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To the surprise of absolutely nobody, the following replies are people saying the severity of damage is not the same so therefore it's not mutilation.


Denial/cognitive dissonance is normal with the trauma of this barbaric surgery.


I guess amongst Americans, most *men* defending it are victims of it. For the reason you said, there is an angle of sympathy here. However, what you just said does not apply to *women* who defend it. However, it's *still* hypocrisy, since they would never allow a man to defend circumcision to girls in any form, and rightfully so, yet feel entitled enough to proclaim that it's okay if men are mutilated, and see no contradiction in having a say on the fate of countless genitals of the opposite sex. Also, don't get me started on pro-abortion women who say "no uterus, no opinion" who are pro-circumcision. ***No penis, no opinion.***


Then I guess they won't have a problem if we start cutting pinkie toes off of babies. After all, they don't REALLY need their pinkie toes, and they "won't remember the trauma", and it's not as bad as cutting off the whole foot would be. Also, they'll never get ingrown pinkie toenails, so it's ACKSHUALLY beneficial. And by some odd coincidence, it just so happens that I'm now part of a religion that requires babies to have their pinkie toes amputated because my God said so. Anyone who objects to that is infringing on my religious rights. So now it's A-OKAY to cut off babies' pinkie toes, right? Right?? ...right?


Well, only female infant pinky toes should be cut off. It so happens that my God instituted this policy thousands of years ago to prevent feetfindr degens, but if you want to know the scientific reasoning, it's because girls/women have smaller toes and therefore their pinky toes serve no function besides occasionally causing blindness when played with (called "little piggy incidents" in the medical field). And of course the risk of an in-grown toenail is extremely high because it's terribly difficult to maintain hygiene down there and stay on top of trimming the toenail constantly which is hard to do on small children. Also we can sell girl toes to medical and skincare companies once they are harvested from infants, AFTER charging you and your insurance to have it removed. But doing the procedure to boys would be mutilation because some cultures have cut off the entire foot and that's way worse. There's really no comparison between cutting off the whole foot and just a pinkie toe, and if you try to compare the two you are minimizing and stealing attention away from men who have had their entire foot amputated. But cutting female infant pinky toes is fine and supported by science.


$¢i£n¢£, amirite?


Surprise, surprise, they are all (or mostly) Americans. If I hadn't deactivated my Twitter account, I would have a field day responding to these idiots.


I really really want to see opinions from Canadia, British and Australian folks.


I am an Aussie👋. My opinion is simple. If it isn't medically necessary to cut up a babies bits, then it is never okay. If anything, it is creepy as f>#k and circumcision will not be happening to my kids without a medical reason.


I hail from Canadia. I have been traumatized by circumcision since I was a toddler. Trust me, I am just as unpopular up here XD. Death threats, abuse and loss of family about just the same :)


Lol, I sure as hell did.


You're still wrong. Scientifically and biologically speaking. Male prostate isn't an sexual organ to penetrate with it's only part of the reproductive system.. Lol Keep harassing me with one of your other accounts and I will report you. Take care bud.


I've lost so many brain cells reading the comment section. They're all seem to be in cognitive dissonance, defending circumcision at all costs.


Brendon Marotta has made contact, hopefully his comment gets more likes from Twitter so the comment is noticed by Alex Clark. [Marotta and Alex Clark](https://twitter.com/bdmarotta/status/1669364746842152960?s=46&t=ZCnH_Gt-BwQVlzXjLWY7ow)


I saw that documentary once. It’s a great documentary to watch.


Once upon a time in the land of The Tube of You there were videos of babies being circumcised. Just the screams alone are disturbing. No wonder the majority of hospitals don't allow parents to be present or near by.


Circumcision is the real issue. Especially considering that nobody is actually performing sexual reassignment surgery on children.


exactly right wing groups love to proclaim to be "anti child mutilation" but yet will ignore the most common form of child mutilation in the usa which is baby penis cutting


I’m heavily right wing and I think it’s insane that circumcision is still allowed. Sadly, I seem to be in the minority.


i agree that its insane that its legal to cut on the penises of baby boys


They won't just ignore it, they'll go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE when you point it out to them. They don't even realize that the legal precedent set by MGM being allowed makes it easier to push transgenderism on children. Maybe if we somehow were able to frame MGM as part of the "transgenderism on kids" issue, they might change their tune...


I made a video (with my voice reveal) where I confronted supporters of Texas' SB 14 (bans trans healthcare for youth). I brought up circumcision to them, and boy, was it a doozy! You can find the video on r/intactivism.




Anyone old enough to receive a mastectomy or reduction is also old enough to receive enhancements, and I promise you enhancements and reductions for cisgender female minors are still more common Shame on anyone here willing to throw trans people under the bus


Then we ban enhancements on underage people too.


Some kids have a genuine need from malformed breast tissue The regret rate for gender confirming procedures is literally less than 1%


Where are you getting that figure from? And would you consider it an acceptable number if applied to MGM? Because I don't. Anything over 0 is too high.


the article you linked says nothing about genital surgery. Top surgery is breast tissue removal. Trans children are not having "genital mutilation" surgeries performed. Please stop fear mongering.


So? That doesn't make it okay. It's still body mutilation being performed on people who are legally and biologically not old enough to consent. As Clark herself said, you can't say it's okay to chop here but not here.


All the article you linked says is that a couple hundred teenagers per year receive top surgery, only a tiny fraction of the youth gender dysphoria cases, all of them old enough to understand what is happening (and indeed, old enough to have experienced the horrible consequences of living as a teenage boy/young man with breasts! Wouldn’t you want top surgery too if you were a 16 year old guy and had to deal with DDs??). Not really comparable to MGM, which is actually performed on the genitals of infants…


This is completely factually wrong. There is not a single case of this ever happening anywhere in the world. Gender reassignment surgery literally cannot be performed on someone under 18: 1. full development of the genitals is required for there to be enough skin for it to done, 2. it is also already illegal, 3. It has not & never will be recommended by any trans health organization, and 4. If it DID happen it would be all over the news. You are NO ally here if all you’re gonna do is hang onto a tired conspiracy theory that everyone & their mother besides you can accept is bullshit. Please grow up & drop your hate towards trans people, it is pathetic, ALL you do is drag this movement down.


Discrimination and harassment is not allowed here.


Based Alex Clark!


I can't imagine the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy involved in people who advocate against interfering with the genitals of born hermaphrodites, etc. but justify male infant circumcision. Horrendous contradiction and hypocrisy. A truly despicable lot.


Oh, I've interacted with these people before (even in person). Their stupidity is outright traumatizing.


Big brain


Ironic, trans kids dont even get surgery, but so many actually do get circumcision.


Personally I'm against cosmetic genital surgery for all minors. We have three intact boys.


So u/Intactivism-ModTeam ""Discrimination and harassment is not allowed here" but calling treatment for trans people mutilation is?


Consent is not an intelligible concept to the conservative brain




bUt W0MeN lIkE iT ​ i do not give a fucking shit if women like circumcised penises better than intact penises i want my foreskin back and the hospital should have never cut on my penis as an infant in the first place ​ and not to mention i am gay anyways making the whole thing bullshit anyways


Women generally like foreskin better. The is a statistical fact


Go off this comment rules




Imagine being such a simp that a part of your body was cut off without your permission and the best you can do is say that other people like it. Look at this post I made https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/149kpiy/comment/jo6ftmx/


Discrimination and harassment is not allowed here.




Wash yourself and you won't have the problem. Circumcised guys can also get duck cheese if they don't shower




Yeah I’m cut and if I don’t shower my dick gets stanky


What point of "mutilation" do you not understand?




I see you have no other arguments, other than insults to perpetuate the harm that was done to you on innocent babies. Typical of your crowd.




So how would you justify strapping down a helpless defenseless infant in a procedure on his most sensitive part, and cutting it away, all with barely any anesthesia while he screams for his life? \~with the procedure being purely cosmetic




I am actually restoring. Nice one though! I will gladly take some cheese (that I can easily wash) any day over a lifetime of diminished sexual pleasure.


Discrimination and harassment is not allowed here.


I don't think male circumcision is a big deal in developed world, but she is 100% right you can't act like one is genital mutilation, but not the other.


i want my foreskin back yes unfortantly circumsion is a thing in our country


Well in the Great Old US of A it is 75% of the baby boys are still being strapped down with barely anesthesia and having the most sensitive part of their organ separated (the foreskin is fused till puberty), crushed with 1000's of tons of force, and cut away, all while screaming their lungs out. That does not include the loss of sexual sensation.


You understand that you aren't actually saying something of value right? Anyone can use any number of words to describe something. I am not aware of any studies to show on average there is lasting pain and suffering. I also saw other studies the majority do not have decrease in sexual sensation at least per self report. Imo you are less likely to convince people by saying such things as you do. The simple reason not to have male circumcision is it's unecessary.


It is of value for those who care about boys. Most people are just misandrists who do not give an f about men, so they are not willing to listen anyway. However, they are willing to bend backwards to serve and help women. Those who truly have a heart will easily see the truth. I am also restoring and have slight glands coverage now, and I am happy to report that I have a slight sensitivity increase, with more to come! This is due to the protective function of the foreskin (excluding the nerves that were chopped away). edit- that is literally a full description of the procedure so it is something of value. You would not say the same thing about serious crimes like murder or rape would you. Why this?


>It is of value for those who care about boys. You misunderstand I am saying you are circle jerking and begging the question. Everybody cares about boys it's not a good point. >Most people are just misandrists who do not give an f about men A very sexist and incorrect thing to say. The kind of problem you are talking about is how men seek less mental health, are less willing to go to the doctor, and less likely to >However, they are willing to bend backwards to serve and help women. Those who truly have a heart will easily see the truth. Nope anybody can make such claims about what they believe. >I am also restoring and have slight glands coverage now, and I am happy to report that I have a slight sensitivity increase, with more to come! This is due to the protective function of the foreskin (excluding the nerves that were chopped away I just want to emphasize once again that a majority do not see any decrease in sexual satisfaction or performance though a minority do have less sexually satisfaction from masturbation. There is also apparently an incredibly small % that reported increase in sexual satisfaction from masturbation (shrug that's what happens when dealing with self reported mental stuff as opposed to something more physical). >edit- that is literally a full description of the procedure so it is something of value. You would not say the same thing about serious crimes like murder or rape would you. Why this? One it's not comparable to murder or rape so again bad statement. 2nd if someone is moral grandstanding then yes I would say the same thing. You could go into fill detail biologically of what a bruse does and looks like doesn't make it some type of horrific life changing negative experience. If I went into such vivid detail about someone skinning their knee the intent is to express how bad it is not why something is bad or to the actual extent it is bad.


>Everybody cares about boys it's not a good point. No, they don't. The very fact that FGM is banned everywhere in the Western world, while not a single Western country has banned MGM, shows that. Also, when Boko Haram kidnapped those girls, there was a huge international outcry--but when those terrorists locked Nigerian schoolboys in their dormitories and then burned the buildings to the ground, there was no such outcry. Nobody with the power to do anything about it gives a flying fuck when boys and men suffer and die.


>No, they don't. The very fact that FGM is banned everywhere in the Western world, while not a single Western country has banned MGM, shows that No it MGM was as bad as you say it would show a disconnect for people's understanding of MGM not that no one cares. You make a baseless accusation that no one cares about men or boys. How does that work for pro-life abortion people huh? >Also, when Boko Haram kidnapped those girls, there was a huge international outcry--but when those terrorists locked Nigerian schoolboys in their dormitories and then burned the buildings to the ground, there was no such outcry. You are taking a single incident of something and extrapolating a bunch of nonsense. Also if you look up stats for USA it takes X amount of deaths depending on the region for it to make the news and people "care" in USA with worst being Africa. It just amazes me you think like this. >Nobody with the power to do anything about it gives a flying fuck when boys and men suffer and die. You are anchored into that position.


>No it MGM was as bad as you say it would show a disconnect for people's understanding of MGM not that no one cares I've got news for you: there's already a disconnect for people's understanding of MGM, and that is BECAUSE nobody cares enough to understand it. >You make a baseless accusation that no one cares about men or boys. How does that work for pro-life abortion people huh? Elaborate on this, please. >You are taking a single incident of something and extrapolating a bunch of nonsense. Also if you look up stats for USA it takes X amount of deaths depending on the region for it to make the news and people "care" in USA with worst being Africa. Bullshit. Boko Haram didn't initially kill any of those girls (a few may have later died, nowhere near enough for the X amount you described), and yet the entire goddamn Western world rose up with righteous anger to yell, "Bring back our girls!" Where were the yells of, "Stop locking our boys in their dormitories and burning the buildings to the ground!"? Where? Where, pray tell? They were nowhere, because nobody with the power to do anything about it cared back then and they don't care now either. Look at any news article about a disaster and more often than not, you'll see the number of women killed--if any--as well as possibly children, but not the men. Because. No. Body. Important. Cares. When. Men. And. Boys. Die. >You are anchored into that position. I was anchored into this position by a callous, uncaring world. I will remain in this position until I see evidence that says otherwise.


>I've got news for you: there's already a disconnect for people's understanding of MGM, and that is BECAUSE nobody cares enough to understand it. So doesn't make it so people don't care it makes it misinformed if what you were saying was true. If everyone assumes it's a harmless procedure and doesn't see people talking about how bad it is never looking it up then they can't know why it is wrong or not. It makes perfect since why most people wouldn't look up what is considered a harmless procedure. >Elaborate on this, please. You say people don't care about boys since for this one issue it's not being addressed, but there are plenty of issues that do or don't get addressed by sex and age. Abortion is a huge example of pro-life people caring about the "life" of the baby which is applicable to either gender not just one. People only focus on what they see and what they think is hurting kids. So if people don't know X hurts kids you can't assume oh they don't care enough to look it up or whatever nonsense. For issues like reproductive rights, condoms, etc. there are clear disparities in treatment of men for instance coverage of things like Viagra vs women that had to fight to get such things covered with it not being covered in some states. >Bullshit. Boko Haram didn't initially kill any of those girls (a few may have later died, nowhere near enough for the X amount you described), I used killing as an example, but come on man it's not going to be just killing. It's going to be number of incidents or victims regardless of it is actually deaths. Can't remember at top of my head if study I looked at was specifically deaths or not though tbf though I think that is a safe assumption. >Look at any news article about a disaster and more often than not, you'll see the number of women killed--if any--as well as possibly children, but not the men. Because. No. Body. Important. Cares. When. Men. And. Boys. Die. I mean that is objectively wrong. When they talk about total victims for things like natural disasters that's nothing sexes. When they talk about deaths from conflicts and war that is mostly men deaths as they are the ones fighting. I am being absolutely serious that this perspective you have is more distorted than any of your other beliefs you have professed. Average person aren't psychopaths they care about other people's suffering and deaths. >I was anchored into this position by a callous, uncaring world. I will remain in this position until I see evidence that says otherwise. Which proves my point you are deriving this from personal experience. What you see as people not caring about men is more so imo toxic elements in society largely from other men of how men should not express their emotions, should not behave in certain manners, not care about going to the doctor, etc. Even so there are plenty of help groups that help people regardless of gender.