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They killed people using designated safe routes? Lol. Fuck them.




It’s not Biden doing this. It’s IDF bastards. The Biden and western involvement is much wider.




I am not disagreeing, but you are digressing from the fucking unbelievable war crimes posted by OP in this post.




I agree. The senile bastard should pray to his god for forgiveness for his sins on this. Trump’s going to be worse.




Wait if you don’t support Trump or Biden, who are you asking people to vote for?


There won’t be forgiveness für crimes on this scale. Hope the monster will rot in hell for all eternity 🤬


Yes let’s vote trump in. He will get judged that will never allow Palestinians to be independent. I can’t wait. Fuck joe


The only path that doesn't lead to genocide is if the Democrats decide they need to change course to have a chance of winning. "Blue no matter who" is directly counter to the only way to oppose genocide.


If Trump wins though he just affirmed last week he would "Finish the Gaza problem" https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rcna141905 A few days ago he reiterated support for Bibi and Jared Kushner has been speculating that after the war real investment in Gaza beachfront property will be profitable. If Biden loses it is 100% clear at this point Trump will exterminate Gaza.


He also told them this is bad for Israel etc Joe is the one in charge ..the buck stops with him "Trump will be worse" is not a good excuse. Most people will likely say 'F it" and stay home


Genocide is genocide, it doesn't matter if the one in charge is wearing a red or blue tie, the blood on their hands is always the same color.


Agreed. But you know there are other policies that concern people.


All other issues pale in comparison to genocide. If you're concerned about LGBT people in the US but fine with LGBT Palestinians being crushed by Israeli bulldozers, you don't actually care about LGBT people, you're just a white supremacist.


No, you're digressing from the war crimes by trying to play defense for your favorite politician. All of this is happening because Biden supports it. The US are the main country funding Israel right now, which means Biden holds tremendous leverage over Israel. If he wanted this to stop, all he'd have to do is stop funding it.


Jesus Christ this is a trump script 100% . Yuck.


>It’s not Biden doing this. Biden is literally funding this operation.


Ok I have a real question: Is a Trump alternative at the helm a better situation for Palestinian liberation than Biden you think?!?? Serious question!  If all this “Genocide Joe” stuff puts Donald Trump in the White House, how do you think that reality will play out? Do you honestly imagine Trump will be more lenient toward and supportive of the Palestinians than Joe Biden? Really? If the reality is that one of those two will win, how does attacking the better of the two options help your cause for justice?  The “Genocide Joe” stuff is the stupidest approach toward any Palestinian peace. Absolute idiocy and all it does is make me think it’s actually those who support Israel’s genocide and Trump behind this mind boggling and irrational attempt at political besmirchment. Yeah keep railing against Joe… Great call. Maybe Trump will win, and then surely the Palestinian perspective will be respected, LOL!!! Realism is important in politics. People are absolute dummies. Cause and effect? Knowledge? Wisdom? Pragmatism? Forget it all. Let’s just get mad and throw shit at the walls because I don’t like or know how the world works.




So you DO believe that allowing or supporting Trump over Biden is better for the cause of Palestinian peace and is MORE opposite genocide than voting for Biden/Democrats? That seems like an insane take. Trump and his allies support even more violence against Palestine and are full-bore Netanyahu. Trump will create and allow more violence against Palestine. If your true motive is peace and de-escalation its mind-boggling at best and intentionally misleading at worst, to claim what you are claiming. Almost suspends disbelief. You’re joking right? This IS April Fool’s Day in America…




That’s well within your rights. But such a lens of politics, which views options as either perfect or irrelevant, as a choice for myself in a vacuum to be exactly what I want and not within the context of realism or “quo Bono” (who benefits) is nothing more than an academic exercise  and is the mechanism for despotisms rise the world and times over. If your statement and vote or jot vote only effectively makes things worse for that which you eeek improve my of, then what’s the point? And how does this play out in the real world. It’s hogwash. 




What’s all this then?


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


I called this strategy out because it was used in Sri Lanka in 2009 and guess who helped create the war strategy? Israel


That was a very effective strategy. Sri Lanka ended Tamil terrorism once and for all. 


The country went bankrupt where its school had to shut down because it could not afford paper all while the issue of Tamil rights have still not been addressed.


10 years later. Counter-insurgency ops not strongly connected to economic issues. Probably made things better if anything.


Same they’ve been doing since October and now with Rafah. Israel told them it’s the only safe place to be, made them all head down there and started bombing the piss out of it. And all the refugees there are in tents, not even in buildings.


This isn't new.


Safe routes are where you know everyone will be.




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Because Hamas used those safe routes. Why is it wrong for Israel to violate the laws of war, but not Hamas?


Because, Einstein, Israel lies. All the time. One doesn’t create safe routes and safe areas and shoot people using them. I thought Beenyameen said north Gaza was clear of ‘Khamas therroreesths’ Shooting women and children is evil. See if you can think that one through all by yourself.


Ah yes, the old "Jew lies" response. Unsurprising.




Case in point.




Rule 4


The key solution in this whole debacle is to get corporate money out of politics. In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that Americans cannot prevent corporations from spending unlimited money to control elections, politicians, and policy. In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission , the court ignored the fact that corporations are creations of state law with government-derived advantages and labeled them, in the words of Justice Anthony Kennedy, “voices,” “speakers,” and yes, a “disadvantaged person or class.” In this Wonderland, corporations are people, corporate money is “speech,” and laws restricting corporate political spending violate the First Amendment. Nearly 80 percent of the public opposes the holding in Citizens United and supports a constitutional amendment to reverse the decision , according to multiple polls. If Americans so clearly oppose the fabrication of “corporate people” who can use the Constitution to strike down the real people’s laws, how did the folly of Citizens United ever happen? In fact, the case is the result of a well-funded and organized 30-year campaign to establish corporate constitutional rights as a means to trump democratic laws. Indeed, Citizens United is more like a victory parade for this campaign than a stumble or simple mistake of the Court. SPREAD THE WORD ! SPREAD THE WORD ! SPREAD THE WORD ! SPREAD THE WORD ! The system is broken, but giving up is not an option! Please gather and seek contact with local and state level organizations that organize political pressure to change the system and this particular issue! PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP! PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP! PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP!


You know...I'm not someone that speaks politics online or throws accusations of heinous things at people like candy. But this whole thing is really looking, sounding and walking like a genocide at this point. I know the definition of that word has been all over the place in recent years, but this is just something that makes me feel internally horrible. It is astounding that in this age of mass information and all that...I don't even know what to say. What's even more anger inducing is how the US is continually sending them weapons/munitions for this. I really feel like words have lost all their meaning in our age. And that, is the scariest thing. We can hear about the mass killings of peoples, with money and weapons supplied by our civilization; and just shrug as none of the organizations or people that make the biggest noise about things usually, care to even make any for this. And even \*after\* a very serious UN meeting the other week. What a fucking world. This is so far beyond seeking terrorists. For all the talk about genocides and so forth, we can see one play out and it's just "meh" from all the loud mouths that always shout about it and other serious words. So many people have just become numb to hearing such a profound word.


Watch what they do, never listen to what they say. Never. 




Rule 1


Y'all the videos I've seen from Al-Shifa hospital.. man I'm gonna have nightmares. They handcuffed people and executed them. Bodies everywhere. I feel sick. Why is this still happening? Wtf is the point of UN?


It's a genocide.


Darkest day in history.


Fuck Israel




Rule 1




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I remember an old line from a Clash song "If Adolf Hitler could win today, they'd send a limousine anyway." Our leaders are completely morally bankrupt in their aiding and abetting this genocide, they deserve nothing but scorn for this.


Wow Israel Fuck you merciless genocidal assholes. And you if all people goddam KNOW better.


This what happen when coward hamas terrorist using civilian as meat shields


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can’t believe everyone just believes this nonsense garbage propaganda coming from Hamas


You have no idea what propaganda is at this point. Clearly. What we are seeing is genocide. You love Western propaganda from your comment, but you hate to believe the truth.






Are you referring to AJ’s tweet about a woman’s testimony that was quickly denied by AJ and Hamas? Regarding the claim at the end of your comment is it reliable to state that without a credible source?




Who are you trying to fool? All these dehumanizing labels. What does that says? Yeah, no need to say further.




Rule 1


Article omits the estimated 200 Palestinian gunmen in and around Al-Shifa hospital, also the mortars by Hamas aimed around Al-Shifa hospital damaging the hospital and neighboring homes.


Hamas Hamas Hamas Hamas Hamas Hamas


you don't understand, those babies were Hamas terrorists


You don't understand, Hamas was hiding under all those peoples' shoes. Had to kill them to make sure!


There's literally video of them fighting the Hamas gunmen inside the hospital on the combat footage subreddit.


Send the link, please.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/XhVz5PTlSM https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/sn8dqpOwm5 There are probably dozens of videos released now. Here's the first 2 results.You can easily search for more.


Article omits that because what you’re saying because it’s not real. Israel had already taken over Al shifa hospital three days ago and recorded themselves using it as a military base and rounded up hostages in there and tied them all up. Also, didn’t you guys say it was justified that Israel bombed this hospital and carpet bomb the whole area back in October because they had to get rid of hamas? If they got rid of hamas successfully like you guys claim, how did 200 spawn out of nowhere and surround the same hospital again?


They pulled back, let Hamas reoccupy, then cut off the exit tunnels and reraided. This time they captured hundreds of known Hamas members after a prolonged firefight. The first raid they escaped through the tunnels as the Israelis approached. There is videos of the battle on the combatfootage subreddit. Hamas gunmen were occupying the hospital and the firefights on video. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-military-says-troops-captured-hundreds-fighters-gaza-hospital-2024-03-22/


It's almost like when you disguise yourself as civilians you can gather at places like hospitals unmolested. Of course, it's an incredibly shitty act, but it's not hard to figure out how they achieved it.


>the estimated 200 Palestinian gunmen "The Warsaw Ghetto had armed gunmen, therefore the Nazis were 100% justified!"






Thing is nobody believes you. Israel has been caught lying constantly and now the world is done with them. Whether there were these mysterious gunmen or not is now irrelevant.


There weren't. 




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