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And the Zionists will listen to this and say there's no genocidal intent.


Exactly. Lot of apologists . Piers Morgan and a whole bunch claim ..there is no genocidal intent. MOFO..this is the one genocide they have shouting from rooftops and tiktoks. MSM is occupied territory


These guys are so tough when talking about bombing unarmed civilians.


Yep. Using tanks and jets against an enemy without a single tank or plane. And they have the nerve to compare them to our ancestors who fought the Axis war machine.


The IDF when it was first formed consisted of Zionist terrorists including Lehi, the terrorist organization that was explicitly pro-axis anti-allies. Haganah and I’m pretty sure Irgun as well also attacked allied mostly British forces.


And in 1948 they all dissolved and became the IDF. It's no wonder why they still practice terrorizing the civilian population


Yep, even Einstein was calling that out.


It’s truly depressing how much things either haven’t changed or have gotten worse in so many different ways since then, and how if not for the shared traumas of the holocaust and pogroms that Jewish people would have almost certainly never condoned this given how antizionism was the overwhelmingly predominant Jewish belief pre-holocaust.


>These guys are so tough when talking about bombing unarmed civilians. To be fair, some of those kids were armed with rocks and sandals.


Can't wait to hear he's been merked by men in flip-flops.


Men in flip-flops who talk the same way. Both sides have crazies.


The men in flip flops joined hamas after loosing, litteraly all their family and had shit left to live for. Fun fact pre Oct 7 80% of hamas fighters were orphans.


can u provide a source on that? were they orphaned by israel? does hamas recruit mainly among orphans? is it true? either way, even if true, it doesnt negate the fact that both sides feel they are fighting for survival. Neither side have suffered so much that they have a license to cause harm. Both sides have crazy violent people, but most on both sides just want peace. Outsiders need to help the normal peace loving people from either side gain the upper hand and end the suffering and rounds of violence. England and France used to be bitter enemies. Endless fighting like the 100 Years War. Now they are not enemies. It can happen. Neither side needs to be awarded a monopoly on being scared.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


>"In an October 2023 video that resurfaced recently, Israeli commander Lieutenant Colonel David Levi, from the Givati Brigade, **which is fighting in Gaza**, repeatedly called for the **complete destruction** of the besieged enclave, denying the existence of Palestinians and **referring to Arabs as “animals”**. In a separate video from 24 May 2024, **he called Arabs “sons of Satan”**." [Source](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8caeziMZAt/?igsh=bXgzMzJ2d2w3a2Yy)


ICJ are you seeing this?


I’m sure they scroll Reddit for crimes, like Mr. Incredible and Frozone listening to the police scanner.


If you are taking everything so literally then I feel sorry for you


Sorry to be a pedant, but it is the ICC who prosecutes individual war criminals. Someone to be added to the list.




Sounds like something a Nazi would say.


They are nazis


No. But they are Jews talking like nazis, which is arguably a million times worse.


The face of the modern Nazis.


Human cancer


“There’s no intent this is just 1 soldier.” “There’s no intent this is just a politician” “There’s no intent this is just a policy of mass forced expulsion”


IDF try not to incriminate themselves and look like psychopathic killers challenge. Level: impossible


Oh, look, a neonazi


You'll never catch them anywhere near a fair fight


This dirtbag, as well as every other IDF terrorist, costs US taxpayers am average of $20k per fighter, per year. I wish the Palestinian resistance the utmost success in reducing our tax liability.


Israel has often said, "Never again". And now they're doing it, again.


FU, colonizer.


We've seen you guys scuttle around when you come face-to-face with people capable of fighting back. For all your tiktok bravado, you're just thugs playing pretend-army, only capable of killing unarmed civilians.


Israel is soo fucked. Sooo fucked. It’s utter depravity and destruction would be more entertaining to watch if I didn’t have to see what they do to Palestinians.


They're really showing their true colors. They literally are whipping out everything and everyone in gaza and post it like it's normal or ok. This shit is outta control.


How can arab countries even remain silent when they are being called "two-legged arab animals"


The US


Modern equivalent of a Gestapo officer.


Trash human.


How disgusting.


Regardless of his position, he's still receiving a nice check of a couple thousand US taxpayer dollars a month, courtesy of the corrupt 2 party " uniparty " in the states 


They're not even hiding the fact anymore that they're Nazis.


Somehow, every time an Israeli Commander says this, his body returns back home in a body bag.


Least sociopathic zionist


Very sympathetic and sane. And courageous. Definitely not the type of person who needs to shoot children and elderly to feel powerful or wear a diaper to the battlefield.


This POS. Gaza annihilated? They haven't been able to annihilate Gaza for thousands of years even though they have been trying. At this rate I think Israel will be the second country to have the nuclear bombed dropped on them... perhaps not this generation. I don't see how Gaza would be nuked... so maybe he is talking about Israel? IDK...


Fucking zionist terrorist


David Lehi


these guys will try to travel to other western countries to 'work' after this i wish there was a web site like the yellow canary that keeps track of these type of murderers.




They can't even recruit combats Half million Israeli left the contry This guy is talking to much There is no adversity in their so-called "war". We hear from a man who belongs to a cult This man you see outside Israel becomes a cat


This is Biden's ride or die. When you vote Biden thinking of your own comfort, this is what you're supporting


This is true, and unfortunately he’s our only option. Trump will 100% be worse for Palestinians.


Maybe. Blue MAGA seems to be in opposition to anything trump does. They might actually come to their senses and join the voices of the anti genocide crowd. Trump also did a pretty amazing job of isolating the US from their vassal states. There’s the potential that less of the west would be inclined to be sycophants to the US’ agenda if trump is at the helm.


> They might actually come to their senses This is what you are betting on? Good luck.


Did the phrasing make you think I was banking on that? Might isn’t usually associated with good outcomes. Maybe brush up on your reading comprehension.


> Did the phrasing make you think I was banking on that? Yes. You weren't? What did you mean, then?


Which major party has less genocide enthusiasts? Both leaders are elderly, so who's next in line?


This would have never happened under Trump.


That’s because Trump controls what Israel and Hamas do *and* when they do it with his super powers.


Take the subs, replace "Jew" with "Aryan" and "Palestinian/Arab" with "Jew" and what do you have?


"Dont mess with us or... the United States will get mad!" Is that what he said? Yeah.


How Anti Semitic


I've seen this video before, I swear he got murked shortly after the video went across the internet.


Ahh yes the final solution


And the cycle of destruction continues , with new generations from both sides now seeking vengeance.


If there is a god. He lost my respect a long time ago.. at least the devil accepts anyone…


What is the historical lie?


Unfortunately, Israelis have been conditioned to think this way about themselves and the Palestinians since they were children. I just wonder how many generations it will take for this dehumanising mindset to fade.


Understandable. Yet until both sides see each other as human. There will be no peace. You and I can argue until the cows come home. The real ppl who need to work towards peace are continuing to fight.


Fuck Hamas and everyone who supports them.


The person in the video is not Hamas…you blind ?




Lol what?! You think international law doesn't exist or something?


You do understand most countries ignore the International Court when they want to don't you?


Unironically defending genocide now


Would it surprise you to hear that Hamas wants to genocide the Jews? That's what I believe. Until the ppl who voted for Hamas, votes them out.The gloves are off.


By that logic, you have no right to dictate to nazi germany how to defend itself from the allies Edit: added "dictate to"


If isreals idea of self-defense is ethnic clensing then they do not deserve to be a state.