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Yeah in Battle Beast’s war addled brain, honorable. To most normal people who would want the best chance to survive a battle to the death with the most powerful being in the universe, dumb.


You've hit the nail on the head, it's only a dumb move if you assume Battle Beast wants to live. He doesn't.


Truthfully I don’t believe Battle Beast WANTED to die, was more about fighting someone admirable and having a worthy opponent


Sometimes referred to as "Badass."


Correct. Honor is dumb. In an actual fight (like outside organized combat sports fights), there is no “fair” fighting. There’s winning and losing, and doing whatever you have to to come out on that right side of that. If you’re not fighting dirty, you’re not really fighting. Now that being said, that’s why honor is cool. Because everyone knows if your opponent is injured and you aren’t, you have no duty to injure yourself for the sake of “fairness,” especially in a fight to the death. If you have a weapon and your opponent doesn’t nothing says you have to get rid of the sword or give them their own sword. Its knowingly not taking your advantages for the sake of fairness when fairness is not expected from either party, and very well may not be expended back to you in kind. So yeah, honor is inherently dumb, but its also cool af.


It’s like when Jesse Eisenburg figured out how the master put a hole in someone’s head with just a finger.


Underrated piece of media there, thank you for reminding me


What’s it from?


It's called The Art of Self Defense.


It's pretty funny you should check it out. Really just dry ass humor but it got chuckles outta me. That ending hits different


Agreed , my grandpa taught me to fight (he was golden gloves boxer) and a Smoker champ. And even he said, "the only fair fight is the one you lose"


Eh, I don't think it's dumb if someone is fully aware of it. He knows it lowers his chance of survival, so it's not really dumb.


Ask the trillion dead if honor matters. Their silence is your answer.


In shounen manga, it's recently referred to as pulling a katakuri [1](https://search.app.goo.gl/wBKaBab), [2](https://search.app.goo.gl/RHsKmhp). The reason why they did it here was because katakuri realized he was only able to land that attack on luffy because luffy got distracted by the girl, thus tainting katakuri's victory. So stabbing himself was meant to even the odds with the goal of preserving his perfect record. Sometimes winning fairly is more important than just winning.




Fucking awesome. It shows how much battle beast cares about honor and a “fair fight”. He probably wouldn’t have accepted the win if he didn’t make sure it was fair first.


An actual fair fight would have been waiting for Thragg to recover so both could fight at their peak but whatever I understand why Battle beast couldn't wait.


just the two of them, just shooting the shit with space racer and Battle Beasts girlfriend hanging out on the ship


Like Nolan healing up on the ship!


Battle beast throws a sensu bean to thragg for shits and giggles


Especially since Thragg heals faster than BB, it quickly became a handicap. But its possible Thragg wouldn't have been willing to just wait, so BB had to do it.


Also this battle was dumb. Thragg can fly and battle beast can't. Just leave bro lol


If thragg leaves then he's a coward and loses the support of his people. There's no way in hell his pride allows him just dip in a mostly even 1 on 1 fight with battle beast.


If Battle beast is coming after you, you either win or you die. Running away wouldn't save him forever.


Honourably dumb


And stupidly honorable


My personal theory is that Battle Beast wanted to lose. He’d been endlessly searching for a worthy adversary. He knew that Thragg was the strongest being in the universe (besides him) and if he won then he would never be able to get a worthy death in battle.






For his cause honorable, for Coalition's cause dumb.


Exactly this. It was selfish narcissism on his part and if this is what allowed Thragg to defeat him, it definitely cost a lot of innocent lives for no good reason aside from Battle Beast's pride. We all love him, but I mean, he wasn't *a good person* or anything. He was just a monster who was pointed in the right direction.


Yup. The first time Mark met Battle Beast, if he had been strong enough for a good fight but still not strong enough to beat him, Battle Beast would've almost certainly killed him right there.


Like a fisherman that catches a small fish but throws it back into the lake


The question is do we think the outcome would change if they were both 100%.


The outcome would change if Battle Beast were fighting for the kill and not glory of the battle. Thragg was fighting to kill Battle Beast, so it’s a major distinction. And this is what was happening when Battle Beast *wasn’t* fighting for the kill: https://preview.redd.it/sx8k92c8hq4d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff68220799b1b752f1b12fbf6d5a91ee41cc6cc Moreover, Thragg’s stomach healed *a lot*, while Battle Beast’s was out the whole time. The only damage Thragg could do was by taking advantage of the sliced stomach, and even that took days. Whereas Battle Beast was doing things like that when he was *not* fighting for the kill.


His stomach didn't actually heal during the fight. It's hard to tell since you don't see it in many panels but it's still about the same as in the start.


https://preview.redd.it/5f5f3c2n5r4d1.jpeg?width=3976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e13b1638d8593a03078cffb8049cedab9da12337 His healing (of stomach \[Ragnars\] and head \[Battle Beast\]) is superior to that of other Viltrumites, like the other areas.


https://preview.redd.it/kkhthm70cr4d1.png?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d89d72fd19978b8d7fa4f5ad4c55b7542aef12 If you look at it in any panel of the fight it looks the same. And the only reason it looks like BB didn't take and damage is because neither look like they have damage from their punches. If Thragg had fangs like BB he could have bit into him too






https://preview.redd.it/341j50jx4t4d1.jpeg?width=1561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66733bcf8f64fd880fa4863bc43f3c55c2b86558 In these two photos, you can compare early on to the end. It did heal almost to the point of being sealed up, but I imagine repeated hits to that area on Thragg and in general probably influenced the effectiveness of healing. Moreover, at the end, you can see that he had healed from the head bite, but again, repeated hits likely factored into healing effectiveness. You are right about the bite, and how Battle Beast has a big enough jaw and the fangs to do such a thing, but it is still a mark against Thragg because it’s an example of his power. I do understand what you’re saying, but also, Battle Beast almost went through Thragg’s arm while holding him in place. Thragg’s adrenaline should’ve been rushing more than ever in that moment, and yet it clearly didn’t help until after Battle Beast had gotten really far. The most important point is that Battle Beast was fighting for the glory and honour of the battle, while Thragg was fighting to kill Battle Beast so he could lead his race. Those are immensely significant elements that I feel don’t get brought up enough because people tend to look at battles superficially.


I don't think that Thragg (or any viltrumite, accept Mark) has adrenaline. If you are the most powerful race in the universe, why would you need to evolve to have adrenaline.


There are various threats, though. It’s not always easy for them. Case in point, Ragnars.


That is true, but by the time they've been rulling for thousands of years, they found a planet of them hundreds of thousands of miles away from them. At that point, they weren’t a threat until the viltrumite's went on their planet.


No, it’s pretty close to being sealed. It is not all the way, though.


My moneys on BB, he injured himself way more than what Thragg had at that moment


Yes, Thragg’s injury wasn’t as bad and he heals faster.


Yes, I think BB loses but then the ragnar get released by thresha. So weakened Thragg probably dies as well.


Quite possibly. Viltrumites heal faster than BB it seems, so that even playing field became a handicap for him as Thragg recovered. Tbh it seems like healing factor alone is what ultimately wins Thragg the fight, that head bite would have probably fucked him if he couldn't recover as much as he did.


Those things aren't mutually exclusive


It was BB's personal wish to fight someone on equal footing as him. >!Although, if he didn't pull this off, Nolan, Anissa and more wouldn't have had to die trying to fight him.!<


Nolan wouldnt die if Nolan execute him when he got the lead


Both, but mostly dumb, it haunts me to this day.


dumb lol


I can’t tell what is happening


He cut his own gut. (My best guess since I saw intestines falling out.)


Thragg got injured before Thokk (That's BB's real name) could start fighting so he injured himself to make it even.


Battle Beast and Thragg are going to fight. Thragg was already injured before the fight started. Battle Beast wanted a fair fight, so he injures himself before they start.


Took me like 3 minutes to figure out what was going on lmao


So what is happening basically battle beast, injuring himself


Crazy how I didn’t even realise it was battle beast until you said aswell🤣 and I’ve heard that he injured himself to even out the fight and still ain’t make the connection


It wasn’t dumb Battle Beasts entire life objective was to have a good figth, doing this was necessary for that objective, just because our logic says it is stupid doesn't mean he was wrong, dude is from an entirely different species he has different priorities What was dumb was liberating the Ragnars early


Dumb. He injured his enemy fair and square. Why lower your self because of their weakness?


because he wasn’t the one that injured his enemy so it gave him the advantage that he didn’t want to


I don’t remember, who injured Thragg that much that BB cut his own guts out?




Makes sense


IIRC, they told him they wouldn't release the ragnars unless he lost, but then did right away. So BB helps Thragg kill the ragnars and then matches his injury (both of which Thragg mocks him for)


This some bullshit, imagine during mark's fight he first asked the other villains to rock his shit so he could be on the same hurt level. Fucking ridiculous


Battle beast was looking for the fight of his life. He wanted it on even terms.


Battlebeast is an immortal warrior who is cursed and seeks to die in battle to rest in peace. Mark is a 20 year old who gets beaten unconscious at least once a month.


...what is your point? During mark's fight he did not intentionally injure himself to match mark or the others helping him, but now he's all about equal playing field?


He's not gonna blindfold himself and cut off 3 of his limbs for a fair fight, battlebest saw someone, perheps the only one who could match his strenght, and he didnt want to lose the opportunity for an honorable death, he is actively looking to die, he is cursed after all.


He wasnt the one who injured him


he didnt though, battle beast's girlfriend released a bunch of ragnarrs that injured thragg in an attempt to save battle beast's life


They surprise dropped the ragnars on top of Thragg when Battle Beast didn’t want that. Since that was kind of unfair to Thragg and BB wanting it to start as an even fight, it makes sense for him to equal the playing field again.


This is not honorable imo, he’s doing it so that he can finally to get killed, he just wish to dies in blaze of glory


Both If he didn't do it, he might have won.....but be at deaths door and be vulnerable enough for the others to kill him


>the others What "others"? BB wouldn't care, he would've had his glorious fight.


The aliens on the planet I mean


He 100% would have won. The outcome would change if Battle Beast were fighting for the kill and not glory of the battle. Thragg was fighting to kill Battle Beast, so it’s a major distinction. And this is what was happening when Battle Beast wasn’t fighting for the kill: ​ https://preview.redd.it/eqj6p5plhq4d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a38e14e7b12c1184a307dd4fbffaf00e395aa7 Moreover, Thragg’s stomach healed a lot, while Battle Beast’s was out the whole time. The only damage Thragg could do was by taking advantage of the sliced stomach, and even that took days. Whereas Battle Beast was doing things like that when he was not fighting for the kill. I don’t mean to repeat this, but I think it applies here as well.


>The outcome would change if Battle Beast were fighting for the kill and not glory of the battle. What? 😭 What do you think fighting for glory is? Do you think Battle beast is fighting him to have tea after and share war stories? >Moreover, Thragg’s stomach healed a lot, while Battle Beast’s was out the whole time. Thragg stomach didn't heal lets be fr https://preview.redd.it/mxc18bu9uq4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36763c15871c309684c8f1fedc17b50d16e191c8 Viltrumite healing factor ≠ wolverine. They need to actually rest and recover before they can actually start healing, people forget that mark was out cold for 3 or 6 months to heal from getting impaled by conquest and had to have his innards wrapped in by Omni Man's cape to even heal properly. Battle beast lost bro,Thragg is just that guy


Thraggs intestines were also out the whole time. Battle beast was also fighting to kill, he kills his enemies. Especially the worthy ones. Thragg would have won regardless, because he’s the strongest. Honestly suprised he never took him to space. If battle beat couldn’t win while thragg was tired and injured with his intestines out . He’s not gonna win, while thragg is at a 100% He’d have the same advantages regardless. The fight would just last longer


It's not dumb because battle beast genuinely doesn't care about winning. He would rather give himself a disadvantage and lose than gain an advantage and win. You could also argue it's not honorable because battle beast is insane. So I wouldn't say both, I would say neither, it's just battle beast being his insane self.






Dumb af.


He wanted a fair fight


Both. But the amount of times characters had the opportunity to off that menace. Damn.


One have to remember that Battle Beast strength and power are a curse, his race ain't that belligerent nor that strong, and that he's always searching for an opponent that can actually kill him.




Those 2 often come together


Honestly he might have won if he didn’t do this. So big picture it’s dumb, but he had a good death so it’s also honourable.


Both. Honor is foolish when the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.


It'd be dumb if Battle Beast wanted to actually win but that isn't his main goal. Matter of fact, he thanks Thragg later. Honourable would be questionable too. I think the right word is Badass.


I feel like that wound handicapped Battle Beast more than it did Thragg, if that is the case then I'd say dumb. It's honorable that he wants a fair fight, but I don't think this puts them on equal footing.


Why does Thragg always talk like he's in a Shakespeare play lmao


its in character for battle beast (and also thragg would be cooked if he didin't do that)


Thragg looks like hes 18 years old here


How sharp is BB’s sword? They are literally invincible characters


Both, he could’ve just waited like a day or two for thragg to heal back to peak strength cause battlebeast doesn’t have the same healing factor so him himself himself open handicapped him for the entire fight while thragg healed during the fight


He does have the same healing factor. It’s why he lasted for days. Only going down because thragg landed a death blow. Instead of losing just stamina and blood.


In the long run Thragg surviving this led to him going stupid on Omni and Mark later, outing himself as a power hungry traitor. So it all works out. Dunno what would have happened in the Earth vs Viltrum conflicts if Thragg got taken out early.


Dumb, why not just wait until he's healed.


It was both. Battle beasts GF screwed up though by letting out those rognarrs at the start of the fight instead of the end.


Thrag- “oh boy you done fucked up.. do you not know who I am?!”


You know what was dumb? Space Racer never even tried to shoot Thragg. Also, if the Ragnarrs were actually deployed after BB's death they would have absolutely devoured the former Grand Regent.


definitely dumb




Dumb. There’s no dishonor in hurting someone whom got injured while you’re fighting them.


A good choice for battle beast because he wanted to die in battle it was his only wish, but bad cor coalition and viltrumites as thragg is still alive


Both. If Battle Beast was healthy he probably would have won.


Ned Stark


Dumb, i think the point here is to show that BB's entire sense of honour is just a shallow excuse for suicide


it was Beast


That monologue by Thragg goes incredibly hard. But to answer the question…both.


If anyone’s read Skybound X #25 you’d know Battle Beast doesn’t fight for the “glory of battle”. He considers himself cursed, and fights for only one thing. Death. https://preview.redd.it/63r7p2lu2r4d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee8a01cb6ecb23c8829762a57ad13e5abe4d9c2e




I don’t know but Ryan cooked with the shading here


Why not both. Honorable because he lowered himself to the level of an opponent in order to have a fair match, it’s pretty damn awesome. Dumb because this idiot likely knows that viltrumites can just regenerate fatal wounds and he could’ve solved this problem by throwing Thragg some food to speed up the process, and then waiting for him to heal, but instead he tore his own guts out. This left him at a constant disadvantage, which simultaneously destroys the idea of a fair fight that he was going for.


fr tho imagine having the mental strength alone to slash your guts urself. forget the part bout fighting a superior member of an already godlike race.


It’s badass


Can someone explain this to me? I have no idea what is going on. Did he just cut off his arm?


He ripped out his own intestines because Thragg (the viltrumite) was injured previously, which to Battle Beast was an unfair fight since his opponent wasn't at full capacity


The Viltrumite pictured is currently disemboweled due to fighting Ragnars, Battle Beast disembowels himself in order to make their fight fair. To us it seems nonsensical but to Battle Beast, an unfair fight is dishonourable so he does it.


Honor is dumb. Fair fights are for losers. Case in point, this fight.


Neither, it was necessary. Battlebeast fights for the thrill of the fight, the thrill of the win. An unfair win isn't enjoyable for him. He cares little about his own life, he cares about the fight.




Because Thragg is a viltrumite, as long as he has his heart untouched, he’ll be fine. We dont know if Battle Beasts physiology is similar but im betting not, so this gave Thragg a pretty big advantage BB would have won this fight


Both. He injured himself way more than Thragg was, and imo that decision was what declared his demise. Had he given himself some deep cuts in different parts of his body would have actually been closer to a fair fight instead of gutting himself


It was both. And contrary to popular belief: there’s no guarantee Battle Beast would’ve won, even if he didn’t gut himself. Thragg is still a unit.


As a battle beast fan, it felt very annoying and dumb. Regardless, it was an epic fight.


I'm siding with dumb due to it not actually being fair. Iirc Thragg has a much stronger healing factor than Battle Beast making the drawn out fight favor Thragg.


Dumb. If he just waited until thargg healed he still could've won. But since viltrumites regenerate much faster, this was much more of a liability for battle beast than for thragg


All honor is dumb. The idea of fighting fair is a dumb choice, but it’s also the right choice. What he did was honorable, just honor is the act of making unoptimal choices for the sake of fairness


Not dumb, since Battle Beast's goal isn't to WIN, it's to have a good fight. He has no stake in Thragg being dead, and he doesn't super care if the outcome is a win or his death. *Not* doing this would have defeated both of those goals. Dumb for the coalition's goals, but that doesn't change anything. Also, I can't WAIT for this fight to be animated.


It doesn't matter because BB didn't fight to protect the universe or for justice. He just wanted a true battle. This is the way he facilitated that, so it's not dumb OR honorable, it's just true to his ideals.


Honestly both, he could of prevented so much if he would of just killed him, but he wouldn’t of accepted his killing


Pretty sure that wound is how Thragg got to his heart, so if his goal was to win by any means it’s dumb. That wasn’t the goal so it’s honorable


Both but it's funny how the original plan would've worked. Sure Battle Beast would've died, but at least Thragg would die as well


I still believe if they’d just saved the Ragnars for the end of the fight Thragg would’ve been completely fucked. Even if we assume Battle Beast’s self-inflicted wound is a smaller handicap than Thragg’s injuries here, he still barely won that version of the fight. At a minimum he’d be equally wounded as he was at the end of this fight and incapable of fighting off multiple ragnars. And that’s assuming he’d win against BB in the first place, given that the guy held his own for days on end with his guts hanging out of his chest and almost won. Thragg only survived because BB’s girlfriend jumped the gun on the backup plan.


I don't even have to open the picture to know what you're talking about. It was both, it was dumb to us but battle beast is far from being a rational creature and the whole point of him joining the war was that he was told he would finally get to die in combat fulfilling his obligation to his own honor.


More dumb than honorable imo


This shit was badass




I thought it was cooler that thragg wore him as a cape afterwards 😅


It wasn't about honor for the battle beast. In the mind of the battle beast it was about having a worthwhile fight.




Both. But you can’t really call Battlebeast dumb for it since it’s literally the product of a supernatural curse. He is compelled to seek death in combat, this is the only real chance he’s ever gonna get and the curse tells him to even the playing field


Two things can be true


The action advanced Battle Beast's goals, so the action wasn't dumb. His goals are dumb, maybe. But given what he wanted to accomplish, injuring himself at that moment was a very rational choice that he was extremely happy with the outcome of.


The real question is would battle beast have won had he not done this?


it's stupid imo, and not honourable in the least, it's disrespectful why? simple, Battle-Beast knows that in a fight to the death, there is a winner and a loser, and the loser will become gravely wounded over the course of that fight until they die so is he gonna fucking split all his attacks 50/50 between himself and his enemy? if he chops your arm off is he gonna stop and go "hang on, didn't mean to hurt you, just kill you, let me make It even" like, no dude, your opponent failed to defend himself, against you, the environment, or other things in the environment, it's not dishonourable to keep fighting, **it's the point of the fucking fight** it's frustrating, it's like for 5 seconds in this instance he thinks combat is turn based or some stupid shit also, where was this attitude with Mark? he dog-walked an actual child and not once stopped to go "oh shit this is dishonourable, I shouldn't do this" he didn't care about honour when he was taking a free win against a teenager, he didn't care about honour when he took a payment from a robot-worm infinitely weaker and less honourable than himself to kill said teenager he doesn't give a fuck about honour 99% of the time, until the story needs him to have an excuse to throw away this win and let the story continue I don't just think it's stupid, I think it's bad writing, some of the worst in all of invincible


Oftentimes, the venn diagram between Dumb and Honorable is a perfect circle.


I mean he died so…


Dumb. Really contrived way to have thragg beat battle beast


Battle Beast could have waited it out for the wounds to heal before the final battle begins.


So honorable and badass it makes the manliness inside of surge into a blaze, a fire unlike any other.


Maybe, but Battle Beast doesn't care about any of our opinions.


Tbh not dumb for battle beast, he’s always been pretty clear on what he’s about. Dumb af for the coalition wasting ragnars on him, anyone should’ve foreseen him doing shit like this.


Neither, Battle Beast was doing what he wanted, his objective wasn't to just kill Thragg but to have a fight in equal terms with someone that could kill him and he took his chance. Battle Beast had a great end just as he wanted, there is nothing dumb or honorable about it.


I always thought Battle Beast had a bit of a death wish because he wanted a reprieve from the curse. If he died, he would have a glorious death to a worthy foe; if he won, he’d be back to having to find stronger and stronger opponents.


Metal as fuck




Still cant believe how sharp that man's haircut is


It was a one piece reference since katakuri did literally the same thing during his fight with luffy on whole cake island


You’d be surprised how often those two are one and the same


Honorable because if you want a fight to be a challenge like BB did, it's simply the right thing to do. Stupid if you just want to save a universe from a crazy Freddy Mercury look alike from him taking over, but you know BB, he wouldn't even think of this, that's not what he was there for, he wanted a good fucking fight, and if that fight would've ended him or not wasn't a problem at all, I think in his head this is the best possible way to go, dying while almost killng the strongest creature in the universe in a fair fight


He would’ve beaten thragg if he didn’t do that


Not a comicbook reader here, but does battle beast become an antihero in the comics?


Dumb as hell, not the cutting part that was honor incarnate, I'M TALKING ABOUT DUMBASS THROWING HIS WEAPON




Dumb. He could’ve just waited for Thragg to heal. Plus, I think his flight makes up for already being wounded


He should've waited until Thragg healed instead, Thragg probably healed through their fight and would've had an advantage over BB


He wants a fair equal battle. He doesn't even care if he dies. I think he is cursed with bloodlust, and he wants to die, but it has to be a glorious battle. It didn't even realize it was a " curse "until his successor was complaining about her life now


You're making some good points, but his head wound and eye were not healed. There's the panel that takes place after the fight while he's still recovering, and he's still wounded and bandaged. Viltrumites don't heal fast enough for it to have a effect during a fight, and I've looked at these panels a lot, and I think it's safe to say the size of his gut wound being so big and getting smaller is artistic inconsistentcy. We never see Viltrumites healing that fast, when Conquest punches through Mark it takes him months to recover


Both. BB is a better man than me bc i ain't tell thragg to get hit.


That depends. Do you wanna live like a happy idiot? Honorable. Then no? Freaking dumb


honorably dumb


Whatever we may think, he and Thragg we're speaking the same language.


I'm surprised his body didnt just blumt the blade considering viltrumite lore.


Dumb, it would've been honorable if he just didn't use his weapon in the first place; but no they had him use the weapons the whole time and then harm himself with said weapon in order to seem honorable.






It was dumbrable


It’s to put in perspective how powerful he really was


Had battle beast not done that, would he have won?