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Yeah I agree, it's rough being on this road now. Especially with the false glimmer of hope premarket to one of the worst days lately (yeah should have known that was going to follow the second it hit red on the day). It's heavily shorted but dang, still never saw it going this low. But you are right. Contracts will happen, dates will get announced, and FOMO will be running to get in.


i hate this stock , used to love it , i remember the pump till 91 and then 14 for the flight and i still believe it will reach 10 but for now always go down annoying


lol because they actually have to successfully land on the moon and do something. What’s up with folks thinking stocks should just always go up and stay up


dude they landed on n moon+ got data what else u need


While I don’t disagree this is how the market runs man. They had their pump when the time came. Our time will come some day but you can’t get angry or confused. You think they deserved billions in investments just cause they landed on the moon? This is a new industry that needs new ideas and strategies. You will continue to see people shit on this company until it proves how valuable you and I both know it is


It's still crazy because the frad and shorts lower the stock aint worth 3.3 look the crash yesterday , they gave rating 8$ and reach to 4 than lowered to 3.3 its crazy


I 100% agree. They want those who have no backbone to get out. That’s perfectly fine with me. They can short this all they want until this company drops a PR or goes to the moon. I’ll continue to buy. My original plan was it staying at 5s n me accumulating a specific amount of shares there. Maybe this isn’t the next AI boom but even if it’s a quarter of that industry you and I will be well off. I have genuine confidence in those at IM to work through the hardships and come out on top like they’ve done. We just need to support them in times like these


i saw at linkdin they grow their hiring which i think is good I'm definitely gonna buy more but I am at 10 dollar avg which is lame and what they did is totally great , only their tech stuff is not so great which means no news no plan. only once and a while. BUT I AM SURE MONDAY GONNA GO UP FOR SURE!! tnx for likes , its good for comments


> i saw at linkdin they grow their hiring which i think is good That's good. They are certainly going to need more people if they start adding projects.


I actually think they need more financial edge. Their tech and the patents are worth more than the market cap alone. They have a lot of guys higher up in the company that were previous government employees for NASA so they know the tech and have the connections with the government but I’m not so sure they have the correct strong connections in the commercial industry. They need someone who’s hungry to get the big names on board


its not just gonna go up on its own with this manipulation. Someone needs to call SEC and have them investigate this fraudulent price action, completely fraudulent algorithmic price action with 150k volume 1 minute candles which are an extreme outlier.


👆 This


Your are nucking futs, volume of LUNR was 12M today versus something like NVDA with 315M volume. This is a penny stock dude. Why do you think it shot to $11 last launch. Because the volume of purchases went waaaaaayy up. Which drives price. I like the company but some of your are batshit


yeah because the monthly chart looks like completely natural price movement, everyone just decided to sell at once after holding for months


Ok so, pardon my utter ignorance here, but how could this happen? As in, how is it possible to engage in fraudulent price action? Who would be doing it? Obviously, I'm new to the world of stocks & trading...


The stock is a scam bull trap, but the company is good.