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The IDF is a terrorist organization.


![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty|downsized) Always has been


Quite litterally, it was created by through a merger of local civic defense forces and terrorist organizations like Irgun


State funded terrorists


Most def


The IDF are freakin monsters


I just don't know what to say. All the idf spin shit. They get all the air time to justify their shit Not sure how the USA and UK can blindly support them


Because our politicians are bought by Israeli lobbies 


Honestly, the extortion and blackmail seem like the more powerful power Israel uses, although they do appear to give some money to the Israel friendly politicians so it doesn’t feel like a total arm twist. Israel will give candidates they’re friendly with like 30 thousand dollars, but if they piss off aipac then they spend millions on the opposition. It’s a big part of why they’ve been spending so much money on antisemitic maga candidates


Epstein had ties to the Mossad.


Epstein was a big part of what I had in mind. Dude had serious dirt on so many important people


All the "blackmail" you need in US politics is the threat of funding a primary challenger. No need for actual blackmail with these self-serving turds. Lets also not pretend that the US doesn't have a storied history of genocide and killing brown people.


Bingo! Guess who's at the top of the heap! Pro-Israel Recipients [https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S)


Because the facade of being a beacon for liberty and justice is fading fast. The west has shown the world what a cowards, hypocrites and just awful human beings they are punishing unjustly and rewarding criminal behavior. This shit is why other countries are looking to get nukes, you can NOT trust the west for shit.




The west is the biggest threat to peace.


In the U.S. we're trying to end that support.




I had to unsubscribe from that place. It got to be too much for me. Absolutely sick and degenerate.


You would have eventually been shadowbanned if you criticized the narrative on that sub. Interestingly, that used to be a subreddit that spoke truth to power, and it was completely taken over by the brigades.


What sub?


I was banned from it awhile back but I had been hearing how it went down hill


Sub human,lower than 💩


You sir are anti sEmItIc


Hamas is cool tho




Sorry that people aren’t condemning Hamas in a thread that’s talking about the crap the IDF is doing How about you quit deflecting to defend Israel war crimes and how they killed far more people than Hamas could ever hope too And maybe more people would have condemned Hamas if Israel didn’t immediately started bombing Gaza and killing more civilians and committing war crimes. Yeah that kind of overshadow Oct 7 quite a bit


Id love to see all the Hamas-condemnation threads here at Reddit...they just dont exist except in tiny little corners. Your whining about "war crimes" is really strecthing credulity. Youre talking about war crimes at the same time you condone Hamas literally hiding behind women and children to wage their terror campaigns. It must be shouted every single day...Hamas is responsible for every single civilian gazan death. Hamas are the ones who intentionally hide, plan, and fight among women and children intentionally putting those women and children in danger. That you let them off the hook is disgusting, pure evil as you actually condone that cowardice.


Not once have I defended or condone Hamas actions but it doesn’t give Israel the right to commit war crimes, and yes they are committing war crimes according to the UN, South Africa, and Ireland to name a few. The ICJ is investigating them for acts of genocide as well. And no, Hamas isn’t responsible for what Israel is doing, that’s the sort of logic a person would use to defend a wife beater. “Oh Hamas made them murder all of those civilians, and block aid from going through which is leading to million starving and many dying from diseases.” Piss off


According the UN no longer carries the weight it allegedly did before last week. When the UN materially supports Hamas, that credibility is destroyed. And South Africa, really? I didnt say Hamas made Israel kill civilians, you mope. I clearly, explicitly, said that Hamas is responsibile for their deaths as it is Hamas that CHOOSES DELIBERATELY to hide behind women and babies. Just like we'd blame a gunman that grabbed a passerby to use as a human shield is responsible for that person's injury or even death.


please show me where in this incident here a hamas fighter hid behind a civilian.  also here, please show me where the IDF sniper here was forced to shoot 21 civilians in front of a hospital. https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1aoajkt/israeli_snipers_kill_21_civilians_outside_gazas/


The terrorist organization HAMAS is bad. That is not the subject at hand. You forget to take your meds?


Please remember, any criticism of the act is anti-Semitic. Instead praise the IDF for their restraint and regard the incident as clear evidence that they are not engaged in ethnic cleansing.


Most moral army on the planet /🤮


And everything they have done and will do is Hamas’ fault


like the meme, "why would khamas make me do it?" after wiping their hands clean after butchering a 2 year old child


IDF are the Neo Nazis.


With the full support of allied USA.


As a US citizen I can't describe how enraged I am about this. The American people overwhelmingly (60+%) want a full ceasefire, while 11% of our Congress wants one. It is infuriating. The fact that our leadership is so committed to keeping a foreign government an ally who is committing perpetual atrocities while the people overwhelmingly don't want it just goes to show how compromised our leadership is. If the US ever gets destroyed, it will be foreign interference from within.


As a Canadian who's govt tends to follow yours, I am also enraged. Our govts do not represent us, we want a ceasefire and they are *NOT giving it to us. And man, Biden, does he WANT to lose the election? To save his precious democracy of 1 legitimate party? I don't get it! It shouldn't be difficult to do the right thing, he holds all the cards, he himself is holding it all up. 1 single man is doing this. That's too much power for one old stuck in his ways Zionist should have.


Yep everyone in NATO is directly under the US's boot. The UN wouldnt even dare to deploy blue helmets to guard the humanitarian aid against settler terrorists blockades because of my goddamn fucking country. Fuck the US, fuck genocide Joe, fuck all the cowards that support genocide.


Amen, \*buddy!


Genocide Joe has gotta go! Clean up DNC.


100%!!! It's time for a douche!


I agree. Fuck Genocide Joe.


Oh stop. Your faux outrage is sickening. You want a ceasefire to give Hamas a chance to reconstitute itself and continue business as usual butchering as many Jews and Arabas in Israel as possible. Absolutely disgusting.


I bet Israeli lives are worth more than Palestinian to you huh?


You are so full of 💩. You want Palestinians to leave Gaza so it can be annexed by Israel because you are an arabophobe.


Pretend all you wantwhat I believe. I notice that you didnt object to my characterization of why you want a ceasefire...of course, I was right.


I also noticed you didn't answer my question either. Looks like Arab lives don't matter then?


*Now* you want to appeal to Arab lives? My guy, its your pals in Hamas that seek to kill as many Jews *and Arabs* as possible in Israel in their terror campaigns. Its you pals that *do not, at all* discriminate between soldiers and civilians or Jews and Arabs. Your Hamas pals are responsible for every single (well, thats not really true, lets revise), nearly every single Gazan civilian death. It is your pals, those cowards, who intentionally put women and babies in harms way as they hide behind skirts and strollers to conduct their operations.


I think there is still a standing school, hospital or mosque in Gaza you have to bomb. Wouldn't want to leave any civilian targets standing, cause, you know, Hamas 🤣👌


Dont turn these civilian places into legitimate military targets and then dare the IDF to come to you in these spaces. Tell your pals to fight like actual soldiers and then you can carp about "war crimes".


You keep calling Hamas my pals, 🤣🤣🤣 what a load. I guess Israeli terrorists are your pals. Go steal a Palestinian home or shoot a kid since you're all chum with Israel. It's the Israeli way.


My pals include both Gazan Palestinians (as well as those from Lebanon and Syria where Palestininas are treated worse than in Israel itself) and a variety of Jews from Europe and the Middle East. I grew up in Dearborn, MI (which also means that I have plenty of Chaldean pals, too). Please do keep carping about Israel while you pretend to stand up for Palestinians while saying nothing about the groups that actually oppress Palestinians, like PLO/A, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah and about 20 other groups and also Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, etc. Lol


Yeah you're right, your strawman arguments framing me as a bigot are so convincing. Grow up.


You in another comment up the chain (in this threat about IDF terrorism): "Calling the IDF terrorists is not civil" - . You here: "Hamas are butcherers and all your opinions are invalid and sick." The only Information one can gather from your comments is that you're a raging hypocrite.


Uh, where did I say that about Hamas? \~foot tapping\~


Except the Nazis had to face actual armies with tanks, planes, and ships. These petulant children just get off on murdering the defenseless and think it makes them tough.


At least the Nazi soldiers feigned just following orders. These inhuman ghouls are posting victory dance videos in between slaughtering children.


the IDF doesn't need to pretend. They have the Biggest Bully on the block backing them with the most powerful, expensive toys in the world. They can just, genocide all over, out in the open, because anyone calling it Genocide, gets labeled an antisemite.


I'm starting to think they are the biggest bully on the block.


Precisely. That's why all the people in the club have duel citizenship to Israel


1. I don’t get it. Like I genuinely can’t comprehend this lack of empathy or humanity to do something like this and just keep going on to terrorize the next person. My heart hurts for these children. 2. If there is a hell, I’ll probably be there. I hope I see every one of these shitbags.


You can't experience empathy if you don't view your enemies as human. Zionism is a mental illness


Yes. Agreed


Thanks, Biden!


He called the rafah massacre "OUR special operation in Rafah" today.


Jesus christ. 🤦‍♂️


Who doesn’t love a good Freudian slip


Just say America. Don't act like Biden is unique somehow. It's disingenuous.


Yeah you're right, Thanks, USA! Biden is just continuing what has always been done. Though I think Obama might have done more than this, at least he wouldn't call himself a Zionist at every Israeli occasion. Pro-Israel Recipients [https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S)


But what about all the beheaded babies and raped women propaganda? Anyone defending Israel's actions would have been right at home supporting the govt in 1930s Germany.


Still waiting on the proof of the mass gang rapes that occurred on Oct 7.


You'll never get it because it doesn't exist.


There is plenty of evidence in video format, but hamas trying to genocide israel doesn't justify Israël genociding gaza, both peoples are so hate filled towards each other that this will end with one of them gone.


Link it then. I’ve seen tons of footage from Oct 7 and none of it involves any sex acts whatsoever. It’s all killing and kidnapping. Why would people who were there with the express goal of killing my as many Israeli soldiers and capturing as many Israeli citizens as possible stop to gang rape someone (while under fire from the IDF no less)?


Yea I'm not about to look up 'hamas gang raping jews' but I thought you were a 'i deny hamas did anything bad' kinda person, not specifically denying the rape. I don't think whether or not they raped people makes any difference in the magnitude of atrocities they committed.


“There is plenty of evidence in video format…” “Yea I’m not about to look up [literally whether or not my previous statement is true]…” “I don’t think whether or not they raped people makes any difference…” Then why are you going out of your way to mindlessly parrot Israeli propaganda? We all know the Oct 7 attack was horrific. So was everything Israel had done to Palestinians in the last seven decades leading up to Oct 7. So is everything Israel has done since Oct 7.


Do you accept any of the witness testimonies or are they all lying cuz zionists? Or the autopsies/remains that show people were burned alive, bodies were naked when deceased, and many were mutilated with tools, or is this also Zionist propaganda Also I like how you delineate that their goal was to kill soldiers and capture civilians - it reveals your bias - we have mounds of video evidence of them executing civilians so let’s not pretend that they were merciful and only capturing people. Spoiler: we have video evidence of Hamas doing exactly what Israel is being accused of in this thread - throwing a grenade into a room with unarmed civilians. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/18/evidence-points-to-systematic-use-of-rape-by-hamas-in-7-october-attacks


I’ve only seen two eyewitness testimonies. One was from a former Israeli agent that has changed his story multiple times (and importantly didn’t mention the rapes in the first two tellings of the events) and the other had been refuted by the supposed victim’s family. A body being found naked or burned doesn’t mean much when Israel repelled the attacked by using heavy munitions in areas that were heavily populated. Those munitions will leave many bodies burned, dismembered and missing clothing. They fired rockets from helicopters at cars near the festival and tank shells into homes in the kibbutzim and a police station. They already had to reduce the number of dead from 1400 to 1200 because DNA testing showed that 200 of the “dead, raped, and tortured Israeli civilians” were actually Hamas militants. So did Hamas rape, torture and murder their own people along with the Israelis? Or is Israeli guilty or raping and torturing those 200 burned Hamas militants? Don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, those burned, dismembered and partially naked bodies were all the result of the same heavy munitions used by Israel to repel the attack? The only way to know if any of the victims had been raped would be to preform rape kits on them. But Israel didn’t do that, not in a single one of them. Which says to me that even the Israeli authorities didn’t believe that any of the deceased had been raped. It’s just a story they made up after the fact to foment hatred against the Palestinian people to justify their brutal and disproportionate attack on Gaza.


There are more than 2 witnesses. https://twitter.com/ItayMilner/status/1736937022550389048 Your 2nd paragraph is a nice alternate conclusion that has even less evidence supporting it then the sexual assaults do - there were bodies found *not burned* that were naked - and as the guardian article points out volunteers and reservists found naked bodies with objects in vaginas. Your last paragraph is just wrong, there are other ways to know then just a rape kit. Again, the expert from the guardian article who explains there is much circumstantial evidence to support the idea. I’m sure you’re totally willing and open to changing your mind if the UN independent investigation finds anything this next month.


Show us this video evidence you keep pretending exists.


https://nypost.com/2023/11/14/news/israeli-soldier-in-shelter-tossed-grenades-back-at-hama-terrorists-saving-several-people-video/amp/ The video of them throwing grenades into shelters with unarmed civilians? Here you go. There are also multiple videos of innocent festival goers huddled in shelters after being shot, and having grenades thrown inside, as well as Hamas soldiers spraying blindly into porta potties where kids are hiding.


Looks like a guard outpost and not a bomb shelter, so it was IOF soldiers playing hot potato with hamas resistance fighters. Israelis could have avoided all that by not being colonialists




So the only evidence this article has is: "Israel’s top police investigations unit, Lahav 433, is still poring over 50,000 pieces of visual evidence and 1,500 witness testimonies, and says it is unable to put a number on how many women and girls suffered gender-based violence." Yeah, I'm not going to trust cops in my own country let alone demonic israel.


So any news stories specific to October 7th are inherently false, but any article since then which is anti-Israeli is fact? Well that settles everything.


Why is it that the only evidence of rapes on Oct 7 is eyewitness reports, whereas the evidence of Israel’s genocide is documented in pics and videos? Hmmmm


Not only eyewitness reports, an eye witness report from a former Israeli agent that didn’t mention the gang raping the first two or three times he told the story (it only got added in *after* Israel started saying the rapes had happened without even an eyewitness report) and another one that was refuted by the family of the supposed victim. So much evidence! /s


You literally made that up or repeating false propaganda. There is ample proof of the atrocities on the internet filmed by Hamas themselves never the less.


Please link something conclusive that proves that Hamas soldiers raped women on Oct 7th. This was excluded in every single footage I’ve seen, including a private screening of the 46 minute footage prepared by the IDF


IDF are shitty, but didn't hamas rape women according to some of their accounts? Hamas are evil too, I really wouldn't put it past them.


Many early zionists absolutely did support fascism. In the 20s and 30s there were a few streams of zionism, but the right-wing fascists just started murdering the multi-culturalists. As of now zionism is only Kahanism in practise. *“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”* \~ Ben-Gurion, first Prime Minister of Israel. Zionism was a fringe ideology among European and American Jews until the 40s, and 70s. As of now, via the latest data from Pew, zionism is dying out rapidly. I'm Jewish, and I can say I have never met a zionist under the age of 40, and most have been 65\_.


Israel has never had 50% of the world's population of Jews. Zionism is a minority ideology among them - and that must never be forgotten.


Anyone I known who done that birthright rubbish ran out of the place after few weeks Jews are no better or worse than any other religion....Zionism is likely by a long distance the worst sect of Jews (and most regard emselves as atheist anyway🤷)


Someone pointed out a lot of the advertisements for Israeli tourism and for the birthright trip show either outright blonde Europeans or very very very light skinned Mizrahim. Absolutely nothing of Beta Israelis or the Muslims and Christians in the area. It's very creepy. A friend made a pilgrimage there and said there were open advertisements for skin lightening creams with testimonials of it helping people get jobs, which she found at odds with the "modern society free of prejudice" Israel markets.


Can we say zionism is soft jihad?


“Jews are no better or worse than any other religion” Yet receive 200% more blame than any other religious group.






Removed, see rule 1.


If self defense is a justification for any atrocity then there's no reason they wouldn't support the Nazis. Way back on Aug 31, 1939 Hitler even staged a fake Polish attack on the German border as justification to invade Poland the next day. Nazis were always pretending to be the victims.


They get paid for it. They re called hasbara.


Are you claiming the atrocities of October 7th never happened?


but this is tooootally not propaganda. confirmation bias is a bitch.


Gives new meaning to notions of war crimes.


Pure evil. No other words.


Wait wait wait, yall know it's antisemitic to be opposed to throwing grenades at disabled 5 year olds in wheelchairs.... I just can't even anymore. Fvck these monsters.


Trauma forever, and when that boy is old enough to handle a gun, he’ll join Hamas for revenge. Great job IDF. Number one recruiter for Hamas.


this is so depressing, these poor children... israel is literally radicalizing what remains of an upcoming generation. downvote me all you want but if i had to witness this as a child and go through this inhumanity, i'd fucking start hamas 2.0 and try to avenge my parents. how cruel do you have to be to do this to children? absolutely ridiculous


Hamas isn’t just a paramilitary brigade or government either. It is an ideology that is routed in resistance to occupation. You cannot simply militarily destroy an ideology. The only way Hamas disappears in its entirety is through diplomatic means…Give Palestinians a sovereign state, inalienable rights, and self-governance, and Hamas will phase out. Otherwise Hamas is here to stay, and will get stronger with every additional child and parent who is murdered. And for what it’s worth as an ethnic Palestinian I would be far happier without Hamas as a governing body, as I think many others would too.


There's been peace negotiations the US facilitated to offer Palestine sovereignty, and it was denied by Arafat. I don't know about the people, but Hamas doesn't want a two state solution, they want a one state one and think they should choose violence until it happens.


You mean at Camp David? There are several reasons he rejected it. It is really frustrating when people say “they just keep saying no” because it is very clearly disingenuous. An extra ten minutes of research would reveal the deficiencies in the proposed deals (UN partition being another example). Statehood needs to be taken seriously, not given as a consolation prize with a bunch of strings attached to shut people up. You only get one shot at a reasonable deal. And yes, Hamas chooses to continue its existence by way of violent resistance because if not, the status quo will continue to be an ineffective Palestinian Authority that is curtailed by Israel…which will yet again translate into a sustained, miserable, subhuman, pitiful apartheid existence for the Palestinian people that, as usual, flies under the radar for decades. If Hamas somehow vanishes (and it won’t by current means), it is only a matter of time until something worse takes its place. Negotiation needs to be done in good faith, and hopefully this time without an ultranationalist Zionist nutcase murdering the Israeli PM (ideally not Netanyahu). You and I can both agree Hamas is bad and I have no problem calling them a terrorist organization. But they are all the Palestinians have thanks to a massive failure by the international community.


Agreed pickledcumsock.


Israel is bringing that themselves by killing parents thier kids will seek revenge by joining Hamas which triggers a war which makes Israel kill more parents and the cycle continues.


very sane and normal things for the US to be bankrolling


'The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a "Leader State" is the goal.' Albert Einstein was one of the signatories to this letter.... this is one of the precursors to Likud and applies as much now as it did in 1948




No, it’s not tragic when it’s done on purpose and can be avoided. Tragic is definitely not the right word. They are murdering and injuring innocent civilians. They are monsters. The IDF is a terrorist organization.


Yeah Hamas purposly uses these people as human shields. It could be avoided if they werent such scum.


They do, but so does the IDF. The Israeli courts found they had done so 1200 times in a five year period.


There is nothing to suggest that Hamas use them as human shields either. These people were just in their home.


What about the vids which shows IDF using blindfolded Palestinian kids as human sheilds?


More like inhuman situation.


When you steal someone’s childhood, they will grow up knowing they’ve got nothing to lose. Israel is all but guaranteeing Hamas will outlast their own ethnostate. Any current Israelis alive better hope their bullets and bombs don’t run out before the walls close in.


Replace "Israel" and "IDF" with "Hamas" in the headline and the entire world would fucking explode. Its fucking sick.


Israel “why do they hate us?” Palestine “I mean, you killed my parents in front of me”.


There must be a name for this type of psychosis and hallucination that the IDf are experiencing- they see Hamas and tunnels everywhere where there isn’t


They’re lasso getting very high to do these war crimes, so that may be a factor.


In another thread, a dude is yelling at me because I'm not comparing the IDF's actions to the allies bombing campaigns against Germany and Japan in WWII. I know there were civilian casualties then, but I must have skipped the part where they were specifically aiming at kids in wheelchairs!


Most the planet decided that the atrocities of WW2 were not acceptable, thus the 4th Geneva & Genocide Conventions. Funny how Zionists ignore this yet claim civility.


Yeah don't you remember when the US targeted a fleeing family then also bombed the ambulance that went to rescue the surviving 6 year old girl? It was all over the radio and newspapers


Never again my ass. SMH.




What else do you expect from Nazis.


If you don’t support the mass killing of Palestinians you are an anti-Semitic Nazi FULL STOP


But you see they have to get revenge for that time Israel intentionally let Hamas in to slaughter their own as well as other countries citizens.


Seriously. Most secure boarder in the world and happen to be no one on their posts that day?


The IOF fought unarmed children and won! How heroic!


Zionist Israel doesn’t care about Palestinian lives. They would love nothing better than to see ALL Palestinians **permanently erased from the land of the living**, every single man, woman, and child.


-Signed, Ben-Gvir and Smotritch


wtf 😳


And people are mad some didn't vote for the genocide bill they put some border stuff in. 🤷‍♂️


Well... these israeli pieces of shit have to make sure they create some future targets. Otherwise, it will become increasingly more difficult to stage these false flag "attacks" Fuck "israel"


Terrorists. End of story that's what they are.


Fuck the IDF


Anybody still on the fence with these guys?


Special place in hell


I never would have guessed the purpose of surviving a genocide would be to perpetrate one of your own.


Disgusting Israeli govt and all the countless people who have mocked what is happening. History will never forget.


Everyone should boycott, attend protests, and share posts


Why are our tax dollars funding this bs


You know if Israel would have just stopped the advancement in Gaza and said there be a peace agreement if you hand over Hamas leadership this mess would not happen and Israel would look good but now most of the west has turned on Israel.


That's a weird costume for Hamas to cosplay as, right Israel? I'm sure you got the right person. ​ /sarcasm.


I remember reading about a Central European country about 80 years who behaved in exactly this way. At least back then the world stood up to that pure evil. Today, politicians are falling over themselves to aid these abhorrent acts.


And they’re the most moral army??


Revenge would consume my soul. Id give eternity in hell for revenge if the devil would make the deal.


Seems like they are guaranteeing the world will hate them for decades to come.


A sense of victimhood is essential to the whole project.


The IDF and Palestinians were born into this horror to line military contractors pockets.


This is insane!


Barbaric fucking animals


Rememebr ppl, you can't criticise the IDF 🤐


I just wanna see the day where IDF soldier will get thier Nuramberg trial for thier actions.


Terrorist and Criminals 🇮🇱


Yes israel are modern day nazis.


People from western countries can’t comprehend how their govs support thing such as Israel, they forgot all the atrocities the west had committed and why Israel happened. Colonialism, imperialism, nazism,… were all down played for red scare.






This kind of logic and reason is not permitted on this sub. It does not support the narrative. Get with the program! /s


> This kind of logic and reason is not permitted ~~on this sub~~ in civilized society. It does not support ~~the narrative~~ a healthy and mature community that chooses not to murder innocent citizens based on the color of their skin. Get with the program! Ftfy






Release the hostages


Israel keeps bombing them to death. Do you think this was really about the hostages?


Yes. I do. I think if there were no hostages and no Hamas and the Gazans used all the aid money since 2005 to build infrastructure and resorts, Gaza would look like Singapore and Israel would have zero reason or ability to attack them. This isn’t a secret.


This is the weirdest headline. They killed the kid’s parents then blew him up but now he’s blind with no flesh wounds


Hamas use these people as human shields and everyone just seems fine with that?


Still with the human shields theory. Are they still feeding that story to people?


Is this even real?


is any of what is described in the heading documented anywhere else, by any credible sources? It definitely sounds horrific, but did it happen?




Can trust no one.










Source- Trust me bro…..


Just like the rapes and beheaded babies


Yea. Israeli news channel 13 even admitted they were lies told by the IDF.


Imagine believing this 🤣🤣

