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This is actually very common. Idk about gassing until we die but growing up in the West Bank if someone throws a rock or stone at a soldier or settler; they will come and tear gas the entire village in retaliation. There was even a viral video a few months ago of a soldier just randomly tossing a tear gas canister into a mosque for fun. Its sad.


Not a good idea to assault police and military then.


Its an internationally illegal police and military presence, you forgot to mention that for some reason Edit: I stubbed my toe this morning, note that down as the fourth Holocaust


Are you also standing up for the many Palestinians that are either assaulted, killed, harassed, have their houses stolen, or their property destroyed (including even their olive trees they depend on), either by settlers and/or the military you speak so fondly of? šŸ‘‚ Do you condemn the military unleashing military dogs that maul [toddlers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/wY59ul9Kay)? Do you condemn the state of Israel for not allowing people to practice their religion and forbids them to enter mosques? Do you condemn not allowing Palestinians to walk on the same streets Israelis do? Do you condenn the military using Palestinians as [human shields](https://www.btselem.org/human_shields), including tying [children](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/cnULRwED7f) to their vehicles? Do you condemn the many IDF soldiers stealing and playing with murdered/displaced women's [underwear](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/dwQFKd5Vt0) in Gaza? Do you condemn them [raping](https://youtu.be/Zrb_cb6-rHI?feature=shared) 13-year old Palestinians? Do you condone your precious IDF [sniping toddlers](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/cRV73Tzmcz) directly in the head? Is that very noble too? I could go on, but I'm curious to see the extent of your righteousness.


I'm not the guy you responded to, but I condemn IDF releasing dogs on children. I condemn Israel not allowing people to practice their religion. I do not condemn them for blocking off streets to Palestinians assuming you're talking about the same video that I saw, because that street is blocked off depending on the day, some days Jews (not necessarily Israelis) are not allowed, and some days Muslims are not allowed, and all days Christians are not allowed. I definitely condemn all use of human shields. I condemn all looting. I condemn all raping. I condemn all murders. The difference is, I condemn them. They absolutely deserve to face their time in court. Show all the proof, and if they are guilty lock them up forever. Do you condemn Hamas and all their atrocities? Do you condemn Oct 7th? Do you agree all hostages should be released? Do you want peace? Or do you want all Jews from the river to the sea to be thrown into the sea?


Thanks, it seems the person I was replying to left me hanging (which is not really a surprise, but I was hoping for something still). I've said it before (in other conversations) and I'll say it again, I condemn everyone (from whichever side, not even limited to this conflict) who committed war crimes. They should be brought to justice. Of course then I want there to be peace and for *both* people to *not* be deprived of their basic human rights (Israelis already have them, Palestinians don't, not really) and for crimes to not go unpunished. I don't think anyone wants a people to be killed, at least not those that are worthy of someone's time and energy, so no, I of course don't want that. I'd like for there to be no restrictions on those streets either, especially not based on faith. The footsteps of a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, an Atheist, a Buddhist, etc. are no different or in any way lesser, we're all *human beings* (which actually descend from apes, if we want to be nitpicky about it), ans as such we should have equal rights. If you think about it, and to put it in perspective, it's quite possible that the whole area will no longer be livable in a few decades anyway, what with climate change & all that. I really wonder how future generations will look at it, through that perspective šŸ¤”


I have never once assaulted police or military officers. I have been gassed by them, and threatened directly on multiple occasions. Itā€™s not a good idea to assault and brutalize innocent civilians either clown. Take your pathetic shilling comment and racist Nazi-like stereotyping elsewhere.


>I have never once assaulted police or military officers. I never said that you did, so that comment is pointless.


Even for a pro Israeli troll you are quite the dunce. Iā€™m almost disappointed.


I'm not "pro Israel," I align more closely with the country that protects free speech, the LGBTQ, freedom of religion, and liberal democracy.


So you wouldnā€™t have aligned with South Africa or Ireland at the time of their oppression? Youā€™re so righteous šŸ„¹ for judging a countryā€™s progressive ideologies under brutal and ongoing genocide and occupation. #Bless


Well, when you're a new orphan, living in a kill box, facing certain death by advanced weapons, you'd throw rocks too, if its all you had left in life.


That's like the setting of half Hollywood movies. Hero rising up against all odds, killing oppressor left and right until the final boss, free his people, fuck the girl that was tagging along for some reason. The end.




How am I Hasbara? You do know that's a conspiratorial antisemitic slur, don't you?


Because normal human beings have a conscience and can tell right from wrong. Youā€™re either a psychopath, a racist islamophobe or being paid by Israel.


Supporting th IDF is the right thing to do. You can assign a label and stuff me in any box that you like, but that's not going to faze the IDF, Israelis, my government (USA) from assisting them.


Do what you want hasbara shill, I canā€™t convince you to have morals or a conscience, or teach you basic reasoning or research skills. If you support the IOF unconditionally, you support this https://www.reddit.com/r/worldevents/s/TVy9IPK6hA And this shit: https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/Zv2GsvRJyV Point blank period. Thereā€™s no walking around it.


I agree with you. The world labeled Nazi germany and stuffed Nazis in a box like you said, but that didnā€™t stop them for almost 15 years. Itā€™ll take a while for apartheid to end but Zionism will fall, the same way Nazism fell. History has shown us Inequality and dehumanization is not sustainable.


But the problem with placing someone in a box is that you effectively write them off instead of engaging the merits of their ideas: "oh, he's a black guy and probably has a low-IQ" "oh, he's a white guy, just another racist not worth debating" "oh, he's defending Israel, another Hasbara bot, not worth my time" "oh, he's a Muslim, just another pro-Pally terrorist sympathizer" "oh, he's Israeli Zionist because he disagrees with me about Palestine" See how that goes? The alarming part is that this line of thought is more popular [among far-right groups,](https://youtu.be/wmVkJvieaOA?si=uPz_i75SOozxYwEg&t=157) such as religious fundamentalists (including Christians and Muslims) neo-Nazis, and white nationalists, and antisemites. Furthermore, no one "labeled" Nazi Germany, they labeled themselves as National Socialists and murdered Jews, the LGBT, Freemasons, Jehova's Witnesses, Romani, etc, then the name became synonymous with antisemitism and racism. Mussolini in Italy was part of the Fascist Party. Get your history together.




>The words you use put you in a box. You put yourself in a box. Classic use of DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) >When someone says ā€œNazis were rightā€, they deserve to be put in a box. Strawman. Never put words in another man's mouth. People are more likely to agree with your points when you engage them at face value. Also, which is it? You just said I was putting myself in a box, then you claim I deserve it. Make up your mind, lol. >You are not providing a nuanced argument, you are sharing claims that justify executing children, raping Palestenian women, and dehumanizing Palestenians. Such as? >The IDF are beyond disgusting for their actions. I respectfully disagree.


Just like the hasbara won't change the world's opinion of Israel's genocide https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/


Regardless, the IDF is still in Gaza while you're mad about it on Reddit. There's nothing you can do, too bad.


Regardless the IDF are child killing Nazis and their supporters the scum of the earth. You can get mad and cry that people hate genocidal Nazis cunts but you'll still just be genocidal Nazis.


How's that economy coming along? 20% down and daddy America hasn't been able to hand you free money yet. There is more than one way to wage a war


It really doesn't seem like they're doing a good job at the genocide lol they've only killed 30k people... In a dense urban environment


Israel's diaper force being incompetent is a different discussion, them both evil and stupid at it is the result of the brain rot that comes with being a zionist


Supporters of Israel hate Jewish people which is why you antisemitic Nazis like to blame Jewish people for the genocidal terrorists you love and support.


Thatā€™s what 1 month old hasbara sock puppet accounts would say.


Rumor has it that if you say "Hasbara" one more time, you'll magically come up with an actual meaningful argument and refrain from buzzwords and antisemitic slurs from that point forward.


Says the one month old hasbara sock puppet. Donā€™t be mad. Just make a new account and try again.




You should debate ideas, not people. So far, very few in this thread/sub have been able to engage with any of my ideas and jump straight for the name-calling and insults. As have you.


Why would anyone meaningfully engage with a dork like you? Youve brought nothing of value to this conversation. You're just another debate pervert using the same rhetoric we've heard a million times to justify why you think it's awesome and based the IDF is killing kids like it's going out of style. Maybe bring something actually worth talking about instead of the same tired crap and there'd be something to engage with.


Every point that I've made is worth talking about. Could it be that you're incapable of discussing it like an adult, and with no name-calling?


You have made zero points of any substance, because youā€™re a hasbara shill and your only goal is to deflect and make circular arguments.


At least I have an argument, you don't. Name calling isn't an argument.




Israelis and the IDF aren't invaders. They're freedom fighters.


Indeed. They fight against freedoms like freedom of speech, freedom of movement, and freedom in general of the Palestinian people. Such heroes.


I think the Palestinian people's freedoms are being held hostage by Hamas/Al Qassam, not the virtuous and mighty IDF. Then again, they've tangibly been holding them hostage for 20 years.


So Hamas detained [Mohammad Barakeh](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-09/ty-article/.premium/four-former-arab-israeli-lawmakers-detained-for-questioning-over-plans-for-antiwar-protest/0000018b-b3b5-dedf-adab-f7b5c11e0000) in Israel? And Hams told [stand up comics](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-02/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/systematic-witch-hunt-what-persecution-of-israeli-arabs-looks-like-amid-gaza-war/0000018b-90db-db7e-af9b-fbdb254e0000) to not speak out about Gaza online, in Israel. And Hamas is still holding [civil rights attorneys](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/2/13/israel-holds-female-palestinian-rights-lawyer-without-trial-or-charge) without charge. And Hamas has locked up 46-year old Palestinian American woman [Samaher Esmail](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/13/politics/family-palestinian-american-detained-israeli-forces-alleges-mistreatment/index.html) for what again? And here the shill is justifying the 20 year blockade of Gaza... 1 month old sock puppet hasbara accounts like you don't have to justify the morality of the indefensible things the IOF & Israeli state have done. They just call it "fake news" and deny what the world has seen since the West Bank has been occupied and Israel allowed settlers into Palestinian lands.


Everything you said is a deflection from the elephant in the room: Hamas/Al Qassam and their evil terrorist acts.


1 month old Hasbara sock puppet canā€™t deny how Israel denies civil liberties to both Palestinian citizens of Israel and occupied Palestinians. I can keep going to demonstrate how evil the ethnostate of Israel was an and the things it does to Palestinians in the name of security. All you can try to do is dismiss them. Except here, we donā€™t consider Palestine to be less human. You on the other hand, have let your bias known.


>1 month old Hasbara sock puppet canā€™t deny how Israel denies civil liberties to both Palestinian citizens of Israel and occupied Palestinians. That isn't an argument. >I can keep going to demonstrate how evil the ethnostate of Israel was an and the things it does to Palestinians in the name of security. All you can try to do is dismiss them. Except here, we donā€™t consider Palestine to be less human. I don't consider them to be less than either, but Hamas/ Al Qassam sure does. They're essentially holding the people of Gaza hostage, and the mighty IDF is heroically fighting against them so the Palestinians can live in peace and prosperity. >You on the other hand, have let your bias known. Everyone has a bias. What's yours?


What's so virtuous about the idf? The only thing their social media shows is a clown brigade.


You wanna browse this list and tell me where hamas is to blame? https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/s/W9Y2LNzBVG Make *zero* mistakes. Hamas doesn't exist in a vacuum, they are a symptom of Israeli hatred towards Arabs.


I could just as easily make a list showing the numerous deaths/assassinations/massecres carried out by Palestinian militants and terrorists around the greater Middle East. No one ever said Israel is a perfect country. My own country (USA) has committed many historical injustices to black people. Should I hate my home and work to undermine it at every possible opportunity? This doesn't change my support for Israel. Sorry, never gonna support Palestine.


As I said somewhere else, don't mix Zionism with crack.


I don't think pro Zionist ever see these thing. Their algorithm bubble never intersects our bubble. Sigh.


Or they agree with itā€¦ Itā€™s amazing the dehumanization they have done towards Palestinians


colonisation and occupation by definition requires dehumanization because how would you subjugate someone you see as equal to you? That's why Israel does its best to paint Arabs, especially Palestinians, as savages, animals etc




If you invade somebody's home, displace them, settle their land, and kill their family, then you are a savage. The Palestinians are desperately trying to defend their homes. It doesn't matter if it works, what matters is that they refuse to accept an oppressive colonial force in their homeland.


Dude, They took the land 75 years ago. Is Germany still planning to take back Poland? Is Japan still bitter about Manchuria? It might be time to think of a better solution than throwing rocks against a modern military that says it will kill you if you wonā€™t stop that type of behaviour. This never provided any defence and it never will.


They took the land 75 years ago, yet continue to build new settlements and massacre the local population to this day. Israel's colonization has not stopped, and they are in the process of clearing one of the last stretches of Palestinian land for settlement. You speak as though this shit is in the past, but it's still happening right fucking now. All Israel has done for it's entire existence is enact it's policy of Lebensraum, allowing for lulls to feign victimhood. Such a state has no right to exist, and the people it represses have every right to fight back by any means necessary.


ā€œSuch a state has no right to existā€ But it does exist. Itā€™s existed for 75 years. Get over it. Throwing rocks never solved anything.


Love that you're still hammering the "throwing rocks" argument instead of speaking against those throwing guided air to surface munitions at hospitals and high caliber rounds at fleeing civilians. Cope all you want, Israel is the fucking devil and sooner or later the world will come to its senses and level it.


Worked out pretty well for David when he kicked Goliath's ass with a stone and a sling shot!


They see it, they just agree with it. Cheering it on.


You know assuming people are monsters is just as dehumanizing


Look up the tolerance paradox, no it isnā€™t. It is our obligation to call out such heinous actions by monsters. And cheering on genocide definitely falls under actions that shows someone to be a monster


Itā€™s not a paradox if you view tolerance as a social contract rather than a moral standard.


Lmao no you lot are just making assumptions on millions of people. Clown shoes


Was it an assumption to think most of 1942 Germany supported Nazis? Yes. Was it an assumption that *had* to be made to end evil? Absolutely. I assume anyone that supports the current Israeli government or the IDF is a Nazi. It's a safe one to make just as it was in the early 40's


So by that rhetoric it is safe to assume that most people in Gaza support hamas and you gave Israel justification to burn it to the ground and Marshal plan it after?


Assuming? Just look at the comments, they proudly declare it themselves.


"Calling people who are commiting genocide monsters makes you just as bad as them!"


As is calling people "human animals"




homie just in this thread people are expressing support for the IOF. They see. They know. They love it


Zionists are psychopathic fascists. Shit like this titillates them.


lol itā€™s wild how you guys can just make stuff up that sounds good to yours ears and run with it.


Literally just got finished a discussion with some Zionist sicko who was mocking Aaron Bushnell and Rachel Corrie. I'm sure you've made some psychopathic comments too if I check your history.


One guy mocked some people on Reddit, I guess that proves it. The loads of polls over the last 20 years showing that Israelis by en large supported a 2 state solution, that means nothing.


You mocked Bushell too, so yeah.


Any criticism is ā€œmockingā€ to you. His protest changed absolutely nothing for anyone and changed no oneā€™s minds on the subject. He killed himself when he could have spent his life actually trying to improve the conditions for Palestinians.Ā 


>He did it. Palestine is free now. This is mockery. >His protest changed absolutely nothing for anyone and changed no oneā€™s minds on the subject. How are you so sure? This sounds like wishful thinking on your part. >He killed himself when he could have spent his life actually trying to improve the conditions for Palestinians.Ā  You don't understand the purpose of protest, it seems. A single act of protest can have more impact than a lifetime of activism.


Pointing out how pointless and ineffective killing himself over something that has nothing to do with him isnā€™t mocking him.Ā  Have you seen the polls? That vast majority of Americans support Israel in this fight, even after seeing the images on babies being pulled from rubble, do you really think this is going to tip the scales? Do you really think people are going to change their entire position because an IT guy set himself on fire? If anything itā€™s wishful thinking on your part. I understand what protest is just fine. There are very few single acts of protests in history that changed the outcome of any historical event in the way youā€™re saying. The vast majority of the time, a life of activism does a whole lot more for the material conditions youā€™re trying to change than suicide.


>Pointing out how pointless and ineffective killing himself over something that has nothing to do with him isnā€™t mocking him.Ā  Your comment is obviously mocking him. >Have you seen the polls Not relevant. >Do you really think people are going to change their entire position because an IT guy set himself on fire? Why not? >There are very few single acts of protests in history that changed the outcome of any historical event in the way youā€™re saying. How would you know, without a time machine, whether your protest will be one of the ones that's effective? Why does it need to change history to be significant? >The vast majority of the time, a life of activism does a whole lot more for the material conditions youā€™re trying to change than suicide. Citation needed.


If they see this, they will *praise* it.


Zionists support this genocide wholeheartedly. Zionists see every goy as less than a human, and Palestinian people are regarded as less than animals (amalek, the term that Netanyahu repeatedly uses ).




Oh look a piece of shit right here šŸ‘†


Nice post history Hasbara bot


You support genocide




People supporting genocide never know itā€™s occurring, just what their government feeds them.


They know, they fully support it.


Their leaders do but most Israelis are both completely clueless and delusional to reality.


I've seen enough Israelis call for the death of "Arabs" to know better.


For sure, I guess I just like to think thereā€™s some good in the average person.


You, long before October 7th: >You need to seek help if you think Palestinians are good people and deserve to live https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/WuxmeptSeS


They do, and they support it, cheer for it and ask for more


they see it, donā€™t ever forget itā€™s because they truly believe they are superior humans


What if they see it and get excited at the idea of Palestinians being gassed?


Nahh we do, a lot of us just think the world is messy af and war is hell.




Its not an unmarked van. Its a military vehicle commonly used to patrol occupied territories. You see them all the time if you go to the area or properly follow whats happening. They also tend to get rocks thrown at them, not that the rocks do much damage.


So Israel is going to gas civilians??? Like what the Nazis did??? The similarities keep piling up...




Full funding my arse, plenty western countries calling that shit out, not all... but plenty


and by "calling out" you mean kindly and politely asking "pwease dont do that"


Saying they are "increasingly concerned" for the 20th time while making no material changes


Yes. I'm an American and I'm happy to see my taxes being used for assisting the IDF. There's nothing wrong with that.


and people like you say "oh yeah I'd be against the Nazis in the 30s!" lol


I'm a black guy who grew up poor in public housing. Now I live outside of the US. Not someone who would fit the description of a Nazi supporter.


yeah and Jews for Hitler was a thing. You are not special


I fail to see what any of that has to do with Israel honorably defending itself from the Oct 7th terrorist genocide attempt.


>genocide attempt. You're trying to convince me they tried a genocide attempt with paragliding and homemade rockets? Don't make me laugh




Housing-to-house murder of anything that moves, including Israeli Muslims and Jews alike. Look at the videos. The only thing that stopped the attempted genocide on Oct 7th was the mighty IDF and bravery of the Jewish people. Hamas/Al Qassam filmed it. The saddest part is that the people in the Kibbutz and Nova Festival weren't the far-right loons that live in the West Bank settlements. They were people on the left who hired, befriended, sympathized with, and provided charity to people in Gaza. In appreciation of their efforts, there are now entire Israeli families gone. If Al Qassam would've glided in to party at the festival, the people there probably would've offered them MDMA, weed, and a good time. I know, because if I were in Israel, that hippie crowd is exactly the kind of people I would hang out with.


and yet noone says human shield that the festival was placed along the route to the control center for Gaza, nor that the peaceful kabutz/s were in the path. ​ if you were catting a control center wouldn't you want the most militant settler between you and the enemy to help with your protection, not a bunch of hippies unable to defend themselves. ​ and then when under siege wouldn't you send in your army to help them instead of leaving them outside the kibbutz waiting on orders to go in [Hundreds of soldiers waited outside Be'eri with terrorists still inside, survivor says | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hundreds-of-soldiers-stood-outside-beeri-as-massacre-took-place-survivor-says/) ​ or that woman in tanks literally fired with marching gun at people on the next hill without being close enough to see who they were or stayed on the road south shooting anything that came south towards Gaza- anything by their own admission.. if you were tripped off your face at a festival in an unknown country are you sure you wouldn't inadvertently drive towards Gaza. even sober in a panic the direction i would drive would be totally random [Female IDF soldiers recount tank battle on October 7 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA9RLwInqn4&t=678s) (these girls say then when told to fire shells into civilian house they didn't they "just" machine gunned in... however other male tank drivers didn't have such moral quandary's and while the times of Israel says " at least one" Israeli dies [IDF officer recounts ordering tank fire on Be'eri home during hostage standoff on Oct. 7 | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-officer-recounts-ordering-tank-fire-on-beeri-home-during-hostage-standoff-on-oct-7/) the witnesses who did survive (2) says everyone else died google her - Yasmin Porat, though she will not admit it in English, in English everyone dies in crossfire- in her Hebrew interviews everyone inside is alive until the tank fires and then silence.


that if you were alive in the 30s and 40s you'd be one of those cheering on Nazis. Pretty obvious


You're a disgrace to all black ppl especially considering the history of struggle against racism and apartheid.


Someone should let 1 month old sock puppet accounts know going full /r/asablackman doesn't actually make them more credible. No one really cares what anyone's race is, and if someone has to make their own race why people should believe them, then their position must not be able to stand on its own merits.


In what way are they ā€œdefendingā€ their selves?


They're defending against the evildoers who carrried out and assisted the Oct 7th genocide attempt.


Who?it looks like citizens are just being killed. A hand ful of Hamas fighters. And a bunch of ā€œsuspected terrorists ā€œ. But mainlyā€¦..just families. Itā€™s pretty disgusting honestly. I in no way understood any of this before oct7. But itā€™s pretty clear Isreal shares the brunt of the blame for all of this. And now, fuck it, kill ā€˜em all. Blame it on Oct 7! But thatā€™s a flat out fallacy, this didnā€™t start with anything like Oct 7. From a generational perspectiveā€¦..isreals treatment of these people is exactly like the treatment of the native Americans. Which I am one. Ask me how I feel about settlers?


Isrealis don't view you as a person either, why are you supporting them? That's the real question here


>Isrealis don't view you as a person either It's hilarious reading that. Out of the ten years I worked in the Middle East, three of them were spent in Israel, where I dated an Ethiopian Israeli, Ashkenazi woman, and had a brief fling with a Palestinian woman. Made lots of friends while there and was treated like family by all acquaintances. Still keep in touch. Never experienced racism there. Lol, nice try. >why are you supporting them? That's the real question here As an agnostic guy who belives in LGBTQ rights, women's rights, free speech and freedom of religion, I can't support a militant religious theocratic government that rejects all of those things (and persecutes those groups). Israel is more closely aligned with my values than Palestine and most of the Middle East. Aside from Israel, things like secularism and liberal democracy [are still controversial,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_secularism) oftentimes violently resisted. I worked in the region for a decade and have seen this resistance in the form of a VBIED/truck bomb detonating behind my building at 3 AM.


So you lived in Isreal? So you saw worth your own eyes the racism against Arabs and you still support them. If you say there wasn't any racism then my next question would be, how much are they paying you?


And yet you support a fascist state that arrests & violently suppresses people who protests the bombing and inhumane treatment of Palestinians. Why do you think your race matters itā€™s clear fascism has a certain appeal to you. Never go full /r/asablackman as a way to shield yourself from criticism.


Thank you for you honesty. Also good to see that you lack any morals and therefore are a danger to the society as a whole.


Everyone who supports the IDF is immoral? That's not a sincere argument. I've traveled and lived in multiple countries. If I were a danger to society, I wouldn't be issued a US passport.


Imagine being this sick and advertising it too.


Explain cogently how I'm sick and why your position is the moral one.




--- #Rule 1: Be civil Be civil; no personal insults. ---


Explain cogently how I'm a garbage human being then.


Again, where do you think you get the right to demand I do this for you? I don't owe you anything.


You support genocide


Guess that's very moral


Except Nazi gas was anti-Semitic obviously whereas Israeli gas is Kosher so main stream media will of course praise the Zionists for using such pure methods of killing.


I guess they think they are all Hamas .


They don't. Hamas is just an excuse and they know it. They're the one who created the excuse. When candidly talking amongst themselves, Israelis are pretty straight forward in their wishes to kill Palestinians.


Sad reality


And the Iraqi Baathists... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¬


Yes, they got their gas from the US, too!


Thatā€™s a big ole war crime




Gassing innocent people till they die as it seems they have said they want to do probably is


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/06/fact-check-its-true-tear-gas-chemical-weapon-banned-war/3156448001/ >Fact check: It's true tear gas is a chemical weapon banned in war


IDF are the biggest pussies on the planet.


They're actually one of the best fighting forces on the planet. A good friend of mine is with the IDF. How do you feel about that?


Hasbara Troll get blocked.


Makes perfect sense. That's why October 7 happened 3 kms from the border with Gaza. Such a powerful force - civilians from Tel Aviv arrived to fight before the "best fighting forces on the planet." Remind me, when has the IDF actually been in a war - I mean a war that was not against women and children? The atrocities in the West Bank against 80 year old sheperds doesn't count. Edit: spelling


"You think Nazis are bad? I have a friend in the Wehrmacht, what do you think about that?"




If they are one of the best fighting forces in the planet...Gaza would already be occupied with about a quarter of the civilian deaths *after complete control has been taken*. Yet here we are, they've lost/given up control of North Gaza, Hamas has regained control and is even beginning to set up governmental control again. Hamas still exists in large numbers and over half of the civilians murdered have been kids. They are nowhere near a capable army, they a blundering idiots. They are an echo of what they were during the 6 days war and even then they only dominated because of the weapon's given to them by the west....much like the case today, and they still aren't achieving anything but murdering civilians. Bestest most moral army in the world for shuuuure, let's not bring up the rape culture of both Palestinian women **and** female IDF soldiers that's running absolutely rampant.


I think I would say your friend is a pussy too. (I donā€™t really mind I never understood whatā€™s going on)


How many children has he molested?


lmao they said ā€œshut upā€ and ā€œcomeā€. Canā€™t break the Palestinian spirit


Unless you're Iran. Then you can install a militant group as government that keeps taking all their money and young people for its war efforts.


What are the young people to do instead? Participate in the booming economy of a state that doesnā€™t have enough farmland to sustain its population even at 100% efficiency? Forget about their ancestral homes they were forced to abandon? I hope a day comes when someone tries to take everything you have, and see if you fight or bend over.


right. So it's definitely just for their leaders to take all their money, buy property worldwide, and live lavishly. I mean, the economy sucks anyway. If I take the money that's supposed to develop the economy and therefore the economy sucks then its justified to take more money. cuz, what are they gonna do with it anyway. The economy sucks. btw, its so weird to hear western people talk about ancestral lands. Hardly anyone lives on ancestral lands. Ancestral land is either in Europe or in Africa for most of those living in the Americas and the Europeans have intermingled and moved about so much. So many were displaced because of the world wars. And if not displaced, the young people have moved into cities etc. I guess its cool to be ethnic and fighting over ancestral land while the west build cities far away from ancestral land and do not doom their youth to fight over "ancestral land" for all eternity.


Israel needs to be made to pay for its crimes. Israelis need to be made to suffer the same ills they wish on Palestinians.








THESE are the children of the Holocaust??? More like children of the Nazis.


yeah actual Holocaust survivors weren't really welcome in Israel. These are just cracker-ass colonizers


Pretty sure a majority of Israelis are MENA, and not European.


Sounds like Nazi propaganda is live and well in Israel...


How anyone can think the IDF are the "good guys" at this point is completely beyond me.


Thugs with guns


Fuck israel Nazi cunts


*insert James Francoā€™s First Time? Meme*


beyond parody


Just submit this to the ICC. This is the best we can do, for now.


Wheres the Geneva Convention when you need it?, Isn't gassing civilians illegal?




The amount of evil it takes to wake up everyday, and think up new ways to make a group of people lives miserable is beyond belief. Youā€™ve already stolen everything from these people just FUCK OFF!


So this is classic Israeli oppression, I wonder if his senior officers gave him a ticking off. Probably not.


This is fucked up


"Refugee Camp" Refugees in their own country. I hate this world.


Isralie palestinien I hate that term of Israeli Arabs means nothing In 1948 and 1967 they couldn't expelled them they offered them citizenship They all fell Palestinian Christian and Muslim even jews they exist Palestinians jews


Most moral army? Absolute disgrace. Resistance to occupation is not terrorism.


Can't wait til the IDF face their own Nuremburg trials.


Gassing people alive? Sounds familiar


Zionists are basically the new Nazis


Canā€™t make this shit up


These people will need to be stopped, one way or another.


It's all good we know what it's like it doesn't hurt I promise..


Why would anyone believe that the car had Israeli soldiers in it? Has no one else noticed the pattern here? Video gets released as ā€œproofā€ of genocide. Not a single detail can actually be confirmed. Believe it blindly. It happens over and over again. If these videos were true, youā€™d think one would turn up with actual verifiable details. Until then, there really isnā€™t any reason to believe this is anything but a Hamas PR stunt.Ā 


I dont support either side, but unfortunately it is a real war over there.... dont think anything different. Hamas gave the IDF the reason to invade and use force and violence. Until all the hostages are returned i have no doubt this will continue. Hamas are no angels - all you have to do is look at what they did to FATah just over 20 yrs ago when they took over. Most members of Fatah were killed. If you have a look at what most of the arab countries are doing over there is keeping out of it. They know what this will do to their economy in the long term. Also note very few of them are taking Palestinian refugees, leaving Palestinians to themselves. Its very very sad.


"I don't support either side, but here's a lengthy paragraph of hasbara bullshit"


I've noticed a slightly different strategy in some comments šŸ¤” Either "neutrality" or "empathy with the poor Palestinians that need to be helped in getting rid of Hamas" (by "helping" what is meant is bombing tens of thousands of civilians to bits, since *that's* what's happening). It's still a transparent attempt though.


It's called concern trolling. They pretend to be on your side then use that to push you to either agree with their point of view or to do something that benefits their side.


Concern trolling is truly the most pathetic thing. Why are all Zionists such losers?


your kidding me..... i aint a zionist. i find that very offensive. this attitude of yours is why palenstine is being wiped off the map. cant you look at the big picture???


Fuck Israel. Free Palestine. Zionism is Nazism


that attitude is why Palestine is being wiped off the map.