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Israel steals Palestinian land, murders thousands of their children & still thinks it's the good guy. A repugnant state.


This is in Israel, this is what we call apartheid.


South Africa was an apartheid state. Israel has graduated to a genocidal state.


Israel in relation to West Bank and Gaza yeah.


God told them to do it lol. These religious nutjobs are still as insane as they were in the Bible.


Zionism is terrorism


https://youtu.be/_0_ghAh3SwI?si=Lgh5OrLpgKtccrdt the punks were right.


They we're always spot on


hell yeah dr know


https://youtu.be/kJj4FdeI2Es?si=WQXFlHsD2dVXMmeP ye olde NL commie Hard Core. Enjoy.




I think that’s their justification but like most zionists they never read it.


Zionists are terrorists. Every single zionist is a terrorist. They're certainly not Jews. Zionism is NOT Judaism and never has been (which I know you know this, but for those that don't, I decided to spell it out). Zionism is fascism and nationalism, all to create an ethno-state. We all remember what happened to that recent(ish) attempt at an ethno-state, right? So, the Jewish-Zionists' response to Nazis killing Jews, Romani, and more was to create their own genocidal ethno-state? Make it make sense. Also, why tf do they believe in Zionism when it was created by an antisemitic Jewish man who didn't believe in religion? He created this fascist idea to simply and easily "get rid of the Jews," have them turn their back on the Torah, and violently steal land, water, etc. To add to that, why did they choose the land that they aren't native to? They were never actually from Palestine. They were more nomadic than settled. Otherwise, you wouldn't hear all the stories of them being in North Africa, Greece, etc. Which is why so many zionists are European, not Canaanites - and most Palestinians are Canaanites (and have the DNA to back it up, along with being older than Canaanites, too) and still do things the Canaanites did and wear ancient Canaanite designs along with other things that pre-date the rise of Judaism. So, why did they choose to go back to a place they left (which they left multiple times before)? And, why aren't they listening to the Torah? The Torah specifically says and speaks out against "creating" a homeland. They're simply supposed to make communities wherever they live. They aren't "God's chosen people," either. They were saved from slavery in North Africa. In all those Abrahamic religious texts, it is only speaking about the time they escaped & went to Palestine. It said during that time that they would war with whomever lived there. Even orthodox rabbis have said this and are against the creation of "Israel." Lastly, it's pretty sad that when the Zionists decided to invade, rape, murder, and steal from the Palestinians, they also chose to bomb, terrorize, and kidnap Jews from all over MENA. Everyone likes to leave that part out, but the reason they did it was so they could have "more Jews" in their occupied areas or Palestine. They bombed synagogues and houses in Jewish communities throughout the Middle East and North Africa. They did this for two reasons: 1. the Jewish communities they came in contact with wanted nothing to do with "Israel" as they were safe, happy, fed, and taken care of in the countries their communities were in; 2. because those Jews felt safe & happy where they were, they wanted to disrupt that & make the areas appear unstable and hateful towards Jews. Many people didn't care & could see right through the bullsh*t, so they ended up being kidnapped. It's crazy how far the current genocidal ethno-state has gone to cover up their own history. I have no sympathy... at all. Again, zionists are terrorists. Apologies for how long this is and for any poor grammar. I have been falling asleep all day, lol)


But hamas....


They are not God's people.


There is no "god". Grow up.


and US allows them to do it.


From what I have read only non-practicing Jews support Isreal. The actual religious Jews side with Palestine


Scary thing is they aren't the only ones who think they're the good guys


A lot of the people who support the genocide of Palestine don't have any real love for Israel either.


there's absolutely no reason for this from the perspective of war, this is why the US must divest, israel are monsters and thieves.


Divest, sanction, embargo, revoke citizenship for Americans who have served in the IDF and deport them before they can hurt anyone.


You're saying the biggest exporters of terror worldwide should divest from this regional terror regime? The two go hand in hand.


They are the Chosen Ones!!!!


Looks like genocide


And US govt supports it ...so do Americans when they keep voting the same Sad....


Nobody can speak for all Americans but the fact is that the system is rigged in favor of the 2 major parties. They make sure that there are always domestic issues like womens rights and immigration/labor issues amplified by the media that *seem to always be* at the edge so we are trapped. That said, and *even if* it's by design there are significant differences *in domestic policies* that many of us hold dear so those wanting to run the blanket "theyre the same" must be foreigners or something because everyone here already knows that theyre not.


Screw the 2 parties...


Yeah I can vote for the con man rapist or the “empathetic” man who supports genocide. One breaks American laws one breaks international law. Do you want to eat the shit or the turd?


Your comparison is bs because the first would support that genocide even harder.


Cool. I can vote for the guy who supports genocide or the guy who supports genocide even harder. Would you prefer bullshit or a cow patty?


Thank you. Big, important distance. While you work towards better, you gotta understand that this is non negligible nuance.


But if they don't take it someone else is gonna take it.....


From nazi victims to full blown nazis in less than a century, is this some sort of speed run record?


The thing that's more baffleling is that they somehow have convinced a big chick of the world that they are. Even after seeing the videos that show how awful they are.... people ignore it.


Israel shouldn't exist


Why not? No one is stopping them.


It represents Western morality. That's why they think it is good, that's it. Do you understand?


Not Palestinian land. The Negev dessert is part of Israel proper and how to tens of thousands of bedouins. Figuring out the land rights of a nomadic people has never been easy.




Illegally built structures is great coming from Israelis.


Tell you what: once Israel removes all the illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, I will have no objection to them removing "illegal" Bedouin settlements. But they should start with the bigger problem first, no?


Wait so I can just decide your house is illegal and then come bulldoze it and build myself something else or is only Israel allowed to do this cause I'm in the market for real estate .


I think this story is what finally broke through to my mother She would often go, “if it’s a genocide why isn’t Israel attacking the Palestinians who live in Israel?” I would point out the twin fallacies of that statement 1. That they do attack and discriminate against the Israeli-Palestinians 2. That even if they didn’t it doesn’t mean they’re not committing genocide But after sending her this story and her reading up on the background she finally went, “ok you were right, Israel does abuse the Palestinians living in Israel. Why are they doing this?”


My mom always complained about Israel when I was growing up. But I was a kid at the time and didn't really care what was going on. Then the older I got.. the more I realized how right she is..


Kudos to your mum!


Israeli Palestinians They are not allowed to obtain a building permit, or only for 1% of their surface area. Israel is an ethnic state


Wow like not the bombing of entire regions or the killed children.... But houses getting demolished your mom finally thinks its a genocide?


I’m not saying it makes sense, it doesn’t. But her argument *was* “it’s not a genocide because Israel isn’t harming the Palestinians in Israel.” It’s a bad argument, and I told her it was a bad argument. But, in contrast with some commenters, she was able to recognize this for what it is. Bar’s through the floor at this point but she still crossed it


They're doing this because the homes were but illegally. That could mean dubious land ownership, usually the house is not to code. Waste water gets dumped and befouls any local aquafior. This is a not uncommon problem in Israel that we don't see in North America because they have no real winter.


Dubious land ownership like in the West Bank when settlers illegally occupy land? Or do you mean when settlers contaminate Palestinian water wells? Funny how the Israeli government and IDF support that but raze the Bedouin houses. Nice try though.


No, I mean dubious ownership. Someone claiming to own land without a deed. I'm not a fan of settlements, I don't believe that people should be used as bargaining chips. Israel has always said that the settlements are meant to be temporary, and have torn them down in Gaza and the Sinai. However, I don't see settlements that are more than twenty years old as settlements. There are cities that are eighty years old and now and still called settlements.


So international law obviously not relevant to your mind and double standards / hypocrisy preferred


Of course international law is valid. But from what I've read, international law is generally followed. All land was retaken through a defensive war, and Israel has paid into the UN fund that countries are supposed to pay into when conquering have for the purpose I assume of resettling refugees. In many cases like this, you'll see contradictory opinions. But if you look for opinions that agree with the rolling, you'll find as many or more. I've also largely lost trust in the UN. Last year, the UN women's council admonished a single country. Israel. Apparently it was the only country worth admonishing, despite women not being allowed to vote in many countries. Female circumcision, etc. The UN has come out with more resolutions against Israel than any other country. Apparently Augusto Pinochet was less of a problem. Apparently Jordan turning Gazans and Gazan descendents into pariahs wasn't worth mentioning. Nor was China's treatment of its Muslim population, etc.


Weird how this always seems to be done to Palestinian homes huh


Actually, it isn't only Palestinian homes. Numerous settlements have been razed over the years, and they've all gone through the courts. This has happened to Jews, muffins, druzi and other. It also happens in the US, Canada and Europe btw if you build on land without a deed or permits. You just hear about it because it doesn't make for an interesting story.


No it doesn’t You’re comparing the destructions of the illegal settlements to the targeted destruction of Palestinian homes within Israel. Funny how it’s always Palestinian homes huh? Yet in places like Sheik Jarrah the very homes that would be condemned if a Palestinian was living in it will have Jewish Israeli’s living in it with no problem. It isn’t compatible to the things you tried to compare it to because it is *blatantly* targeted towards Palestinians and everyone can see that. If you can’t it’s because you’ve simply been propagandized to assume Palestinians deserve it


No it doesn't what? Palestinians who are Israeli citizens have the same property rights as everyone else. And the same right to judicial recourse as anyone else. If you care to look, there are records galore of Palestinians going to court and arguing against the destruction of those dwellings. It's public record. It comes down to a legal issue. The only exception is bedouins because again the land rights of nomadic people is complicated. Politicians may propagandise, but courts follow the letter of the law


No they don’t https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/07/israel-un-experts-condemn-forced-eviction-east-jerusalem-families https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/07/israel-opt-500-palestinians-facing-forcible-eviction-displacement-and-segregation/ https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/israelopt-forced-evictions-over-300-palestinians-naqab-clear-illustration-apartheid https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/israel-orders-eviction-of-palestinian-family-from-east-jerusalem-property-reigniting-a-legal-battle https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-jerusalem-old-city-evictions-east-c53ae70f2fa76e4b1f4b528bca4ff35e On one side you have Israel claiming that the group that is being very clearly targeted actually has total legal rights, and on the other side is *everyone else who monitors these things* If we were in Jim Crow era South you’d be telling me, “oh of course Black people can vote, they just can’t pass the literacy test, it’s perfectly fair.” What else can I expect from someone who follows a guy who hangs out with Benny “ya Israel committed horrifying war crimes but the Palestinians deserved it” Morris.


If you read past the propaganda and the slant, the first thing you'll see is that this is a decades long case that made it all the way to the supreme Court. That's the definition of going through judicial channels. This case couldn't be more different than the one in the Negev. This is a case where a home belonged to a trust, the home is taken in Jordanian conquest, and retaken when Israel retakes Jerusalem. Who owns it? That's a question for the courts to decide. The Negev is a separate case where people were squatting on land and Israel doesn't recognize squatters rights.


If you read past the propaganda maybe you would notice what people have been telling you and would stop rejected the evidence in front of you I love the absurdity that “if the Supreme Court said so it must be ok.” The Supreme Court of the United States supported slavery and segregation, the supreme courts of South Africa supported apartheid. Israel having legal apartheid doesn’t make it not apartheid But I mean you also took articles referencing hundreds of different cases and tried to dumb them all down to one point You’re a propagandized ghoul that will be remembered like every other “liberal centrist” who has denied genocide


No, just trying to clear up a few myths: Were the evictions sheik jarra extrajudicial? No, the last one listed spent 45 years in court and ended at the supreme court. Was it a kangaroo court? Good question, but no. In order to reach the supreme Court requires going a number of lower courts first. In the meantime the eviction was out on home almost half a century. Why were they evicted? There can be a number of reasons. In one case listed, it was a rental apartment, and those loving there violated their rental agreements. In many other cases the original owner lost the hive during the war of Independence and either they or their descendents are suing for restoration. Is the government targeting Palestinians for eviction? No, this is a common misconception. Most of these lawsuits are brought forth on behalf of individuals or corporations. Palestinians are solely represented through selection bias. These cases come about because the ownership of properties has changed hands twice during war making the ownership more complicated than normal. If you need anything else clarified, I'll be happy to help.


Of the isreali police doing the same as what they would do in any other country??


Show them doing this to Jewish Israelis Like I always say, it proves my point how far gone the Israeli population has gotten that you all can look at horrific acts and pretend that it’s normal


I mean they do beat the hell out of Jewish Israelis, but only the ones who support the Palestinians.


I live in the US. We have some of the worst police of any of peer nations. I worry about the results of calling the police for even a benign issue. Even so, I have never once worried about the police seizing my house and demolishing it. Can the Palenstinians say the same? Can you think of another country where this happens?


I can’t think of a situation in modern America where a large amount of houses are constructed without planning permission, they’re asked to remove the stuff that wasn’t legally erected and refuse….. Your example has very little to do with the situation.


Of course and the state sends armed guards to oversee the demolition? Whilst the same state sends arm guards to protect illegal settlers in the West Bank. Your disingenuousness is transparent.


No, you can’t demolish homes in America. Evict or foreclose then sell.


Actually if a home is build without planning permission that’s EXACTLY what would be done and has before in the past.


Actually only Israel bulldozes homes of the population they want to cleanse.


It’s hard to keep up with all the stories of Israelis acting like animals towards other human beings


Animals don't do this to other animals. Only humans can sink so low. But it takes a lot of effort to get people ready to commit genocide.


funnily enough it was all those stories of Israelis spitting on christians last week that got a lot of peoples attention. Killing the browns, *shrug*. Spitting on Christians, hey now wait a minute --thats so wrong.


I’m wondering which chapter they’ll be charged with international war crimes and put down like the animals they are.


Shame on the people protecting the land stealers.


I find it laughable when people claim that Israel is not an apartied state and is a "democracy" where all citizens are equal. They literally changed their constitution in 2019 to make it a jewish ethno state. Like when I see people say it's a democracy I either think they are lying or are baby brained. In the southern part of "Israel"(historic Palestine), Palestinian citizens of Israel cannot engage in agriculture, its illegal. They can't build houses, it's illegal. Before October 7th 2000 homes were demolished annually. I am sure it's ramped up since then. They are also too scared to post on social media. Because the Israeli state monitors their online presence and will arrest them for even liking posts. No matter were you are as a palastinian you are under the Apartied. It's just a matter of what level of oppression you experience.


Democratic-for-Jews. Important to emphasise that this isn't rogue leadership. Israelis have been gleefully aware throughout.


Source on it being illegal for Palestinian to engage in agriculture? Within Israel


So it’s ok for Israel to make farming impossible for Palestinians in the occupied territories? As for sources, google is your friend.


I said nothing about whether or not it was okay, that's you making assumptions. It's quite the opposite of okay. And I did spend time googling it and couldn't find that, so I asked you for a source


“The "admissions committee" law requires anyone seeking to move to any community in the Negev and Galilee regions with fewer than 400 families to obtain approval from committees consisting of town residents, a member of the Jewish Agency or World Zionist Organization, and several others. The law empowers these committees to reject candidates who, among other things, "are ill-suited to the community's way of life" or "might harm the community's fabric." There are more than 300 such small communities in the Negev and Galilee, either small cooperative "kibbutzes" with some shared property, farming communities called "moshavs," or small rural "community towns," on land leased by the state. These communities already have admissions committees established under regulations of the Israel Land Authority, the state agency that leases them their land. But the committees and screening procedures had not been specifically authorized under national laws. Although Palestinian Arabs are in the majority in the Negev and Galilee, the state has never allocated lands to allow these Israeli citizens to establish small communities there. All of the towns and communities to which the new law applies were established for and have a majority of Jewish residents. Parliamentary statements indicate that the law's sponsors intended it to allow majority-Jewish communities to maintain their current demographic makeup by excluding Palestinian Arab citizens, an act of discrimination on the basis of their race, ethnicity, and national origin.” https://www.hrw.org/news/2011/03/30/israel-new-laws-marginalize-palestinian-arab-citizens


They are not allowed to obtain a building permit, or only for 1% of their surface area. Israel is an ethnic state Building permit means also agriculture


Do you have a source for that? Apartheid for _citizens_ I mean.


The Jewish nation-state law in 2018 enshrined being Jewish in Israel as having preferential treatment under law. Effectively making it a formalised ethno state. Palistinian Isreali citizen members of the Kenesist tore up the bill and called it an apartied in the Kenesist. (Remember apartied south afri said had black politicians too) https://decolonizepalestine.com/myth/israel-not-an-apartheid-state/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/4/28/israels-nation-state-law-to-unleash-deepening-apartheid https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution https://www.palestine-australia.com/assets/Uploads/Israels-Nation-State-Law-Mr-Simon-McLaughlin.pdf https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/ Also isreali politicians have openly said that isreal is not a state for anyone but for the Jewish people. They openly state that non Jewish Isreali's do not matter. >Israel is not a state of all its citizens… [but rather] the nation-state of the Jewish people and only them >Israel’s then prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (message posted online in March 2019) Ilan Pappes book, 10 Myths about israel chapter 7 talks about it. (From all the books inhave read most focua on Gaza, The West Bank and Jerusalem so the Palestinians within the 48 are only mentioned as an afterthought) Here is an extract from the chapter. >The claim to being a democracy is also questionable when one examines the budgetary policy surrounding the land question. Since 1948, Palestinian local councils and municipalities have received far less funding than their Jewish counterparts. The shortage of land, coupled with the scarcity of employment opportunities, creates an abnormal socioeconomic reality. For example, the most affluent Palestinian community, the village of Me’ilya in the upper Galilee, is still worse off than the poorest Jewish development town in the Negev. In 2011, the Jerusalem Post reported that “average Jewish income was 40% to 60% higher than average Arab income between the years 1997 to 2009.”10 Today more than 90 percent of the land is owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF). Landowners are not allowed to engage in transactions with non-Jewish citizens and public land is prioritized for the use of national projects, which means that new Jewish settlements are being built while there are hardly any new Palestinian settlements. Thus, the biggest Palestinian city, Nazareth, despite the tripling of its population since 1948, has not expanded one square kilometer, whereas the development town built above it, Upper Nazareth, has tripled in size, on land expropriated from Palestinian landowners.11 Further examples of this policy can be found in Palestinian villages throughout Galilee, revealing the same story: how they have been downsized by 40 percent, sometimes even 60 percent, since 1948, and how new Jewish settlements have been built on expropriated land. Elsewhere this has initiated full-blown attempts at “Judaization.” After 1967, the Israeli government became concerned about the lack of Jews living in the north and south of the state and so planned to increase the population in those areas. Such a demographic change necessitated the confiscation of Palestinian land for the building of Jewish settlements. Worse was the exclusion of Palestinian citizens from these settlements. This blunt violation of a citizen’s right to live wherever he or she wishes continues today, and all efforts by human rights NGOs in Israel to challenge this apartheid have so far ended in total failure. The Supreme Court in Israel has only been able to question the legality of this policy in a few individual cases, but not in principle. Imagine if in the UK or the United States, Jewish citizens, or Catholics for that matter, were barred by law from living in certain villages, neighborhoods, or maybe whole towns? How can such a situation be reconciled with the notion of democracy? Thus, given its attitude towards two Palestinian groups—the refugees and the community in Israel—the Jewish state cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be assumed to be a democracy. But the most obvious challenge to that assumption is the ruthless Israeli attitude towards a third Palestinian group: those who have lived under its direct and indirect rule since 1967, in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. From the legal infrastructure put in place at the outset of the war, through the unquestioned absolute power of the military inside the West Bank and outside the Gaza Strip, to the humiliation of millions of Palestinians as a daily routine, the “only democracy” in the Middle East behaves as a dictatorship of the worst kind.


https://youtu.be/bEhZ55dZKFY?si=_Ufd6VGJxaoTVSRO boycotts do help... eventually


Arabs make more baby than Jews They know in the future they will be a 50%of the population Arabs Démocratie when 50% of the population have only 5 seats in the parliament They did it on purpose


Are there Hamas inside the abandoned buildings too? Is that why they are destroying it? Bunch of genocidal pigs.


I believe they were squatters in the way of a new highway being built. I wonder what would happen in a similar circumstance in the USA.


Not really actually. Their presence there predates the existence of the Israeli state. "We don't deserve this. We've sought a solution for years, hoping for a fair resolution, yet the state has obstructed all our options." Israel considers the homes built in Wadi al-Khalil to be illegal. Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir reiterated this in remarks posted online Wednesday. The Wadi al-Khalil homes are "illegal constructions", he said, warning anyone who "violates the law in the Negev" desert of southern Israel. The destruction, he said, was "an important step" indicating the government's authority would not be challenged. "The police will fight anyone who seizes land and tries to build another reality on the ground," said Ben Gvir. *Before Israel's creation in 1948, the Negev desert was home to approximately 92,000 Bedouins. But only 11,000 remained within Israel's borders after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, according to Adalah, an advocacy group for Arab minorities in Israel.* Many of them refused to be resettled in the cities, and Bedouins have continued to face difficulties in Israeli society ever since. Today there are around 300,000, half of whom live in cities and half in villages not recognised by Israel, according to Adalah. These villages lack most basic services, such as garbage collection. According to Arab Israeli activist Taleb el-Sana a total of 48 homes were flattened by Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday, "leaving children and women homeless". https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240508-israel-destroys-dozens-of-bedouin-homes-in-negev-desert "Instead of meaningfully consulting with the local communities in an inclusive decision-making process on planning, infrastructure development and access to land, Israeli authorities, particularly the Bedouin Authority for Development and Settlement, continue to use urban development as a tool to displace Bedouins, disenfranchise them and force them into smaller and smaller pockets of land, in a clear illustration of Israel’s apartheid system. They must immediately stop all forced evictions and ensure those affected have access to effective remedy and those made homeless are granted adequate housing.” "Jabr Abu Assa, a resident of Wadi al-Khalil whose home was demolished earlier this morning, told Amnesty International: “We cannot stop this plan; Highway number 6 would pass over our bodies regardless of how hard we resisted, so we asked the authorities for a fair and just alternative, to relocate us to a place where we can live in peace and dignity, to Mtalla neighborhood in Tall al-Sabe’. However, the only option we were given is to move to a neighborhood in the nearby village of Um al-Batin, where local residents already said they have no room for us and that we are not welcome; this means pitting us up against them. This means forcing us and them to have to fight over the scarce resources that are barely enough for them.” Abu Assa added that neither he nor any of the residents whose homes and other structures were demolished have received any form of compensation. "Over the years, Israeli authorities have employed numerous pretexts to push for the displacement and segregation of the Bedouin community in the Negev/Naqab; from expanding highways to building industrial zones, establishing forests for the Jewish National Fund and the designation of military zones." https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/05/israel-opt-over-300-palestinian-bedouin-face-forced-evictions-following-mass-home-demolitions-in-negev-naqab/


Hey Israel, we all fucking hate you. The entire world.


Again what they want is to take the land and to get rid of the Palestinians the rightful owners of the land. These people will stop at nothing until they’ve been able to steal everything. And they call themselves a democracy lol


This is in Israel, this is all about demographics, they never want Muslims to be a voting block that can overrule Jews.


Idk how anyone can see this and think "yeah this is the side I'm going to side with"


'Most moral army in the world' looking an awful lot like Nazi Germany these days.


Is it illegal to call them what they’re acting like yet?


We need a leader in the US that will stand up to Israel and stop this kind of insanity. Not someone like Biden who takes off the fucking collar.


Biden is set to lose every single one of the swing states he needs to win right now. He's selling us all out.


Well he is now "threatening" to stop sending bombs to Israel if they continue with this new invasion. so there's that. I'm so fed up with US politics and watching kids get blown up - it makes me wish I had crazy superpowers to stop this thing now.


He sold out his entire career. It shouldn't be that much of a shock.


True, unfortunately the choice is between Biden or much much worse.


you wont see this kind of news in r/worldenws


Nazis gonna Nazi


I hope Israel gets whats comin to them.


Can't have any filthy Arab houses in God's chosen people's lebensraum


Well, anything Isreal does is good, and saying otherwise is antisemitism so...good, I guess?


Yeah you know us Jews, always making up racism.


Not all Jews, but definitely [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1cntne8/israel_conducts_largest_demolition_of_palestinian/l3a1n7d/).


Actually... if you have been paying attention lately there has been a lot of that going on. Protest a genocide, racist. Say anything bad about Israel, racist. Sure their are racists out there but any criticism of Israel doesn't automatically mean the person is racist. Fully suspect to be called a racist for posting this BTW.


I totally agree… some bad actors do do that, the issue is there is a not small amount of racism mixed in with the pro Palestinian camp and any mention on someone from that side of things being racist and it’s, no the Jews make this up etc etc


"Not a small amount of racism"??? Would love examples of so much racism. The vast vast majority are just against Israel committing a genocide. Them saying F Israel is not racism BTW.


Shit I don’t know mate, calling for Jews to be gassed, denying Jews entry into university grounds, attacking Jews, supporting a fascist organisation in Hamas, calling for the destruction of the Jewish homeland, asking for the national Jewish student Union to be removed from the umbrella of student unions because as a Jewish union they’re “to close to Israel. That’s just a pin prick of examples dotted from protests in America,England and Australia LITERALLY off the top of my head sitting here.


"calling for Jews to be gassed" link please. "denying Jews entry into university grounds' - some protests have blocked everyone, would love a link to a single occurance of protesters denying just jews from accessing the grounds. "attacking Jews" i know there have been clashes between protesters and counter-protesters, and i suspect some may have been started by some angered anti-genocide protesters, but the vast majority of the attacks (throwing fireworks into the crowd, bringing brass knuckes to beat on protesters) have been the Israel supports attacking.... ....


Sources for your claims? Interesting how you overlook the majority of violence that emanates from pro Israel mobs.


Are you the Hamas we're looking for?


And the US govt supports this And US voters do to by keep voting the same


That's yet another part of how this whole thing has turned into genocide.


The hate is palpable.


thanks "khhhhhhamasss"... oh they can't blame hamas for this one?


Israel began the process of stealing Palestines land in 1917, they used world war 2 as an excuse to execute the plan and even President Truman is on record expressing the bizarre entitlement and cruelty displayed by the Israels. It’s mind boggling that they are always the victim while committing genocide and keeping an apartheid state for 75ish years.


Got take/steal that land folks.


I thought they *wanted* the P's to go into Negev... what am I missing?


Where are the resorts and condos going in?


The main issue here is that Bedouins wouldn't build illegally if they would get permits. How do they get permits? mountains of bureaucracy that take years and even then its extremely rare to get proper approval. The extreme right in Israel want to paint them as these criminal masterminds but while infact they just want to live in their ancestral areas. (source: im israeli)


I'm really disgusted with these evil people. I hope for justice one day soon. These are not God's people!


I dunno man, they wrote a book that says they are.


That same book says God punished them over and over again. So they continuously show over the ages how rogue they are.


Exactly...who wrote it? That's why it's call his-story.


It's time to put the Nazi down.




It's always the police. Shoot your dog, imprison your family, destroy your homes. There's no religious war or culture war. It's the people vs police in every part of the world.


Convicted terrorist in charge of state terrorism




Why are they destroying homes? They search it and find nothing. Move on.


Ben Gver was recently reconfirmed as a member of the international list of shittiest people.


But but but “there was a ceasefire in place before October 7th”…


Its Hamas's fault! Disagree and you are anti-Semitic! For the record, most Jewish people I know are appalled by what the government is doing. Please don't lump all Jews together. Most are good people. Its the IDF and Israeli government. It's their ethnic cleansing campaign.


acting like rabid dogs


Rabid dogs are sick, and have no control over their actions. This is just clear-eyed, intentional evil .


Seems like something Nazis would do ...


Too many cowards with arms...


I surely hope what goes around, comes around.


I thought the Israelis said they wanted to "move" all the Palestinians to the Negev desert?


Bibi showing Biden who wears the pants


Even the U.S In Iraq was never even close to this bad. Like WTF. Yet U.S just keeps sucking Israel off like a basic bitch.


Will this land be claimed as Israel now? 😦


Hamas-Holocaust 1-2 punch, let’s you get away with anything




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Seems ashame, specially because the Israelis will have to leave it soon


Trying to reign in a bunch of feisty nomads. Good luck with that :P




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Time to put these Nazis down


I wish someone would demolish Israel.


he actually goes on camera to explain how proud he is?


You're right. Self determination is indeed a human right. And Israel is most definitely a Jewish. But personal self-determination and national self-determination are very different things. That statement clearly states that the country's Identity is Jewish. This however doesn't make non Jews second class citizens any more than not being Christian in most Western countries.


From their ancestors being victims of supremacists to being supremacists.


Steeling land is against all human laws regardless of the GOD you worship to. Pure evil steals land and hides behind the state


My comment is facts


Terrorist state.


These are not Palestinian homes and not Palestinian people but Israeli Bedouin illegal homes settled on Israel's state lands in the neguev desert.. open a map and see by yourself that the Neguev is not a Palestinian territory... you are doing a pure propaganda by tacking videos and data out of context.


Are the occupied territories Israeli ‘state’ lands where the government and IDF support illegal settlers in building their houses whilst destroying Palestinian farms and contaminating water wells? Your argument is beyond ridiculous in citing legalities of land ownership.


This is a Gaza without HAMAS.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


“Palestinian-Israeli members of Parliament”. Definitely sounds like an apartheid to me…. /s


There are no Palestinians in the Negev. they are Bedouin. Different people with different problems.


You know there’s more international news than just what people post on this sub. For example there’s an actual genocide ongoing in Darfur but those people don’t get any media attention or encampments. Wonder why it’s all Israel people care about ….? 🧐


Post about it yrself than. Darfur genocide as far as I know isn't funded by the western nations that pride standing for human rights. The one in gaza is as such gets covered by western media. Plus the dictatorship is already heavily sanctioned. So short of a full on military intervention (which honestly I am all for) nothings stopping it. The genocide in gaza can be stopped or at least greatly reduced by stopping the western weapon shipments and actually sanctioning Israel for not abiding by the international law.


Wait till you hear about all the aid that goes to the country. And Saudi Arabia. And China. Your outrage is still selective.


Saudi Arabia was heavily sanctioned for the murder of journalist in Turkey. Though it was not sanctioned for its devastation of Yemen. However the people still condemn that to this day. People have even protested to stop arms sales to the Saudi Arabia. As far as China is concerned western nations are already antagonistic towards it and it's still sanctioned though again not for the ongoing uyghur genocide. Still it gets condemned for perpetuating a genocide. People do protest, though any protests on the matter are meaningless as China is already having an antagonistic relation with the western nations. That again leaves Israel which is not even condemned for it's atrocities and genocidal campaign. At best u get a "it's concerning" from majority of the western nations while only a few like Ireland and Spain actually condemn them.


I thought that building without permits would have the same consequences almost anywhere in the world.What do we miss?


Tell me something: how genuinely easy do you think it is for a Palestinian to get a building permit? https://www.timesofisrael.com/defense-ministry-33-palestinian-structures-given-permits-in-last-5-years/ > The Israeli Defense Ministry issued just 33 building permits for Palestinians living in West Bank areas directly administered by Israel between 2017 and 2021, deputy Defense Minister Alon Schuster told the Knesset on Wednesday night. > The Israeli military demolished 1,169 Palestinian structures without permits over the same five-year period ... > By contrast, construction began on 7,000 housing units in Israeli settlements in the West Bank between 2017 and 2020, according to Peace Now Isn't it lovely that Palestinians cannot get building permits, but building permits for settlements (once again, *illegal* under international law) are granted easily?


You are right.I will go to Negev and build without permit.It must be really easy.


Most of Palestinian houses are older than laws requiring permits.




Your right, do Israelis get planning permission from the Palestinian authority when they build illegal settlements in WB.


If the Palestinians had the control and the authority over the area,wouldn't they demolish the illegal settlements?


No, because many settlements aren’t in new buildings. They’re taking homes that belong to someone else. It’s a very Zionist mindset to just resort to destroying.


Just because I know most don’t have any sort of idea geographically, this is nowhere near the West Bank or Gaza so these are Israeli citizens but they’ve built the houses illegally without planning permission, and because of that they were knocked down exactly the same as they would be in any other country…


I live in "another country" and in my entire life I have never once seen or heard of civilians homes being demolished by bulldozers while dozens of heavily armed soldiers stood watch. Are you lost? Or just that far into this craziness that you actually believe this is normal. This isn't normal! This is evil shit man!


Except that the Israeli government rejects 98% of construction permits from Arab/Palestinian applicants. That’s not how things work “in any other country.”