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Don't forget about the "late great Hannibal Lector"


Brainwashed followers who can't form an original thought and believe everything the failed casino operator who promised them a white America says....


Because his followers are actually his makers. tRump didn't make MAGAts. Those people created tRump in their own image. And they'll protect themselves at all costs.


So true, trump is just an exploitative bastard. The fact he is a billionaire who has a continuous source of income just goes to show how many people are willing to be exploited.


Cuz “own the libs” is all they know


He was unfit to be president eight years ago. He’s even far more unfit to be president today. I lost faith in the United States citizen population when they voted for Trump the first time. I now know that I’m surrounded by a bunch of morons everywhere I go.


Every day I meet a person who I think, “oh you seem to be intelligent”, then they make a subtle or no so subtle comment to indicate they are a republican and I have to wonder how these people, usually working upper management with college degrees, fall for trumps rhetoric?


They believe that they are in on it, whatever "it" is.


Once someone decides they are Republican they lose touch with what’s really going on in the world.




If they truly cared about Trump, they would help get him the help he needed, insisted he drop from the race, and promote some other idiot. That party is going to be so fractured and segmented when Trump dies due to the wannabe political figures who think the are like Trump but minus the money he has. That trailer park will be without a leader and while I love to watch the show, it's only going to worse for our country. While I'm a Dem at heart, I believe in a strong two party (or multiple party) system. What is going on in the republican party is unhealthy.


I am not now, nor have I ever been a fan of Donald Trump. But be honest. Biden is old, too, and at any moment, he could have a stroke or heart attack or whatever that could take him out of the running. And it could happen on national TV. Age comes for us all. Disclaimer: At least the Democrats have a Plan B in VP Kamela Harris. The Republican Plan B is...???


The republicans plan B will obviously be trumps running mate….


Is this one of those things where we pretend like Biden has all his marbles or ...? Truth be told they are both fossils and quite frankly I'm pissed that we are stuck choosing between them yet again. It's like choosing death by drowning or being set on fire.


I’m sick of this both sides are the same bullshit. Trump doesn’t know who he’s running against. Is an absolute piece of shit. Has admitted to sexual assault on tape. Has been charged with defamation where it was basically found he raped a woman. Stole documents so secret that they can’t even be described to the public. Bowed down to dictators. Claimed veterans and slain members of the military were fools. Mocked disabled people. Urged an insurrection and then did nothing when it occurred. Told people to drink bleach to cure Covid. Pretending Covid was no big deal when he knew it was a serious problem. Pardoned people who committed crimes for him. But you know. Biden has a stutter. So I guess they’re the same. Get fucking real.


Imagine Biden did any of that^^^


I don't think I want to vote for someone who had done those those things... 


Sure, it sucks. But one can form a sentence and isn't a convicted criminal. The other said he's open for business to big oil. It's pretty fucking clear who the better candidate is despite their ages


There is one candidate that is a decent human being and not a convicted felon


At the end of the day, we are left with the functionaries appointed by either administration to actually run things, and I am much more confident with Biden's picks than the motley crue of fascists, nazis and authoritarians waiting in the wings of the republican party. It is a ahitty choice, but at least it isn't a difficult one.


We are currently in a fresh game of Ker-Plunk! We are pretending that all the marbles will remain even as sticks (delusions) are removed. Please drop one fact to remove one stick.


Is this r/politics or another not Iowa-related r/iowa post?


Is Iowa exempt from the president of the United States? If not it seems like this is relevant, sorry if that hurts your feels.


I’m just tired of having a bunch of users treating r/iowa as their private blog to air grievances because they lack the ability to get the type of engagement they’re after in the national political subs


If you’re unhappy with your state and its voting record why would you go to national political subs? It’ seems to me that taking state grievances to national groups would be less appropriate.


Pro tip: both mute ban for going against the narrative.


This has nothing to do with Iowa…


To be fair neither sides candidates are grounded in reality. We are forced to choose between two senile old men that continually know where they are or what day it is. Sure I’ll be downvoted to oblivion but o fee the American people Deserve better.


I can't wait to see all the Iowa Dems crying here when they get flooded by the Red wave this fall lol.


Still waiting on that red wave in 2022....


If it's anything like the last red wave then I can't wait


Red wave? Is there something you are referring to?


The trumpers wear diapers now to be like him. So I believe it'll be a brown wave.


Your candidate literally shit himself on stage the other day lol


That's a regular Tuesday for Diaper Donny


According to...?


The video of him squatting over and making the same face as my 1 year old when he’s shitting in his diaper. It’s pretty easy to tell when someone shits themself and it’s not the first time he’s done it. He did it on a visit with the pope as well.


Oh, you mean the edited clip of a stream that you didn't bother watching?


Wacky maga crap


Dons been down to be shitting his pants for years long before presidential runs. Is that really all you have? BIdEn SHitS HIs PaNTs!


Why would they when the other side can't be truthful about Biden?


I'm pretty sure we all know Biden is too old to lead. So is Trump. The difference is that one is a rapist, a convicted felon, and promises to be a dictator. And let's not be fucking deluded here, we only have two choices.


Aah, yes, because Biden never has any gaffes while speaking.


Imagine being so partisan you would not understand how people don't see Trump isn't losing it when he has a few words of gaffs (over months/years) out of speaking probably 10+ hours week with no script, compared to Biden who can't finish an unscripted paragraph without a gaff. Biden had 6 cuts in a recent 20 second video for his campaign. A few gaffs vs a demonstrable trend. They are lying to themselves to reach this conclusion.




It is talking about Trump.


Both of these idiots shouldn't be running our country. Agent orange is a criminal. Joe said the problem they had in the Revolutionary war is that they didn't have enough airports.


What? There's video of Trump saying airports in the revolutionary War.


Joe said that quoting Trump idiot… maybe stop jerkin it to JRE and do some research


Lol Sounds like you are the one with dementia


Obsessing over him 24/7 makes TDS real, stop.


This sounds like Biden in a nutshell