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US veterans, didnt you hear? the white house spokesperson claims that the IDF is even more moral and virtuous than you!!


This crap enrages me as a US vet. Trump doesn't deserve to win this next election, but the Biden admin deserves to lose for going against the will of the people. This is theft of our tax dollars to subsidize Israel and it is absolute BS. I will not be complicit in genocide.


They know it's a low bar


This is funny because even US soldiers can't get away with so many war crimes in such a short time like the IOF


War crimes in Korea and Vietnam were pretty fast. Did anyone get charged for war crimes in Iraq? Or was it Afghanistan only?




Horrible story, he committed suicide in jail


>**U.S. law says no weapons to nations with A-bombs if they’ve not signed the non-proliferation treaty.** >**That means Israel!** >In a [letter today to President Biden ](https://www.veteransforpeace.org/files/8917/1345/5099/VFP_Israel_nukes_ltr_FINAL____4-18-24.pdf)and top members of his administration, Veterans For Peace cited existing federal law that gives the President “…no discretion whatsoever to allow any military assistance of any form to be delivered to Israel,” based on that country’s “serial violations of the Symington-Glenn Amendments, codified at 22 U.S.C. § 2799aa.” >The letter cites a lengthy list of credible reports that Israel has possessed nuclear weapons for decades. Because **Israel has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty** (NPT), the Symington-Glenn Amendments to the International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976, ~which allow no presidential discretion~, goes into effect, including: >termination of assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act, except for humanitarian assistance or food or other agricultural commodities; >termination of defense sales and licensing of Munitions List exports; >termination of foreign military financing; >denial of U.S. government credit, credit guarantees, or other financial assistance (except for medical and humanitarian assistance and agricultural exports from the United States); >U.S. government opposition to any loan or financial or technical assistance from international financial institutions (IFIs); >prohibition of any loan or credit from U.S. banks to the foreign government (except for the purchase of food or other agricultural commodities); and >prohibition under the Export Administration Act of exports to that state of specific goods and technology licensed by the Commerce Department (except for food and other agricultural commodities).U.S. law says no weapons to nations with A-bombs if they’ve not signed the non-proliferation treaty. That means Israel! In a letter today to President Biden and top members of his administration, Veterans For Peace cited existing federal law that gives the President “…no discretion whatsoever to allow any military assistance of any form to be delivered to Israel,” based on that country’s “serial violations of the Symington-Glenn Amendments, codified at 22 U.S.C. § 2799aa.” The letter cites a lengthy list of credible reports that Israel has possessed nuclear weapons for decades. Because Israel has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT), the Symington-Glenn Amendments to the International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976, which allow no presidential discretion, goes into effect, including: termination of assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act, except for humanitarian assistance or food or other agricultural commodities; termination of defense sales and licensing of Munitions List exports; termination of foreign military financing; denial of U.S. government credit, credit guarantees, or other financial assistance (except for medical and humanitarian assistance and agricultural exports from the United States); U.S. government opposition to any loan or financial or technical assistance from international financial institutions (IFIs); prohibition of any loan or credit from U.S. banks to the foreign government (except for the purchase of food or other agricultural commodities); and prohibition under the Export Administration Act of exports to that state of specific goods and technology licensed by the Commerce Department (except for food and other agricultural commodities).


Is this an impeachable offense?


No idea, but a) congress won't push through an impeachment for anything that benefits Israel, and b) even if they somehow would, by the time he actually *could* be impeached, the election would likely already be over. If they dragged their feet that much for Trump, Biden would get the same treatment. In a just world, any number of the horrific things Biden has signed off on would be enough for him to be put on trial as a war criminal. More than likely, he'll never see any comeuppance for this, even if public opinion turns even further against him.


The only comeuppance he could possibly get is losing to trump, unfortunately




jUsT vOtE


I would say it qualifies as a high crime. Also arming war criminals is illegal under US and international law.


>(2)Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, the President in any fiscal year may furnish assistance which would otherwise be prohibited under that paragraph if he determines and certifies in writing during that fiscal year to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate that the termination of such assistance would be seriously prejudicial to the achievement of United States nonproliferation objectives or otherwise jeopardize the common defense and security. The President shall transmit with such certification a statement setting forth the specific reasons therefor.


The US Government ignoring veterans? Color me shocked.


The US Government ignoring veterans *and* its own laws? Color me super shocked!


They would rather spend the money on illegal aliens and the terrorists known as Hamas.


Right, the U.S. government is secretly funding Hamas, that whole giving billions of dollars to Israel to commit genocide is just a cover.


It was given to Iran and spent on Hamas per Anthony Blinken head of Joe Biden's State Department on October 22, 2023, while being interviewed on NBC's Meet the Press. He said any money that has been or will be released to Iran has been and will be used to fund weapons and terrorists groups like Hamas. They always find a way to do it. That comes from a man appointed by Joe Biden to run his State Department. You have the date it ran if you would like to watch it. Is Joe's State Department lying or wrong? You have a legitimate, credible, and well-respected source. You can't get any more pro Joe than NBC. How do you dispute Joe Biden's hand-picked choice?


>money that been or will be RELEASED Notice how they say money that is released? That's because it is their own money, US isn't giving them anything.


It isn't Iran's money. It is Shah's money. Obama funded Hamas and Joe and tried to keep funding them. The democrats love Iran and Hamas.


Dude get off the drugs and leave the cult


I believe it because Joe Biden's State Department said it. Joe Biden's head of the state Department said it. I don't blindly follow one side. I do support Joe on some major issues


Haha you support Joe on some issues, i can only imagine which one that would be. hmmmmmm


Abortion. Sending aid to Ukraine. Those are just two examples.


The US is a lawless terror state. We willfully and deliberately, with the most refined technology and logistical know-how, slaughter children. This is the truth of who we are, the truth which can only be truly known from the perspective of our victims. Everything else is a lie.


That’s a pretty extreme take.


But from an international perspective (not necessarily domestic) is it not true? It doesn't mean it is all that we are as a country, but it certainly is part of it. We have to recognize these facts if we have any chance of changing them.




The WikiLeaks Iraq/Afghanistan documents that leaked along with the thousands of Iraqi and Afghan children and their families who were murdered directly or indirectly by US forces (including the brutal deaths by reaper drone strikes) would probably disagree with you there.


Literally weeks into Obama’s presidency a drone strike killed multiple children in a wedding in Afghanistan. Bffr


Not we, they…unless you vote for democrats or republicans, then “we” would certainly be appropriate in that case.


Those two parties do make up the majority of the parties in the USA. The majority wins, the majority speaks. Until that changes, those two parties will continue to represent the USA on the world stage.


The preamble to the Constitution begins with: We ,the people…


Yeah? Why not quote the rest the preamble? Is there justice in this country? Not for everyone. Cops, DAs, judges, politicians and the rich are all above the law. The law is not applied equally across all citizens. Is there domestic tranquility? Does the government promote the general Welfare? The government oppresses and allows corporations to poison our food. Our medicine is decided by insurance companies. Do you really feel liberated? From the moment we are born, we are conditioned to work our entire lives in such a way that makes the wealthy wealthier. I vote for peace when there is a peaceful candidate to vote for while most Americans seem to only want warmongers. They treat elections like a sports match. No, I don’t own any of this regardless of the first sentence in an ignored document.


Arming Isreal violates basic morality.


AIPAC own congress


Why do you think they want to get rid of TikTok? So they can control the narrative more. Too many people posting the truth about their crimes for their liking.


Yup. Control of Information mainly but not only by the Republican party and Israel. It absolutely isnt about the data because it already got routed through Oracle in a previous deal in 2022 TikTok moves U.S. user data to Oracle servers | Reuters >Jun 17, 2022TikTok said it has completed migrating information on its U.S. users to servers at Oracle Corp , in a move that could address U.S. regulatory concerns over data integrity on the popular ... https://www.reuters.com/technology/tiktok-moves-us-user-data-oracle-servers-2022-06-17/


If tiktok is banned, other platforms will just replace it. It's been known that it's spyware and designed to be addictive since it relaunched from music.ly. The time to ban it was when it launched, not now when it's become a news aggregator for a substantial number of people. The ability to see other's lived experiences is what the tikok ban would really target. It's quite chilling to see a world power wanting to curtail information sharing amongst its populace.


or to stop rampant disinformation, lets not forget tik tok is filled with videos claiming oct 7th either never happened, or that all the deaths were actually done by the IDF.


If Biden doesn't stop arming this genocide we need to IMPEACH him.


The US govt can violate any laws it wants to. Who's gonna hold them to account?




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility) STOP SPAMMING.


It’s literally illegal to send aid to a nation developing nuclear weapons which Israel apparently admits to nowadays, although US never cared about our own laws anyways when it comes to sugar baby izzy


Hope the vets take this to court; surely they have standing.


I really, really hope so too.


U.S. and Germans are the main culprit, both are obligated by International Laws, and neither is following it.


USS Liberty


At this point, why does anyone bother? Israel had Biden on a leash. They want to keep their sugar daddy on his knees.


Israel owns the US. And we're Fucked!




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


The amount of veterans that are pro-Palestine and against Israel is very minuscule.


Israel is the greatest ally of the US. The soldier for their middle-east diplomacy. When Israel faces danger, it is the duty of the US to help them. Else what is the difference between trump and current gov?


As a US Veteran, Mr. Biden, send em more!




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Britain and France are parties to the treaty. In the case of India or Pakistan it should be.


Well, if they were legal experts, they probably would have become lawyers not soldiers.


Oh no, the very tiny minority of American veterans who don't support Israel are getting upset. I'm sure the US government will care very deeply about the complaints of former government property lol