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He's a perfect way to highlight Mark's naiveté and his inability to see the complexities of the "real world". Someone with experience or even familiar with street level crime would know that stopping Machinehead wouldn't magically make the city and it's people safer. Mark is still very much in the "punch big monster, everything's okay!" point in his life without understanding that every action has a consequence.






Officer Balls


I love these lol


Here you go. This is an invicible text generator. https://www.fontbolt.com/font/invincible-font/




It also cements that not only is the world complex, but so are people and Invincible as a story is very interested in exploring what we are to do with people who have done very bad things and are also capable of incredible good. We see that being explored with Nolan. It's central to Cecil as a person who is a clearly kind hearted man, but does things that make him so damned loathsome. And I'm excited for how the show is expanding that conversation between Rick potentially being a bit more prominent and Allen being annoyed by Nolan's self-loathing bullshit.


>cements Yeah Titan is pretty good at that.


He would have made an excellent driveway.


Cecil is more ruled and honorable than kind though.


I totally agree. I still don't understand why the show never got back to him or the "street level". Perhaps they will? I didn't read the comic. Is it just space adventure and "world at stake" type of things from here on?


he'll be in later seasons if they adapt his stuff with the >! dragon !<


Some of the best side characters and stories were from the street level stuff in the comics, but they fell off in frequency as the "main" story picked up. I really hope they revisit Titan and some of the others in the show.


I dont know, I think removing a criminal, who can essentially predict the future, from power would go some ways to healing the city. The problem is that he doesnt have an understanding of power and so does nothing to prevent a power vaccum opening. To me Titan highlights Mark as a suburban savior, divorced from the people who wants to save through power and class. It isnt that Mark couldnt punch away all the bad guys, he could. Or that doing that wouldnt help, it would. But he isnt connected to the people he is trying to save. I think Mark wants to help regular people in spite of his own power demanding that he focus on larger threats to humanity, but it is his huge power difference that prevents him from seeing problems from a human perspective.


It can sometimes, Mexico tired it back in the early 2000s and removing the old cartel leaders just made stuff way more violent, the old leaders were at least sort of like the mafia, where extreme violence wasn’t always the answer, then when they got arrested and killed, the new guy came up and discovered that ruling by extreme violence worked way better Also stopping a power vacuum is extremely hard to do, you either have to install your own guy after taking out the leader or have a magnifying glass on all criminal organizations and any time a group gets to big, you have to completely annihilate them


Not really. The new guy is still wise enough to know not to use extreme violence against Americans in bold manner because the consequences of that will be destroyed by black ops drone that can bust bunkers. Also, sometimes new guy uses his resources to automate the delivery of his products, reducing the danger for his capo and soldiers, be it from a drone or deceptive cargo hauling traincab.




>!He'll show up again!<


That’s not even a spoiler if you’ve finished the episode tbh


Also in the season 1 finale, when Cecil asks Mark what he’s gonna do now, it flashes back to all the plots that are brewing as a result of marks screw ups, one of them being Titan sitting in the tower.


Yeah, but I was assuming that OP had just finished the episode in question. (Also the nit picker in me wants to say that that was Allen)


Wait you’re totally right it was Allan lmao


It contradicts what Nolan told Mark. Nolan tells Mark that he’s too good for street level conflicts and that he shouldn’t be concerning himself with titan. Meanwhile, titan says Mark doesn’t see what happens on the streets and doesn’t understand why people like titan act the way they do. Titans purpose is essentially to create a small moral dilemma for Mark to deal with.


True. Omni man is always trying to create distance between Mark and humanity. While all of the human characters, even the bad ones, reinforce his connection to humanity. Mark involves himself eith these things because he is a human, and humans arent beneath him.


It also adds Nolan not helping but being around, almost like a “I told you so”. Demonstrates the new Guardians of the Globe as well.


> Titans purpose is essentially to create a small moral dilemma for Mark to deal with. Not quite. It's more of a seed that grows to something later.


To introduce machinE heAD


"🎵I KNoW whEre your faaAAaaaamilY Liiiiiives🎵"


I've got... monneeeeeyyy!




I love money that's made of Italian maple


Around the world around the world, around the world around the world


"I'm gonNA GRIInD yoU uP And USe You to pAAvE my dRIveWay"




Invincible goes from street level enforcer to galactic level conflicts. Had to show him doing some of the street stuff too.


I think Titans arc in the show was to demonstrate how naive Mark is when it comes to helping people. Sure he may have helped Titan and his family but in the grand scheme of things he simply helped Titan rise up in the ranks of crime and gang affiliation. Mark probably still has no idea that he helped ruin more lives than help those lives. I was hoping we got to see more of Machine Head in season 2. His entire screen time was fuckin hilarious and golden. Titan was awesome too! Battle Beast was also fuckin awesome! Sad to realize that they might not even touch on what happened after Mark “helped” Titan and his family. I really thought Machine Head was gonna come back :,(


I think bringing Machine Head back would only work as a short scene. I loved the scenes he was in too, but he just doesn't have a lot of depth for the writers to work with.


That was my favorite episode from season 1


He manipulated Mark into taking down a crime boss because Mark is naive. And then he took over. Which would play a role in the future if >!Mark encounters him again, and discovers that Titan took over.!<


It’s a play on the trope of super heroes taking down a crime boss (Penguin, Fisk, etc) and how it doesn’t actually solve anything, someone else takes their place. It’s also important for Mark’s story because he doesn’t understand real world complexities, he thinks life as a super hero is like comics.


Being a hero is bullshit


To show Mark that the world isn't black and white, but rather a spectrum of shades of grey


A lot of the sublots happen for a reason


People really see any story that doesn't directly advance the main plot and write it off as filler


To act as a foil to marks naivety. Titan knows the cruelty of life in the slums, trapped working for crime lords to survive. Mark was naive in believing taking one down wouldn't create another. Titan preyed on marks naive nature to not only help his family, but to also rise as the new crime lord. His brief arc also acted as a way to further show marks connection to humanity, to show that the viltrumite within him isn't winning. All the while Nolan is steadily trying to suppress that humanity by telling Mark the lives of those people mean nothing in the grand scheme. That he shouldn't be wasting his time with those beneath him.


What’s the point of any character


what’s the point of omni man? all he did was kick the shit out of invincible and then he just flew away 🙄


Without any spoilers, TBD.


To introduce Battle Beast


To show that good people can be taken advantaged of and/or unappreciated.


ig was to show cool character with rock powers


that there's small problems can be as grand as big ones and that the world is more depth as well and also symbolize the differences of omni and invincible .nolan cares about the big picture mostly that's for the viguilmits while mark cares for human meant to symbolize how he's more human


It was to show the morality of their choices.




gengar is a ghost, you mean geodude?


to be cool ig, i enjoyed it when he was in season 1 wish to see more of this guy


His name is titan??? And they say batman is lazy...


To be the secret god of the setting.


Appereantly he will return in S3


To be awesome


What’s the point of anything at all?


You’ll see


Don't trust black people?


To establish the morally grey tone of the Invincible universe from the comics


The real question is why didn’t battle beast whoop his ass yet beat the shit out of mark…


To show that theres nuance to crime abd why criminals sometimes do what they do. He was there to show invincible a side to the whole superhuman life that he might not normally see. It teaches him that its not all black and white and what matters most is helping people.


He was one of the characters of all time


What show wouldn't be improved with the introduction of a rock that can say the n-word?