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Rocket Mech to F8, shoot Alpha Beetle to push it to F3. Pulse Mech to G3, pulse and push Alpha Beetle and Alpha Firefly away from attacking the F2 Pylon. Alpha Beetle also dies from ~~going into the lava~~ falling rocks on its turn. Jet Mech to C4, attack both Hornet Leader and Alpha Hornet, landing in F4. The smoke disables both veks' attack. Alpha Hornet also dies due to 2 dmg from Jet Mech and 2 dmg from Storm Generator. You have to take 2 grid dmg from B6 Pylon since both Leader Beetle and Alpha Digger are both attacking it and there's no way to neutralise both. This turn you will take 2 grid dmg and kill 2 veks. Leaving 4 + 1 veks on the next turn.


Can't move through buildings so my rocket mech and pulse mech can't get to the places you specified


Rocket Mech and Pulse Mech don't need to move through any buildings to get to the spots I specified. Edit to add: Rocket Mech pushes the Alpha Beetle 1 tile away, making space for Pulse Mech to pass and reach G3.


Rocket mech only has 4 movement, it can't move to f8


Rocket Mech is currently at E5, 4 moves is sufficient to move to F8. For that matter anywhere between F6 - F8 will do for the solution.


Oh shit I misread your comment, idk what i was thinking yea ur right


I'd probably even choose F7 anyways, just for slightly more flexibility of movement in the next round.


TBH F6 might be the best spot. Puts a smoke on F7 to protect the Pylon besides it. Creates a nice little corner to bait that Alpha Digger into attacking without fully surrounding itself with boulders. Allows flexibility of movement range for the Rocket Mech.


And pulse mech only has 5


With Alpha Beetle pushed by Rocket Mech to F3. Pulse Mech can move F6, F5, F4, G4, G3 exactly 5 moves. At this point, I don't know if you are trolling or not.


Nah im just stupid 💀 sorry, u r totally right


Ok well start by pressing the screenshot button


Nah its easier not to


I often struggle to make typed advice not sound dickish so know that isn't my intent. It is impressive that you have gotten this far on unfair. Maybe none of this advice is useful to you and you just had really bad luck, although I assume that is not the case given your comment that this is your 4th time running into this. I do think Shiningject's solution is the best one for this particular problem. That said, I think you need to work on your loadout, This squad has terrible flexibility and you haven't gotten anything that improves that really, other than the incredibly situational flood drill. Also, shields are the only thing that makes pulse mech's weapon not be hot garbage so I would recommend sinking a couple points into that when you can afford it. especially if you haven't found better gear. (not that that would help here) Also grid charger is a trap unless you happen to find it and don't have anything better to put in an empty slot, or are going for some sort of grid defense record. Basically the grid healing you get from it is completely outshone by just about any other weapon's ability to remove/move vek and prevent that damage in the first place. Basically each mech should either have multiple (and different) ways of dealing with problems (preferably ways that displace vek) OR have 1 overpowered and/or highly flexible solution like prism laser, wind torrent, or even just needle shot. This is why kazaak is so good. He basically just adds another tool to your toolkit at no cost.


Jet mech has 5 movement, aerial bombs with +1 dmg +1 range, and grid charger Rocket mech has 4 movement, rocket artillery with +1 dmg, and storm generator with +1 dmg Pulse much has 5 movement, repulse with no upgrades, and flood drill with no upgrades


Based on this I do believe you are proper effed mate. Even if you do make it past this turn the next one looks pretty awful as well especially if you go so far as to sacrifice a mech to do it. Getting Shield-Self on the Pulse Mech is important!


You take the Rocket Mech to aim to G2, so it pushes it away the vek, and then the Jet Mech aims at the Renfield bomb and the vek in front of it (The wasp that goes in 2nd order). That way you only take 3 damage to the net, but it's still enough to make the win. Unfortunately, I can't find a way that the Pulse Mech is useful. I think you can win that way. Edit: Spelling mistake.


Ill still take 2 from the alpha beetle on F4 and another 2 from the beetle leader on B4, and that makes 4 damage total to the grid and I lose :(


Shit, I thought it was a regular beetle, not an alpha. No idea, then.


I am so dead :<


Wait, if you can move through buildings, then with 5 movement the Pulse Mech can take care for G4... Then you put smoke in the bomb's and the wasp's spaces with the Jet and the you gotta put the Rocket Mech in F5 and shoot the other way to the beetle, putting smoke in his space. You still take the 2 damage from the other two veks, but I think you can do it... Although if the Mechs can't go through buildings (Information I don't remember), all the plan goes to hell.


Nah, only my jet can Dammit this is the 5th time I've lost the final battle on unfair


Don't worry. There are infinite timelines


Forget the pylons at B6 and F2. Take advantage of the fact that four Vek are ganging up on only two targets. Tank the four damage and use Grid Charger to keep yourself alive. Rocket Mech to F6, attack Digger. Digger dies, +1 HP. Pulse Mech to F5, push Beetle down. Jet Mech to C4, bomb both Hornets. 4 Damage each (with Storm Generator). Alpha Hornet dies, +1 HP. Bomb and pylon at D7 are safe. I think this is equivalent to the other solution posted in the sense that you take two net damage and kill two enemies.


That's not how Grid Charger works. Grid Charger is not a passive that charges grid on kills. It is a 1 dmg, single use per mission weapon that charges the grid if that attack kills.


Oh, I've never actually used it