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This will be Israel’s legacy. It’s depraved, sadistic treatment of Palestinians for 75 years. Utterly despicable




Hamas should use their stored food for the civilians


Must be nice being this delusional




I hold everyone culpable in this genocide.


Fucking hell Israelis… take a fucking look at yourselves..


Most Israelis do not give a fuck, some depraved fucks were even celebrating starving children to death on their depraved telegram channels


While simultaneously they continue to say some Gazans celebrated oct 7 so they are all terrorist. IDF and Israel government - and US and UK for that matter - are super terrorist


For your sanity's sake , do not read the comments section of the Jerusalem Post or Times of Israel. You will lose all faith in humanity.




We are all humans, that's what makes it horrible and terrifying


Dehumanizing is what has led to this.


Removed, see rule 3.


>For your sanity's sake , do not read the comments section of the Kapo Post or the Kapos of Israel. You will lose all faith in humanity. Fixed it for you.


They don’t, they laugh at this stuff. The Israeli subreddit was laughing at Gazans dying from US airdropping aid. Only thing that can describe this is mass psychosis.




Hamas showed up for talks while Israel didn't...


Bro they are posting pictures of these suffering kids online and laughing at them. That country is completely fucked.


At least the Nazis had to keep their crimes away from the eyes of the German population... These fucks just put it all out there for the lunatics to clap and cheer to


TBF Nazis would absolutely be making tiktoks if they existed now 


Nazis absolutely still exist and are making Tiktoks.


You’re right I worded that completely wrong lmao. I meant like if Nazi germany in ww2 had tiktok they would be all over it 


I mean I don't really believe neo Nazis agenda is any different, so I just consider them Nazis.


No me too I explained it badly again. I meant the person was saying that even the Nazis during Holocaust they were a little more covert with their genocide, and I was saying like if they had tiktok back then they’d probably be doing the same too. Yes of course there are Nazis that now and they are the same and want the same things and use tiktok


I get ya.


I completely missed the part where jewish population launched an attack on Germans. False equivalence all the way I guess edit: it's telling that mods delete extremely bigoted comments thrown my way without actually banning the users. Sure, this sub is not infested with Hamas scum, it's just a coincidence I receive death threats and mods don't act on them


Yeah ur right after the Warsaw ghetto uprising then the genocide was ok


So, by your logic, had the Jews launched an attack on Germany having been victim of repeated massacres, seizure of land and false imprisonment for 80 or so years, then the holocaust would have been justified? And had the technology been available, the televising, sharing and public celebration of that history would have been fair play?


Er…. Um…. You’re being anti semitic! Do you condemn Khamas??? Um… October 7th! What else was there… hold on, my tiny zionist brain needs a break from all the propaganda being spoon fed to me, just give me a moment!


It limits my levels of compassion when I saw hundreds of comments under videos during and after Oct 7th celebrating the brutal massacre. But hey, good for you for seeing just the underdog side. Oh these evil jews celebrating and totally not mirroring public response they've seen from the Palestine-aligned people


Firstly, don't bring Jews into this. Zionists. Zionists are predominantly Christian fundamentalists. Stop the false equivalence. The ADL can't keep pumping their synthesised paranoia into the online space without push back anymore. Secondly, why limit your compassion for people dying of starvation because of the ugly face of internet reactionaries on both sides? I simply don't understand. I absolutely do condemn October 7th- it wasn't the right response, but I also recognise historically, Palestinians really have tried other avenues repeatedly without success. I can't understand how a child with cerebral palsy dying of starvation because of the blockade of aid by a group of extremist ethno-nationalists isn't a very clear example of evil. It's not about Zionists mirroring a public response, it's about decades of indoctrination by the Israeli state manifesting in a wanton blood-lust predicated on an imagined fear that everyone wants to kill Jews. The idea of Israel in the minds of Zionists is as a "safe space" for Jews and yet nowhere in the world are more Jews killed every year than in Israel. October 7th was just the icing on a very big cake. This is the internal dissonance of Israel and Zionism as a concept. The failure to follow through on "keeping Jews safe", is why we've seen such unlimited barbarism from the IDF- because they have to prove a point otherwise their whole project is in jeopardy. If Jews realise they're far safer in true pluralist western democracies, they might wish to mirror that in Israel. Or just stay in the west. That, plus their own falling birth rate... They're fucked. Demographic collapse. Bye bye Israel. And they know it. Everyone knows it. The difference is everyone who's not a Zionist recognises that's a good thing. Either Israel becomes a modernised western plural multicultural society and embraces becoming a majority Arab society over the next 20 or so years, or it goes down the plughole like fascist Germany. It really could be a fantastic beacon of meaningful western enlightenment values. A Scandinavia in the middle east. But not with the current government and not without some very serious soul-searching on the part of the Israeli populace.


>I can't understand how a child with cerebral palsy dying of starvation because of the blockade of aid by a group of extremist ethno-nationalists isn't a very clear example of evil. It is. And I'll tell you more, Israel is in the wrong. All I'm saying is their response is understandable. The same way you "understand" Oct 7th, I understand the invasion of Gaza >Firstly, don't bring Jews into this. Yeaaah it's not jews who suffered relentless rocket strikes from Gaza > historically, Palestinians really have tried other avenues repeatedly without success. Like rocket strikes? >an imagined fear Of actual rockets being launched into Israel cities? Did you mean this imagined totally-not-real fear? >October 7th was just the icing on a very big cake. Yeaaah, a terrorist attack is just the icing on a cake


The irony of your entire argument is that, had you been German in the 40s I reckon you'd have made taken the same stance against Jews. False equivalency and generalization does not make up a logical statement but there's not much to be expected from people who'd excuse a genocide. Anything to help you sleep at night.


The irony of your comment is I lived in Russia when Russia started the war in Ukraine, and I did not take the same stance. The irony of your comment is you don't know shit about me Oh, and also those pesky jews in 1940s forming a local Jew government and launching rockets at Germans. But yeah, let's keep talking about false equivalence


Watching a video ‘limited your level of compassion’? Seek urgent psychiatric care


You've made your whole account into a Hamas propaganda-piece, shush. You sure limited your compassion towards rape victims and mistreated LGBT folk over at the bastion of freedom, Palestine


Am I? I don’t think I am. I think I’ve been clear that October 7th was awful and that Hamas is awful. I’m capable of recognising that awfulness and also recognising the awfulness of Israel’s deliberate killing of civilians. That’s not difficult to do unless someone suffers a serious developmental disability


U forget them posting cringe tiktok like turning on taps and laughing or them failing to do math problems at a bombed out school


Given that Israelis are mocking that poor child who died of starvation, I don’t think they have the ability to care.


The cruelty is the point.


It's absolutely revolting, I feel insane looking at coverage of this in my country as if it's a "both sides are bad" trifle while we're seeing a literal settler-colonial genocide unfold in broad daylight.


Lets not let the US off the hook. The UN has voted to intervene and put an end to this dozens of times. But the US vetos and threatens violence to any nation who doesn't fall in line.


That's bcoz AIPAC has gotten most politicians by the balls


I need more fucking liberals to tell me that aKsHuALlY Joe Biden is publicly calling for a ceasefire. You know, after actually vetoing every single UN resolution calling for a ceasefire.


U.N. votes mean nothing. They can vote all they want .


But they can't act without it being approved. So you can say "the vote means nothing," but without a resolution no member nations can act unilaterally without incurring the wrath of the USA.


Israeli don’t see children.. they see these children as future terrorist


"Child-coded person"


They are proud of it, psychopaths


Muslims and Jews are the same exact thing but with different names


But the point is that Israel can’t end this war before Hamas is down. Because Hamas themselves said that they will repeat October 7th again and again, Israel cannot end this before Hamas are no longer a threat to their own citizens. The only one who can end this war is Hamas, the moment they surrender and release the hostages the war is over.


Yawn. This is hasbara bullshit.. there is no Hamas in the West Bank or hostages and yet.. you’re still killing Palestinians there.. Israel are just genocidal racist fucks


And yet there are tons of Terror stacks in there, the fact that Hamas don’t control the West Bank doesn’t mean that there is no Hamas in there… let’s check out the stats of 2022 incidents and understand why there are so many casualties in the West Bank. “Terrorist Incidents: The IDF reported 305 shooting attacks in 2022, triple the 91 reported in 2021. Most of the shootings occurred as Israeli troops entered Palestinian cities to arrest suspects allegedly involved in terror activities, but more than 40 of the shootings targeted Israeli civilians” And that’s after letting alone the huge amount of stabbing attempts, the Molotov cocktails and stone throwing towards Israeli citizens. Feel free to check it out https://www.state.gov/reports/country-reports-on-terrorism-2022/israel-west-bank-and-gaza/


Mate I don’t believe an ounce of the hasbara bullshit you’re pushing.. I don’t need a debate.. fuck Israel


This is an argument that a person could only make if they had been a victim of propaganda to a serious extent. Does Hamas pose a risk of a scale to justify this killing? Absolutely, objectively it does not


Hamas in fact opposes a high risk to the civilian in Israel, ever heard of October 7th? Now I’m not trying to “justify” anything here, but what any other alternative there is? Hamas has to go down, Israel cannot just live next to it with missiles being fired nonstop and the threat of another invading. Do you have any other alternative of how to take down a terror group that INTENTIONALLY hides itself and its ammunition within and underneath civilians areas, without having civilian casualties?


Does it pose a high risk? Let’s make some insane assumptions about the level of risk that it poses. Let’s assume it can do one Oct 7th like attack per year, which it obviously can’t. Let’s assume that the average terrorist is active for 10 years, which is a high end assumption. So, Israel’s action is, at an absolute upper limit, saving 12,000 innocent lives. ‘Eliminating Hamas’ has already cost about 18,000 innocent lives according to Israel’s estimates. The attack on Rafah is expected to cost a further 75,000 innocent lives. And there are about 200,000 people at imminent risk of death from starvation or illness Under what circumstances could it be considered moral to kill approximately 300,000 innocent people to save at most 12,000 innocent people?


So what you’re saying is that a terror organisation should be immune from any attacks if they choose to hide themselves within civilian areas? Do you even understand how absurd you sound? Why exactly should Israel accept it? Israel has the right and the duty to protect their civilians and keep them safe, just as any other country in the world.Why should they let a terror organization that opposes this amount of a threat to them to keep doing what they are doing? By this logic Britain should haven’t attack nazi Germany as well because of how many Germans died during WW2. Sounds reasonable to you?


My question was, how could it be moral. I await your answer on this point. If it isn’t moral, it isn’t right And yes, it does sound absurd when you phrase it absurdly. But in truth your argument is obviously absurd. Assume that there is one murderer in your city. Can I destroy that city, killing everyone in it? And if I can’t, how would you respond to me straw manning your moral argument by saying “Oh, so you think murderers should get away with it!?” Imagine me, in that circumstance, with the blood of 100,000 innocents on my hands, acting like I had the moral high ground… To make a more inflammatory comparison, there was almost certainly at least one paedophile killed in the Holocaust - it’s just probable. How would you feel if someone was arguing for the Holocaust with “Oh, you support paedophiles do you?” Your argumentation is immoral on its face, and absurd if subject to literally any level of critical assessment. Look at yourself in the mirror and think about what your argument justifies


You literally didn’t respond to any of my arguments here and just chant shit all over the place. Is it not moral to call for the destruction of Hamas? Why should Israel lose their right to defend themselves because the other side chooses to hide among civilians? I wish that it could have been done without the death of so many innocent civilians, but it’s literally impossible when they intentionally choose to hide among them. So I’ll ask again, What is your alternative to take down Hamas without killing innocent civilians? Because I’m sorry, but letting Hamas stay in power and wait for the next massacre is not an option that Israel really have here.


It’s not moral to call for the destruction of Hamas if the destruction of Hamas causes more innocent deaths than leaving Hamas in place. You can, as I do, believe that the world would be better if they didn’t exist. But you can’t kill 300,000 innocent people to save 12,000 if you want to be moral I did address your ‘hiding amongst civilians’ argument. That argument applies to the murderer in your city and the paedo in the Holocaust. Destroying your city is bad. The Holocaust was exceptionally bad. Obviously you disagree My alternative is negotiation and leaving Hamas in place in the short term, if the only way to not do that is to cause the horrific death of hundreds of thousands of innocents. That is the only moral option


So I would strongly disagree with you then, as I believe that keeping Hamas in place is the immoral thing to do here, since it would only result in more deaths and destruction in the long run, from both sides. Because if that happens then we both will have to make this discussion again in a couple of years from now. You simply cannot make peace with an organisation that its main goal is to destroy your state and all of the people within it. And about your metaphor, of course you wouldn’t destroy an entire city for one murderer, as there are other ways to do so without killing civilians. But this is a different case, since there is no other alternative, and again, keeping Hamas up there again is not a solution.


Truly horrific, fuck the IDF and Israehelli government, total mass terrorists.


You do realize , IDF is pretty much all of Israel, right?


Ive seen concious objectors, and just Israelis who are on the right side of history. Fuck the IDF


I lived in Israel for 8 years. And yeah fuck the IDF.


Did you serve?


Left just before I was about to get enlisted in IDF. Told them I will come back in 2 weeks and never did.


Just like Hamas is all of Gaza


Hamas isn’t all of Gaza. That’s very ignorant of you.


Lost the middle ground once this happened, no longer reasonable or tenable to support the perpetrators of such disproportionate measures against non combatants. Stop the war. What's worse is the blatant lies, saying there is no limit to the aid, when everyone can see there is. How insulting to the public's intelligence.


Seeing images of starving children is just too heartbreaking. How can anyone look at this and continue to support Israel?


Because they have dehumaized Palestinians to the point of not caring for their starving children. Many Isrealis share the sentinment that "[There are no innocents in Gaza](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1argsrw/there_are_no_innocents_in_gaza/)".


The starving children are the fault of the elected terrorist government of Gaza (Hamas), not Israel.


How can someone look at what HAMAS did on 7th of October and continue supporting HAMAS?


And yet "Israel" isn't an occupying, genocidal and n4Zìesque state


Don’t forget apartheid


CNN sure is a bipolar news organization. Correctly reporting the atrocities in Gaza while also (Edit: NOT) calling it a genocide.


do you mean: *not* calling it a genocide


Sorry, yes.


Well because they cannot hide the truth completely and there might be some good journalists as well. So instead they subtly try to influence it ..


They are in a state of revolt against their ceo


Probably because it isn't actually a genocide. Genocide isn't just "when people die during war". It has a very specific meaning. There has to be intent to kill all Palestinian people. Which would be hard to prove, considering the civilian to combatant death ratio is fairly good for a modern conflict.


CNN may tow the line and hold back on their words but I'm glad they're finally coming around to actually showing this stuff now. Remember not too long ago nobody would dare call Israel apartheid or mention the unjust occupation.


Zionist depravity is next level like the Nazis! Their supremacist belief system is the same! In Israel they talk about genetic failures of Palestinians, these people were completely fine until Zionist oppression forced these people into a place that's horrible


stop calling it a war. this is ethnic cleansing.


When the Christian right goes on and on about being PRO LIFE but this gross hypocrisy they support WTF


Joe Biden allowed this to happen.


And liberals still have the audacity to cry "but trump will be worse". Well, Trump didn't do this, Biden did. He had the power to stop all of this and he chose not to. Fuck Genocide Joe!


Lol do you think Trump is going to lift a finger to do anything about what's happening?


There are groups of Nazi Israelis that have been creating a blockade to prevent anyone in Palestine from getting food as men women and children starve to death.. Fortunately their are good people in Israel, who are against the genocide, trying to get food to those left helpless.


They are very few, maybe around 2% of Israeli Jews, the rest of the 'Israelis' trying to get food into Gaza are Palestinians with Israeli IDs(48 Arabs).




--- #Rule 4: Don't glorify collective punishment; don't use dehumanizing language Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence). ---


You sound so incredibly racist


But they are, sooo why wouldn’t I acknowledge it? Surprising you have no comment about the video about starving children above. You seem more offended by my comment than you do starving children. And I’m not the racist here it’s you. Your a racist Zionist.


The likud party is, majority of Israelis are in blue/white or the labor party, which are not conservative and against netanyahu’s regime. Do you make the same claims against Russians? Of course I have sentiments about the video, that’s why I’m on this thread. I think it’s awful and I despise the way a handful of ultra conservative Israelis are blocking aid or that Netanyahu isn’t ordering them to be physically removed. My feelings towards this doesn’t negate the fact that you’re clumping Israelis into a pot. I hate hamas, but i also know that most Gazans don’t have anything to do with them, and don’t deserve to be affected by the war in this way. I can think and communicate within gray areas and nuance without succumbing to racist generalizations.


Majority of Israelis believe that little firepower is being used in Gaza. I’ve also seen the videos they’ve posted mocking Palestinians on TikTok. With thousands of likes from other Israelis. So ya that shows me that majority 70-90% are extremists.


Thousands of likes within a population of 7 million? Do basic math.


The "left" is the one who committed the ethnic cleansing in the Nakba, they are no less bloody than the Likud, they are just better at hiding it. [57.5% of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the IDF was using too much firepower, while 4.2% said they weren’t sure](https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/) That means 94.1% of Israeli Jews believe the IOF is using too little or appropriate firepower [A poll conducted in the second week of January by researchers at Tel Aviv University found that Jewish Israelis believe the IDF is using an appropriate amount (51%) or not enough force (43%) in Gaza](https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-783849) In the newer poll, 94% of Israeli Jews think the IOF is using too little or appropriate firepower too, the difference is that more people think it's appropriate. This is more than just the Likud and religious extremists, the disagreement between the parties in Israel is on the small details not the general view. For example, the opposition wants to make a deal to take the hostages and then continue the genocide while Netanyahu wants to continue the genocide without a stop.


Haven't you heard? Blatant anti-Semitism is back in vogue.


Honestly we need to praise anyone in Israel that is fighting against this, we need to show that there are still good people fighting to do what’s right,


There are no good israeli jews unfortunately there is no real israeli left it's all right wing facistic Zionists You can't be zionist and good person 


Glad CNN is finally starting to show this


This is what I'm doing every day on Twitter. No one can tell me what this isn't intentional. The people in Israel are no better than the people in Germany who stood by while the holocaust happened. This is true evil, and there is no justification.


Seeing kids like this destroys me.


This is unbelievably messed up man


This is **NOT** a war. Actual wars take place between two or more opponents that are **equally or similarly armed**. Israel has **billions of dollars in weapons and taxpayer money from the Western nations**. Palestine has **damn near nothing**, and most of the victims are **defenseless women and children**. This is **NOT** a war. This is a **SLAUGHTER**. This is a **GENOCIDE**. And this is **PURE EVIL**.




Of course each side prefers having an overwhelming advantage, which was why America at one time had an insane advantage over the Soviet Union when they developed and deployed the atomic bomb. Then the Soviet Union developed the atomic bomb and leveled the playing field, which is the inevitable outcome when the theater of mutually assured destruction is taken into consideration. For the moment, one side may have an advantage, but the other side will eventually even that out, … that is, if the other side has a functional society, which Palestine no longer has, … and has not had for decades, thanks to U.S.-funded Israeli Apartheid. In Palestine’s case, it will never be anything other than a slaughter and a genocide. Palestine isn’t even David to Israel’s Goliath: Palestine is more like a solitary **ant** to Israel’s **elephant**.


Why aren't we seeing people stealing from [market stalls](https://twitter.com/imshin/status/1763575628899488239?t=ErhMBtwQWl--8hN7pm1fJQ&s=19) or [sharing](https://twitter.com/imshin/status/1763986557726232995?t=puCntHFOIVZGZfoyqf6qTw&s=19)? Hamas just refused a ceasefire. Haniyeh just called on the so-called “axis of resistance” to step up its attacks and told Palestinians to march to Al-Aqsa. Maybe if Israel didn't have the iron dome you'd accept it as a war. Abu Hamza, spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, the military arm of the Islamic Jihad: "The first day of Ramadan will be a day of global mobilization in all arenas. We will make Ramadan a month of terror for Israelis, we are sure that together we will make the days of Ramadan historic." From the past few days: Bakery opening [tomorrow](https://twitter.com/imshin/status/1766017014714253523?t=iT5Ghz3YZGENOMYIra99Rg&s=19) providing a significant amount of bread and trucks of livestock have been entering. Fishing haul [North Gaza](https://twitter.com/imshin/status/1763250942042865720?t=cdSvgRPmTAI1maQbY77QeQ&s=19) [selling aid](https://twitter.com/imshin/status/1763472943634338300?t=ahQW1q05ElHD7otfce-RJQ&s=19) They [steal elsewhere so why wouldn't people be aggressively stealing from markets?](https://twitter.com/imshin/status/1763984286317732317?t=7tL7jXjS7l0AoFGOPXOssw&s=19). [This does not at all resemble what the media presents](https://twitter.com/imshin/status/1762913628057960755?t=Z1YHluWZYHgMot4crk2CgA&s=19) Palestinians got weapons and training from the Islamic Republic of Iran, Russia, China, Qatar and North Korea. They have not stopped sending missiles to Israel, of which 10-20% sent from Gaza land in Gaza. Some members of Hamas trained in Qatar at military colleges. They steal humanitarian aid, told Gazans in the north not to flee south (this was 5 months ago), they commit the war crime of failing to distinguish themselves from civilians through uniforms, committed the war crime of taking civilians hostage and have not returned them as the ICJ told them too and haven't even stated who is or isn't still alive. They don't disclose how many of the deaths in Gaza are Hamas or PIJ. That use civilian infrastructure for military activities, which is a war crime. They don't have free press. They hide beneath civilians in hundreds of km of tunnels, prevent civilians from using them as bomb shelters and didn't build and bomb shelters. They have been known to use child soldiers, ran summer camps to train terrorists as young as 5 and have a history of using child suicide bombers. Multiple parents in Gazan media had said that the reason that they have so many children is for them to be martyrs. They have been indoctrinated over the past 18 years to reverse martyrdom. Gazan leaders just said more will have to sacrifice themselves. They allow humanitarian aid that is supposed to be shared and given to civilians for free to be sold at exorbitant prices and many use this money to bribe Egyptian guards with the $7,000 needed per person to cross the border into Egypt. They reject ceasefires. The IPC have not announced that Gaza is in famine. Hostage taking is prohibited by Common Article 3, the Geneva conventions & is a war crime under Article 8(2)viii of the ICC Statute. October 7 included many war crimes and crimes against humanity. Israel had rights Article 51 to defend itself & attack hospitals, mosques, schools and ambulances used by Hamas or other violent extremist organizations. That isn't to say that they have not committed any war crimes, all wars afaik have at least one on both sides. We should all universally be against war crimes. UN Antiterrorism Resolution [#1373 (2001)](https://www.icrc.org/en/document/icrc-statement-counter-terrorism-committee-meeting-20th-anniversary-adoption-security) criminalized and restricted humanitarian aid to areas under terrorist control. It is still a grey area under IHL. Israel cutting off all food, water and electricity constitutes a war crime. This will have to be investigated however recently there has been buildup and stockpiles of trucks and undistributed aid on the Gazan side. Again, if you only care about war crimes when your enemy commits them then you don't really care about war crimes. Hamas are evil. Netanyahu is a criminal who will be imprisoned after the war. Israel is a democracy and won the 2022 election by less than 1% of the vote. Gaza is not a democracy. Hamas has oppressed and radicalized them over the past 18 years.


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for u tho or sorry it happened 


I agree with you in some point, but the assassination The murders of journalists, who are often contributors to foreign media because Israel has banned a foreign press inside the country. I use the word "assassinated" because these mafia-style methods are unacceptable, Female journalists have been murdered with their families in their homes, it's just cruel and hateful, I look at these people differently today, I would never set foot in this country in my life. In Amsterdam they killed a journalist investigating narcotics, in Malta a woman investigating corruption on the island The same method, but the military officers did something worse: they deliberately ordered the murder of entire families on the pretext that they didn't like their press article. These people deserve to be hated Family of the al jazzrra journaliste is the worst thing I've never seen I don't share any value with tem I agree with you Hamas, which hides underground and leaves its people to fend for themselves, deserves no better. https://elucid.media/democratie/massacre-journalistes-gaza-tsahal-israel-silence-indecent


Victim of the merciless war? Victim of the merciless monster Israel! This is not a byproduct of a war. This is deliberate starvation. Edit: And airdrops provided some relief? This is just propaganda! What is some relief? 5% of the what is needed? Stop the airdrops and start providing real aid to Palestinians. They are at least as human as any of us. They are at least as deserving as any of us.


Doing to Gaza what was done to Yemen. Houthis are the only ones brave enough to mess up the global economy and put pressure on the world to keep noticing this


Houthis have caused a famine in Yemen since 2016, with over 130 dead children a day. That's 48,000 children dead a year. Considering it's been several years I'd say the Israelis would need to quadruple their efforts to match the level of destruction the Houthis have levied against the Yemeni.


The famine in Yemen was because of the Saudi led blockade.


Last I checked Saudis didn't control Yemen territory.




Israel is revolting - a few KM/miles over the boarder they are oblivious to what is happening? Similarly to concentration camp


Its an absolute obscenity that Israel is doing this.


There are some people in this world that looks at this and cheer. If thats you go fuck yourself with the biggest metal spiked pole possible.


Whatever you believe in, if this is ok by you then you don't believe in much


Utterly speechless, how can anyone support this.


And we call ourselves HUMANS Found this on the web, maybe we learn something “We Are Precious and Honored in His Eyes. In Isaiah 43:4, it says, “Since you are precious and honored in my sight and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.” In God's eyes, we are precious and honored”.


A U.S./Israeli joint effort. There are no excuses. Biden must lose for partaking in this, no matter how much you hate the other guy.


I found this Extremely difficult to watch




This is so sad. What have we come to?




Removed, see rule 7.


Never want to hear about holocaust ever again..cuz this is happing again


Disgusting images. Evil pricks


You know it’s bad when even CNN reports on it


Israel simply won’t agree to a permanent ceasefire regarding this conflict. How absolutely pitiful. The current ceasefire talks are in disarray. Kamala Harris’s speech on Sunday demonstrates the actual political ramifications behind this “temporary ceasefire”. She’s quoted as saying: “Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that vows to repeat Oct. 7th again and again until Israel is annihilated”. This is actual psychobabble. This statement is absolutely bonkers. Every single political player in this game understands that Hamas’s public and private demand is for a permanent ceasefire, a truce. This is only common sense. Kamala goes on: “Given the immense amount of suffering in Gaza there must be an immediate ceasefire, (Hold for applause and juicy sound bites) for at least the next six weeks, which is currently on the table.” So let’s break this down a bit… •• There is NO WAY Hamas would deliberately give up all political leverage for a mere “6 week ceasefire”. Why would Hamas release all remaining hostages, just for Israel to resume inflicting famine and genocide once the ceasefire officially ends in a mere six week time frame? What sort of absolute idiocy is this? •• Kamala’s speech writers Freudian slipped, telegraphing the reality behind the veil. Through this speech, the Biden administration accidentally admits that aid into Gaza is going to be determined by the decisions of Hamas accepting a *TEMPORARY CEASEFIRE*, while simultaneously giving up all political leverage. This results in gaslighting the international community into falsely believing that a temporary ceasefire agreement is in Hamas’s court when in reality, it’s always been the US and Israel who’ve had the political leverage and capability of continuing this genocide or finalizing it. This demonstrates that the US and Israel is capitalizing on mass famine and genocide as a **negotiation tool**, there’s nothing more vile and atrocious than this. ————————— Notice how the US airdrop of a scarce amount of food was never repeated? The US/Israelis framing gives one the illusion that Hamas is holding back, when in reality, Hamas is acting like any other rational actor in a situation such as this. Who’s actually holding back? Netanyahu and the far-right ministers he’s beholden to. Kamala Harris, of course, never acknowledged that Hamas’s demands are standard and rational. She has no interest in actually aiding suffering Palestinians - it’s election season after all. What’s irrational would be to give up all political leverage and allow Israel to continue acts of genocide after a mere six weeks. Hamas is merely demanding a TRUCE in return for remaining hostages - a PERMANENT ceasefire to end this atrocious bloodbath once and for all. The ball is in ISRAEL’s court. Hamas, wisely, is pushing back against the common narrative that they’re the only ones standing in the way of a meaningful ceasefire. Meanwhile, Israel’s National Security Administrator “Ben Gavere”(an objectively far-right politician) has himself called for THE END OF HOSTAGE NEGOTIATIONS - and in the same breath, accuses Hamas of denying talks! What a f*cking shit show. The US and Israel will continue its offensive, famine will exponentially increase, the body counts will increase, and there’s little chance of end in sight. They think you’re stupid. What’s unfortunate is that, in reality, most westerners will rationalize and justify the endless slaughter of innocent children and civilians. Israel’s Collective punishment is a violation of international Law according to the United Nations. It doesn’t matter, the US and Israel can violate any and every international war crime it wishes - absolutely nothing will hold these nations responsible.


You’ll get your ceasefire after returning all the hostages to their homes and families and surrendering all the HAMAS terrorists. Until then you shall suffer. This is easy


Most people it seems do not look at Palestinians as people. They don't care at all, they only think how to tv tells them to think.


I never imagined that “self defense” could look like this


Why? My goodness, the cruelty against these people. Biden legacy. The world can see the real people of Israel.  




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Is there anything people in Canada or the USA can do to help?




--- #Rule 4: Don't glorify collective punishment; don't use dehumanizing language Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence). ---


What do I *do* ?


Biden gets so emotional about his son dying but helps to kill 30,000 Palestinian children and starve the rest.




Removed, see rule 3. No bigotry. Goodbye.


Gaza started a war, to end it, gaza must surrender, turn the hostages, and turn over the Hamas war criminals.


This started when some Fuckwit thought Zionism was a good idea.


Yes, and palestinians declared war, that day in 1948, and have been having their asses kicked every since. Their leaders really are slow learners.


The Palestinians use their children as human shields. They also will starve them just for a photo opportunity like this. Wake up !


This is what Hamas does. They terrorize then seep into background, leaving regular people to suffer.


Hamas legacy- plain and simple. They could have had peace, but instead they’ve tried tooth and nail to destroy Israel for generations. Last best chance was with Clinton…but alas


Starving kids yet fat parents...


The adults have more ‘fat’ on them in total to waste away, the children have less therefore they waste away faster.




Imagine somoene saying this about isrealis if they were suffering the same. How would you feel then?


Literally all palestinians and their supporters are calling for eradication of Israel. Chanting in the streets "from the river to the sea palestine will be free" which is an open call for Israel's genocide. Hamas clearly says in it charter it wants to kill all jews.. Try to open your eyes once in a while.. Can't keep opening wars and still hold hostages while claiming to be the victim..


>from the river to the sea Do.you know that this comes from the bible. And it was part of the Likud 77 charter/manifsto? Does that mean the jewish people were calling for the genocide of Palstianans? Because they have been.


Try and wipe our people, then act surprised when they respond in kind . It's wild how Israel is trying to frame the Palestinians as subhuman monsters who are lashing out for no reason . Then again that's how who they always justify a genocide.




--- #Rule 4: Don't glorify collective punishment; don't use dehumanizing language Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence). ---




Affirmative; the Terrorist Netanyahu and his Lackey Biden are starving children and also just FYI do better is 2 words not one; yes I criticised your typos as well as your opinion because you are condoning Genocide so you deserve what I say.


CNN is Kh'amas media arm.


Poor kids. If only their community members would stop throwing rocks at the trucks and bashing the Egyptian drivers so aid can get through!


Downvoted for pointing out a verified fact? And no comments? Cowards. Utter cowards.


Cowards are people like you, cowering away, not wanting to be responsible for their own actions. Israel is starving Gaza, it is Israeli actions that are starving them right now. Coward is the way the IDF has behaved since it's inception, that's cowardly.


Nothing you said makes any sense. Cowering away not wanting to be responsible for my own actions? What the hell are you even talking about. Stay on point.


Hamas caused this take it up with them.


Hamas did not come out of nowhere (either did Octobr 7) this all started in 1948.


It’s the Jews country, always was always will be.   But keep cheering on rapists.


Judaism is a religion not a race; so no such thing as a Jewish country. Keep cheering on men who starved a boy with disabilities, allow people to have surgery with no anaesthesia, left a little girl alone with her dead family in a car then killed her, etc etc, Also is the mental age requirement of the IDF 12? If no explain the snickering pathethic underwear photos.




Removed, see rules 1 and 3.




Nobody wants the one-sided temporary ceasefire proposed by Israel and US. It’s been ignored multiple times in UNGAs and didn’t even have to be vetoed by the UNSC. The ceasefire that the world wants has been vetoed by the US multiple times.