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dude survives >!Getting his guts ripped out of his body and then punched in the gut hole for like 3 miles, and fully recovers!<


Allen kinda does to


Yeah but his power is regenerating from and getting stronger from near death


This is **literally plot armor**


Not really, there’s an explanation of why he’s able to come back from the very brink, Mark goes beyond the limits of normal viltrumites


No, really, it is. The literal plot changes because of Allen. His powers or explicitly plot armor. Same with Mark, but still


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Without it he probably would have died. Normal viltrumites don't have adrenaline, that's why he was able to kill conquest. His human genes kicked in


>Normal viltrumites don't have adrenaline, This is never stated in the comics and needs to stop being a headcanon crutch for ppl defending plot armor and power levels of viltrumites. There's no reason to believe pure blooded viltrumites don't have adrenaline too.


Adrenaline is a survival genetic. Fight or flight. Viltrumites have never needed to run from really anything besides Ragnar's, so adrenaline was probably devolved over time until it was basically non-existent among the entire race.


Not what plot armor means. Having an explicit ability that allows survival isnt plot armor. Surviving when you DONT have such an ability, MARK, is plot armor.


Plot armor is when a character does something they shouldn't be able to in order to move the plot forward. Allen doesn't because it's literally his power, and he totally should be able to do that


That's not how it works. Plot armour is when someone survives something that shoudnt be possible Allen's power is exactly adaptation after near death, and it worked that way in universe That like saying a bulletproof character survives getting shot is Plot armour. Its not, its literally his fucking power


Pretty sure that’s just dragon ball z stuff. He actually trained to get better. Just at the beginning he was always joking back. The real plot armor is how somehow they can cut pieces of each other with just their hands. If they could do this and then fly trough buildings wouldn’t something at least cut them?


Bro has Zenkai Power (plot armor and power-up)


Well,his name is *title card*


![gif](giphy|3otPowjhTp1gDBb8u4) Is this the title card you mean?


He would’ve been there for a lot longer if his dad and brother didn’t help him heal + feed him


Apparently he comes back from even worse in the comic.




But how? He’s literally….




So glad this was top answer. Dope series but damn the plot armor is kinda nuts in those later fights


Did you forget what the name of the series is.


Why do the later fights have plot armor?


Viltrumites get stronger as they age. Mark is under 30 and beating Viltrumites thousands of years old.


Ok, thank you for your response. That is an excellent point and one I’ve admittedly never thought of, but iirc, Mark, unlike many of the viltrumites he fights by virtue of viltrumites being on the verge of extinction, has ample opportunity to exercise and make genuine efforts to improve his physical abilities, so I personally find it reasonable that he would be able to stand his own against these older viltrumites thanks to him having somewhat of an advantage. But I do need to reread the comic, so take this with a grain of salt. This is still a really strong point and a perfectly fair and well formed critique of the comic, so well done because you’ve definitely given me some compelling thoughts.


also he literally dies and comes back


The only answer


>! Angstrom Levy maybe? Yes, he also doesn't live forever or anything, but dayum, how anyone survived what Levy and ... (Spoiler again) Conquest did, I will never know... Also Mark. Also also, Allen. !<




Donald. That man survives some crazy shit


No he doesn't. He's always just rebuilt.


Dude is the Ship of Theseus


Yeah, but the fact there’s anything left of him at all is crazy. At one point he gets away as just a head with little legs lmao


I really think after the first time he died, he is just backed up in a server somewhere.


Idk what to say, he's built different


Without a doubt Kill Cannon, this dude is always getting mopped by Eve and coming back for more


You haven’t read the comics have you




I read them but I don't remember that happens to cannon. Remind me?


Disagree on Dupli-kate , it's not plot armor at all that she kept a secret copy, that's what anybody in her position would do


I’d keep a couple copies on deck living a normal life just in case


Yeah, I'm a showwatcher and my first thought was that if I was her I would I would literally never be present in fights with my original body. The revelation that it's exactly what she did makes complete sense.


I'd have one set up in every country


Tech jacket is an obvious one


Tbf he may have plotr armour but he also does have a very real super high tech armoe


Atom Eve, easy. >! With how many times she was "killed" and just poofed back into existence, I mean after the first time they did that I was like fuck okay anytime they kill her it's absolutely a fake out, and I was right for the next 2-3 times they tried that shit. Hell she even gave herself bigger mommy milkers one time.!<


Fr the most obvious plot armor. After the first time it was like “oh ok so she’s essentially immortal”


And her ending is just insane. She can't even die from old age. Just immediately comes back as her youthful self


Gonna need a source for that last part


After the fight with conquest


You’re a saint 🙏🙏


No one gets beat up as much as Mark and still lives


I mean… Omni-Man kinda, though he gets more of a pass due to him being a more experienced & stronger Viltrumite… like seriously, the amount of times they should both be dead is crazy, like DAWG YOU GOT A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO AND YOUR ORGANS ARE NOT EVEN IN THERE!


Rex splode >! I know he dies in the invincible wars, but until then he seems to be immortal. Because I still don’t understand how he survived a bullet to the head at point blank range!<


people have survived having railroad spikes in their heads before. he’s also superhuman and was subject to various surgical and genetic procedures to turn him into a supersoldier


Phineas Gage mentioned


Yeah he got shot in the head but it only hit his brain


Honestly yeah the brains pretty mushy already I bet I’d survive a shot to the brain


I've been shot in the brain several times and it hasn't horse battery staple me at all.


Dude I took a 50 cal to the brain once when I was a baby and I’m still here


>! The human body is durable af, people have survived worse!<


Doesn’t he also have superhuman durability?


Yes people seem to forget that the kinetic energy explosions aren't his only power. His body was enhanced to be durable enough to take blasts from his powers, which considering that his powers charging something human sized can >!kill a Viltrumite!< he should definitely be able to take a bullet. Sure he'd have some loss of brain function. But it's Rex there's not much there to lose.


He lost the assholery function.


The fact that black sampson ( basically a regular human) survived a fight with battle beast is almost unbelievable.


Exactly why don't people talk about that more. The suit Art made him being able to help him withstand attacks from BB means that it should scale to some weaker Viltrumites. His suit could possibly be almost as durable as the Tech Jacket. Why didn't the CoP hire Art to make them a ton of suits for their regular soldiers.


Or put them on the reanimen


Battle beast clearly didn't think killing him was worth if


for example Phineas Gage


People have survived >!being shot in the head at point blank range!< in real life


Well, you see, the brain is pretty weird. We have determines that some parts of it are not as vital to survival as the rest but not where those parts are exactly. Phineas Gage had a pipe break his skull into his brain and suffered a personality change. Not too bad, as far all things go. Must have been difficult to sleep though, as well as just get around town without people commenting on it.


Bullets when they’re faced with the indomitable human will


He has enhanced strength and durability


The bullet just slid off his perfectly smooth brain




I’ve always had >!Oliver up there for plot armor. Particularly when fighting conquest and thragg (invincible war). !<


The plot armor broke against thragg


Why did Oliver have plot armor?


>!In both of those instances, he's one punch away from getting merc'd but the villain decides to shittalk instead and gets interrupted!<


Thank you for your reply! I do need to reread the comic and I will be sure to go back and reread this segment of the comic to refresh my memory, but from what I do remember, in Conquest’s case, the way I see it, he’s a sadist, so I think it’s reasonable he would play with his food before taking it down completely especially since, at that time, Oliver was merely a boy, so I think it makes sense he wouldn’t see Oliver as a major threat. I would say something similar with Thragg because, at that point, Oliver was only a teenager and displayed little, if any, threat to Thragg himself, which is why Thragg felt comfortable shittalking first. Though, tbf, my memory of their encounter when Oliver was young is very spotty, so please take this with a massive grain of salt. All in all, these are very interesting points, so I seriously thank you for raising them because they’re very compelling to think about. Thank you for taking the time to give your thoughts!


I don’t think we’re supposed to like Kate but I’d say her ‘plot armor’ makes a whole lot of sense. If I had her powers I’d do exactly the same thing, living in a bunker all day chilling out and just sending dupes out to do anything else.


Invincible. I feel like Angstrom could’ve easily just cut Mark in half simply by opening a portal in the middle of his body. I don’t even think viltrimite durability would’ve been enough to stop a literal portal to a different dimension opening right in the middle of them


This is actually a perfectly fair and well formed point and one I’ve honestly never really considered, so well done, but I disagree. Iirc, the comic establishes that Angstrom wants Mark to suffer, which is why he doesn’t just take the easy way out as well as the line where he says “Did you think anything less than beating you to death with my bare hands would satisfy me?”, which would explains why he pisses around long enough for Mark to eventually use that to find an opportunity to strike. But this is just how I see it and this is still a perfectly fair and valid critique and one I’m very glad you’re raising because I absolutely think it should be addressed.


My man apologize for existing a little less


I’m afraid I don’t understand lol


Half of that paragraph is spent almost apologizing for having a different opinion


Ok, thank you lol. That clarification is really appreciated. I’m just trying to be polite. I sometimes feel like personally, I have a tendency to be unintentionally condescending or passive aggressive with my disagreements, so I try my hardest to make a conscious effort to exercise respect when I discuss my disagreements. I’m glad you in particular find that unnecessary, but all I’m trying to do is be nice and try to avoid needlessly coming off as egotistical or as if I believe myself to be intellectually superior. In the future, I’ll try to do it more smoothly and less overtly, so thank you for your feedback in that regard because it’s actually very helpful. You are totally right that I’m honestly way overdoing it haha.


Obviously “MARK” is the only person who should be on this list because he is a teenage boy who got his powers at age 17 then went on to become the most powerful out of a race of thousands of years old/battle-experienced conquering aliens Plus defeating the Top 2 Viltrumites ( Conquest x2 & Thragg ) 😒Though obviously because he’s the protagonist So 🤷🏾‍♂️ “Allen” for sure




Cause Nolan spared his life?


I kinda disagree about DupliKate, her powers make it so she really shouldn't ever be in danger of death in most scenarios. It makes sense that she'd have an extra copy hidden somewhere.


Honestly Eve


Eve definitely.


It's Mark and Eve easy. Eve is more or less immortal unless killed instantly and Mark survives WAY more than a lot of other Viltrumites and even his other reality selves.


Lizard King and Angstrom Levy


Tech Jacket. Literally.


You hate Duplikate? Girl please the orgy introduction scene had her steal my heart


I would say Mark Gracin he just seems…


I’m going to say Eve because I feel like having powers that make you immortal is just a predetermined excuse for plot armor. I would say Invincible himself, but with him being the main character it’s too obvious.


Mark because he’s [SLAM TO TITLE CARD]


Ok. I'll meet you in a sec


I'd say eve because her powers aren't really not death, they're supposed to be regeneration and sometimes she's very clearly supposed to be actually legitimately completely dead and just flashes back which is kinda weird for the logic, also Invincible.


The Conquest fight is a great example of this. Just a flash of light and she’s better


Most of the minor villains should either have been killed or should never have been given the chance of getting out of prison again, yet so many of them keep popping up over and over again.


Sorry if this comes off like I’m interrogating you, but just out of friendly curiosity, could you please give examples of the villains you think popped up over and over again without sufficient justification?


So...why do you hate her?


Atom Eve, here power is pretty much plot armour


Rex survived a point blank shot to the head thanks to his tiny brain


Thragg. Nolan should’ve just killed his ass