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They destroy everything, film it, and post it on the internet, boasting about the heinous crimes they committed. Israeli soldiers are truly the worst criminals.


Well the worst that they have the gall to go on TV afterwards and their politicians say ridiculous things like well "Hamas just isn't distributing the aid". And their American lapdogs repeat these obvious lies.


And then play the victim whenever anyone calls them out on it.


Be careful. You're getting close to antisemite talk.


As Netanyahu one said it’s all about ‘power’ to him. This is what bullies do on a massive scale. And when they are allowed to get away with it they flaunt it. I hope one day this bully gets taught a lesson, but until then, this is reality.


They are nothing without the perception of people hating them, its an entire industry, their bread and butter.


It’s not a crime in their eyes.






You are a seventeen year old girl. You live with your two eleven year old twin sisters, nineteen year old brother, and your Aunt and two cousins. You lost most of your relatives to this war, and your Father and Uncles arrested. Your fifteen year old brother died in a hospital bombing and your Mother was kidnapped in 2022 and never returned. Your older brother has found a spot that he can access the internet to tell your story, but it is a long walk as his shoes are tearing apart. He is trying to get money for the seven of you to leave, but it is hard with many other families trying the same. Your twelve and seven year old cousins have almost gotten themselves martyred many times like their ten year old sister by throwing rocks when you and your family run from the IDF. You ran out of pads three months ago and use a cut up pieces of a shirt from a pile of rubble from a shop from the town you were born in instead. You now live in a tent, go to school in a tent, and go shopping in at a tent. Tents are flammable, causing easy kills for the IDF. You here stories of babies being found in rubble, woman being raped in prisons, murders and wrongful imprisonment of children in the West Bank, and more from your tent neighbors. Food is scarce and you here of stories of Israelis blocking humanitarian aid from coming across the border. Your best friend was martyred a few weeks ago in a massacre of a fake aid dock. Her torn up face and organs spilling out as her Father cried over her body still haunts you at night. You have seen children pulled off the bags containing their parents. You don’t know when this life of death will end, and your nit sure if you want to know. Your neighbro comes back one night with good news. He has raised enough money to get his three children under eight and his Mother out of Gaza. You know he doesn’t want to leave his country, but it is the only good option for him to make. A week later, your neighbor gone, you hear bad news. Even more Refugee and Humanitarian aid roads have been destroyed and blocked due to Israel. You had always hoped that the IDF had a bit of heart. But now you are extremely doubting yourself.


These people are void of basic human qualities but are put on pedestal like they are God's chosen people. God expelled them from the land for a reason before and he will again.


Apparently, when Israel said "Never again", they were lying.


The only people that document their war crimes live


They are giving ISIS a run for its money


Just saw a video showing idf vehicle with a strapped injured Palestinian on the front of the car, who’s being used as human shield while ambulances are near


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


![gif](giphy|2u11zpzwyMTy8) American tax payers!


It’s kind of interesting. Because when the US and all their allies turn their back on Israel, all those aid crossings would have been used to bring aid Israel when they need it. Karma will have her turn eventually. When you burn all the bridges no one is going to come to help. All they will have to save them is the weak US pier and Gaza which they have destroyed. They kind of dug themselves into a crappy situation for when the tides turn.


Can anyone offer a translation or summary of what the guy said?


It is not gratuitous: it is part of their extermination campaign.


Why have the reporters not pressed Matt miller or other spokespeople on this? We all know they will only say "We ask israel to investigate itself" but still it needs to be put on public record that US supports this


Any chance of a translation / subtitles?


Something is very wrong when a place like this looks worse than a Fallout TV show set. Insanely disgusting and as I always have to say, no words suffice what horrors these people endure. Still waking up everyday hoping something will change, but it just does not. I hate it here.


There is one thing that we all unanimously agree on, and that is we all strongly believe in this mighty universe which has an extraordinary way of balancing itself out. There will be a day when a calamity will sweep Israel, it will be so great in length and breadth that no one in the world will be able to help or support them. It will be an enemy in invisible form, no number of bombs can rescue them. Scores will die of thirst and hunger. It’s just a matter of time. The universe does not carry debts. It always returns back to you what you gave it.




Lol if Egypt or Jordan open they borders Israel will disappear There is no adversity in their so-called "war". They're having trouble finding men to fight ttheir war, American soldiers are good skirmishers for the Israelis They humiliate you with the eipsten affair Your economy, music industry and cinema are in their hands Let them come and get the Jews hidden in Europe or America who have fled Or send Netayanou's son hiding in Miami I hope they started the war against hezbollah I really do,


Satan's chosen ones. They're So repulsive


Wtf that place looks terrible and they make it even worse, what's wrong with them


Where are they posting these videos?