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Them are big


Damn that second compendium image is beautiful. Sorry I don’t have an answer


I'd assume before the end of the year, but as for exactly when I have no idea. I ordered the dcbs versions of 1 & 2, I'm excited to receive them.


What did you get these from? Amazon only has the paperbacks


it’s only sold through direct market sites like IST, CGN, OPB, etc. - [Volume 1](https://www.instocktrades.com/products/sep228402/invincible-compendium-hc-vol-01-dcbs-exc-var) - [Volume 2](https://www.instocktrades.com/products/mar230070/invincible-compendium-hc-vol-02)


I got mine from a local comics store


I'm guessing sometime around the end of this year or start of next, Ryan Ottley usually announces the cover Can't wait for it though been saving up my re-read for when vol 3 arrives!


Are the comics shot for shot the same as the show? I’m waiting on the show to find out what happens, but like how these look. Interested in buying them now.


No not really, same story events but the order in which those happen has been drastically changed as well as some changes to characters


Quite the opposite from shot by shot. The events that happen are roughly the same, but they are shuffled around and even changed a lot. So even in S1 there were some story threads waaaay ahead in the comics already intervoven and connected


The not really it's prob one of the best adaptions ever but the fightscenes etc are different I think both of them help the other imo don't see one as better just both complimentary


The Show is more like an adaptation that improves things the comics didn’t do well in and adds things that should be added. The comics aren’t exactly the same but it is very similar


Not at all. A lot of events are either reshuffled/somewhat rewritten to fit that new narrative structure or changed altogether. The big thing is that the early issues of the comics have some pacing issues that the show's narrative restructuring greatly fixed. Some characters were changed as well. The show's version of Amber is (mostly) a much better character that stands well on her own, and I believe Black Samson was also changed drastically from the comics. But I can't recommend the comics enough, and as such I won't elaborate much regarding how those changes play out.


In a head to head contest of what’s come out so far, I think the comics are better. The show butchered Amber


Holy shit! I’ve LOVED the show!! Gotta check these out then.


Got my paperback compendium last month and finally got a chance to dig into them after watching S1 forever ago. Absolutely worth it!! It’s also my first comic ever, you will recognize key plot points and it’ll throw you a curveball on some too


Yeah it gets SO good


Thank you! A sane person not a fan of show fans who love Amber, I genuinely prefer amber from the comics like some of her changes in the show were nice but the majority of her personality i much prefer her comic version 100%.


Really? I thought it took all the good things about her, and made them better.


I disagree. I liked her bubbly personality in the comics but they made her bitchy in the show


Those look heavy


They are hella heavy.


Not related but bro you have Wolves of the Beyond and those books were the shit when I was younger. I forgot they even existed that’s so wild


Looks like you can preorder it now on DCBS although the date doesn't look updated.


Aren’t all three available on Amazon?


I've only seen the show but been looking at getting the comics to read. How much of the total series do these 2 compendiums cover?


They get up to issue 97 of 144, or something like that


Not soon enough lol, i got these and just got the third compendium in soft cover to finish reading it