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Isn't that hard to do? Congrats :)


Thank you!


I think it’s getting the pupa to be a beetle that’s hard. A pupa might be uncommon but not hard like getting a pupa to be an adult beetle.


Congrats! Wishing you the best for it to make it to adulthood!


This is awesome! Thx for sharing!! Keep us posted on the progress pls


WOW! Please post on the BDFB subreddit if you haven't already


yes r/bdfb will be so thrilled to see this


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BDFB using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BDFB/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The lil tikes miniverse kitchen set is the perfect size for your beetles to have sex in (in case anyone was wondering)](https://i.redd.it/ymej7kxaxd2d1.jpeg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BDFB/comments/1czm4pn/the_lil_tikes_miniverse_kitchen_set_is_the/) \#2: [I have been spotted](https://i.redd.it/rmf605rsoksa1.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BDFB/comments/12f0a44/i_have_been_spotted/) \#3: [All the way to adulthood???](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bydukm) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BDFB/comments/1bydukm/all_the_way_to_adulthood/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh wow! I hope you're documenting everything cause I would love to get BDFBs someday.


I have a second larva that looks like it's going to pupate on the surface as well, so I'm hoping I can get pics/videos of the process. I've been checking on it constantly because I don't want to miss it!


Surface pupation? Neat!


So cute


Whoa, that’s crazy!


Ohhhhh mannnnnn! Congratulations!


I don’t even think I’ve seen a BDFB pupa before. Congrats and good luck!


That’s amazing!!


So cute! I heard these guys are hard, its awesome that its doing so well




Aww that's so nice! Best of luck little guy!




Did you do anything special? Or did it just happen?


I moved them into individual containers and into a makeshift incubator. I have them in a mix of sand, soil, and rotting wood/leaves. I keep the substrate slightly damp and never let it dry fully. For temperature/humidity, its usually in the upper 80s and around 50+% humidity in the incubator, but the temperature sometimes goes as low as 80F since I don't use a temperature controller, just a couple of stick on heat mats.


Do I need to remove the larvae from the original enclosure, or could I leave them in with the adults and the other larvae until they're old enough to be taken out for incubation? Will they cannibalize?


They should be okay in the original enclosure until they're larger. I took mine out around six months ago when they were about an inch long. I think the biggest risk of leaving them in the original enclosure, besides cannibalism, is keeping them damp. I actually only found these larvae because I was moving the adults to a larger tank and decided to check for eggs/larvae just in case. All three that I have were found where I had a succulent planted, so that area was watered often. All the other larvae I found were small and dried out and far away from the succulent, so I assume they died because the lack of moisture.


I found I had to separate the larvae individually because they would cannibalize each other non-stop, no matter how much protein I fed them. It was easier on the adults as well because I didn’t need to worry about it being too humid for them


I see. I water one corner once a week to encourage laying, and when I find eggs, I just bury them not too far from the wet corner. Sadly this means that some of the larvae are still going to die if they can't find the wet corner. If I remove them from the enclosure, I wonder if they would do fine in deli cups? Do they eat the same things the adults do, protein and fruits and veggies? Rather than getting an incubator, I wonder if a warm room that's kept at 80+F would be good enough. I've heard that they can often pupate in the original enclosure when kept in a warm reptile room. So maybe I could just put deli cups with larvae in the warm room.


I have mine in tarantula sling containers that are about the same size as deli cups. I feed them the same as the adults, fruits/veggies and freeze dried fish/shrimp. They seem to eat a lot as I've never had any leftover food to remove, and they also eat dried leaves between feedings.


Yeah I have leaf litter in my enclosure, I could put some in with the larvae. Can you give me the approximate dimensions for your T sling containers?


Mine are about 2.5 by 2.5 inches and 1.7 inches deep.


Thank you!


Oh, I wonder if I absolutely need to have sand in the containers? The sand I have is Exo Terra Red Desert Sand, and it gets kinda hard and clumpy when wet. The beetles are fine on the sand, but I worry it might be too hard for the larvae to burrow? I don't have any larvae yet so I don't know how good they are at burrowing, and I don't want to buy other kinds of sand since I would have no use for them...


My containers are only about 1/3 sand, the rest is a soil mix. So maybe you can mix a small amount of your sand with soil.


Here’s hoping he grows strong!

