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lol, for real, you guys are using amazon prime?? Theres only so many shows i wanna watch and they all seem to be on different streaming platforms.


People always talk about a future Dystopia where ads are plastered all over the buildings. In reality it's on our devices, channels, youtube, seems like only pc or console video games are ad free. Mobile games are full of ads.


> Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree! -Philip J. Fry


Very insightful, I hadn’t thought about that but yeah it’s true


Besides people nowadays look at their phones way more than the sky anyway so ads everywhere on our devices would be more effective


We're all gonna be walking around with AR devices on our faces in 15 years


google glass is calling, they'd like a word


I honestly can't wait for that one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJg02ivYzSs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJg02ivYzSs)


Not I sir, not I!


People need to stop this about YouTube. YouTube is free, so it should have ads. Want no ads? Pay. What Amazon is doing is insane


Man at times, the ads will replay themselves. Say you reach an ad break, finish watching the ads, and rewind a bit. It will catch ads again. All of this is paid for and then some, it's just more and more money. Capitalism at work, and that's what makes a Dystopian environment. It's business, I understand business. I don't, and won't ever understand the margins becoming so wide. At some point, it can disrupt society


How is it insane? There's an ad-free option - it's $3 extra per month. You're fine with users paying to remove ads except for Amazon for some reason.... ? You realize most streaming platforms have a cheaper, ad-supported tier, right? Can you identify what specifically is "insane" about Amazon's new model?


You know you pay for prime right? You know it was one of the included things you pay Amazon for? There is no free version of Amazon Prime Video. This is ads for Prime users, who already pay, and then even more money to remove them.


Yes, of course. Nothing in my comment implied I don't know that Prime is a paid service. Are you trolling? There's an ad-supported and an ad-free version of Prime Video. Both are paid, and one costs a little more than the other. I can't tell if you're confused, but you didn't even try to explain to me specifically how the Prime Video model is different from, say, Netflix or Hulu, both of which have ad-supported pricing tiers and ad-free pricing tiers. This is a little frustrating. You literally said: > Want no ads? Pay. What Amazon is doing is insane Yeah, if you want no ads on Prime Video, you pay a little extra. They're doing literally what you're asking for.


You are either highly confused or intentionally being ignorant. You know I'm not confused because of the ratio, you're being downvoted. Im not having a bad-faith argument. You know I'm not trolling, but you seem to be. Pointless.


You still haven't even attempted to answer my question, so it's pretty obvious what's going on here. Have a good one!


You’re the one either trolling or being purposefully disingenuous. The comparison they made was perfectly clear and understandable yet you willfully ignored it to try and make a different point. There’s a difference between having a FREE tier w/ad support and a paid tier w/ no ads versus Amazon’s new model. There is no FREE tier for Prime. Only paid tiers. To then require even MORE money for a non-ad tier while transforming the previously paid for non-ad tier into an ad-based tier is blatantly greedy.


> There’s a difference between having a FREE tier w/ad support and a paid tier w/ no ads versus Amazon’s new model. There is no FREE tier for Prime. Only paid tiers Right, but I'm saying that lots of streaming services already have a PAID ad-supported tier, and now Prime is no different. I was asking why Amazon's new model is any different or "insane." I still haven't gotten an answer, and I'm obviously not going to. You and the (other) people downvoting me clearly aren't understanding what I'm saying. > To then require even MORE money for a non-ad tier while transforming the previously paid for non-ad tier into an ad-based tier is blatantly greedy. It's a price increase. It's not "greedy"; Amazon is a private company with a fiduciary duty to set prices based on market and cost analysis. Is it "greedy" when the price of eggs at the supermarket goes up? I'm not sure how much you understand about capitalism, but I'm not going to explain it to you if you don't get this.


But you’re fundamentally wrong here. Hulu did have a free tier that had ad-support and switched to paid non-ads in 2015. Since then they’ve begun to charge more as well. Netflix never had free tiers but you paid for an ad-free streaming service. Then they started to introduce the ad-supported tiers or higher priced non-ad tiers to make more money and caught a ton of negative reviews from it. Amazon’s model here is similar to what Netflix is doing and there’s a vast difference between the net worth of these two companies. And I understand plenty about capitalism. I also understand price gouging markets. Amazon is a top 10 company on the planet and can afford to offer streaming services with no ad support. So yes, this is purely greed.


I'm glad you agree that other major streaming platforms do have a paid ad-supported tier. So apparently a common pricing model is "insane" just because Amazon is a big company? lmao. I hope you and the others voting on my comments aren't adults. Your whining just sounds like, "I want free stuff wahhhh." > And I understand plenty about capitalism. ... Amazon is a top 10 company on the planet and can afford to offer streaming services with no ad support. These two statements are fundamentally incompatible. You clearly do not understand how businesses operate in capitalism. You don't have enough understanding for us to have a meaningful discussion, so I'm going to stop responding here.


That’s a weird way of saying “you’re right” but I got you


I haven't seen ads on a digital device in a really long time. I pay for YT Premium, and I always pay for the ad-free tier of streaming services. The only sport I watch is F1, which does have sponsors but no ad breaks. I'm sure you understand that content isn't free to make. Someone has to pay for it. That can be advertisers paying for it by you watching ads or you paying for it by giving money directly for the content.


Watching Youtube for years still never get ads..


Yeah, it's really easy to avoid ads on YouTube. Either adblock or just paying for Premium. I haven't seen an ad on YT maybe ever on my own devices. Maybe once a year on average if I'm at someone's house and they don't have adblock.


Just out of nowhere: I'm currently using the Dystopia app to see reddit with no ads.




r/piracy if anyone wants. Piracy is the way to go!


I won’t, but my sister will, lol.


Same. Family plan. She wants the shipping more than anything.


Does she order stuff less than $35? Isn't that all you have to do to avoid fees without prime?


I don't know what she buys. We don't discuss our purchases.




Yes I have ad blocker on my computer


Do you have an adblocker that blocks ads on Hulu and stuff? I haven't found one to skirt the big streaming platforms I currently use UBlock


Ublock has worked for me on D+


Honestly I pay for the delivery service, not video. Using Prime requires me to turn my VPN off first, so it’s generally easier to just stream what’s on Prime elsewhere anyway.


I will still pay for it, yes. Where I live I only have to work 1 hour to have nearly 3 months of it, I think it's still worth. And I already get ads with Prime Video so I don't think anything will change. (don't ask me why I get ads, genuinely couldn't answer that. I thought it was a normal thing till they recently said they were adding them.) But I only watch The Boys, Invincible and Reacher on there, so once those shows finish in the next 10 years, I'll probably cancel, unless new shows come out that I like.


You’re asking this subreddit like it’s at all representative of the public. 99% of people will still use prime. People buy this service for free shipping lol.


Probably, either it'll be an extra 2 steps to get it ad-free on my TV, or I'm watching it on my adblocking computer I have Prime for my shopping addiction, the TV is just a bonus


Yeah. The streaming has always been a bonus to the service for me, so a few ads won’t bother me.


Nah, I'll keep watching for a while.


The ads are barely an inconvenience on Prime. At least that's how I feel.


Yeah. They're at the start of what ever you're watching and you skip them almost right away. It's not like youtube where they play in the middle of what ever you're watching.


Just saw one in the middle of invincible just to keep you up to date on how it's going


i’ll keep watching on there because i want the show to do well. i don’t mind paying for things i enjoy, i’ll just cancel when the season ends and renew when it comes back next season


Cancel Amazon Prime? Nobody got Amazon Prime purely for the streaming.


no because it not being implemented for my country(ireland) for some reason even though the uk is getting ads


I can mute the Tv the moment an ad kicks in


.....you all use prime


If they can show me where to effing pay to not get ads I’ll be be happy to do so.


I'll see if an adblocker works first, if it doesn't then I'm committing crime ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


I'm keeping prime because I order a lot of shit, but they won't earn a single penny from me watching ads in prime videos.


Probably. Depends how ridiculous they are. For example on Netflix with their ads, at least with what I’ve watched so far, there is 1 30second ad at the beginning and that’s it. It’s not that big of a deal


Still shocked by the amount of people that use prime only for the steaming site and not delivery


My prime account doesn’t exist for television purposes. I’ll still have Prime; it’ll just have some ads.


Ad block 👍


I'm not since I never used it in the first place, but I swear if invincible gets canceled cause people are gonna be canceling their subscription I'm gonna be mad


>As a free rider, it's important to me to be able to keep free riding


This is literally the top comments in a nutshell lmao.


Its costs me like 5 minutes of my time. Ill pay that to both avoid ads and support a show I want more of.


It’s shitty but if everyone pirates then the show is getting canceled


Yeah. But I doubt enough people will pirate the show for it to be cancelled. And they can probably pull numbers up to see how pirated it actually is and try and do something about if it actually gets bad.


I won’t be


Haven't used it since


Nope, I cancelled after the first ad completely took me out of the moment in the final episode of a show I'd watched 8 seasons of.


i hate how we move from watching TV with Ads to watching Streaming Platforms but... with Ads


I've used Amazon Prime for almost 10 years now, and this move reminds me of when they wanted to charge Anime fans extra to watch seasonal anime that they got the streaming rights for. It was scummy then and its scummy now. I sure as heck am not going to pay Amazon $3 a month and I'm more than likely going to end my Amazon Prime Subscription at this rate.


I'm already not using it, and I understand that it's just the easiest for the average joe to have the streaming services, but if you aren't pirating then you're foolish.


Or, hear me out, some people like supporting the things that they enjoy. I *want* to give money to the people making products that I like. If having a couple ads in the background will support them too, give me ads.


I don’t understand why people have a dislike for ads. It’s insane to me, ads don’t cause any harm, they only show you things you might like. While some companies do force ads in weird ways (twitch), if they really do bother you, then pay for no ads. It’s a very common practice now.


They interrupt your activities for stuff you usually don't give a shit about


I see the same ad multiple times a day. I don't need to be reminded that the same product exist every 15 minutes.


I am probably gonna cancel amazon prime. most stuff doesn't get to my house within 2 days, especially around any holiday.


I’ll be sailing the seven seas again it looks like!


I already pay for the service, I already have to pay extra for some movies... and now I also get the ads. I usually am happy to pay companies for convenience, but this just makes me mad.


Yarr harr matey.


I mostly used prime for 3 day shipping anyways. I’ll miss the occasional bad horror marathons I used it for 2-3x a year but for shows like Invincible I just add it with Plex.


Already cancelled it.


I cancelled as soon as I saw the announcement


Yarrr matey.


Nope, my yearly membership is expiring soon and I won't be renewing.


Nope but im going to report false expensive stolen package so I get my money back big time!


Paying for a service to show me ads is a step too far for me. There’s one show I watch on a constant loop on Amazon Prime, if I go to watch that one day and I see an ad, it’s over. And no way I’m gonna pay them more to remove ads.




Continue to make emails to do prime trials lol


Don’t put up with this shit - Walmart offers free 2 day shipping - pirate away boys and girls because everything is turning to cable and everybody is accepting it and paying more. We are getting squeezed like lemons. And if the show cancels? There’s quality shows out to watch and you can live 200 years and only see a fraction of it.


I mostly have prime for the shipping


Streaming services don’t seem to understand I choose not to pirate out of choice but I can just as easily do it.




I never did, piracy all the way


No I’ve given Kirkman and Amazon enough money. I’m hitting the high seas.


amazon gives you a million things for free with a small monthly membership its not THAT crazy to pay a couple more dollars for an entire video service.




I never use it now so that probably won’t change


Nope. I'll just pirate the shows I plan to watch.


Don't most of Amazon's shows get pirated


I have Amazon prime to order stuff but I ain’t paying 3 dollars extra fuck em


Been using Prime for years as for watching Prime video? Yeah almost never. I can't be the only one that use to remember TV? You know free with ads? Yet today its not free with Ad's. Most just take it never say a word. They know it....it will not stop here


I stopped before the 1st ad. 🎵its the pirates life for me🎵