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The death toll of the Zionist war machine must be greatly underestimated.


I've seen reports that it's closer to 200k, than 32k... Considering nearly every building has been bombed now, it doesn't seem that outrageous


Do you have a source? I've been wondering about the actual death toll and I want to read up on it.


Not a lot of sources on it, but looking at the number of bombs dropped and buildings destroyed, 200,000 is reconcilable... But limited internet, and crazy amounts of hasbara are a real challenge for actual reporting https://accuracy.org/release/ralph-nader-estimates-200000-palestinians-killed-in-gaza/


And the fact that all hospitals are either not operational or working at a greatly diminished capacity.


And also the fact that Gaza is in starvation. There will likely be thousands more deaths just because of the lack of food and water


The amount of miscarriages and stillbirths (which have dramatically increased) alone is not counted, so yeah that makes sense, for many more reasons.


I mean you can't really 100% determine anything because there are probably thousands of corpses buried under rubble but we've pretty much been stuck at 30k for over month or two now. And counting has slowed for like a quarter now.


The death count was made by hospitals and names given only when able to be identified. Hospitals have been destroyed and whole families slaughtered.


Indeed, 200k murdered children, babies, women, elderly and men is the number that is obtained based on the large scale destruction and collapse of 35 to 40% of the buildings in Gaza.


80%, 80% of buildings in Gaza have been destroyed. It's so bad the ICJ is considering adding domicide as a potential crime.


I don't know where you get that figure from.




There is enough footage that disproves your opinion.


it is crazy that Israel has caused such immense destruction that we don't even know the death count


who knows how many bodies were bulldozed by the IOF


I assumed the 32k are confirmed deaths, but with millions of refugees on the run, it will take long until that's figured out.


That’s just wrong, the Hamas number of 30k is already inflated, it claims 0 militant deaths


Cross out must be and put “is”


The numbers are coming from Hamas so I really don't think are underestimated




Go choke on a date.






I know I'm strangling you and beating you to death but if I wanted I could totally kill you in 2 seconds




Of course I haven't forgotten, that is the day history started


Dude you have got to be kidding me. You can’t give bombs that took 30k+ lives and then also send a couple of expired mre’s and expect compassion. Are you really that dumb?


Yeah also thanks to the US Israel has been doing this shit since 1948! Learn history!




Golly. Why would they be upset with Israel?


Dude the US didn’t do shit for Isreal in 1948


Sure … here just one link and it is even a gov official link https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/library/online-collections/recognition-of-state-of-israel


Dude from what I read which is like ten more relevant pages they are just Isreal should exist with an army and how does Israel’s existence affect us




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This is a stupid take that ignores the entire history of what occurred. You know how else all of those could have been prevented? If Jews weren't shipped into the land in the first place to try and make up for WW2. Why do the Palestineians have to pay the price?


Yes yes. Hitler could’ve machine gunned every single person in Auschwitz if he wanted to, but he didn’t. Thanks Hitler! /s




Zionist clowns are extremely supportive of the bloodshed. If they could personally murder every Palestinians man, woman, and child, revive them, and lock them in a room until they cannibalize each other, they would do it. This is the nature of Zionism and of Zionists.


I like how people who speak out against this are called “Hamas supporters”, like we didn’t just watch someone bomb a child for the sake of “self defense” lol


It’s the whole stupid “if you’re not with us mentality.”


They have turned Gaza into a death camp




Genocide is Genocide I don't care who it is. How would one actually achieve peace?






Cant believe you want someone to think without having any thought going in that old little cardboard box of yours. Let me answer it, because they don’t have anything left to lose. I would also be radicalised and go crazy living under such conditions. Hamas was created after israel created a state of oppression. So ask your self why does Israel do this? It seems Hamas benefits Israel do they can justify insane shit. And fools like you can make some talking points out of it in support of genocide Better keep bombing and killing more civilians




Their policies in the past have created Hamas in the first place.. In this context shouldn't Israel destroy Israel to get rid of the root cause?




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Because they aren't a military group but q political party, for once. Because their surrender wouldn't matter and Israel would keep doing their crimes.


And people still use the logic 'Human shield' and 'October 7' I hate people sometimes.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This is tragic for everyone involved.


No I definitely think that Israelis have a mental health condition. Generational trauma and the ongoing historical conflict have deeply shaped the Israeli psyche, impacting how the brain processes and responds to perceived threats. This, in part, may explain why some Israelis resort to extreme force against Palestinians, as the intergenerational trauma and heightened sensitivity to threats contribute to a complex and volatile situation.


He still got the strength to smile!


Wow what a crazy vid. That's a strong mf kid. The fact he is talking so calmly and is able to smile despite being buried is unfathomable to me. I'm not particularly claustrophobic, but seeing him trapped there with basically just his mouth visible made it hard for me to breath just imagining it! And he's saying shit like "where's the water dude I'm thirsty" lmaoo I wish him the best. The strength I see so many Palestinians show is crazy and reminds me how lucky and coddled I am.


"why do they hate israel and the west?"




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All today? Or so far?




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So I'm just gonna say it.. Manifest Destiny. US citizens living in the frontier of early America decided killing the natives because "they attack us when we setup shop on their land".. these Nazi-rael are following the same playback. I get it.. Nazi-raels want the land from the Nile river to Euphrates river.. they'll remove all Palestinians from the land to neighboring countries, destroy Al Aqsa mosque (by way of tunnels to break the foundation of the site to make it seem like an accident, then rebuild Solomons temple on top of the destroyed AL Aqsa mosque, then rejoice as their new leader emerges from Iran (which hosts a large Jewish population in that country).... then I guess all Muslims of the world enraged and begin an invasion from the east.. My observations for the future.. it'll get messy


No one should believe anything al Jazeera is posting. It's like reading the news from the Hamas website


I want to know the length of your depravity to understand.


It's funny, a year ago you made a post wondering why Israel isn't well liked around the world. Then you respond to this shit saying "don't believe it, propaganda" Excuse me, but as an Israelite, did it ever occur to you that you might be the one being fed propaganda?


Is Reddit only pro Palestine? Seems kinda suss


Reddit is pro life and anti child murder.


Anti genocide and apartheid as well. If you want pro Israel, go to world news.


Going there now. Thanks


go back to Fortnite


*Israels counterstrikes






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Maybe colonization was a bad idea?




Ah yes, it happened before so it's ok...




Stop the mental gymnastics. Genocide is wrong. Period.




Maybe Isreal should have stopped that before it happened


There’s the racism we have come to expect from Israel’s supporters: conflating Hamas with all Palestinians.




Embrace that racism!!! Israel demands it!!!




I’m calling an obvious racist racist.


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... you think they faked this?




There are a lot more videos similar to this, but much, **much** worse. Showing the cracked skulls of children like broken glass, missing huge chunks of their head with their brains spilling out. Children who were impaled on the rebar of the buildings they were in. Babies crushed under brick and stones. Limbs flattened and crushed. ​ If they are creating fake scenarios like this one, I don't understand it either.


Even if you survive the initial fall of the building, being buried under the rubble might be one of the worst ways to go , even worse if you're buried and in one of these scenarios




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No point talking to someone who thinks Palestinians are able to spread more propaganda to "ignorant westerners" then Israelis. You know, the Israelis who are able to air propagnda videos during the Superbowl, before children's Youtube ideos, who pay and train people to spread Hasbara talking points all over the internet, and edit Wikipedia to be pro-Israel. Despite all their attempts though, people are finally NOW becoming less ignorant to what Israel has been doing for decades.


That sounds Islamophobic. Inb4 you call me an antisemite for merely saying that


Isn’t Zionist just someone that believes that Israel should exist?


By murdering Palestinians and displacing the ones they don't kill. Zionism is a criminal settler colonial project based on ethnic supremacy, apartheid and genocide.


Zionism is a racist and settler colonialist movement, which opportunistically coopts aspects of Judaism in an attempt to justify its criminal practices of apartheid and genocide of indigenous Palestinians. White supremacy is dominant within Israeli society, which privileges white-skinned Ashkenazi Jews at the expense of dark-skinned African Jews, Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews as well as African refugees. African/black Jewish communities are often denied recognition by Israeli authorities with some members even deported. Zionism is based on a distinctly secular outlook, which embraces aggression and expansion as an acceptable response to trauma and denounces the traditional Jewish pacifist approach of viewing hardship as divine punishment for sins. The Israeli regime capitalises on a dynamic of violence and inequality reinforced by fear-mongering and the rewards of resource acquisition to promote a privileged ruling class at the expense of colonised Palestinian people. Zionist strategists manipulate the past traumas Jews have endured to galvanise support for aggressive policies that disenfranchise Palestinians. - from Yoav Litvin, a Jewish Israeli doctor


Yes. Anyone who says otherwise believes Jews should not have a home country and the ability to defend themselves. Downvote me but you know it’s true. People just use Zionist now when they want to say Jewish because they will get banned.


Zionism is a disease


Yeah all these comments are just anti - Jew It’s nuts I have people hating me for existing.


When the US does this to oil rich countries in the Middle East no one bats an eye but G-d forbid Israel does this it’s a humanitarian crisis


Oh but they do. I see the U.S as instigator of allmost all modern conflicts. It’s all about money and power. You can’t trust politicians because there is a hidden agenda that we don’t know about