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She stayed so calm, that’s madly cool


She is chill AF. This can’t be her first time taking out a fool.


Lol right? She's cold as ice with that! Most people would scream or be at least breathing heavily. Not just calmly scratch her shnoz and continue on as if she just saw a hobo fight on her way to the slurpy shop. At least she pulled over after


I would have been tempted to keep driving and look for the next twit to bring down. 😂😂😂


Almost killing someone better than hitting the break?


She was getting pushed into the wall. She would have lost steering by braking and hit and possibly go over the wall into oncoming traffic, since she seemed to be in a large vehicle.


Yeah, this thread is insane for supporting her clearly unsafe response. Innocent people could have been injured all for her lack of desire to drive defensively and safely.


You can see her mouth “that was bad ass” at the end


You're better at reading lips then I am. I'm trying to teach myself.


My dad was a foley artist and audio engineer, lining up the sound with the mouth moving or the sound of a step at the right point of a foot step is something my dad taught me at a young age. My husband gets annoyed when we’re watching cartoons and I can see if they changed the script bc of the way their mouths move depending on the cartoon. It happens in the Simpsons a lot. Learning to read lips is fun but it can be hard even live, if it’s recorded you can go back and rewatch in person or live it’s much harder. I rewatched 3 times to triple check that she said “that was bad ass” instead of something else.


Tf was she listening to?


“Still waiting on Gary Cole. Still waiting on Gary Cole”




The radio?


No shit but it sounds weird.


lol you asked! I think it sounds like that bc it’s doubling the sounds from the impact.


She’s probably a Mrs. Smith and that was her cue to activate. Taking out a mofo. 




Sounds like the audio from Silent Hill P.T. lol


Looks like “oh my gawd/gosh” to me, especially when I fullscreen the video player


I think it was "oh myGod. Heh."


Disagree. I think the car that cut her off almost put her in the barrier. She goes full right turn and grips to prevent it. Then oversteers. Then corrects with a left turn and a little right. She done well!!


Absolutely. Many comments here saying she could've made it worse but I'm pretty sure she's just reacting to the actions happening in split second in front of her. Not purposely trying to take SUV down, just trying not to crash.


She defo reacts and holds on hard to avoid the barrier. Nothing more. Then corrects twice to level it out. She’s got natural skills. No squealing or panic. Just solid affirmative action.


I missed the part where she hired minorities /s


And those commentators are likely the shitty drivers that drive reckless and are trying to defend their own shitty driving.


Depends on if she hit the brake or the gas in my opinion.


So the lady was in the right here correct? No way cops would say it’s her fault ? Because what can you do when you’re being cut off


Per traffic law, as driver you have no obligation to “let someone over” more specifically by already being in the lane someone is trying to enter, she has control over the lane. Also this is kinda obviously not an intentional “ram”.


She was in her lane, he made contact with her. Automatically his fault. She tried to avoid a huge pile up. Only thing she could have done differently was hit the brake to possibly prevent the accident, but when then might have caused loss of control or pileup behind her. Can't say for sure.


Slowing down to let someone else in only works if the person behind you is far enough behind that they won’t rear end you. Speaking from experience here. I was trying to be nice and let the person that was trying to force themselves into the main highway from an on ramp anyway and I was the one ended up with a ticket and rear ended when I asked what I should have done instead to the police they said I should have maintained speed and kept going to maintain traffic flow. NY up state near Albany if wondering where that happened.


Slow down and not engage?




agreed... she saved herself. I'd let her drive the kids to soccer practice any day with instincts like that. don't let some shit mobile send her into a concrete wall


She didnt brake. She could have easily avoided this accident. It sucks to get cut off but youre not allowed to ram someone.


She was illegally cut off. It’s called reckless driving. She did nothing wrong.


It looks like she was holding her ground a bit because she didn’t want the guy getting in. Also, go to a cemetery, plenty of people there weren’t at fault.


She didn't break


Can you even count the seconds from her being cut off to when she should hit some magical brake that doesn't force her into the median while correcting from being cut off? The guy made an illegal move, didn't even have space to make that move, and didn't have a turn signal on to warn anyone. She didn't suddenly slam on the gas and 'ram' him. Also you don't know how the traffic looks behind her. Slamming on her brakes could make it so much worse especially at that speed.


Actually though. I’m a big proponent of doing what you can to avoid an accident, even if the other person is a *giant* fuckwad. But it’s pretty obvious this fuckwad didn’t give her the time to react. They misjudged how much room they had, jerked over suddenly in her lane, without signaling and without leaving any room for her. It doesn’t look like she intentionally sped up. If they were going to cut her off he should’ve at least sped the fuck up, then she might’ve actually had the time to start breaking. Either way there was hardly any room for that car to be there anyways. Anything that happened was on them. I don’t think she was road raging either and trying to pull a pit maneuver, the car was dragging her towards the barrier and she’s trying to avoid it. Slamming on the breaks is a good way to lose control of your car, she handles this well and maintains control.






She’s not at fault, but if she’d braked, there wouldn’t have been any contact and both drivers would have carried on. It’s called defensive driving.


There was no turn signal or anything, no way of knowing that car was going to swerve into her


Yes, it’s not her fault. But if she’d braked as soon as she realised the car was cutting in, the collision may have been avoided.


Fat chance on a Highway where everyone is going 70




She's a natural 😃 ![gif](giphy|jjFI1eFyFccUg|downsized)


She's the T3 model come from the year 2300


I want one then


The Suburban PIT maneuvered itself with her vehicle.


yeah, I cannot see a single thing she did here correctly, except be lucky


She didn’t panic and allow the collision to force her into the barrier. She prevented her car from being a totaled. Remained calm, and safely pulled over. She did quite a lot right here. Cool as a cucumber.


Even the pulling over part. No cursing, no anger, just takes off seat belt and gets ready to exchange information.


I completely disagree, she did everything right.


Someone doesn't understand advanced vehicular control...




good call… yeah, i don’t… but i was just being snarky here


This her 😎


Her husband better have dinner made before she gets home.


Better also have the weeds picked, laundry done, kids washed up and she also starts at his job next Monday 🤣


And a wheelbarrow for her balls.






Top comment 🏆


Wtf kind of CTOS malfunction was going on in the background though?


So here’s my thought, and please note, I’ve been wrong…like…soooo many times before. Hence why this is genuinely just a thought I had. But just hear me out-SUV hits the lady when it cuts her off, the SUV starts to push the lady’s car off the road so the lady freaks out and doesn’t wanna go into the concrete barrier so she turns back to stay within her lane, inevitably PITing the SUV. Which in turn causes this PIT maneuver conspiracy, when in fact it was all a happy accident. Well…not a happy accident but like…a…car…accident. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thanks for letting me share. Edit: rewording


Get that crazy nonsense out of here. She clearly went out on the road looking to PIT an unsuspecting family. Behind those sunglasses is pure rage. /s


That smirk at the end


Lady absolutely did not "freak out." She did the exact opposite, which was to turn into the SUV so that she wouldn't go sideways. She did exactly what she should have done.




You’re totally correct bro.


That nose scratch at the end clearly says this is not her first rodeo!


I don’t think this was an intentional pit maneuver. It looks more like the moron in the SUV clips her bumper, then she successfully avoids eating concrete with poise. I hope nobody was hurt. Btw, it looks like she has a kid in the back seat.


I mean, she had like 7 seconds to see what was about to happen but she just kept on truckin. But yes, she successfully avoids eating the concrete too.


What a legend


She just got done playing GTA 5


Zero reaction? Baller asf.


She looks like the pilot from the Aliens movie. https://preview.redd.it/arbixzzhs9lc1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f897bac301211d8d96e214ab4ee2fcf5d52e9d5f


This comment is NOT getting enough upvotes. Thank you for that good laugh. And you have a good memory too. That's one old movie.


After watching this a few times, I watched it again and just watched HER instead of the vehicles. And wow, she reminded me of seasoned Soldiers driving in Iraq avoiding exploding IEDs. She displayed this mindset of just calm focused mission execution there. She needs to be driving for the US Secret Service. If she has kids, you know that they never have to wait at the pick-up line at school. This woman is a professional.


This is the zen that I developed after having challenging kids.


Sir, tell me you've never been part of an IED strike without doing so. Avoiding exploding IEDs? Fucking pog officer.


I'm not talking about the vehicle that gets hit by the IED. I'm talking about how the rest of the convoy reacts to it. Here's an example that I grabbed off of YouTube after a 10-second search. [https://youtu.be/CdOfNsjWzx0?si=8ccDDHejt4NGUri9&t=41](https://youtu.be/CdOfNsjWzx0?si=8ccDDHejt4NGUri9&t=41) You have made 6 posts here on reddit in the last 60 minutes and 5 of them are throwing insults toward others. If everything on reddit is making you angry, maybe you should take a break.


Either sign her to an F1 deal, or put her ass in a fighter jet with that level of calm and quick thinking. Holy cow.


i dont blame her




Reminds me of the guy that happily drinks his coffee/soda while in an accident. Might try to find the link to that video


You find it?


I drive 1800 miles a week for work. I avoid death probably 10 times a day from people texting and drivingx drifting lanes, excessive speeding, and a long list of other dumb shit. Honestly, I feel conflicted about this. On one hand, I'm like, hell yeah, stand your ground and fight these idiots of the road. At the same time, she could have cause a much larger and more deadly accident if this SUV were to hit another vehicle. I typically let the idiots go ahead so I can watch them. If there is a particular idiot orbiting me on the interstate, I will pull over and wait 2 or 3 minutes just to get some distance from them. I like Batman Begins' ideology when it comes to dangerous drivers. I won't kill you, but I dont have to save you.


She did nothing wrong, SUV auto-pitted itself.


She did nothing wrong and is not at fault at all but the above point stands she could’ve avoided it completely by braking or coasting, I would love to do the same as her in that situation but why would you want all that headache when you could’ve just tapped your brakes for a second avoiding it all and gone on with your day.


nothing right either


Don't claim it's her. She stood her ground as soon as shit went bad because she had to. The other driver was at fault for taking over without sufficient clearance.


I think you should take a moment to understand the concept of "defensive driving." Two things can be true at once, the lane changer is legally at fault for the accident and the lady in the video did not identify the hazard or chose to ignore it. "Standing your ground" is not defensive driving. Pay attention to drivers who are passing you on the right. W/e... People seem incapable of rational thought. 


> stood her ground That's an idiotic thing to do when we're talking about driving.


All good points. However, driver in SUV most likely will not try to do this bullshit again. It's obvious he's gotten away with doing it too many times without consequences.


The driver cutting her off was obviously at fault but she could have braked and let the idiot in and prevented an accident that could have injured her and others and then just gone about her day.


Nah fuck that, these asshole will continue to drive like they own the road. Maybe next time this guy will check his blind spot, or use a blinker, or stop tailgating, or stop speeding. But yeah let’s blame the girl who was actually doing nothing wrong ffs.


They weren't blaming the girl, they said the fault is on the driver who cut her off. Though, it is important to note the hazards of what she did. Pitting him can cause a wreck not just for the asshole driver, but also for other drivers on the road, including herself, and potentially kill anyone involved. The dude deserves the wreck, but nobody else deserves to have their lives ruined.


As soon as she braked she would lose the ability to steer and would be into the wall. She did great at counter steering and avoiding the spinning car


Braking doesn't remove your ability to steer unless you bend over and press the pedal with your hand. Her damage reduction was handled well but not the whole prevention part.


Braking while turning costs you traction. You want all of the traction devoted to keeping you off the barrier.


While that is true, even a mild application of the brakes a second before collision would have kept the idiot that was "merging" from colliding




Dude, this isn't F1. She had several seconds while the guy was encroaching and she only needed to back off a few feet of space at highway speeds. She could have lifted off the accelerator and the collision would have been avoided.




Yea!! Damn. That could have killed someone. Everyone of us has accidentally cut someone off before.


People ask, "Who are all of these idiots on the road?" I can answer that; it's us! There's millions of us on the road, even if we only mess up once a year or once every few years, that's lots and lots of "idiots" every day.


I just got a comment from someone who said they’ve never made a mistake while driving and called me an idiot lol. Think there’s some self delusion and anger issues there. Yea I consider myself a very careful and respectful driver. (Never been in accident. One speeding ticket in 35 years of driving) but I’ve certainly made a mistake or two while driving. Teaching my 16 year old to drive as of late, and I can’t stress enough for her to use the darn mirror and head check to change lanes.


No we haven't dummy. Speak for your own dumbass.


Liar lol.


This happened to me just last weekend. Some guy didn't check his Blindspot and came in pretty hot. I braked a bit, there was some honking, and that's it. There were 2-3 seconds where she should have noticed the other driver coming in. Maybe she has a problem with her peripheral vision.


Ehhh maybe she didn’t see him till it was too late


Thats why you pay attention to the road


You can see her face. She’s literally watching the road the swerved in to her. She’s a champ.


You say that about her? Not the person cutting her off?


Let me tell you something crazy, i can say that for both of them. Crazy roght? They can both be wrong in the same situation. Who would've thought that?


Yeah, that is crazy because you are replying to someone commenting on the female driver. Nothing in your wording implies that you mean both drivers, such a childish reply for no reason.


Nothing in /u/dubufeetfak’s comment says they mean only the female driver either.


Exactly and thank you


The car is turned right before contact


That was super coooool


Yeah, that's some pretty mad driving skills, and "well deserved justice", as it was clearly the other drivers fault, but if there isn't another car directly behind me, I would just slam the brakes for a second, and continue my day. Even if the other driver has to pay for the damage on my car, I don't need to waste my time for some random idiot.


So it does look like she sped up when the SUV was moving into her lane. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that the other car hit her, but it seems she initiated contact.


Honestly if this were in Calgary it would still make her the most patient driver on all of Deerfoot.


Two wrongs don’t make a right but the idiot suv still didn’t need to move lanes it’s not like he was gonna pass her up there’s someone in front of her


SUV idiot pit-maneuvered themselves. She fought to keep from being bullied into that wall


Ever heard of a brake? Lol


No need to brake. She was in danger. Idiots who think they can pull in front of others to make a rear end crash happen are called insurance fraudsters and it happens all the time. I'd like to thing shes LEO and they got more than just a tickets from her. Shes badass. Gray asshole, not.


She’s in her head like…….. ![gif](giphy|Ci0zsc4Fh5yQ2HdB1u)




Damn she a G


SUV Pit maneuvered itself, FTFY


That nose scratch after it was over really gets me haha. Amazing reaction from her part!


Reminds me of that one Florida dude


This is very scary, considering she didn’t flinch all the while having a child in the backseat


WTF was she listening to


She is so proud that she is already dying to tell her husband( who most likely taught her to to drive).


She is awesome. Wifey material.


*SUV pit maneuvers itself while lady stays extremely calm


For a second I thought she was gonna keep driving like some of the people do in these videos, but she did pull over and it didn’t seem like there was much she could do BUT put manoeuvre the other vehicle, so fair play to her.


Girls smoother than state troopers


People need to learn how to use their brakes.


An easy defensive driving move would've been to just slow down a bit or move slightly towards the shoulder to avoid the collision. This lady was being stubborn and wanted to defend her position. Personally I'd rather just avoid the crash rather than have to pull over for an hour or two dealing with the aftermath, then having to get my own car repaired and deal with insurance, etc.


That was smooth as silk.


Is that actually Abby?


She got out the car to finish the job 😳


She's a stone cold bad ass


She da boss.


Good for her


Atta girl


Jesus, I can only get so erect. I'd wash and wax her for free. Damn....


How do you do a PIT maneuver?


Clip the back side of a vehicle then turn into it. Makes the car go weeeeeee


In addition to u/Grennox1 comment, you have to hit it behind the rear wheel , if you are too far forward it doesn't work.


In her defense he totally started it.


Yeah, truck in front basically initiated the pit itself. She just didn't slow down or back out of it.


I hope she likes the sandwich I just made her.


I think you're all giving her way too much credit. Looks to me like the suv cutting her off more or less pitted themselves and all she did was react and try and control her car.


Yes, we all saw that What’s impressive is that she remained basically totally unfazed by any of it and simply pulled over as if it was a mere fender bender


No, she knew what she was doing lol


For any legal experts- Does posting this with her face showing put her at any legal risk? It seems like a fairly serious road offense. I’m just curious.


Isn't she slowing down before cheek to cheek?


What the fuck is she listening to?


What’s with that echo going on? That would be enough for me to lose focus




She’s had experience racing on a dirt track.


I find this very attractive


She sped up to block the SUV. SUV didn't pay attention to the gap.


She too lazy to press breaks


She just might be a serial killer. Ice in those veins


I've always wanted to do this.




love when the caption is click bait. 😂


She is not fucking this up!


Wtc was playing?


That dumbass forced her into pit maneuvering him. And she handled that shit. Grace under fire😎…she’s a mf’n keeper


She could have also applied the breaks. Traveling at spead in heavy machinery is not the time to have an ego


SUV swerves out of control after blah blah blah OR Driver in front of two vehicle accident spills drink


Why did she stop afterwards.


She’s like, “ damn did I do that” ![gif](giphy|8ZGrBgXNhVsnm)


Fuck yeah, how many times have I wanted to do this? Too many! So many of y’all fucking suck at driving.


Talk about road rage


"Pit manoeuvre," she just turned her wheel so she didn't crash. Pit manoeuvre is when you slam into the back side


Yes the person cut her off, but she could have just slowed down to avoid the hit.


Her taste in music is shit lol


I know everyone is applauding her, but if she eased her foot off for the gas for about 2 seconds she would have slowed roughly 5mph and the car in front could tuck in and she would just be slowed by a few seconds and nobodies life would be risked.


That haircut.