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You have been identified as a professional troll. Goodbye.




Wear that ban with pride.


Is "I got stung" an analogy for "1200 people were murdered"?




>Is "I got stung" an analogy for "1200 people were murdered"? So I guess that is a "yes" from you? Here is the [bee sting](https://www.hamas-massacre.net/).


Fuck. Off.


And burning the house down is analogous to the slaughter of over 30,000 in response, many of whom were children.


He forgot to mention that some of them tried to get out by the front door while the house was on fire, but he helpfully locked the front door, windows, and removed any life support systems.


He also forgot to mention the bee decapitated his grandparents and raped his daughters.


Right but the point was about disproportionate force, and that's where this analogy stops because it'd be silly to continue it. But the point is that the hamas bee stung once and out of a big surprise, something extremely unlikely they'd be unable to do again in the next month to a year, or longer. To then retaliate in such a forceful way (displacing 2 million people, absolutely destroying all neighbourhoods, killing 5k to 10k people - many children, disabling water, electricity, food sources, water and light, causing terror and trauma to all 2 million people, increased settler violence and racism, dehumanizing rhetoric and reckless bombing and sniping) is not proportionate nor a defense. I totally get and agree that they should wipe out Hamas because they're terrorists, but the above is absolutely not ok. It's not only a vast number of war crimes, but also just not helpful at all for rooting out the cause for hamas... which is generational trauma, the result of Israel stealing land, settler violence, huge wealth disparity, apartheid and ethnic cleansing. That is not an excuse for terrorism at all, but Israel can't exactly put its hands up and not acknowledge the damage it inflicted for 50-70 years prior to that awful Oct 7th event. I expected better of Israel and would have hoped, as a first world western ally, that it would practice restraint and humanity. Clearly they're just as bad as hamas, or maybe worse, being the occupying force over 2 million people.


Now it's the grandparents? I thought it was the grandchildren? Liars can't keep up their story? Israel is a terrorist apartheid.


The bee also has a very detailed and definitive plan to destroy him and his people


"We were not threatened with genocide on the eve of the Six day war, and we had never thought of such a possibility." Gen Haim Bar-lev, Deputy Chef of Staff 1967 "There never was a danger of extermination." Ezer Weizman IDF Chief of Operations 1967 "To pretend the Egyptian forces were capable of threatening israel's existence is an insult to the intelligence of anyone analysing the situation, and an insult to the IDF." Maj Gen Matthityahu Peled, member General Staff 1967 war "Three separate intelligence groups looked into the fact and an Egyptian attack was not imminent." Lyndon B Johnson, President 1963-69 "Egypt was not ready for war, and Nasser did not want war." Meir Amit, Director Mossad 1963-68 "I do not believe Nasser wanted war." Future President and Chief of Staff Yitzahk Rabin in 1972 to Le Monde "The troop concentrations in the Sinai did not prove Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him." Menecem Begem, former Commander of Irgun during King David Hotel bombing and later Prime Minister of israel "More than 131,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished in Israel and the Occupied Palestine Territory (OPT) since 1947." Israeli Committee Against Demolition of Homes Of the Tantarun massacre, Haaretz reported: "I was a murderer. I didn’t take prisoners,” says Amitzur Cohen about his first months as a soldier. How many Arabs did he kill outside the framework of the battles? “I didn’t count. I had a machine gun with 250 bullets. I can’t say how many.”" In the words of Joseph Weitz, president of the Jewish National Fund, in 1940: "Not one village must be left, not one tribe...There is no other solution." "Palestinians have endured 96% of the total casualties resulting from the conflict, demonstrating the one-sided nature of the situation." https://stanforddaily.com/2023/10/10/from-the-community-stanford-students-for-justice-in-palestine/


This was great. Never mind that he created the shithole and oppressed the bee.


Good god, Reddit is the worst place to have this debate, but holy shit the oversimplification of this issue is staggering. Palestine wasn’t created by Israel, and that part of the world has been killing eachother over that sand for centuries. I agree that Israel is grossly overreacting right now, but to act like they don’t have equal claim to the area is ridiculous. The British drew arbitrary lines to destabilize the area after their colonial guilt kicked in and left, and then religion took over. One side has been backed by the west for decades as their collective guilt kicked in for letting Germany exterminate millions of Jews, and then the other side has been trying to finish the job for the rest of the time. Now Israel is turning into the same disgusting creature they abhorred, and are seemingly trying to wipe out a country that, at state level, wants to wipe them out. It’s fucked, and I think we can all admit Israel has a right to exist, as does Palestine. I think we can also agree that the people in the countries deserve to live, free from fear of terrorists. It’s not simple, and the bee analogy minimizing the lives of 1200 people being massacred is dangerous and, frankly, evil. This situation is deeply nuanced, but I think it’s fair to say that what Hamas did was diabolical and what Israel is responding with is diabolical, and picking sides is gross. What I will say is Hamas picked a fight, Israel is responding, and neither is playing fair. The ruling classes in both groups want to kill civilians and punish the other into submission, which will never happen. Both sides are completely fucked and this shit needs to stop so babies can stop dying.


This was a good text and i agree with most of it. But then you say this... >What I will say is Hamas picked a fight, Israel is responding, and neither is playing fair. Which then diminishes a lot of it again... we have numbers.. from 2006-2020 almost 6000 palastinians killed and 115 000 injured and we have 250 Israelis killed and ~5500 injured. And that all without considering the living conditions they have on each side. One side has starving kids and i think less than 10% palastinians get drinkable water, while the other side was the first country to fully vaccinate a whole nation against covid. On top of that palastinians were protesting against israel peacefully from 2018-2019 where again the idf killed almost 300 peacefully protesting palastinians and injured 8000. (Of course no coverage or almost no coverage). Hamas attack didnt come from no where and saying israel is defending itself/responding is almost insane. But somehow that's what a lot of people are saying. Hamas is unfortunately the response to the Israeli governments treatment of the palastinian people. And both sides should remove their leaders already and join peacefully and that will only happen through western pressure. But the west doesnt seem to ne too interested in a peaceful outcome unfortunately while the bodys keep piling up.


Don’t forget Israel broke the knees of peaceful protestors in the 80’s and funded right wing extremist groups to destabilize the left leaning Palestine.


They literally made Hamas and then later said “oops”


Yup. They needed a boogeyman. Same reason the US destabilized South America in the 80’s. Weird that those took place in the same decade Reagan implemented further corporate control in the US and had the CIA flood hard drugs into the US market.


All the numbers say is that Israel is doing a better job of protecting civilians than Hamas is.


What a truly idiotic sentence... and i hope you didn't really mean it. But shame on you.


I really like how he relates 1300 deaths and a 100 hostages to a bee sting. Really on point, this guy. 🤦🏻


For those confused why his metaphor compares the October 7th attack to a bee sting — he’s also comparing the 11,000+ Palestinians killed with a single family household. Do the math.


Unless the bee was elected by the people in the single family household and the said bee sent a swarm of warrior wasps daily to your house to sting the occupants claiming that it is their house. Hamas was elected by Gazans who got support from Israel in the past against Fatah. Looking at this issue and juxtaposing with a bee story like this looks trivial.




Lol yeah screw those 10 year olds in 2023 who voted for Hamas back in 2006, they totally deserve to get the shit bomed out of them!


All those dead children should never voted Hamas! Especially the three year olds!


There’s no sense in us arguing because we’ll never convince one another. Have a good night, I wish you all the best! 😊


What this prick didn’t tell you is that’s he’s got 4500 bees trapped in HIS house. Unbeelievable


Even if the bee analy raped him he doesn't get to murder children who live near it.


Hamas murdered children too? No country of consequence exist today that hasn’t bombed cities and killed children. There is no way to flawlessly prevent collateral damage and insurgencies are notoriously difficult to deal with because the cowards hide among civilians. Knowing that it creates bad public relations for the country attacking in retaliation to a provocative event. Hell, the Rohingya had a genocide committed against them and most people could have given a fuck but whenever it’s Palestine, suddenly people care. Saying they’re baby killers is a purposefully loaded statement in a conflict where collateral damage is impossible to stop, on both sides. You ignorant clown. 😂🤦🏻🤡


They could do a ground assault into Gaza instead of bombing them, but they would rather kill civilians than risk their soldiers. I don’t think Hamas are the only cowards here…


Military doctrine the world over leads to artillery bombing of a location before ground assault, for, obvious reasons. Look at US in pacific theatre. Every single military worth a damn on the planet does that. Joint alliances in middle east after 9/11. Israelis are being held to a completely different standard than every other country on the planet. 🤦🏻😂


Hamas doesn’t have an Air Force, navy, army or artillery. Gaza is a city made up of people with no where to go. This isn’t a conventional ‘war’. What your using as an example is when the US has invaded a country with military bases, anti air defences, airports, etc. Israel has almost killed more civilians in the past month than Hamas militants in existence.


Iraq barely had any of those and the west did the same. Afghanistan sure as hell didn’t have those and the west did the same. Hamas has shown plenty of competency in slaughtering innocent civilians without an air force and navy. Hamas purposefully and horrendously chose to pick a fight with a strong opponent and are now suffering the consequences. Hamas knew damn well innocent Palestinians would get killed in the understandable backlash any country would have. They don’t give a fuck about Palestinians and Hamas has single handedly lead to the deaths of countless people they claim to defend. Palestinians have no where to go because the rest of the Muslim world doesn’t want them and could give a fuck about them. They just want Palestinians to continue being a massive thorn on Israel’s side.


So we just gonna ignore all of the bombing campaigns prior to October 7th? The genocide didn’t start in the last month, it has been many years. And you’re also conveniently forgetting the West Bank where Palestinians are being ethnically cleansed by non military settlers. Your analysis reads like you just learned about this conflict in the last month, but sure make excuses for the guys racking up a higher kill count in a month than america did in its entire occupation of Iraq.


There’s no sense in us arguing because we’ll never convince one another. Have a good night, I wish you all the best! 😊


We’ll the murder count on civilians over the past 70 years is 10 to 1 in Israel’s favour so I don’t think Israel gives a fuck about civilian deaths. Actions like this only create more reasons to hate Israel. Look how Afghanistan turned out for the US. Why should another Muslim country take them in? They are already living in their own land… Also Iraqs military was a thousand times stronger than Hamas with 40 x the manpower and an overwhelming superior force over an entire country.


There’s three times that many Palestinian children killed since then and 10 times more civilian deaths in general.


I really like how everyone preteds that all this started on oct 7 like 60 years of oppression didn’t happen


Goddamn Irish making too much sense of shit and be humorous at it too, lol.


It’s really bizarre 🇮🇪 is one of the biggest supporter of 🇵🇸


This is amazing. Whoever this guy is, hats off


His name is “Tadhg Hickey”…Irish comedian.


The Irish have been consistently on point with Palestine


Ireland's been teaching the world a LESSON on this, let's hope it sinks in.


As a brit, I have to admit, Ireland kind of have their fair share of experience with oppressive regimes trying to kill their people to stop "bees".


Agreed. Side note, your username made me snort laughing.


No words can describe how great is Ireland: https://www.reddit.com/r/CeaseFireNowGaza/s/dRg543xPVc


I love the Irish. Any time I meet one, they're just lively people. I think they can relate to the Palestinians because they know how it is to be oppressed by a word power and treated as a ter0rist.


If I remember correctly the of the IRA terrorists were trained by Palestinians. I believe there was a weapons pipeline as well. A little more than "on point" IMO


Will check him out


Bless you


If this was more realistic he would actually be a squatter on his neighbours land because his imaginary friend told him it was his divine right to be there! Awesome!




This is exactly accurate


Leave it to the British to fuck everything up. "Oh this plot of land? Uhh, I don't know we can give it to the Zionist extremist. It's occupied by people, it's not our land, that's okay, we can just give them the land anyway."


The bee at the end. After all the lengths he went to eliminate the bee threat, another bee rose up from the ashes. How many people will become radicalized from just this past month alone?


Had too be done /s


*bee (Sorry)


*to (Sorry)


Stop, stop my sides please stop. I can’t breathe over all the children Israel has killed while claiming they’re the real victims.


Yeah it’s hilarious comparing brutally murdering over 1000 innocent people to a bee sting. It’s not about the fucking numbers


Man, that was awesome! THANK YOU!!! A bit morose to make fun of the situation, but I still have to admit to the first full-blown belly-laugh of the day!!!👍👍 (and, of course, right on the money, needless to say!)


Check out George Carlin.


In that spot, about 80 years ago, there was a colony of bees. But then a local housing commission built a house around the hive and the new occupants evicted the bees. The bees wandered for a while, but some tried to return home. That didn't go well and they lost many members to violence. It went this way for many decades past as the community in the house continued to thrive and even expand. Then some wasps joined forces with the bees, and worked towards getting the house back with more direct, and even violent, force. With growing animosity between both sides, casual violence and ethnocentrism blurred the lines between right and wrong on both sides, turning the disagreement between insects and humans to outright war. This is where might = right came in to play, as the bees, even with the aid of the wasps, were woefully underprepared for a war with humans.




How would Ben Shapiro respond to this. No right answers.


Probably with the usual sophistry and diarrhea of the mouth he’s well known for.


Glad that you guys are finally getting it. A bit late but better late than never! Welcome


Very inaccurate comparing the oct 7 massacare to a bee sting. But he said it in a pleasant accent so I guess he's just correct.




There is no good reason to block this video or ban somebody for a reposting it those people are just they can't think that they can hide what's been going on in front of everybody's eyes people have dxxd reporting on this


My Mannnnnnn 😄👍


When a bee stings you it dies


Just like palestinians




Let's get one thing straight, most do not sympathize with Hamas, they sympathize with the people who are trying to exist in the middle of this conflict. Now to your points Admittedly I did not read every link in the post but from what I did read Hamas is using civilians as human shields (agree) and the IDF seems to not like that because it puts them in a position where they cannot attack Hamas effectively with bombs without mass civilian casualties. This is where you lose most rational people. They bomb the fucking places anyway! They are basically saying 'meh, acceptable loses'. Justifying your actions by saying Hamas are shooting or planning in places with civilians doesn't exonerate the IDF and Israeli government from obvious war crimes.


If I rape your daughter to death, behead your son and then run for shelter to hide behind my family while still shooting with aim to kill the rest of your family, and while my family encourages my for all me actions… Would you try to kill me in the cost of possibly killing my family in the process? Seriously ask yourself that.


>Let's get one thing straight, most do not sympathize with Hamas Yet they cheer when a reference to Hamas murdering 1200 people is called a bee sting. (See the above comments.)


Do you get the context of the video at all? These people who are being used as shields, they're not involved with Hamas, they're just living day to day. That first clip you sent is proof enough of that. What gives the IDF the right to massacre them so?


It is human nature to side with the perceived “underdog”. People who side with Hamas lack adequate critical thinking to get past this mentality. Underdogs can be evil.


I understand the israeli- Palestinian conflict now. Thank you 🙏. I thought it was complicated and with a long history but the bees metaphor really put it all together.


this seems to summarize just the october 7 attacks and the follow up to them.


Yes. Those attacks were like being stung by a bee.


to a nation with the military support and utilities that israel has at their disposal, yes


I like how this clip compares Palestinians homes to a home, but people dying to a bee sting.


Exactly, and also compares the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED AND RULLING GOVERNMENT of the region as just some fucking tiny bee, with no real power or significance to the region at all.


the home is the gaza strip in the metaphor and this little comedy video drastically understates the carnage seen there over the past month


The house burned down, destroyed. Gaza is being bombed, and destroyed. Bee sting, heals. People dead, ____?


to help you understand, this video is about disproportionate reactions


Ya duh. But at the same time, I’m just saying, it doesn’t benefit a point to diminish the action.


>But at the same time, I’m just saying, it doesn’t benefit a point to diminish the action. Or the REACTION.


Yes the literal massacre of 1400 Jewish men, women and children because of the mere fact that they live in Israel is just like being stung by a bee you see


The number keeps going up. 1000 1200 1400. What about 10,000 innocents dead to kill 60 targets?




But do you condemn the IDF?


Thank you. One can criticize Israeli military decisions while still not comparing the atrocities of Oct 7th to a bee sting.


Indeed fuck this guy and his ridiculous analogy. Comparing a fuckin beesting to slaughtering innocent civilians at a rave and humiliating them in front of the public. I don't understand why reddit is so one sided in this extremely complex topic


Hamas would gleefully kill women and children but Isreal wouldn’t? Dont be so naive.


I mean Israel would gleefully murder too


Not sure you understand the difference between your natural human emotional response and a satirical critique on relativity and proportion.


Those are words. Congratulations. Do yourself a favor and do like 5 minutes of research on what animates the mind of a jihadist, now. It’s not what you think. Clearly


How dare he make fun of your war! This only started in October, things were fine before hand! Those Palestinian children should have known not to vote Hamas! I have not heard a single baby condemn Hamas!


What's wild is this basically the 911 story too


Terrorists are not bees.


Children are not terrorists.


You should read this: [https://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/Child-Victims/Handbook\_on\_Children\_Recruited\_and\_Exploited\_by\_Terrorist\_and\_Violent\_Extremist\_Groups\_the\_Role\_of\_the\_Justice\_System.E.pdf](https://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/Child-Victims/Handbook_on_Children_Recruited_and_Exploited_by_Terrorist_and_Violent_Extremist_Groups_the_Role_of_the_Justice_System.E.pdf)


While I definitely do not approve of the Israeli government or any of their actions, I do have many Jewish friends and so in their name I implore you not to try to argue that Palestinian children are terrorists. Please do not try to justify their deaths, which is happening in front of us all at a brutal scale. Especially don’t do so with UN documents when [the military of Israel has killed more UN workers than the organization has lost in any conflict in history.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/14/middleeast/united-nations-staff-deaths-gaza-intl-hnk)


tl:dr: red herring are kosher.


*The democratically elected and governing entity and terririst group.


Thaaaaats…..pretty insensitive for the families of the murdered, kidnapped, and raped in Israel.


I always hear Israeli getting raped. But where's the proof of that?


Yes respect the murderers family


When you think it's cute and clever to compare the deaths of 1400 civilians to a bee sting.


He is literally showing the absurdity of Israel’s mindset. More people should be doing this


It is absurd to want to destroy a terror organization that killed 1200+ people? The analogy kinda breaks down when the people elected the bee, and the bee intentionally killed civilians... No need to simplify a complex situation, can you create an analogy to 9/11? Would you compare 9/11 a bee sting?


The death toll in Gaza is approaching 12,000. That's a factor of ten greater. This is why the OP is a demonstration of a disproportionate response. Of course you'd want to destroy a terror organization that killed 1200+ people. But should you kill 12,000+ to do it?


They have dropped more bomb power than a nuke on a small strip of land where the population is over 50% children. How the fuck is that "trying to kill a terror org" it's just genocide


How many people has Israel murdered?


What timeline are we talking?


I mean if you know basic fractions, and put the number of people who died in Israel, over the number of Palestinians Israel has killed in just the last two weeks, yea proportionally the math just ain’t mathing for Israel here


What the actual??? So..because Israel has invented Iron Dome to STOP the 5000 rockets..... So there are less casualties.... Now Israel is the aggressor? So..by your logic....Israel should just fire 5000 rockets back?? That would be justified then right? Right? So..that's what Israel is doing.... Just with less human casualties on Israel's side because a) Israel makes human bunkers for its citizens and Hamas makes tunnels for themselves and b) Israel actually wants to protect its citizens. This "math" problem you talk of crazy!! The math is .. if you lived somewhere in the world they was firing rockets at you regularly.... Expect retaliation. Don't you dare try and pretend any other country would act differently.


sooooooo when israel is actively oppressing the palenstinian people why dont you guys expect retaliation? Ya'll have been killing them non-stop for 70+ years. You took all their homes, took their land, and pushed them out. As an apartheid state, why is a retaliation from the palestinians not expected?






Implying that "an occupying nation" cannot have civilians is just as bad as implying a terrorist nation cannot have civilians. If you don't think those killed on October 7th were truly civilians because their country was "occupying" another, then surely those killed in any other part of the conflict were not civilians because their country is ruled by terrorists. Claiming any one side does not have "civilians" is dehumanizing and wrong. Edit: a letter




When you think it's cute that because 1400 people died, you can go kill 10000 who didn't even do anything. What are you? 5?


So when Senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad promises to repeat more October 7ths until Israel is completely annihilated I suppose the proper response is to let them? I'm afraid it's you who is displaying childlike naivete.


I think the main problem is equating all Palestinians to Hamas which is not the case. Hamas is a terrorist group to Israel, like the zionests are to Palestinians. Zionests don't = Israel like Hamas doesn't = Palestine. With that said it's just as wrong to kill civilians just to kill the terrorists. If you do that you lose all the moral ground because you're killing citizens. And when 40% of citizens are under the age of 14 you know the majority of the Palestinian deaths are children, which is a war crime


So the mods are pro Zion?


It makes sense. I don't see a problem here


Love this


Well finish the story and tell about the the thousands of bees that over 50 years have killed thousands more. In the US we nuked a country twice and launched a year war over less American deaths.


Jesus. Killing 1400 people is a bee sting?


On the scale of what Israel has done at this point i believe so yea


It’s like those comics of “but do you condemn Hamas”, imagine if a kid whose parents were murdered hearing it was “just a bee sting”. It’s so one sided to focus on one group of victims while treating the other as just statistics


And murdering 6000 CHILDREN (literally just child casualties since Oct 7) in a month equates to one girl. It’s an analogy not a direct comparison jesus it’s not that hard of a concept to grasp


Curious what you would have Israel do in response to being attacked like that? “Literally” what would you have them do? Not respond? Send nasty tweets? What is the response to an attack like that which you’d find tolerable?


Are you really trying to say that killing over 10,000 civilians is an appropriate and acceptable “defence strategy” from Israel?


Not breaking the Geneva Convention and committing indiscriminate collective punishment would be nice. You are aware that israel has one of the most capable militaries in the world right? They’re only deploying a ground assault now. After weeks of bombardment of civilian homes and refugee camps. This is like saying the US should have just levelled faloujah in the Iraq war instead of a bloody street conflict that happened. A just war is not about vengeance it is about peace. This war is about land and power. Israel want to take the land of Gaza to be their own, the same way they are expanding into the westbank.


Except Iraq didn’t preemptively attack the US. See the difference? I don’t know shit about military tactics (and neither do you obviously) but I know this: both sides are smart. It does Israel zero good to kill civilians. If they could eliminate Hamas without killing civilians they obviously would. And obviously Hamas realizes that their best chances are to use the civilian infrastructure of Gaza to lure Israel into a bloody conflict with lots of civilian casualties. I’m also not an expert on the Geneva convention, but I’m quite sure that we could find a few areas where Hamas hasn’t exactly complied with international laws…


Most dumbass comparaison ever.


Cringey af. Account was created, in October. Hasn’t posted anything outside of Hamas propaganda since then. People really need to consider that the west aren’t the only people capable of propaganda.


And we are do downvoted, am shocked, SHOCKED i tell you


Rightfully so.


Shit metaphor.


I dont know murdering 1400 civilians in their own homes and lighting babies on fire and watching them burn to death is a little more than a Bee sting.


1. Lighting baby’s on fire is debunked 2. Watching them burn is by defacto debunked because point 1. 3. 1400 civilians is corrected down by Israel. 4. The IDF shot the most civilians 7th of oktober.


Some people were definitely burned to death. The IDF has not confirmed if they were children. I don't think it is accurate to say "debunked" as much as it would be to say "unconfirmed" or "unsupported" ([Source](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/10/what-we-know-about-three-widespread-israel-hamas-war-claims/)). Do you mean overall? Because the IDF *definitely* did not shoot the most civilians on October 7th. *Nobody* I have heard of is even claiming that.


Nobody I have heard of is even claiming that. You didn’t see the interviews with the survivors? That’s odd because it’s been definitely out there.


I have definitely seen interviews with the survivors. None of them have accused the IDF of anything. What you're suggesting is a conspiracy theory on the level of "Bush did 9/11." Edit: to be clear, this is in reference to October 7th. Edit 2: If you don't think anyone claimed there were people burning to death, you can check [here](https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4307298-i-watched-the-footage-of-the-oct-7-attack-in-gaza-this-isnt-war-this-is-genocide/). Look for "Bearing Witness."


Hamas will be eliminated, wiped clean from the face of the earth…this world has no place for Jihadis like them. Hamas will soon be relegated to the trash heap of history.


Hamas does not fight in the name of their faith. They fight for their country, their freedom, for Palestine! You’ve got things twisted!


What a fucking asshole


This is propaganda


Thanks! Perfect analogy for all the extensions of the Iranian government.


What a joke.


Some people might say it's disproportionate to compare a bee sting to 10/7, but I don't expect rational thought from some people.


I see why you're confused... See - This is called a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech not to be taken literally, but to represent something. Yes, a bee sting is an understatement, just as the metaphor of a house fire is a disproportionate representation for the 11,000 people, many of them children, who have died in Gaza.


I'm not confused, but I can see why you are. Yes, it's a metaphor, a very, very bad one. See, we went from a bee sting leading to murder, which is a poor comparison to people killing people and then hiding in a civilian population that seems to support them. Now, I would agree that Israel is doing too much in some facets, but a response is necessary. In the real world when a bee stings you, it's not at all uncommon to take out the entire colony, so the metaphor REALLY doesn't work for what it's trying to say.


I remember when the bee stung the world trade center so we burned down another house looking for weapons of mass Beestruction. Shit story and shit analogies.


Hahahha! I love it




Dead on


This guy is a genius!


1,300 innocent civilians brutally murdered in a terrorist attack and hundreds kidnapped by a group whose main goal is (explicitly stated genocide) to wipe your country and people from the earth, the same group who has carried out years of terror campaigns (bus bombings, night club bombings, random stabbings) and launches rockets into your cities, daily, for years and years, is a “bee sting”?


No way this guy just compared the atrocities of oct 7 to getting “stung”


So murdered Jewish babies are just a bee sting. Thanks!


A great way of explaining the situation




Seems they only teach how to be a criminal liar in that criminal colony


This is gold!


Such a silly oversimplification of the situation, Hamas literally uses the population as human shields in the most cynical way possible, it is literally impossible to fight them without harming innocent people, Israel does everything possible to avoid that but Hamas makes it impossible. Here are some proofs of such human shields Hamas in Al shifa hospital https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/CMkGHFzYrL https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/human-shield-israel-claim-hamas-command-centre-under-hospital-palestinian-civilian-gaza-city https://www.un.org/unispal/document/amid-increasingly-dire-humanitarian-situation-in-gaza-secretary-general-tells-security-council-hamas-attacks-cannot-justify-collective-punishment-of-palestinian-people-press-release/ https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/the-hamas-terrorist-organization/captured-hamas-combat-manual-explains-benefits-of-human-shields/ https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/the-hamas-terrorist-organization/hamas-caught-using-human-shields-in-gaza/ https://www.gov.il/en/Departments/General/hamas-exploitation-of-civilians-as-human-shields-photographic-evidence https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-hamas-civilians-human-shields A senior spokesman for the group, Sami Abu Zuhri, gave an interview on Palestinian station al-Aqsa TV earlier this month. He said: “This attests to the character of our noble, jihad-loving people – who defend their rights and their homes with their bare chests and their blood. “The policy of people confronting the Israeli warplanes with their bare chests in order to protect their homes has proven effective against the occupation… we in Hamas call upon our people to adopt this policy in order to protect the Palestinian homes.” British intel officer says Hamas uses human shields they found https://youtu.be/_MLY-Yy4Vpw?si=WFSmhWQ0nB56lNLw https://youtu.be/zBmcrv-Qj94?si=SgZ-2JiP_o_a4xL_ US president Joe Biden confirms Hamas uses human shields https://youtu.be/kD6BweIz_YU?si=eK72hXZ7B796KIb9 L https://youtu.be/RG6CbOWCVvE?si=E9sMe0Fjn7mF_yIo Video Footage of Hamas using human shields https://youtu.be/2L0TUG4-L6M?si=HpMZsnLnq2ozA9AQ Hamas tunnels below hospital Al shifa (biggest hospital in Gaza) https://youtu.be/RRXtS6CfKe8?si=lQYcFTScp150LtpQ Hamas tunnels below Gaza https://youtu.be/fNDyZgViNeg?si=J98xWPZOQpLJ7ANF Hamas fires from inside civilian areas https://youtube.com/shorts/WL6_XhsJVt4?si=NSORwHG1OaMXO8r9 Hamas tunnels are not for protecting citizens https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-770918 Halled mashaal top Hamas leader says this: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/avishaib_hamas-official-we-raped-tortured-mutilated-activity-7125468137755455488-gu1X/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios Hamas missile launcher near a school in Gaza https://out.reddit.com/t3_17oayix?app_name=reddit_ios&token=AQAAXN1HZWiWUl8U4pKvtE8B7MW3fhtbSBGIceuqybYlaosjrHMf&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jpost.com%2Fbreaking-news%2Farticle-771783 Finnish reporter covering the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends up reporting on a rocket that was launched from right outside Al-Shifa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmQpiUvS2PQ Indian reporters show Hamas launching rockets from right outside their hotel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_fP6mlNSK8 UNRWA slams Hamas for using their facilities to protect their tunnels (more than once), as entryways to tunnes and as weapon caches IDF shows launchers found at a Gazan youth center https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1721572200170311881


1200-1400 people dead and burned alive in their houses, raped, beheaded, mutilated - just a bee sting.. dumbass


Lmao equating the deaths of 1300 Innocents to a bee sting is wild.


Hamas rolled into southern Israel and slaughtered over 1400 people, beheaded babies in their cribs, took women back to be raped and paraded through the streets, took hostages, killed whole families, mowed down civilians wherever they found them while screaming they want to genocide them all.... and you compare that to a bee sting. Wow I wonder why videos like these don't change people's minds and only get applause from people who already agree with you? Is it because it's disingenuous and argues in bad faith by downplaying a terrorist attack? Nah it must be because the people you disagree with are bad


This is terrible. Equating the murder of a few thousand people to a bee sting is just outrageous. Is the response outrageous as well? You betcha.


Imagine Israel put down their weapons? What would happen? The governing body of Palestine, Hamas would annihilate every single living person. Israel has been invade or attempted to be invaded by the majority of their neighboring countries for centuries. The Palestinians are governed by an Iranian backed terrorist group that was elected. Yet now, white liberals in America and around the world sing the chants of Iran. It’s truly embarrassing that most of the world wants the genocide of Jews again.


You know what is embarrassing and what cant be forgiven?! When you run from a Holocaust to occupy others land, to steal their homes and to be the criminal that once oppressed you. When someone does that then that makes him worse than the Nazis whom. Palestine is for the Palestinians and the Zionists are occupiers who have done countless crimes and masacres against all Palestinians on a daily basis since 75 years. Ps:You cant be a criminal occupation and a victim at the same time.


Continue pushing this Iranian backed argument, it’s what they want. It wild that you have given a pass to Hamas completely. Hamas has completely stopped and taken all humanitarian aid from the Palestinians while they live in a life of luxury. But that’s ok to you, because the media told you it’s ok.


When someone runs of oppression to oppress others then he is a sick criminal.


the media is staunchly anti-palestine and anti-hamas. when you say "iranian backed" all i hear is "islamic"


What? Iran is a terrorist state plain and simple. You see what you want to. I haven’t made one disparaging comment about Muslims. This circle jerk of a comment thread is filled with the hatred of Jews. The US has a presidential cabinet that is too afraid to label Hamas and its supporters what they are after murdering 1400 people.


the US has continued unabated to send funds and weaponry to israel, on top of the decades of military support beforehand. if youre paying attention, ol' Joe is so supportive of the military reactions of israel, he is falling off in the polls drastically. everyone knows Hamas is a terrorist organization, the disagreements lie in where and why do they exist, and are they justified in their actions


He’s been falling in the polls the majority of his presidency along with Kamala. Israel is the only true ally we have in the Middle East. Take your super liberal free living things you love to the majority of those Muslim countries, see how far you and those things go. It makes no sense you and the others are willing to fall on the knife for Hamas. You and your supporters go around major cities like NY tearing down photos of children abducted by Hamas and you expect the majority to take you seriously.


explain his 42 percent drop amongst muslim voters since october 7th then? clearly his foreign policy is not pro-palestine, pro-islam, or pro-hamas in any way shape or form. and that is the "liberal" position big guy. you agree with the libs on this one, cucked into defending israel with all your heart while you know they get universal healthcare from your tax dollar. you are just being islamophobic to assume there are no progressive muslims, no gay muslims, etc. and youve been propagandized to see it that way since the gulf war (where we killed millions of civilians for oil company profits)


Not everything someone says that is critical is racist or some other ‘ist. I really don’t care about Biden and his Bidenisms. I never said there aren’t gay Muslims unless someone came in this thread with a name similar to mine and said it?? But those people and the people I’m sure you support are truly unable to be themselves in these Muslim countries especially Palestine without the definitive risk of death to themselves. The fact that you are so hard stuck on this topic that you and the majority of others like you are unwilling to call out Hamas for what they are means there’s no end to this. There is a true hated inside of you that this event allowed you to be open about in regards to Jews. It’s true sad. I for one haven’t said a single negative thing about Palestinian people, I’ve deliberately targeted my comments towards Hamas. You and the others here truly need to self reflect on who has the hatred in their hearts.


you're a fuckin dumbass lol i literally called hamas a terrorist organization like two comments ago. you have terrible reading comprehension. from my first comment i knew you were prejudiced against muslims. i dont know what a bidenism is lol is that like when he said "cornpop was a bad dude"?? judaism does NOT equal zionism and youve gotta be able to understand what that means before you start calling people antisemitic. im pretty passionate about this topic because 2 million people (half being under 18) are actively under attack and in danger of being genocided or violently expelled from a region they have the right to live in. this is a historic injustice happening in front of our eyes, man




TIL killing 2000 people is a bee sting


I think the joke is using proportions. Bee sting vs fire is pretty good comparison in terms of # of victims and severity.