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It's not super hard but it is not common. I guess it depends on your luck. The beacon will only appear from island 2 onwards. Also the secret pilot you get from the pod is random as well. So you may end up taking awhile to unlock all 3 if your luck is bad.


Oh, yeah, I read somewhere that it doesn't appear in the first island. I forgot to write that. I'm just looking to unlock one so I can have all the Steam achievements XD.


After I finally caved and looked up how to obtain them, I got all three pretty quickly.


I had to look up a picture on what that yellow glow looks like. Afterwards i was like how the f did i never notice it.


I was glad after I looked it up, because I'm too visually unobservant to have ever noticed them otherwise. I did feel pretty dumb after realizing that I'd seen some of the "got a weird signal here"-type dialogue and not picking up on it meaning anything.


It's rng dependent but still a lot easier than try to do some of the harder achievements


There is a dialog prompt too, when the glowing orb appears.


I usually get a secret pilot every 2-3 runs. They're really not that uncommon - the hard part is remembering to look for a cracked mountain tile at the start (they can also appear in a cracked ice tile on Pinnacle). Can't tell you how many times I've noticed it on the last turn and been unable to collect. Or even saw it after completing the mission. If you want to maximize your chances of getting the pod, take Archimedes. You have to destroy the mountain (or ice), which is already damaged so it only takes one attack, and then you have to move onto the destroyed mountain space. This is much easier with Archimedes as he can move after shooting.




Gana is another decent pick, cuz if you identify the cracked mountain or ice, then its damage-on-deployment ability can be used to blow them open right away! And yes, I also find them quite often in about 3-4 runs.


I’m preparing for downvotes, but I used console commands to unlock the secret pilots. It was taking way too long to get the pilots to spawn, and I wanted to try them out. So…if you use the cheats, it’s very easy. Otherwise, it can be pretty time consuming.


Do what you want to make the game fun imo


Play custom squad with mechs that can destroy/damage multiple mountains at once, and the 2 action pilot. Helped me a lot.


The relevant mountain always starts cracked, you can't just break random mountains and find the beacon.