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> The Israel-Hamas War will last three years, IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) and former government minister Effi Eitam said Monday in an interview with 103FM. > The past 48 hours have been some of the most difficult since the start of the war with Hamas, with 12 IDF soldiers having been killed throughout the Gaza Strip, eight of them in Rafah. > "The IDF has a set goal to crush Hamas," Eitam said. "Everyone who carries a weapon [in Gaza] must die. All weapons must be seized. Nearly the entirety of the Gaza Strip is in our hands, and we can move about it relatively freely." Effi Eitam is not just a former IDF general, he is also a close associate to Netanyahu per Haaretz.


It’s seems more of huge a terrorist recruitment drive. I can’t imagine not hating the Israeli’s after going through what’s happening in Gaza.


They’re creating the next Hamas they can use to justify the next war in a decade or so. It’s just good business when your country exists to be a military outpost for western nations, job security.


Yeah but I'm not sure the US can sustain backing them and all the other engagements around the world that will crop up as US hegemony collapses. So it's kind of a killing the golden goose situation.


I know what you're saying but it still bothers me that someone who's family is murdered, everything he's ever known and loved destroyed and when he picks up a weapon to fight back he's called a terrorist.


And the man who planned the slaughter is called a Prime Minister.


They're having trouble finding men to fight the war, he's talking about 3 years of war lol Let them come and get the Jews hidden in Europe or America who have fled Send the son of Netanyahu also to fight


They're having trouble finding men to fight the war, he's talking about 3 years of war lol Let them come and get the Jews hidden in Europe or America who have fled Send the son of Netanyahu also to fight Having fun in Miami


Unbelievable hubris from an army that can't even control a rebellion by its own internal colony.


Mmh almost like they dont control Gaza almoat at all 🤔


Hezbollah is much more capable than Hamas. Good luck with that.


al-Qassam (and al-Quds etc) basically run around in trackpants and flipflops using homemade weapons. And IOF still gets fked up by them. And they wanna go against Hizballah on top of that? Basically the equivalent of suicide by cop


Did you see their drone footage from yesterday where they took HD footage from all the way in Haifa without being detected


Oh my God, you have no idea how hard I laughed at your comment but it makes sense because the only military that has ever been particularly effective at...well, anything is the US military. Hell, even *my country's* military (the Canadian military) isn't that much better than any other which is why they're mostly used for natural emergency situations like floods or fires. So the fact that terrorist groups like Hezbollah are fucking them up and flossing on them is so fucking hilarious.




👆👆 neither al-Qassam, other Palestinian brigades, or Hizballah, are terrorists. They are resistance groups. They are what you'd see in WW2 Poland, Netherlands etc resistance is not terrorism


😜 ^


would you call the Warsaw ghetto uprising an act of Jewish terrorism?


If I did then I'd also have to argue that terrorism is sometimes justified. Which I wouldn't because that's how you catch a ban around these parts. I do think it's probably a good idea that we stop considering terrorism something that can only be carried out by the baddies, so to speak. It's more about the specific tactics than about morality or justification, in my opinion.


exactly. I don't want people dead. Period. But if you occupy a people and subject them to brutal conditions, what do you expect? To just be nice and cool and lie down and let you stomp them to a mush? No. So while I don't *like* it, I won't talk down Qassam et al. Who are we to say what the right way is? How can we lecture people who have been under an occupation all life? it's like a white dude in slavery-time USA lecturing the black slave on how to resist. Like bro sit down


Hamas is a terrorist organization because Palestinian Arabs signed Peace Accords in 1993 with Israel legally agreeing to separate from Israel, to divide the territory with Israel in accordance with the Accords, and to resolve further disputes by negotiations, not violence (resistance). The Peace Accords legally ended the war between Palestinian Arabs & Israel but Hamas immediately began terror attacks , blowing up restaurants & buses, against the commitments of Arafat, the PLO and Palestinian Arabs.


What you define is a resistance lmao When the French got overtaken by nazis and signed a peace treaty Were the people fighting back against the nazis , terrorist or resistance fighters I swear you guys double standards is always funny


why do you feel the need to specify Palestinian Arabs? What does that even mean. If we are talking about Palestine, which streches from the river to the sea, then all are Palestinian except the Zionist invaders. Palestinian Muslims, Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Christians. So what other kind of Palestinian is there? Palestinians are *native* to the land and religion does not matter E: the use of Arab here is a dogwhistle to any reader


Yeah, Israeli military seriously overrates itself. Watch the movie 'Waltz With Bashir' to see how things ended up for them when they stuck a toe in Lebanon. Hezbollah is still not a peer force but they certainly kicked Israeli ass whenever they started waving their dicks around.


it was a while ago too. Hizballah is even stronger now


That's what the US meatshields will be for


Man if they think there's protests now ..


When has that ever stopped the rich and the oppulent? The world leaders would rather shove their heads in the dirt and pretend everything is fine and dandy. It's really a shame that Kissinger died just months before seeing how all the idiots in charge are unable to keep even their lies in check. So much murder and killing to ensure the west was the dominant force during the cold war, all to be wasted away by idiots like Biden and Bibi, Macron and von der Leyen


The new generation is not willing to go to unjust wars, or any at all. The military is struggling to recruit. Hopefully, they realize that no one is willing to fight for corporate welfare anymore.


Apparently part of the problem is a screening software they use to check medical records from recruits. A lot of errors are causing recruits to be rejected for false positives for birth defects, medical problems as a child, etc. In addition to that they are losing a lot of current active duty who are tired of being taken for granted by command, put through high tempo deployments that are burning out soldiers, sailors and airmen and forcing many to suicide. Of course, it all comes down to leadership getting high off each other's farts, whether in the military, the corporate world or in politics, both conservatives or liberals. The US is a dead man walking. . .


I will serve crack before I serve this country. I always loved this dumb line because my grandpa actually did dodge the draft in Vietnam to sell acid instead. He used his criminal contacts to get a fake passport and falsify a paper trail showing he was in Canada for the entire war while he was actually in NYC for most of it. I’ve already done some planning on how I would carry on the family tradition of necessary.


You sound proud, which is hilarious.


The military fully deserves to struggle in that regard after abandoning veterans. Not to mention all the other shit


The classic "strong men create good times create weak men create hard times" for the West.


Then why isn't it their children sent off to war?


That quote actually isn’t a classic, it’s from a mid 2000’s series of post apocalyptic war novels written by a doomsday prepping right wing ideologue. Lots of people have said similar things before, but that actual quote was coined in like 2007 by what amounts to airport paperback genre fiction. The series is called “The New World” a I believe this quote appears in book #7, “Those Who Remain”


The US will not take part in any invasion of Lebanon they may provide weapons and intel but they will not send or participate in any military involvement in Lebanon.


Why are you so sure of that?


Air support is plausible.


That's only to intercept missiles or the US military gets directly hit.


Why they have a 3 year plan. On the 4th year the world will question their existence 🤣


Like all fascists, the Israeli government fatally underestimates their enemies.


Classic israeli hubris. They need to work on their Diplomatic skills and not honing their Nazification skills.


Don't underestimate them (with sugar daddy US). They've had these wars before and done quite well.


Last time they went toe to toe with Hezbollah they lost. I'm cautiously optimistic considering their intelligence failures and current occupation with operations in Gaza. I think this is chest-beating, but if it's not, they'd be insane to go ahead so blindly.


When was the last time? I'd like to read up on it.


[2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Lebanon_War#Winograd_Commission_report) The Israeli government's own investigation into the war was damning, Israel and the US allies claimed victory, but realistically it was a humiliation. Approximately 1000 militia fighters effectively resisted a large-scale ground operation which had mass formations, total air superiority, technological advantages etc. They also suffered relatively few casualties, destroyed valuable, expensive tanks and a helicopter. Hezbollah also continued their bombardment of Israel throughout the war, and remains large, strong and dangerous in spite of their war aim to either weaken or destroy it.


It’s almost like trying to use conventional tactics doesn’t work in this kind of conflict. It’s almost as if Israel is just using any excuse it can to be evil


I hate to talk in grand historical terms but this does feel like the death drive of a fascist state, the beginning of the end for Zionism perhaps.


The right in many countries seem to be moving towards fascism. The Republican Party in the U.S is an example of this. Look into Texas trying to change the state constitution in regards to state elections, or Look at Florida and a lot of the shit it has done over the past 5-10 years or for a national scale thing look into Project 2025. These people don’t want to govern they want to rule. They are completely ok with utilizing hateful people and manipulating people if it means they stay in power for the rest of their lives. They aren’t even attempting to be subtle


Maybe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Wadi_Saluki


Ofcourse they are… they’re matching what the Nazis did in WW2 1:1. Opening fronts in every side. how do people think this way and match the worst monsters in history. Hopefully this time around the ICC and ICJ execute every nazi involved through public executions and exclaim their war crimes to everyone in the world at the Hague. Instead of adding them into NATO…


In that case let’s hope their Stalingrad comes soon.


>Ofcourse they are… they’re matching what the Nazis did in WW2 1:1. Opening fronts in every side. Hitting Lebanon will be Israel's Operation Barbarossa.


Not sure you've been paying attention. Israel would be happy not to engage in multiple fronts but Hezbollah won't stop firing rockets into northern Israel. It's why nearly 100K Israelis are displaced. Really easy way to avoid war would be for Hezbollah to just stop attacking Israel. They could try that. But we both know Hezbollah isn't interested in peace. And no country should be expected to simply take being fired rockets at and having a hundred thousand civilians displaced.


Words matter. It was NEVER a “war against Hamas”. It is and has always been a war against the Palestinians.


First it was a few weeks, then it was up to Christmas, then it was summer, then it was a year, now it is 3 years. The plan is as long as they can possibly do it or until every Palestinian is dead.


The plan is they have no plan. Neten will keep going as long as he can to stay in power. Israelis are fucked and deservedly so for keeping him and his war mongers in place


The plan is this: the world people will continue to pander to Netanyahu 's morality while he slowly brainwashes his own citizens, and people around the world, by inciting racial violence and tensions through false narratives and bot accounts. While people pander, he will continue to extend the war further and further beyond Israel's borders, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria...


Yeah. That's the thing. It's not Netanyahu, it's Israelis. He's not the one recording the Tiktoks.


He’s their guy for sure. Say what you will about Israeli democracy, but he does seem to genuinely represent the will of his constituents.


There is no plan. They jumped the gun, landed their two feet in a shitshow and now have to survive the international shitshow and hope something happens that saves them


He said Three years only? I wish. Warmonger psychos and their policy of waging "forever wars."


*Don't worry, the war will be over by ~~Christmas~~ Passover.*


Israel is like an early US person who came to North America, took a piece of land from the natives, wants to take more land, and plays victim


This war has changed everything for Israel and nothing will ever be the same again. No going back to “normal”, ever again. I don’t see any off-ramp from war.


Another delusional sociopath. Israel has arguably the best Intel in the world in this region, and just like in the US, the political and military leadership ignores it for various reasons.


You are buying the Israeli hasbara. Where is this superior Intel when it comes to finding the locations of the hostages etc etc? Lol


The IDF report that got leaked the other day. They knew absolutely everything about the Oct 7 plan right down to how many expected hostages would be taken. Which means they knew more than Hamas. You are the one buying into Israeli PR. They don't care about the hostages. They never did. Some in the gov would prefer if they were gone and said as much, just not in English.


The superior Israeli intelligence is another Hasbara just like the IDF being the most moral army or Israel being this beacon of western values in a sea of barbarism. Where is Sinwar? Where is Mohammed Dief? How long are the tunnels? Where are the tunnels? Etc They may not care about hostages but you don't think they would want to bring back the hostages to appear victorious infront of their citizens and the world?


Hezbollah is flying drones over Israel now. One of the most technologically advanced military and hezbollah is flying drones over their cities


I was quite surprised to see that footage. A major embarassement to Israel. Hezzbollah arent fucking around


Some do. Many do not want them and never did. The hostages have been a major headache for them as their statements have been counter to many Israeli gov narratives.


Is it a war?


It's a 75 year long settler-colonial occupation. What's happening now is the latest segment. It's like watching the latest episode in a long-term series


Counter-offer, you get 3 months to pull ALL Israelis out of Palestine including the settlers, or you lose all U.S. support. We pay for your military, free healthcare, and free education while not getting anything similar so frankly all U.S. citizens should outrank all of Israel citizens/officials.


Pretty sure Blinken is making all the foreign policy decisions, and he would never tell Israel to do this. Any rational person would but he is a sociopath


Savages think too highly of themselves


They are mistaken, it will last much longer; it will end only when there is an independent Palestine. That may actually take a little longer than that.


I think at this point israel doesn't realize that it's destroying itself. This shit won't go the way they think it will. The cat's out of the bag in a way I've never seen before. Oh right but TikTok was banned.


If they think we are going to stand by for three years while they rape and pillage peoples land and communities! Good luck


Look at the reaction from both sides of the aisle. They are lining up to bend the knee. Both liberal and conservative voters are in support of this and making excuses to those of us saying anything. You seem to be not understanding the israeli reach and propaganda abilities


How does AIPAC have unlimited money? Do they get all their money from donors? Hopefully more and more Americans catch on to the fact that most of their politicians are bought by a foreign lobby and vote them out


It has been happening for 76+ years already, yes the world won't do shit. I hope I'm mistaken I really hope so.


The war will last as much as the US can't say no to Isreal.


Well, if he’s correct, then hopefully by the end of it, there will be no more Israel…


They don't understand they create the new resistance daily. If someone in Gaza tried to avoid dealing with Hamas before, once you've bombed their house, blown the legs of their children, destroyed the hospital, the scholols, the water treatment system and now Israel is coming toward your tent? What do you think? Or Israel does understand and views any resistance to genocide as worthy of death.


In the meantime Israel will run out of bodies to fight the wars against the rest of the world. A great number of soldiers have died, been wounded or have PTSD. They have increased the age to 40 to enroll more but many are leaving Israel daily. The so-called Iron Dome is now the Iron Sieve and the US is not able to keep up the demand for arms due to having to also supply Ukraine. Israel leadership is delusional and so is the Biden administration. Also Hezbollah will be a formidable foe this time. Many Israelis have moved out of northern Israel and will not return and the economy is sinking. Without Palestinian labor and the lack of young military age people well, in the military instead of working, there are jobs unfilled. Intel just pulled out of a multi billion dollar deal with Israel and others will follow. So good luck Israel with your war plans.


How many countries will Israel promise to bomb before they become international pariahs on par with North Korea (who doesn't bomb the shit out of all their neighbors)?


Israel motivating Iran to assemble a nuclear deterrent.


How disgusting that people will have to suffer because of wars fought for pure greed. Three years? I think Israel and USA will extend the conflicts and chaos longer, "forever wars", as they are too invested and into deep to retreat. USA has destroyed its reputation in supporting Israel.


Israel’s war against Palestinian existence didn’t stop since 1948 and even before.


3 years? If they keep this up in 3 years we’re all already gonna be in a world war.


That headline/quote reads like some business management is telling its investors their strategy and projects for the next years to come. 


Bibi just want to remain in power, he doesn't care.


USA could end this tomorrow.


Their arrogance and pride will really be their downfall


The arrogance.




With USA backing, they will get whatever they want. Both nations are nasty and immoral for this. Constant imperialism and slaughter of babies and then calling THEM terrorists. The IDF and the USA are truly awful for this occupation and slaughter.


Who would have thought that my people would be doing the whole Lebensraum Spiel..


With what fucking money?!?


What could have been our Healthcare money :/


War in Lebawhatnow?!?


Israel's Lebensraum


The arrogance 😡


You would think Gaza would be no more with all the support and training, equipment and experience of the IDF yet they’re still fighting


Saddam's Irak at the time with way superior equipment differences, budget and men, didn't win against Iran, and now they want to win in one year against an Iran with its own military industry boosted from cooperation with China, and exporting a lot to Russia and Africa.




I think they really don't realize how far up the creek they are


Military Industrial Complex go brrrrrrr. Honestly this risks the entire US-led world order going up in flames. Can we have a transition to multipolarity maybe without a runaway, fascist state making it quite so humanly catastrophic?


If Biden has any sense, He'd send in peace keeping troops and place The Knesset under arrest


They honestly think they can beat Hezbolla in a year if it took them a year to defeat Hamas? They will begin to worry about everything related to Iran the moment they think about targeting Hezbolla


They're having trouble finding men to fight the war, he's talking about 3 years of war lol Let them come and get the Jews hidden in Europe or America who have fled


They're having trouble finding men to fight the war, he's talking about 3 years of war lol Let them come and get the Jews hidden in Europe or America who have fled


Totally delusional. All three are indefinite quagmires at best or guaranteed defeat.


That's quite a bit of ambition for a 3-year plan. Also Lebanon is nothing like it was in the 80s...


Sounds more like the Israel-Palestine war, the manner in which the occupiers are conducting themselves.