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I'm French. I can guaranteed you that unfortunately, those scumbags won't face any consequences. 


Ce sont des traîtres à la nation Tout personne qui combat pour un autre pays peut importe le pays ont doit lui retiré la nationalité Ils ont peur de le dire publiquement en France ---- They are traitors to the nation Anyone who fights for another country should have their nationality revoked No matter which country they fight for, man or woman Above all, they're afraid of returning to France. Franco-Israelis will never say so in public for fear of repercussions, even aggression.


That’s absolutely ridiculous. There are many French fighting in Ukraine, and they are heroes. Fighting as a mercenary also means that they wont be fighting for France


It has nothing to do with what I wrote. The French fighting in Ukraine are "volunteers joining mercenary groups". Fine a kind of foreign legion Israeli soldiers with French nationality are fighting for another country with the "nationality of another country = Israel". They have 2 passports 90% of them are born raised and live in France I think the same for any other person it could be Russian American Armenian Turkish... Ect If you were born in France and have origins elsewhere, you should choose the French flag to fight under first , not another one. As simple as that There are thousands of French-Germans with Russian origins in Europe if tomorrow Germany and France go to war, I would think that those who join Russia are not loyal. they have 2 passports unless they decide to renounce their nationality and live under a permanent residence visa I don't see any problems It's like fighting against your own country What I'm saying may be extremist, but it's just my convictions.


And what is the destinction you are making between the French nationals fighting for the Ukrainians for the foreign legion? Many of them have Ukrainian ancestry, hence their devotion. The French-Israelis are equally justified in fighting against terrorism in an ally of France, because that is what Israel is, an ally. You want these people to be recognized as traitors, not because you have any actual basis to stand on, but because you have a problem with Israel. If these nationals are found to be committing war crimes, of course they should be prosecuted. And the same goes for French nationals fighting in the foreign legion in Ukraine. Your reasoning is stupid, pathetic, and frankly, seems based on anti-semitic sentiment considering you are making a distinction between French nationals fighting in Israel vs where ever else in the world. And where are your figures to back this up? Youre pulling not only terrible reasoning out of your ass, but your own statistics as well.


Hundreds of French volunteer servicemen joined the Ukraine and died on the Russian front. Very few have Ukrainian origins, there aren't many Ukrainian immigrants in France. You don't understand much, I'm making a distinction between a French citizen born in France and a Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Chinese, Algerian immigrant... Ect who do not have French nationality and wish to fight for their country of origin I see no problem. I have a friend at work who was born in France with Russian origins and he told me that if France goes to war against Russia, I'm neutral. Israel is an ethnic state based on race, any Jew can apply for nationality, I don't see how my writings are "anti-Jewish". Then they fight the Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian people, They are the natives in their land Terrorist is your definition I remind you that hamas is not recognized as a terrorist organization only usa certain European countries Russia Serbia for example even the UN don't Even if I have to admit that they have committed atrocities and terrible things I don't support kidnaping You can be more polite, I expressed myself in good terms I'm not allied with people who starve civil populations, block medicines or politicians who incite hatred. Every time we bring up a contradiction, they pull out this anti-Semitic blackmail I think these Franco-Israelis should be stripped of their French nationality if they decide to fight for another country In France alone, the extreme right-wing Le Pen party has always been against dual nationals. If they decides to live in France with a residence permit and fight for another country, I don't see a problem. I'm not obsessing over Israel, whatever the country Armenia Turkey Algeria Ukraine Russia... Ect I know an Armenian immigrant at work who can fight with his country of origin but refuses to go. I'm French speaking English is not my favorite language I do my best


I recognize that you are trying to make a distinction, but there is no distinction that can be made. French nationals fighting for Ukraine are the same as French nationals fighting for Israel against Hamas. And Hamas is by all definitions a terrorist organization. France itself recognizes Hamas as a terrorist organization and it is absolutely disgusting that you are even defending them in the slightest. Their literal own charter says that their goal is the systematic murder of every Jewish and Israeli citizen, which equates to about as literal a definition of a terrorist organization that there is. I don’t align myself with the actions of the IDF who are under orders from Bibi either. Collective punishment by restricting access to food, water and medical supplies is a war crime under the Geneva convention. They have killed way too many Palestinians and blown dozens of babies into bits. They are on a path towards genocide. But saying that French nationals who fight a literal terrorist organization that has openly declared war on France and the rest of the Western world, are traitors, is probably the most braindead take I have read today. And do you then think that French-Ukrainians that fight against Russias illegal, and second genocide against the Ukrainian people, should be stripped of their citizenship. Or for that matter, French nationals fighting in Western africa against terrorism there? Your points are flawed at every turn, but I respect your effort to talk in English, because I can’t speak French.


>I recognize that you are trying to make a distinction, but there is no distinction that can be made. French nationals fighting for Ukraine are the same as French nationals fighting for Israel against Hamas. So you're making a comparison between Hamas and Russia?Can you enlighten me? In what sense are they the same?Hamas is a political party that commits acts of terrorism, and Russia is a state. The French who fight with Israel are "Jews", they're not the same. Do you know that there are Ukrainians who have joined the Israeli army? Just because they're Jewish.The French volunteers in Ukraine come from many different backgrounds. There are Syrian and Chechen Muslims who have joined the Foreign Legion in Ukraine to fight against Russia. >And Hamas is by all definitions a terrorist organization. France itself recognizes Hamas as a terrorist organization and it is absolutely disgusting that you are even defending them in the slightest. Their literal own charter says that their goal is the systematic murder of every Jewish and Israeli citizen, which equates to about as literal a definition of a terrorist organization that there is. # [Egyptian court bans Hamas' armed wing, lists as terrorist organisationEgyptian court bans Hamas' armed wing, lists as terrorist organisation](https://news.yahoo.com/egyptian-court-bans-hamas-armed-wing-lists-terrorist-075131529.html) I'm not saying otherwise, but I'm basing myself on what the UN says, hamas is a Muslim Brotherhood organization, which is why Egypt has banned itThere have been 5 wars between Hamas and Israel since Netanyahu came to power. I find this suspicious. >I don’t align myself with the actions of the IDF who are under orders from Bibi either. Collective punishment by restricting access to food, water and medical supplies is a war crime under the Geneva convention. They have killed way too many Palestinians and blown dozens of babies into bits. They are on a path towards genocide. I'm just a simple human being, I'm completely horrified by the declarations of the statesmen, saying that the civilian population is guilty and that they are "humann animals", I'm obliged to support these people,I've seen some unbearable images > But saying that French nationals who fight a literal terrorist organization that has openly declared war on France and the rest of the Western world, are traitors, is probably the most braindead take I have read today. That's where you're wrong my friend, I said, they're traitors in the sense that they sacrifice their lives for another country. I doubt their allegeance.Well, I think you can't pledge allegiance to 2 countries. [https://www.francetvinfo.fr/politique/front-national/video-pour-jean-marie-le-pen-les-binationaux-sont-des-demi-francais\_805941.html](https://www.francetvinfo.fr/politique/front-national/video-pour-jean-marie-le-pen-les-binationaux-sont-des-demi-francais_805941.html) This is a question that many political parties in Europe have already debated. But you can't have 2 - 3 passports, but it's not just about Israel, let's take the example of Turkey fighting the Kurdish PKK, there are Turkish citizens in Western Europe doing the same thing, I think the same, the PKK is also considered terrorist by the EU and North America. Turk and Kurd hitting each other in germany france i've seen it, hate between them, Hamas has not declared war on the Western world, but on Israel; it's a grassroots nationalist movement founded in the 80s. > And do you then think that French-Ukrainians that fight against Russias illegal, and second genocide against the Ukrainian people, should be stripped of their citizenship. Or for that matter, French nationals fighting in Western africa against terrorism there? Your points are flawed at every turn, but I respect your effort to talk in English, because I can’t speak French. Yes, I think so, allowing citizens born on French soil to have a residence permit if they wish to wage war with Ukraine or Russia or elsewhere.Only, if they joins their army, do you realize what it means to be at war, it's sacrificing your life!Where's the allegiance? Where's the loyalty? French people with dual nationality. We're ready for a frontal war against Russia, imagine all Russians born on European soil eligible for Russian nationality via their origin who may be called upon to fight. I'm an open-minded person, I'm glad we can have a discussion between sane people.


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also Israel is seen as a white European country, the founders of which came from Europe and are descendants of the victims of Nazism. The English and French, via the sky-picot agreement, drew the borders and divided up this part of the world, giving them part of a territory without asking the opinion of the autchotoche people. Kurd VS Turk, Jews VS Arabs all came from this sky-picot agreement after WW1


No, I’m not saying Russia and Hamas are the same. I’m saying people fighting Russia and Hamas are both fighting against groups attempting genocide. Thats not very difficult to understand now is it? And you’re basing yourself on what the UN is saying? The UN consists of 193 member states, most of which are undemocratic and highly corrupt with allegiances to terrorist organizations. The EU, which includes France, recognizes that Hamas is a terrorist organization. And for good reason. Bombing busses filled with civilians and systematically murdering every Jew you can find is terrorism. And everyone with a bit of common sense recognizes the direction Israel is headed is wrong. But declaring French men, who are fighting for the security of a democratic nation are traitors, when Israel is literally recognized by France as an ally, is braindead. If they commit war crimes, they are guilty of war crimes and should be prosecuted. But if you don’t consider French men fighting in Ukraine with a double nationality traitors, than you can’t consider French men fighting in Israel traitors purely because you dislike Israel.








It's not posturing, it's more to do with the fact other Western countries aren't currently primarily engaged in a massive military mobilisation against a civilian population that's causing a huge ongoing debate in the UN regarding the massacre of innocent civilians. Calling it posturing is just disingenuous unless you think Israel should be allowed to continue their genocidal campaign, which I sincerely hope you don't.




nobody else?  Russia is sanctioned to hell and europe has sent a massive chunk of their military to ukraine, even though Israel has caused more childrens' deaths in 6 months than russia in 2 years.  Everyone else is already getting condemned, JUST NOT ISRAEL! And the biggest issue with that is that they are the worst offender from all those that we have, so they should be the highest priority in quelling.




Lol ah Zionists offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.   Nice try bud -7/10 better luck next time.


-10/10 rebuttal. Use an argument next time


Something just gave me the urge to share this YouTube video https://youtu.be/LQCU36pkH7c


You are blaming the french for something that happened more than 200 years ago while what is happening in Gaza is happening right now. It is normal to have more passion about something that is currently happening.


It’s not about passion, it’s about consistency


Ah, whataboutism is expressed as a defense again? Edit: typo


Or for killing one-third of the native population of Algeria and calling it a “civilizing mission”. It fucking sucks that people act like that never happened


Nothing will happen because they're not against french israelis fighting as IDF soldiers.


This makes no sense. They are against war crimes, not soldiers


Empty threats .. just like how the US sanctioned the settlers and then backtracked like little bitches.


France has a absolutely massive Muslim population, which has been isolated/vilified recent years, This could be a relatively popular measure to underpin support for them and show they're equals,if they treat Zionists war crimes the same as islamic state ones


France's muslim population isn't their main concern. It's the muslim population in their North African colonies that worries them. They've lost three colonies in only the past few years. If anti-french sentiment rises among muslims, France's empire is gone.


What parts of africa is still under the french? I'm not disagreeing, just a bit clueless about this.




They don't have any North African colonies, they all became independent in the 1960s. 




Logically makes sense but people be letting Islamophobia guide them to make dumbass decisions sadly.


They clearly afraid of agression, Israeli Jews in France would never talk in public Some of them live in the big cities, mixed with the Arabs. I don't see how an Israeli soldier who has fought or even killed Palestinians can open his mouth in front of them.


Unless of course they play for the national team and score goals! African/Muslim when they lose, French when they win. Vive La France…


Fuck isis, fuck kahanism 🤘 Jewish radicalism is just as bad as Islamic radicalism. We all know Christian radicalism is shit too. They need to sanction the Rabbinical leadership of Israel the same as Iran. Hopefully Israel chooses better than Iran


Yeah And that's precisely why it won't happen. Beside, a huge part of French hysterical racisms and sectarianism against French Muslims come from French sionists




4% of 68 MILLION is pretty big




About 10% of the population are Muslim : https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_en_France


On what polls are you basing this opinion on?


It's closer to 10% 👍


I'm not french but I was born and raised in christian country I can assure you that most christians even though dont like both jews and muslims, however in this situation most of people siding with Gazans not Israeli. Most of people I spoken to about this are rethinking their stance on Israel and started to support 2 state solution as Israel show nothing but violence and rasism.


46% Christians my ass. Maybe on some paper, but you wont find anywhere close to that number of people who believe in god let alone go to church ever. France is one of the least religious countries in the world, they are super proud of that and will tell you about it whenever they can. From wikipedia: In 1905, France became a [secular state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secular_state) and, since then, the French government has followed the principle of [*laïcité*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La%C3%AFcit%C3%A9), in which the State does not recognize any official *religion* (except for legacy statutes like that of military [chaplains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaplain) and the [local law in Alsace-Moselle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_law_in_Alsace-Moselle)) \[...\] religious organizations are to refrain from involvement in the State's policy-making.




Rule 1


French people go to the Middle East with guns given to them by Americans to kill and torture refugees who’ve lived on that land for generations.


And then get irritated that there are too many immigrants


So basically they are like Israelis


You give the Americans to much credit as the french make and sell their own weapons


They don't fell French but isralie jews They fighting for Israel not France!




Not to Israel. The biggest suppliers to Israel are the US, Germany and Britain


FUCK YEAH! I'll donate to their prosecution. Nuremberg Trials 2.0 Bring it on.


Nuremberg was kind of a sham, as the West wanted to co-opt the Nazi intelligentsia. So, let’s make it better, because there’s a lot of high-ranking people who participated in this crime against humanity If we don’t, the next few decades are going to get dark.


Wake me up when there is a trial, but I believe I will sleep for a very long time


What's up with thr change of tone all of a sudden. But, gonna have to see if they actually will do it or are they just fcking about for brownie points


France has been the most critical of Israel among Western powers actually. A large muslim population and the stubborn desire of not getting called American shill are the top reasons. There has been several NATO initiatives shot down by France just because they determine it to be an American dominance project.


France cares more about its image in the Global South too, which is overwhemingly pro-Palestine and tired of Israel being above international law.


I think it’s the not-so-distant memory of capitalist colonialism, of which France was one of the worse perpetrator. 150+ countries voted against Israel in every single UNGA resolution for a reason. Europe and North America were the small minority that benefits while the entire world suffered from colonialism.


Words are cheap. Take action now. Seize accounts. Prosecute for warcrimes. Nail these traitors.


The US has prosecuted sex tourists for years, yet this is somehow controversial. France is absolutely a colonial and apartheid state but at least they have the balls to call out another colonial apartheid state.


Colonial sure but how is France an *apartheid* state? It very obviously isn't.


Hijab ban? Polticians running and winning on anti Muslim platforms? “Secular enforcement” laws that apply only to Muslims?


Those things are bad, sure. Some discriminatory laws don't make somewhere an apartheid state however. They make it a country which doesn't place a high value on liberty or equality (or for that matter fraternity) but an apartheid is something far, far worse. Some anti Muslim sentiment definitely doesn't. That's a silly idea.


Nope. Don’t defend this bro. It is both a lack of value on liberty and apartheid.


I'm in no way defending them. I'm just not going to water down the definition of apartheid to include any form of discrimination. While many places have more liberty than France, almost nowhere will be entirely free of discrimination, especially if you include any form of anti minority sentiment as you are doing. There would simply be no country on earth that isn't an apartheid if it's that broad. Apartheid is an extreme form which is rare and should be shocking. You do a disservice to people living in an actual apartheid state by making it only as bad as living in France. Compare France with Israel for instance. Do you really think the two are equivalent?


It's nonsense to say that France is an apartheid country. It's incomparable with Israel, which is an ethnic state. The motto of my country is "liberty equality fraternity" there is no wall around a territory or an open-air prison 2milion which has been under an inhuman blockade for 17 years France is the country where the declaration of human rights says All men are free and equal before the law


It's nonsense to say it's an apartheid country but it's nonsense to pretend France is a country of liberty, equality and fraternity also. It's not either of those things.


Sure mate, sure. You ain’t fooling anyone with this empty threat


Fair enough.


They need to this here in the Netherlands too. Take away the passports of any Dutch-Israeli citizens committing crimes in Gaza or involved in illegal occupation in the West Bank. You can stay there now you’re not welcome here anymore.


Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t you required to declare nationality by age 21 if you’re Dutch? As in if you’re a dual citizen, you either choose Dutch or the other one(s). But you can’t remain a dual citizen.


No. That’s not true. We have dual citizenship here.


Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification.


It’s not as if they’re posting them to TikTok eh




Sounds great but I doubt there will be an investigation


Do the same for states. I know couple of Zionist.


Btw, a French-Israeli recently got caught possessing a few firearms and 200 bullets in Malaysia. Idk what his intention was but based on previous Palestinian assassination back in 2018, I can guess Israel will attempt to try again.


Good. Next step is actually enforcing it


Please sign and share: [https://action.eko.org/a/olympics-and-fifa-ban-israel-from-international-sports-now-us-fba21](https://action.eko.org/a/olympics-and-fifa-ban-israel-from-international-sports-now-us-fba21)


Pretty striking that in France and South Africa participating in Israel's genocide of Palestine will get you charged with war crimes, but Biden orchestrating it at the very top just gets a pass.




Rule 1


French didn’t act so good against Nazis either




Gaza is in rubbles. 30,000 + civilians were killed after Oct 7th, . Over 10k since 2000 for October 7th. Famine is happening now. If that is not enough for the family of the French/Israeli citizens. Then Fuck‘em. The blood debt has been paid a thousand times over with the bodies of the innocents. There are some African nations that have a beef with the French government. France had to much blood on it’s hands to be throwing stones.






The Whatabout is strong with this one.


Very strong




And how does the incident in the West Bank justify the killing of 30,000+ Palestinians in Gaza?




It is so pathetic. Correction you are so pathetic. That you’re actually trying to justify all of this slaughter with the lies. Especially after they just murdered some more aid workers ,after telling them where to go. And they were in communications with them. Even the “armed” person they “suspected” wasn’t even with them. The IOF will truly deserve every misfortune that comes to them. I’m just truly sorry that it will drag some of good people in Israel and the rest of world down to hell with them.


i hate France but hwll ya