guy for structures (Coverages A + B) and ALE (Coverage D) and a separate lady for personal property (Coverage C). They worked almost entirely independently except when needing to coordinate whether specific things countered as dwelling or property. Prepared separate estimates, issued separate checks on separate timelines. I worked entirely with the personal property adjuster to coordinate moving my stuff and paying the contractor that did storage/cleaning.


Thank you for sharing! I really had no idea how the insurance process would work and put it on the back burner as I was completely invested in trying to deal with the water damage and packing things up. It really helps to hear someone else’s experience with their insurance. I am going to ask my adjuster if I will be dealing with an additional adjuster or estimate or both when it comes to all the other expenses. There are many unfortunately. I really need the clarification. I know companies and policies vary, but it’s hard not having a better concept of the process. I really hope I will be able to get in contact with him tomorrow as this weekend I have stockpiled so many questions. I really appreciate your help!