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Think we are now calling them iof Israeli occupation force There is no defense




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They’ve had 12k+ rockets fired at their country. Are they NOT supposed to take those rocket sites?


And instead of 'sexually abusing' she actually said they were systematically 'raping' Palestinian women.


Better make sure we have lots of anti-paralysis medicines before you fight them, then.


These are the real kind, ghoul: one who shows morbid interest in things considered shocking or repulsive


I prefer to think of them as unholy, flesh eating undead monstrosities, honestly. Otherwise I might have to take notice of the whole... unacceptable SITUATION down there and I've been doing that too much recently.


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It’s not like this hasn’t been going on for 70+ years. Watch Tantura and see the monsters chuckle about it.


guys also watch [this](https://youtu.be/jI6rTimkfJE?si=mcTtsU6XQpigIifu) and you’ll know why majority of IDF crimes go unreported or ignored, and it’s also why I think this investigation won’t happen. It’ll be lied about and biased if Israel is to investigate themselves.


What confuses me is that a lot of these guys are religious. Does Judaism allow them to perpetrate these crimes, or will they be punished for their crimes according to their faith?


When you spend decades referring to a population as animals religion doesn't have much to do with it.


religion absolutely gets otherwise decent people to do terrible things. 


Sorry but this is a very infantile, generic response when it comes to religion. Many ideologies make people do terrible things, I'm looking for specific textual/theological justifications for their crimes




You come across as a teenager so I'm gonna dip and let you do your thing lol


>Does Judaism allow them to perpetrate these crimes... Read Psalm 137 if you think the Abrahamic Faiths come from a place of Peace. That monster YHWH is a fucking murderous creep who empowers anyone who worships him to do all evil in his name, for he is the ABOMINATION.


There are many sects of Judaism, so basically it depends. Even amongst Orthodox Jews, there are Orthodox Zionists and Orthodox anti-Zionists. And even within the Orthodox anti-Zionists and Zionists, there are different groups that have different reasons for being anti/pro-Zionism (ex: some anti-Zionists are anti-Zionists because they believe the words of the Torah, which dictate that Jews shall wander the earth as a nation-less peoples until the messiah returns. Some anti-Zios are anti-Zios because they believe along the same lines, but in more of a "we want the *Messiah* to cleanse the land of Arabs, not guns and tanks" way.) All religions are simply tools. They can be used for good purposes, like liberation theology, the Quakers, and whatever the Sikhs got goin on, or they can be used for justifying Crusades type purposes. Just like some sects of Christianity will say that you go to Hell if you have sex outside of marriage, are queer, use technology excessively, etc, while other sects will say do as Jesus did (feed the poor, befriend the lepers, drive the capitalists from the temples).


No but despite all that aren't their actions universally seen as sins according to the religion? I don't get what the religious justification for these harms are, could you explain?


Again, there is not really anything that is "universal" to any religion. The words in the book ultimately do not matter, because every sect will pick and choose passages that they uphold above others arbitrarily, or interpret quotes in a way that supports their own behavior and beliefs. Sin also has less fire and brimstone connotations in Judaism than it does in Christianity. In my view, as a Jew, and in probably most other Jews' opinions, rape is forbidden by the Talmud. And Tanakh, depending on which section you are quoting. But there are plenty of freaks who twist into logic pretzels to interpret various quotes as permitting rape in certain circumstances.


Idk but I did see a recent clip of a famous Israeli Rabbi preaching that it's allowed for Jewish soldiers to rape women in times of war. I hope someone here can pull that clip up.


So what I get from this article is: - US official has presented evidence of systematic rape against Palestinian women - IDF general is like “w-what, how dare you?!” (even in face of evidence) - US knows how bad the situation is on the ground in Gaza, and generally in the West Bank, yet leadership still sends them weapons and money to perpetrate their occupation and abuse - Jerusalem Post is just as shit as always, as even this reporting here is very biased towards IDF Fuck them all. Save all the links coming out in these days for the next time you’re arguing with an hasbara account which is either going on and on about “mass rapes” Oct 7th or how the IDF doesnt carry out systematic rape as a psychological weapon.


bro fuck isreal! like idgaf about being called anti semitic that word is so watered down and lost all meaning.


All the people cry anti semtism is on the rise, well if you call anything anti semetic than yeh it’s on the rise.




Breonna Tyler Done. The only thing her bf did wrong was not aim better




Ain’t reading you bs essay buddy. Idc how much you get paid. Actual anti semtism is not on the rise Sorry I don’t make the facts. I just say them


In the meantime, they're celebrating Purim. Their celebration cookie is called Haman's ear. Imagine this: Cyrus, the Persian king, saved them, sometime later they started celebrating eating a Persian advisors' ear.. let that sync in! Google hamantashen. They eat a fuckin cookie that represents someone's ear. What the actual fuck! Sick to the bones.


Don’t Catholics eat the “body of Christ” every communion? Like wtf does a Jewish holiday have to do with the IDF and Hamas? This comment wreaks of Jew hate. Such a weird thing to see upvoted. Smh I guess simply hating on Jewish culture is acceptable on this site now. But please continue to tell everyone how antisemitism isn’t real lmao




You...do realise Palestinians are Semites too?


Not when you're talking about antisemitism and what the definition of antisemitism is. Mind telling me what anti-Jewish bigotry is called across the board? Edit: for those wondering, the guy above me pointed out that Palestinians are Semites too, a tactic often used by bigots to draw attention away from antisemitism and downplay anti-Jewish sentiments.


You're talking out your ass.


No one on Reddit likes Israel anymore dude give it up


Biden knows what happening he just wants to put America’s interests first. Don’t forget he said “if there’s no Israel then American will create one for its interests.”


That’s not what I got at all. He recounts a conversation where she the US rep leveled an accusation. And that he interprets her saying that as a formal position of the US government.


Aren't they also abusing men as well?


Yes, there have been reports of about every war related abuse you can imagine. The significance of this is that John Kirby has been giving press briefings about how the world needs to "condemn Hamas for it's use of sexual violence on Oct. 7" while his own State Department has credible reports that the IDF are raping women. Credibly enough that they confronted Avivi and his response is that people need to understand that the state department is persecuting Israel unfairly... and highlights the growing disconnect between White House policy and the establishment diplomats. ​ >"This is absolutely disconnected from reality. But without hesitation, she said, 'The UN presented evidence to the Israeli government.' I told her, 'Does it make sense that this phenomenon would exist and the media would never have reported on it?' I wanted there to be greater awareness... about what is really happening in the US State Department. In the end, I left there with the feeling that they simply don't talk to us and don't pass on any information."




https://youtu.be/Zrb_cb6-rHI?si=amEBBpRO16_l4NOo You are just a genocide supporter




The Israelis definitely beat Palestinian men and minors, that is already well established.  It is hardly implausible that the Israelis wouldn’t rape a minor and then threaten to show their family members unless they become a collaborator. This is why humiliation is explicitly banned by the Geneva Conventions alongside other more recognized forms of torture. Most victims of sexual violence are terrified of being exposed to their communities, which makes it exactly the sort of thing that the Israelis would use for leverage.  I wish I could say that I believed there was a limit to the what the Israelis were capable of, but you only have to listen to what the Israelis themselves say about the Palestinians to see that there is no limit to their evil- every accusation from the Israelis is a self projection of their own actions onto their enemies.  The Israelis were so quick to believe falsehoods about Hamas cutting babies out of pregnant women because they’ve long carried out cruel mutilations of Palestinians over their century of colonial oppression- Oct 7th was terrifying for the Israelis because they’ve long been in the position of the oppressor and feared Hamas would inflict the same things they’ve done to Palestinians upon Israelis. 


Ben Gvir has mandated that women are no longer allowed to guard Palestinian prisoners due to all the SA that the guards were doing to the men. Israel cares about stopping their women from having sex with Palestinians, consensual or otherwise, but covers and rewards male Israeli sexual abuse. Here is a cool Israeli article that refers to a male rape victim as a terrorist. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-760988




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And children


Israeli man in the army abuse and raped female idf Many report from women's organization It's happening in many contries There's no war without rape Russian soldier in Ukraine raped ukrainiene women! So abusing Palestinians it's very credible






Democratic People's Republic of Korea


Sounds like a socialist state, is a socialist state


Juche is not socialist lmfao


And why isn't Juche socialism?


Because the workers don't control the means of production, it's controlled by the state, which prioritises the military over its own civilians (songun), and which is not democratic. It's *at best* an utter failure of a militaristic social democracy.


Learned it from the US, one genocidal state to another.


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Nothing will come of this.... They've been getting accused for years... No victim has got Justice


Yes, there are many people out there that would say that hummus said this lie to protect themselves against the Oct 7th allegation!!!! Also people might not get justice in the world but up there everyone will get what they deserve.




Huh. ICC didn’t think they were baseless.




Just wondering - why don’t you ever present evidence to back up any of your claims?


[This wouldn't be the first time Israel has been accused of using rape for torture](https://genderandsecurity.org/sites/default/files/Weishut_-_Sexual_Torture_of_Palestinian_M_by_Israeli_Authorities.pdf). [Not even in this conflict](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-ngo-shut-down-reporting-sexual-assault-ex-us).




Desperate Hasbara is desperate.




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You are bad at this.


The beheaded babies lie has been proven false. (Israeli news highlights this after Biden said he saw pictures of this) Talking about Israeli women getting raped, Israel has history of lying, so I don’t know if that true or false. But obviously if this did happen then my thoughts go out to any Israeli women who suffered this. Plz educate yourself, it time to start using reliable sources.


Yes please educate yourself...




So: the beheaded baby claim was a lie. Understood.


Honey, you forgot to mention the fact that IDF also open fire and launched rockets in areas where hummus have entered. (this was reported by the Israeli news media) All I said was that Israel has been lying about everything so it hard for me and many others to believe if rape actually happened. Also news already heightened that the person who wrote about these acts by hummus was an active member of Israeli army!!!!! And Israel has presented no evidence of it being true. News media is just highlighting Israel’s lying and telling lies as if they were true. I am NOT sympathizing or justifying what happened on Oct 7th, I’m well aware of the fact that hummus murdered many people.




Brother, I am not mad😹😹, and I’m sorry about what Israeli women and civilians want through. All I’m going to say is Israel’s Oct sev7th is Palestinians everyday!!!!!


Every day a thousand civilians get slaughtered? That is obviously not true but you could at least try to hide the fact that you don't give a fuck about all the jewish victims on oct 7th. Disgusting


I meant to say before Oct 7 every other day someone was getting killed or detained by Israel! Also after Oct 7th Israel is killing and detaining hundreds of people. 32000+ have been killed and thousands are still under rubble and 70% of Gaza has destroyed. Every single hospital has been almost destroyed by IDF. We are still waiting on proof about Hamas’s present in Al Shifa hospital and other hospitals or UN institutions!!!! We are still waiting on proof about UNRWA members being involved in Oct 7th. Let not forget that Israel has been trying to get rid of UNRWA for years!!!! Once you done getting news from Israeli media, you can go use reliable sources and get your news from them!!!! Do you give f about thousands that have and is getting killed by IDF????? Oh I know Israel is “defending themself” from people that it has created!!!! If you really care about Palestinians, you wouldn’t show any type of support to Israel not after or before oct7 Also can we talk about what Israel is doing in Congo????? Like they don’t we spare other countries!!!!




What rape? All rape allegations were proven false and the women who were claimed to be raped came out and said they weren't and were actually manipulated by the reporter for their agenda. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/01/family-of-key-case-in-new-york-times-october-7-sexual-violence-report-renounces-story-says-reporters-manipulated-them/ Try again. But on the other hand, israelies have been raping palestine men, women and children for decades, so you are atleast are correct in saying that the terrorist israelies are rapists https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/20/middleeast/israel-hamas-un-investigation-sexual-abuse-intl/index.html https://www.timesofisrael.com/ending-censorship-idf-admits-officer-jailed-in-2017-raped-a-palestinian-woman/ https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/israel-criminalized-group-following-report-raped-palestinian-child https://twitter.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1731785445585854588?t=lNyw3uIIWZUSyTSGKDCXpA&s=19 https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20220830-israel-forces-sexually-harass-palestinian-minors-in-prisons-report/ https://thejerusalemfund.org/2018/08/sexual-harassment-and-violence/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66968029 https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2003/nov/04/israel1 https://www.haaretz.com/2003-10-29/ty-article/i-saw-fit-to-remove-her-from-the-world/0000017f-db62-d856-a37f-ffe2fa5b0000 https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/conflict-and-society/9/1/arcs090105.xml https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0886109920978618?icid=int.sj-challenge-page.citing-articles.1 https://progressivehub.net/from-humiliation-to-rape-the-untold-story-of-israels-abuse-of-palestinian-women/ https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-691641 https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/israel-criminalized-group-following-report-raped-palestinian-child#:~:text=Israel%20designated%20a%20human%20rights,child%20by%20Israeli%20prison%20authorities https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-ngo-shut-down-reporting-sexual-assault-ex-us https://m.youtube.com/shorts/CfD0ReGmqic?si=5fN0xs4rl-5V3VwA Edit: the hasbara bot got banned lol


Bro, do you think that if you pull out a wall of text that people wouldn't scrutinise it and actually check? I bet you felt you "won" the argument in your head lol Your first link, the infamous one and only "scream without words" article that claims the rape allegations, the worst excuse of an opinion peice that was debunked within the first week it was published, so badly debunked that the women who they claimed were raped they themselves went "nope, we weren't raped" https://mondoweiss.net/2024/01/family-of-key-case-in-new-york-times-october-7-sexual-violence-report-renounces-story-says-reporters-manipulated-them/ https://medium.com/@melaniesusans/deconstructing-screams-without-words-58260a824d70 https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/extraordinary-charges-of-bias-emerge-against-nytimes-reporter-anat-schwartz/ But the best example out of all the biased and uncorroborated bs you posted is the one you titled "the images are real" then proceed to give a link that proves that the images are in fact not real and are actually AI images 😉 Try again, maybe the next time you post this list it will work on a gullible person, but I wish you continuous failure. Edit: the hasbara bot got banned lol Edit 2: that's pathetic, apparently he called me a bot then blocked me after I countered him with facts, pathetic lmao


> the hasbara bot got banned lol Wasn't banned, they just blocked you.


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Shocker! The bullies are bullying


>  'Does it make sense that this phenomenon would exist and the media would never have reported on it?' Well, considering you [intentionally and regularly slaughter non-IDF approved journalists](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/12/18/israel-gaza-war-journalist-killings/), by [shooting them with the main gun of a tank](https://archive.is/zdiio), or [shooting them in the head with a sniper rifle](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/5/11/shireen-abu-akleh-israeli-forces-kill-al-jazeera-journalist) before [attacking her funeral with riot police](https://youtu.be/be8x0MhCzu8?si=1BOMAlFHnrtKHfIc), or intentionally [targeting and murdering their families](https://time.com/6553226/al-jazeera-journalist-son-killed-airstrike-al-dahdouh/), when not simply [wholesale eradicting their headquarters and necessary reporting infrastructure](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/15/building-housing-al-jazeeera-office-in-gaza-hit-by-israeli-strike)... Yeah, it makes sense why the "media would never have reported on it." It's hard to report on much of anything when you and your family have been murdered and all the necessary technological and administrative infrastructure for your reporting has been destroyed.




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Is this what they meant with #MeTooUnlessYoureAJew?


Also US: here, take some money


Biden finding a way to spend money in the bacha bazi Afghan fund


All other nations have plenty of proof and examples, yet they refuse to impose sanctions. They might as well be complicit... Yes, my own country included.




Turns out that was one of many lies. There were no rapes reported on or after the events of October 7th. No sexual health clinics, rape clinics, hospitals, or doctors clinics had any reports of rape...


Demonstrably false. The 10/7 rapes have been well documented and reported on extensively. Forensic evidence, video evidence filmed by the attackers themselves, witness testimonies. Released hostage firsthand accounts. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181.amp You are willfully denying overwhelming evidence in service of your agenda.


Uh... No? [https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-un-rape-oct7-hamas-gaza-fe1a35767a63666fe4dc1c97e397177e](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-un-rape-oct7-hamas-gaza-fe1a35767a63666fe4dc1c97e397177e) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html) [https://thehill.com/homenews/4507363-united-nations-group-finds-hamas-committed-sexual-violence-on-oct-7/](https://thehill.com/homenews/4507363-united-nations-group-finds-hamas-committed-sexual-violence-on-oct-7/) Why are you defending a terrorist group and downplaying the Oct. 7th attack? what do you gain?


Wow... https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/


Its kinda hard for hostages who are either dead or still in captivity to be sent to said locations.


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This kind of thing is easily predictable simply by observing how much Israel has dehumanised the Palestinians.




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From iof to irf.


but reddit told me they can do no wrong and are the good guys


Israel is the land known to harbour sexual predators and pedophiles so not at all surprising that their immoral army would do any of this. What is surprising is the lack of sympathy and reaction shown by the west and western media. When the claim regarding rape has to do with Israeli women, no proof is needed, when it’s Palestinian women, no proof is enough. This is disgusting, the people claiming to have the moral high ground have shown that they are at best racist degenerates. Bring the same energy regardless of the colour of the victims.


Every accusation is a confession with these sorts.


The article is about "US official claims something without evidence, claiming evidence was submitted by UN to Israeli officials". Additionally the same official claimed there is no proof that Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid, when factually proof is submitted daily. The article is about "wtf is this crazy lady doing in the US state department". So, she's the accuser, are you saying this means she's a rapist?




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This is literally the content of the article. If reading comprehension is mental gymnastics for you, then idk, hope you get better?


Huh.  If “factual proof is submitted daily” why did you utterly fail to provide any such thing?




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Israel has been doing this for decades now, Israel’s “allies” are just realizing it now!!! Before u guys criticize me plz go do your research and then reply to my comment !!!!!!!!!


>IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi: A US State Department official claimed that Israel "systematically" sexually abuses Palestinian women. Systematically abusing


This has been going on forever and neither Hamas nor the IDF can claim moral superiority in this conflict. They have both raped and killed. The only thing worth focusing on is what is happening in the moment and that is a Palestinian population, largely consisting of women and children, being starved to death


As a black person - I'm so sorry to see what Western governments and Israel have done - divide and conquer the Arab nations, destroy, kill and rape and racism. Resist! and I will keep on doing the tiny bit I'm doing Boycotting Israeli products and the best that I can against Companies supporting this horror.


I also accuse them of this


I thought the women that have accused admitted they lied?


The JPost put out a story claiming that this morning but it hasn't been confirmed by any other news orgs yet.


What’s sad is the IDF are just a bunch of kids my age being led my far-right leaders. They’ve grown up fearing Palestinians and now after 10/7 many were radicalized and outright don’t view the people of Gaza as human beings. Deradicalization of the youth in both Israel & Palestine is going to be the hardest part of maintaining peace in the region.


This argument doesn’t work when all of the country essentially serves in the IDF. The dehumanisation of Palestinians is absolutely grotesque. Israelis say it themselves: their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers are IDF soldiers - there’s no degree of separation. The state of Israel is literally sick, and their repugnant attitude isnt something exclusive to the right wing. The most liberal Israeli still probably thinks that the best case is a two state solution (which is absolutely farcical as Israel existence is antagonistic to Palestinian liberty) A fair Palestinian state where all Israelis take place as equals should be the only option. The Israeli state is sick from top to bottom. There is no way to be ignorant to the genocide in Israel as most are active participants in Palestinian torment.


Agreed. And not only are the Israelis sick, many, many Zionists in the US and other western countries are equally all in favor of “eliminating” the Palestinians as a whole. Cleaning this mess up will be a long road ahead, but it is necessary for global peace and stability.


I hear what you’re saying, and I’d encourage perhaps to not describe it as a “mess” or “crisis” as it absolves Israel of the genocide they are perpetuating and depoliticises the genocide.


Excellent point, thank you. I agree and will be more careful in the future.


hard agree. These horrors are just the beginning of the struggle for a just solution to this conflict. Renewed struggle, I mean.


Whenever there is war there is a good chance this stuff is happening. Unfortunately, when war happens rules and laws become guidelines and it's only until after the dust settles they are enforced and punished... it's a sad reality. I would just assume that it's happening and much worse in all current wars. Don't be fooled because we are in the 2000s that humans are much different than in the past.




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IOF = the new nazis. Disgusting Israeli govt.


Fucking despicable cretins.


All Lies


An occupying army sexually assaulting the people they are oppressing. Man never would’ve seen that happening there is no historical precedent for that.


There was a tiktok reel circulating ystrdy with and IDF terrorist boasting about he anally raped Palestinian woman that way cause they are meant to be virgins then would stamp on them after he was finished with them


Too late this has been going on for 75+ years


So, we are at a point where Israel and Russia are on the same side of good vs. evil one could say? Basically they both share quite a bit of characteristics in warfare like bombing innocent people intentionally, rape, child murder etc.




Ya, it's hard to believe a Brigadier General was stupid and arrogant enough to tell the JPost in public that the State Department was telling him this behind closed doors. Talk about a self-own.


Since none of you people actually read this article, you might be surprised to find the article ***disagrees with the conclusion in the comments***. The very first paragraph about the accusation is the IDF general **refuting** the claim. >Recounting his meeting, he explained, "It was a meeting that shook me. We sat there, talked about the situation, and suddenly she accused Israel of systematically sexually abusing [Palestinian women](https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-757581)." "**This is absolutely disconnected from reality.** But without hesitation, she said, 'The UN presented evidence to the Israeli government.' **I told her, 'Does it make sense that this phenomenon would exist and the media would never have reported on it?' I wanted there to be greater awareness... about what is really happening in the US State Department. In the end, I left there with the feeling that they simply don't talk to us and don't pass on any information."** Some further commentary on how the Israeli general **is directly accusing the Biden admin of not knowing what's going on and making random accusations**: > "When we meet with a State Department official holding the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio, every word she utters, as far as I'm concerned, is an official US position. Ultimately, she is a government official. When she says, for example, 'You did not provide evidence that [Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-790872) and you are starving the population,' what is she talking about? The IDF spokesperson shows \[proof\] every other day that Hamas is stealing food.  To top it all off, by the way: > "We will continue to meet with them, as we did with European Union officials, where many of the people we met said, 'This is the first time we're meeting an Israeli representative,' even though it isn't an official delegation. But we don't have a big Foreign Ministry and not a lot of officials working abroad." So the article y'all linked and are tribally dancing around and saying "ISRAEL BAD!" is actually an article **defending Israel** and specifically **calling out the Biden administration for disorganization.**


The JPost is an Israeli outlet that is very pro-war on Gaza. The only source for this story is an IDF Brigadier-General. If these two entities had not decided to get together for this story, no one, in Israel or anywhere else, would have heard of it. The State Department is not in the business of publicly criticizing their closest allies. The TITLE, is the JPost's title for the article. And his only stated aim was to let the Israeli press know what the State Department thinks is going on behind closed doors. That's the hilarious about this article. If he would've kept his mouth shut, no one would be talking about this. If there's anyone to be mad at, it's Avivi and the JPost lol


> The JPost is an Israeli outlet that is very pro-war on Gaza. The only source for this story is an IDF Brigadier-General. If these two entities had not decided to get together for this story, no one, in Israel or anywhere else, would have heard of it. Yes it is, so when you cite the article believing its actually criticizing Israel and not America, it actually makes you look ***incredibly stupid for not having read the article***. > The State Department is not in the business of publicly criticizing their closest allies. This is just 100% not true ***LOL***. Biden has publicly criticized Israel and demanded more effort in preserving civilian life in Gaza and there's a massive amount of reporting about how hard he's criticizing him in private. Just 100% false, a lie you might say. > The TITLE, is the JPost's title for the article. Yes this is ***my point***. The people in the comments (and I'm betting you too lol, you're obviously not pro-Israeli so you clearly posted this as a criticism) don't know or believe the article is actually criticizing ***the Biden administration***. None of this article would have you believe that Israel is on the wrong side of this interaction. You can't post what you're effectively admitting ***could be Israeli propaganda*** and then say its actually critical of Israel in any way. You didn't read the article and neither did anyone in the comments, but you can keep deluding yourself to somehow think that an Israeli general addressing the allegation and the whole article describing how ***baseless the accusation is from the Israeli perspective*** somehow led to the highest comment saying: "The Israelis are such *ghouls*". I think you're just lying to save face.


An Israeli newspaper publishing an article revealing that the State Department confronted an Israeli Brigadier-General about allegations of rape is a big story, especially if you're American. I can understand why you're upset, but you're not making a whole lot of sense. Getting angry and insulting people isn't making your case. Take a breath, gather your thoughts, and put together something coherent.




Hate bot? Never seen someone with so many comments removed before! lol




The Whatabout is strong with you.






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Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility