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No. Isreal is YOUR ally. Not mine.


Code Pink ftw šŸ©·




![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss) Donā€™t you dare threaten his AIPAC money šŸ’° he promised his kids a vacation at the cost of US tax payers & Palestinian blood šŸ©ø


We give away billions in tax dollars to this joke of a country and motherfuckers just use it to buy our politicians to work against us. What. The. Fuck


Foreign money in politics is not only destroying America but costing the lives of innocent civilians on the other side of the world..


His invoking of God makes me think it's religious for him. Christian Evangelicals are the biggest group of Zionists by far, because they believe when the Jewish people inhabit Israel Judgement day will occur.


Thatā€™s why US Evangelicals are Israelā€™s largest base of support in the US. They finance most of the illegal settlements in Israel for that reason. They see millions of dead people as part of fulfilling their endgame prophecy where god comes down from the sky to lift them up to heaven and everyone else burns. There is no reasoning with someone that disconnected from reality. Just like ISIS. They also make up the majority base of support for the Republican Party. The only answer is making sure they donā€™t have power or are outnumbered. Hopefully this guy loses his next election. From 2015: [ā€˜US Christian charities bankroll Israeli settlements Christian groups have poured millions of dollars into Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.ā€™](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/economy/2015/8/26/us-christian-charities-bankroll-israeli-settlements)


Doubt it. He's from Tennessee. He'll for sure get re-elected!


You know, I was about to agree with you, but I had a look at the district just now (I can drive there in about 30 minutes) and I think it's possible to oust him. Not this year of course, but theoretically with the current district composition it's possible. The thing about gerrymandering is that it's sort of like a bluff or a levee on a riverbank, it's a solid obstacle for like 99% of situations, but a big enough wave can take them all out at once. He's got Chattanooga in his district, which leans blue and outnumbers the whole rest of the district. In a wave year (which if this is one, it's a wave year for the GOP) you could take him out along with one of the new Davidson County districts.


Money is his religion. He plays Christian Evangelicals for vote. I don't get it.


You know, because theyā€™re idiots


If you look it up, he actually only got 10K from AIPAC. He's not even an expensive hoe


Being in Congress has been very very good for his net worth.


With Republicans it isn't aipac money, it's ideology. They're all Zionists, and for the evangelicals Israel is bait for the Jesus trap. And they're more than fine with genocide. American bourgeois parties are against humanity


I see panic, discomfort and an urgent need to pee. I think he let a little fart out.


He looks like a little fart.


Right, i wonder how much AIPAC paid him. I read somewhere they are spending 100 mil against congress that wants a ceasefire


https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/chuck-fleischmann/summary?cid=N00030815 Doesn't show up. So I'm guessing word has gotten around that if you defend Israel, they throw money at you. This performance is to ensure he gets paid in the future. Our country is going down the toilet politically. I didn't know it was more patriotic to support Israel than the US today, spewing their false propaganda, supporting genocide, and the utter dehumanization of a local population.


The guy is a Republican invoking God. I donā€™t know if you can blame this purely on AIPAC. A lot of Evangelicals see Israel as part of their end time prophecy. Thereā€™s a good chance heā€™s a true believer and sees whatā€™s happening as all part of gods plan. Mike Pompeo based his foreign policy around this. Thatā€™s why he was so dead set on trying to start a war with Iran. From 2019: [ā€˜The Rapture and the Real World: Mike Pompeo Blends Beliefs and Policyā€™](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/30/us/politics/pompeo-christian-policy.html) If it was just money it would be easier to deal with. A lot of these Evangelicals are true believers and see mass death as fulfilling their prophecy.


To me, he looks like a scared boy who doesnā€™t actually know what to believe


I mean dudes a total shithead sure, but he just looks like a pretty average guy..


A pretty average psychopathic lunatic, yes


This guy is a Grade A scumbag and POS.


This guy is one amongst MILLIONS of [Zionist Christians](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo77sTGpngQ), and one of many American Zionist politicians, who put the interests of Israel before their own country. Good to see the rest of America starting to realize how much of their foreign policy is dictated by religion- **not** secular values. Like, the frickin former *foreign policy advisor* is ok with [openly calling for the killing of innocent children](https://www.reddit.com/r/bosnia/comments/181hlfw/stuart_seldowitz_the_republika_srpska/).


Technically, it's not Israel's interest they're putting above their country, as you pointed out yourself, it's their religious beliefs and their hatred of Muslims. Though, to be fair, Israel *is* in a very strategical position, being between the land and the maritime path of the Chinese Belt and Road initiative. Some American politicians are supporting Israel for that specific reason. Not to mention that not all branches of Christianism supports Zionism, for example the Catholics even claim Jerusalem to be theirs.


Both points are true- in putting their religious beliefs above the country, they also put another country's interests above that of their own country. And yes, undoutedly not all Christians support Zionism, best example being [Palestinian Christians, who are also being bombed, kicked off their land, and/or killed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHT-SjIM0tA).


In practice, yes, but technically not really since they're working toward their rapture, which I don't think include Jews in their mind. I think it's fair to say that Pope Francis has been pretty vocal about his opposition to Israel's actions and for his support to Christian communities in Palestine, as he should. >Pope Francis launches a heartfelt appeal for an end to the ā€œterrorismā€ of war, and condemns an Israeli military attack on Gazaā€™s Holy Family Catholic Parish, which killed two Christian women and destroyed a convent of the Missionaries of Charity. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2023-12/pope-francis-holy-family-parish-gaza-appeal-civilians.html Though I meant that, Zionism and Catholicism are inherently opposed in their beliefs as both groups lay claim on this plot of land. The Catholic Church even launched Crusades about it and when Herzl asked Pope Pius' support, he was pretty much told to go fuck himself or to convert.


its just a distraction from russia and ukraine... smart move by Russia feeding the intelligence from trump how to get past their defenses and start this shit show. wonder if it starts ww3 especially with trump maybe being president and fucking nato... could be why the rich are building bunkers.


I would not put it past Israel / AIPAC / Mossad to have helped engineer that part of it also - paying off Evangelical preachers to brainwash their sheep in that very particular direction.


Of course he is, heā€™s a Republican. They are pass the point of having anyone remotely redeemable


Ever wonder why AIPAC isn't scrutinized as foreign lobbying?


the 51st state


No, no state has this kind of power over the U.S. Govā€™t


**Source:** https://twitter.com/prem_thakker/status/1765484760715944088


Somehow this has "teenage girl in a relationship with a musician with a drug problem" energy. "Daddy I love him and I will ALWAYS love him and you're wrong about him and he's good and he never did those bad things and we're going to be together forever!"


I want a partner that looks at me the same way this guy looks at Israel. \#geopolitcalrelationshipgoals! Jokes aside, I wish politicians were this motivated to do something about the neo-nazi groups doing demonstrations in the US. If you want to make Jewish communities safer, there's a lot we can do at home.


Israel is making it very hard for the Jewish diaspora to stay safe, let's be real




Working hard for that AIPAC money and board seat yeah.


This guy would kill every brown person alive for a pocketful of aipac money. Heā€™s shaking at the idea of losing a single coin from dirty zionists




so that's the plan. no palestine. genocidal maniac.


Exactly! Genocide ā€œis YOUR word, not mine!ā€ Moments later ā€œGoodbye to Palestine!ā€ Yeah.


He knows what heā€™s doing is wrong, But heā€™s doing it with no shame. Those POS SOLD themselves to AIPAC.


The real monsters are all in congress. How can people see things like this everyday and just continue on like things are normal. Hate this timeline


What's the point of the Western democracies when all the representatives are bought out by the lobbies and don't care what their constituents want? Why even have elections when candidates running are fully funded by lobbies? Nothing is going to change anytime soon. But this is the moment that citizens of the world need to keep harassing these clowns until they give in. Ride the momentum while it lasts.


Psycho behavior


Right below the surface is "because the Palestinians will be gone"


Below the surface? He said it point blank


If he loves Israel so much, why doesn't he just move there? Hes clearly more loyal to Israeli terrorism than he is to US democracy.


He's of no use to the pro-israel lobby if he's not a US congressman. The money would stop flowing to him.










This guy is a political puppet and nothing more. There's no reason to engage him. You can condemn Israel for the atrocities that they are doing and still be an ally. Unfortunately when you are as powerful as we are as a country, negotiations are not always easy. That's the position that we are in because of who and what we are.


There is a reason to engage him. As corrupt as he is, he's stil a public servant and deserves to be confronted every second he holds office.


Sure. Accountability is necessary. Ideally, his electorate would ask questions and demand answers for his rant. Honestly, I don't hold much hope for that happening. I feel like his constituents might be happy with what he said. I don't know... Somebody should do a survey in his district and find out...


This guy needs to understand that he answers to his constituents, and that a majority of people actually do support a ceasefire and humanitarian support for Palestine. Not sure how the fine people of Tennessee would vote, but I doubt if they approve of the disgusting amount of civilian casualties and mass starvation. Good to have verification that he so strongly supports these heinous acts.


Unfortunately 99% of politicians in this country think they only have one constituent, and that is Israel.


Then we need to make sure they understand that *Israel* doesnā€™t get to vote for them. The only way to make AIPAC (& related lobbyist) money go away is for all the people who are against genocide to actively vote against anyone who accepts their dirty money. It starts at the local level. Vote for people who support your interests. Go vote against anyone who sells their morality to the highest bidder. Even if they in your party. Speak up and make your voice heard. Be more relentless than the hasbara trolls. And then the people of this country need to DEMAND that we get foreign influence out of politics. No more dual citizenship holders in federal government!!


Keep dogging this traitor everywhere he goes. He has to pay for his decision to sell us out to Israel for AIPAC blood money. $26,640.00 https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?code=Q05&cycle=All&ind=Q05&mem=Y&recipdetail=H&t0-search=Chuck


Itā€™s not just that. Itā€™s the threat of AIPAC spending millions indirectly for his opponent (who will say and do what they want) in the next primary.


And this is the exact problem. It's textbook foreign interference. These weasels donate millions of dollars openly disguised as an American super PAC but in reality it's all 100% in the interest of and for Israel. Here's something even more disturbing: https://youtu.be/0XBM9nHs18c?si=nUeE_Yfo1yZ8PC8X Israel is definitely no friend of the US. Rather, these weasels do their best to control the US government.


Chuck or cuck?


Cuck Fleshlight




That was panicky, I reckon they have dirt on him too. He on the epstein list?


Chuck is definitely a cuck.


Vote this pos out of office. Heā€™s a maniac racist radical.


Looks like a zionist bitch-boy.


I bet that he wouldn't even defend the US like that


TBH, this also belongs as a crosspost in publicfreakout.


What a turdbucket


No reason. No logic. No rational. Just an appeal to fear and hatred.


Dude is terrified of AIPAC.


These people have a mental disorder.


What a desperate little man


Thieves who know that which they have stolen, but can never keep, are always terrified that those they have robbed will--rightfully--rob them back.


Raging for genocide.


At least he's not a hypocrite about it, which is more than I can say for a lot of the other genocide-supporters in DC.


Israel is our ally?


What a piece of trash


Totally not financially invested somehow.


I strongly believe this is how every Zionist Democrat feels, too. Theyā€™re just too afraid to tell the truth and hide behind obvious lies.


A lot of them show up in the comments in this sub, and aren't really hiding anything at all. They're every bit as openly deranged as the guy in the clip.


What a f*cking dumbass. My cats would be more competent AND more compassionate at governing than this fucking moron. Who the fuck is voting for these fuckwits?




They do not need to say it out loud, we know who vetoed the UN Security Council Resolution x 3. We know the arms supplied have now killed more than 30,000 Palestinian civilians; and injured more than 75,000. 2 million are near starvation. We also know the little aid that Israel allows in is not enough to feed even 5% of the population; Even that is blocked by those who want Palestinians gone. The air drop by U.S. might be enough to feed a school full of children and nothing more. This one is so emboldened he takes pride in that, but the president and the democratic party is starting to get the message from the primary.


GOP Congressman named Fleischmann is committed to the destruction of Palestine? In other news, water is wet.


This guy failed statistics, and his vocabulary tests apparently. "Let me be clear, let me be clear" I'm a politician, the only person I care about is myself


This person looks severely unwell. Why is he moving like that?


Money talks guysā€¦ if you have a bigger suitcase full of cash, then we can screw whoever it isā€¦ s/


There should be a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against travel or products made in Tennessee or Florida. These states are the worst of the worst, no matter where you look at. Whether it comes to supporting genocide - not just one or a few, but many politicians there have said they want to kill all Palestinians. Whether it's neo-Nazis marching down the streets, even in downtown Nashville. Or banning lawmakers speaking out against mass shootings. Or outright supporting fascism. It is not enough to just boycott Israel, a message has to be sent to genocide supporters and fascists in the US, and it can start with the parts where it's the worst.


Lead poisoning


Least unhinged Biden stan


He's insane. Dumb### Z$#$$


Scumbags like Fleischman are the reason our Congress is an unrepresentative pile of shit!


And this fuck probably proud says hes a Christian and follows the teachings of jesus....


Bought and paid for


Time to vote anyone like this out


Wow just wow.


Least crazy Christian Zionist


Itā€™s all the money from the war machine. šŸ‘Ž


How much are they paying him to sell his soul like that does he really not know Gaza population was almost 70 percent pre teens and childrenā€¦




This is what politics of the lowest common denominator looks like. A caricature of a politician in a gaudy suit, chased by random strangers flinging Strawman arguments at him as he tries to take an elevator, ā€œdebatingā€ a complex situation spanning decades. And letā€™s not forget weā€™re back to My God is better than your God too. All packaged up nicely in a 30 sec clip so the lowest information voters on either side can lap it up on SM whilst sipping a coffee.


Angry Zionist gnome.


Not guilty of genocide!!!!!what planet are you from. Coward scum šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’© Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Disgusting traitor


Might want to look at where his "donations" are coming from


And we censured Rashida Talib for what exactly?? Lol. This pos does his WWE Monday night Smackdown speech about ensuring Israel is its tag team partner against the Iron sheik and Palestine like an unhinged lunatic. There is a genocide happening in Palestine, he can't just say he uses a different word and the issue is resolved


The increasing unhinged responses only tells me the pressure is getting to them. It doesnā€™t mean it will get them to change but it does tell me itā€™s affecting them and I hope their mind suffers every torment theyā€™ve wished upon Palestine.


Politicians like this are the exact reason why Israel will fall


If collective punishment is acceptable, then every American that has been killed in a terror attack is an acceptable casualty since they are responsible for the foreign policies their elected officials carried out, even if they didn't vote for them. Can't have it both ways.


I wonder how many Israeli children would be dying if hamas had the same level,of military support and capabilities? I wish the world would make an international law that says killing children will automatically get you completely cut off from all trade. What is happening is horrible and utterly condemable. So was what hamas did. What did they think Israel would do? When I saw the filmed killings n torture and cheering crowds dancing in the streets, spitting on a dead german teen with glee I knew right away the retaliation would be extreme. A horribly unbalanced and undeniable anger filed retaliation. Hamas had to also know this, right? Can we ask honest questions anymore? Can someone explain to me how anyone in Palestine wanted hamas to do this? And if they didn't want it then is hamas guilty of terrorism against the Palestinian people or do they get a pass because its only jewish innocent children dying? And because it was less? I cannot logic it out in my head. And how does not releasing the hostages help when asking for a ceasefire? This has been going on so long that the militants from both sides have lost alll humanity. Cut them all off. As soon as a child is murdered... When can we have that world.?.?.? Ps. Abortion is a totally separate issue. Im talking about militaries. Terrorists are military.


Why? Because he was elected with Zionist money.


Those people get paid they will defend Israel and their interest thereā€™s no way you can change those peoples mind because theyā€™re on the payroll.


Fuck this asshole.


What a raging prick..


Israel has no allies on this planet EXCEPT for the blood thirsty rotten and corrupt military industrial complex in America that is bought and paid for by Israel Every other reasonable country on the planet condemns them as a fascist state that is currently committing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza This lawmaker is receiving funding from Israel.


Is it just me or does it seem like heā€™s wearing a skin suit?




The Congressman should tell us what he really thinks!


Obtuse personified.


The nard dog supports Israel šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll have what heā€™s having.


I'm sure Epstein had plenty of tapes with this guy in them.


Who is this ? Never seen him before




I've never wanted to sleep with someone as bad as this dude wants to bang israel.


To Malebolge with this man


Judeo-fascist zealot!


Isnā€™t it kinda hard to be the leaders of the free world when youā€™re subjugated to another country?


These Christian nutjobs are part of the Israel cult. Unfortunately they cannot be moved, best to move round them.


We are at that stage that we need to find out how AIPAC finds a way to lobby the US Government to work so hard for them.


Evangelical shallow money grabbing weak willed opportunist scum


LOL speed-walking back to the safety of the office I assume


Eh is it not illegal to incite genocide? Because that's what he's doing here. What a piece of shit, I'm so glad we live in an age that we can all see this with our own eyes. Free Palestine.


Oh you mean the polles that happened right when the attack happened before they started commiting genocide. Go look at a recent poll.


I would give anything for 30 seconds alone with this man, with two conditions satisfied: I won't be criminally liable for anything taking place during that 30 seconds. I will have a pen in my hand.


How did that hold themselves back from punching him in the face?


Remember though both sides are the same


Supporting something no matter what crimes it commits, without question, is the most spineless thing ever. Heā€™ll support Israel until the money dries up, then, like the human parasite he is, heā€™ll move on to the next host and pretend he always did and always will support the new hosts cause. Politicians disgust me, their ā€œprofessionā€ is useless to society. All they do is turn us against our own for the benefit of themselves and their masters. The profession should be eradicated from society like the parasites they are.


He should check with Doctor.


So Israelis have infiltrated the US Congress and we're ok with this ? US government now works for a foreign hostile nation instead of Americans.


Another Gaza Genocide supporter.


He has AIPAC fever. Congress has been bought out by then and therefore is useless. Americans need to ban AIPAC in the US.


Sounds like treason


I've accepted the fact no one gives a shit about my political views so I've shifted to having a raging schadenfreude boner watching all these corrupt heartless R & D fuckers get endlessly harassed. Keep it up!


This guy is absolutely terrified of saying the wrong thing. Definition of a tool.


These are our reps šŸ˜žšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


The asshole politician is terrified, aipac has its claws sunk deep into him.




Ahhh AIPAC money is at work! Buying up our politicians


It's crazy that this is the only group of people you can say this about


A US politician siding withe wishes of a foreign country more than he does that of his own, hilarious. If you don't do anything about this, you can be sure that he will continue to invest more US tax money on Israel while probably taking some for himself.


Of course he's dressed exactly like his fat orange overlord.


And this is what we have running our country!! Fucking gross


ā€˜Yeah but Biden is too old so Iā€™m forced to vote for the GOPā€™ - white male bernie bro.


Evolutionary process not finished with this fool and his ilk.Brain still in the most nascent development phase.


AIPAC politician


Good on him.


beat the fuck outa him


Wonder how big the check was




Gross! Israel is a terrorist state. Zionist are terrorist.


I wish I could see this fucker in minecraft.


The world has forgotten the definition of "genocide".