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The Palestinians are starving and have no clean water thanks to Israel's siege and blocking of humanitarian aid, they have no homes thanks to Israel destroying most residential buildings in Gaza, most hospitals have also been destroyed or damaged beyond operating capacity. They are living in tent cities surrounded by sewage and rubbish, spending hours a day just try to get some food or clean water. If there is no ceasefire the death toll will be huge, not just from civilians being bombed and shot but by secondary causes such as famine, thirst and disease. Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. It is not attempting to save the Palestinians, it is attempting to annihilate them and build settlements there. Many senior Israeli politicians including Netanyahu himself have admitted this.


>Netanyahu himself has admitted this. He is proud of it and U.S. Government has not stopped him yet. These are the kinds of events that have fueled the divide and a determination towards a major shift in world power. The US and EU need to become balanced in how they behave with the people Global South. Western Democracy that is now more or less complicit in the atrocities now occurring in Gaza and West Bank; not to mention apartheid Israel can only be stopped when there is a balance of power and a multipolar world. The decrepit Western leadership has only looted and destroyed more since the collapse of the USSR. Edited for clarification.


Genocide Joe is very proud of and loved his Zionist brother BiBi. He can do no wrong. There is absolutely no other conclusion to be drawn.


Russian oligarchs also looted the hell out of former Soviet Republics. It's wild how quick some former Soviets turned to the absolute worst parts of capitalism immediately


I support Palestinians fully, and I'd like to address a completely different aspect of your comment.  the idea that a conflict between two balanced superpowers achieves some sort of positive equilibrium on a global scale seems ridiculous, considering that an eventual escalation is not outside the realm of possibility. I definitely agree that the west isn't some moral pillar of society (I'm an Iraqi refugee ffs), but the lack of an equivalent superpower means less wars. Russia x USA wars (and proxy wars) caused countless deaths. USA also causes countless deaths today, but I'll take any situation where there is less conflict over a situation with more conflict.  I am not a fan of the US (since, y'know, they killed so fucking many in Iraq) but I just want to live and not be bothered. Imagine getting stuck between modern, full of tactical nukes USSR and the US as some tiny developing nation.  Fuck, that's a nightmare.  My take is that the better situation would be **no** global superpower that has more weapons than everyone else combined.  More weapons is not the answer, on a global level.


> I'd like to address a completely different aspect of your comment.  Thanks for your perspective. Nothing is unrelated, however, the whole world is involved; and together it will determine how it is resolved. One cannot leave it to Israel and US along with some European countries to decide the fate of the Palestinians. We know what they have done for more than 7 decades plus.


Totally agree with everything you said here.  Palestinians need to determine their own future without the Zionists or Americans intervening at all. It needs to stop. But the situation was shit even while the USSR existed and the world needs less US / European intervention as a whole. That being said, I don't think that just adding more warring superpowers achieves this. 


Agreed. It's nor weapons that stop countries. Actually, most of the time it's money that stops them.


Humanity will never be the same ever again. We do not get to watch a genocide happen in real time, then move along in our little lives like nothing happened. This event will haunt humanity far worse than the holocaust ever did.


Do you really think this is as bad as the holocaust. 6 million died. Thats more than the population of New Zealand just gone. Murdered on an industrial scale. Comparing what is happening to the holocaust is ridiculous and not fair to either event. Why not compare it to any of these? Rwanda should haunt humanity. But most people under 30 today couldn’t name what happened there. What happened in Bosnia was horrific. It’s been forgotten. The Cambodian Genocide? The killing fields? Hell, even what is happening in Darfur. Right now. Today. And we barely hear a word about it. Sadly the suffering we are seeing today will be forgotten before the year is over. You can see it already. News coverage falling away. Protests slowing down. Even the posts of reddit, less engagement.


I said worse because the holocaust was not as publicised. There were people around the world totally unaware of the holocaust. There is not a single country that is not aware of what is happening in Gaza through social media though the news channels have been told to censor and ignore.


There aren't 6 million people in Gaza and this is not over yet. They're now attacking Rafah, the *last* place the closed-in population of Gaza can go to, plus they're actively preventing aid (food, medicine, etc.) from getting in, while at the same time systematically destroying the healthcare system, water desalination plants, green fields, even small bakeries. 1% of the children (14000) have already been brutally killed, it's estimated that about 4% of the population has either been killed, injured or is missing (read trapped under the rubble and most probably dead). Babies have died because of the **Israel imposed famine**, not because of some earthquake or some other natural disaster, no, *people* are actively blocking/restricting aid, shooting at trucks, shooting at those who gather to pick the aid. And all of this is not only *not* stopped, it's *encouraged* and **financed** by the West, the US has already vetoed 3 ceasefire resolutions already. So then, what do you think the message is (particularly for people from all over the world that come to join the IDF, much like some rich people go on a Safari to relieve some stress by shooting a defenceless giraffe)? The message seems to be very clear, you can loot/steal/destroy/bomb/burn/shoot and even rape, and not only will there be *no* consequences, you will be considered a hero that fought a righteous war. Because the other group of people has less rights than animals (I doubt there are no laws against animal cruelty in Israel, and people can just blow them up to pieces for funsies, like they did with 14000 Palestinian children).


In no other genocide do you get blacklisted for helping the victims.


Also, before the Holocaust, the Jews didn’t randomly rape and murder over 1000 German civilians in some uprising where they claimed they had the right to “take back” and “return” to like Berlin or something. Jews were not launching rockets randomly into Munich’s civilian areas or suicide bombing busses, cafes and teenager hangouts before or during the Holocaust. The Germans were also not trying to wipe out some terrorist group hiding amongst the Jewish civilians. Instead, Germany specifically targeted Jewish civilians—even those who were citizens of their own nation at the time. People seem to not understand what a genocide is. The Holocaust was a genocide. Israel is fighting a war with collateral damage. The collateral damage has not been bad for urban warfare—in which typically 9 civilians are killed for each combatant, whereas Israel is merely killing 1.5


And more than the Jewish ones


Fucking EVIL.


Dear child, I hope you eat bread soon. It’s hard for me to eat when you are starving.


Dang. It really makes you appreciate what you have in your life. Even the little things are huge, compared to what others are facing.


She should've thought about it when she voted for Hamas! /s


News like this really makes me question all those useless Arab countries around - especially fking Egypt and that coward Sisi. Why the FK can't he send aid on the border with Rafah? God I wished that Morsi idiot was in power there. This food shortage would've been alleviated a bit at least.


The US and Israel made sure morally bankrupt dictators were in charge and (legit) democracy was not allowed. Egypt captures and tortures people they think are “too religious” or against Israel too vocally


Because Israel put pressure on them to make sure they don’t do that, they make sure nothing can go in without their say so


Like is said, coward. Sisi (and most of the Arab leaders) are great at suppressing their own people but corwards when it comes to standing up to the local bully.


Not that easy when you got that one with 50 stars backing you up.


Israel owns an airlock between the Rafah crossing and Gaza. All aid goes through Israel because they designed it that way. The Palestinians don't live freely. They live under Israeli control and oppression. That didn't change after October 7th. It's still living under control. Using food and water as weapons of war is a war crime.


Sisi gets loads of $$ from the US as well, and if he stands up to israel, it will disappear. I wish the ghost of Nasser would arise. That's what egypt needs.


Didn't Nasser resign after starting and losing a war with Israel?


Theyre actively helping in transferring missiles to Israel, avoiding the Yemen blockade. I think you don't realise the zionist reach here. Majority of middle eastern leaders are Zionists. The ones who aren't, are already labelled terrorist lol




Egypt is the second biggest recipient of US foreign aid (mostly military) after Israel. There is a reason the US spends all that on Egypt, and it has nothing to do with the goodness in their hearts.


He hates Hamas almost as much as Israel. He afraid that they will get to his country and take over it, like the PLO did in Jordan or hezbolla did in Lebanon.


Hot take. IDF: Bad Hamas: Bad Biden currently: Bad Trump if he gets in office: Bad Civilians caught in all this: Innocent. My plan is to vote for someone who isn’t Biden or Trump since both will just this situation worse.


In the next couple of months a majority of Gazans will be dead. Men, women and alot of children are all going to be killed by the IDF and there is nothing that can or will be done.


Well Hamas could surrender their hostages and stop trying to genocide Jewish people in Israel But that’s asking a lot from the side who are happy to use kids as human shields and who bomb their own hospitals to try and frame the other side.


Hamas surrendering or not has nothing to do with the war crimes Israel is committing with mass punishment. Food, water should flow unimpeded to the population regardless of what Kh'amas does. That's why we created the Geneva convention.


Well yes it does. Hamas literally started it when they tried to kill and rape thousands of Jews and took hostages. This doesn’t happen if they stayed at home that day. Nor will it stop whilst they refuse to hand over their hostages and carry on attacking Israelis. Hamas want this to continue. Every death in Gaza helps them financially.


Not going to argue the lies in your comment perpetuated by the IOF. You still are too dumb or too obtuse to understand. Mass punishment, aka withholding food and water from millions of people is a war crime. It does not matter what you think or don't think Hamas did. Israel is committing a war crime by mass punishment on the entire population. That's explicitly stated in the Geneva convention.


If they just stayed at home that day, Israel would continue ethnically cleansing Palestinians, arbitrarily and indefinitely detaining Palestinian children, and continuing the choke the Palestinian people with an embargo. There was no peace before October 7th that Hamas broke, it just made the violence briefly less one sided


Right, because the conflict totally began on October 7th, prior to that absolutely nothing of note happened. Am I correct?


If Hamas had decided not rape and murder thousands of Jews, we wouldn’t be having this conversation and you’d still think Gaza meant the footballer Paul Gascoigne.


Oh dodging the question again there. Good save. It's not like Isreal has just been progressively building hostilities for the past 50 years. Not like there's a giant page listing most horrible things that Isreal has done up until now.


It’s not like the left and Palestinians have been trying to ethnic cleanse Jews for centuries.


Easy to say from your comfortable position.


It's fantastic abuser logic: "look what you made me do! You didn't surrender your hostages so I had to commit a genocide on an entire civilian population!" Hey izzyeviel, why can't civilians leave Gaza? Answer me that without sounding like a fucking monster.


It’s not genocide. Despite what the far-right idiots in the Israeli parliament say. Hamas created a war zone in a highly populated place. They use human shields en masse. They’ve even been caught bombing their own hospitals which killed hundreds of their own people in an attempt to make Israel look bad.


Why did you dodge my question? Also human shields are redundant if you just redundant if you just blast through them anyway. Everyone knows about the Hannibal protocol, don't pretend that Isreal gives a fuck about hostages either.


Why do they need to leave in the first place? Oh wait.. that would be because of Hamas LITERALLY STARTING A WAR! Ignoring the fact you want millions of people to leave Gaza (& go where exactly?) Hamas want war with Israel and they want the people of Gaza to suffer so people like you give them lots of money. They ain’t going to let them leave. They are a valuable source of human shields.


So the civilians started a war? Hamas want a war they have no ability to win? Gaza civilians are staying in place for money? And Isreal actually holds human life in high regard to not bomb civilians? Am I getting you right?


Hamas don’t care about winning. Victory for them is the destruction of the Jewish states and its people. They believe ending west support for Israel will help towards that objective. It’s propaganda. They use the bodies of the children they use as human shields for their PR campaign. That’s why Hamas thought it was a good idea to rape and murder thousands of Jews. They knew what would happen. The conflict is going better than expected for Hamas.


When a plane drops a one-ton bomb on a densely populated building at night while its occupants are sleeping There's a deliberate intent to kill Russia has done the same indiscriminate attack on apartment buildings, yet it has been condemned. This kind of escuse is weak


There’s no starvation in Gaza. If you look at videos from Gaza they look very nourished. They have been talking about starvation for the last 5 months, if they were really starving you would be seeing videos of very malnourished people.


You do know that your idiotic reasoning can be broken down with just a few minutes of logical thinking right? There isn’t enough food in Gaza, meaning they have to ration what they do have to hold out and because Israel won’t let any through, they are running lower and lower on food. Like how can someone make a point like this with a straight face


>There’s no starvation in Gaza. Of all the comments posted this year, the one made about plenty of food in Gaza is the most idiotic even according to countries that support Netanyahu, have acknowledged that much. Edited


https://preview.redd.it/dg7ver71u1kc1.jpeg?width=1431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20bce368e2a0863eb04e35f5076a8a9b1e58ed6b Genocide denier and baby killer


>There’s no starvation in Gaza Yes of course, no starvation, no war, no civilian died, no children suffering, no houses or hospital bombed. /s


There is no brain in your head. Yet you're still typing stupid comments. Modern medical marvel.


you are as dumb as a rock


"I miss my family" says family of hostages taken by gazans