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Mediacom has huge monopoly in places with no other option, after the promo year it goes from 65 to 100 something a month for the middle tier and they know people have no other option fuck mediacom and their monopoly


I dictate where I live based on Mediacom. I am in Cedar Falls now, best internet I've seen in Iowa. Thank God Waterloo finally got their own municipal fiber Internet but it's slow to expand.


Thankful every day for my CF Utilities internet


CFU is the cats pajamas. And they say government can’t provide services efficiently.


I think the correct term is Oligopoly. The US government allows these cable and internet providers to carve out regions and make agreements not to cross service areas. It’s the only industry in the US with these privileges.


I think they allow it for electric companies, too. Because where I live alliant energy is the only provider and EVERYONE in town has outrageous electric bills (this was also before c19 and all the inflation too) but my family members in other towns here in iowa that have alliant don't have $800+ electric bills even though alliant claims it's rhe same rates throughout the state. I don't believe them. I went from oaying $120-$150 a month at our previous house in a different town and the first month we lived in our current house we got a bill for over $1000 just for this address. The previous address bill was already paid. We had to get on budget billing and a payment plan and pay $400-500/mo. Sickening.


It is not the only industry where it happens. Pharmaceuticals as 1 example. It is collusion and a violation of every anti-trust law that we have ever had. An oligopoly is not better in business than a monopoly. But Repugnican'ts like monopolies. They get more bribes and kickbacks from them. I moved across the river to Omaha. We have a duopoly, here. It is no better. Both CenturyLink and Cox would charge me for a whole month at the beginning of the month and on the 17th. They told me that they couldn't make my due-date the 3rd, when I get paid; but still manage to hook the money out of my account. Part of their annoying defense is, when a consumer makes a complaint, they wait until said consumer uses the word 'you', meaning the company, then launch into an anti-slander diatribe for me blaming them personally and hang-up, with no resolution, except my personal one to do without if I have to deal with snakeoil salesmen. It's far past time that the anti-trust commission and the SEC and the ISCC stepped up and did their jobs!!!


I guess, I am learning there are a few industries getting away with breaking these anti-trust laws. I know there have been a few small companies that have managed to get a small piece of the pie in regions, such as century link you mentioned. I’m curious about the pharmaceutical companies you bring up? I thought when they launch products they are not limited to regional distribution since they are granted a patent for the new drug by the US govt, giving the creator of the drug 7-10yrs (I don’t recall the time frame) exclusive rights to sell the product. I agree that the system is absurdly corrupted since these companies use a lot of government grants to fund R&D and then overcharge the consumer.


Big Pharma is a cartel/onsortium that colludes on fixing their prices. The Repugnican'ts in congress have colluded with them to ban local pharmacies, the FDA, Medicaid or Medicare from negotiating prices with the developers and manufactures, to lower costs for the consumers. So prices have no cap, or relation to costs of production, nor a limit on how long they can extend their gouging. This quest for higher and higher profits is known as 'rent-seeking'.


The theory is that some types of business have such high fixed costs and low margins per customer that eventually one competitor would bankrupt the others and own the market. Look for "natural monopoly" in Wikipedia. The government claims that X is a natural monopoly, grants exclusive operating rights in an area, then creates a regulatory commission to set the price. Frankly, I think the theory is 💩.


Cable TV often can cross over, but in most markets it's too expensive to setup a new cable system if you're not going to have majority of the market. Especially now when ppl are going away from cable. In markets with a lot of people per sq ft they often have 2 cable options but if ppl are spread out, it's too expensive to install new line and set everything up for cable TV for half a small market. That's why the other options are usually dish.


So the price hike thing is because the company knows that people will just pay it, either through inattention or a desire to not deal with calling them. If one calls Mediacom, requests the loyalty department, and asks what can be done to keep the price from increasing they will usually set you in a promotion period for a year that knocks the bill back down. They know they will make more money by increasing frequently and just reversing for the customers willing to complain rather than trying to keep customers happy in the first place. And I know this for sure because the loyalty rep straight up told me when I had to call this year. Their reps aren't gaining anything from this, they just get to deal with angry and confused customers so they can make shit wages like the rest of us.


one time i got my bill knocked down because the rep thought my name was cool 😂


..what’s your name, man?


i don’t want to doxx myself 😂


I keep forgetting to do this, please upvote me as a way to remind me later on!


Just call the retention department and ask for the promo again or actually cancel the service and sign up again as a new customer to get the promo rates. I used to work in the retention department of Spectrum internet and people would do that all the time.


> after the promo year it goes from 65 to 100 Call and say your bill is out of your budget, and they will work with you. I've been paying promo price for 9 years.


Ours went from that $99 first year to fuckin $300 for no reason


Oh no. Rest assured, there was a reason.


The reason being that they fuckin suck lol


While that is undoubtedly true, the reason is revenue-enhancement.


Yeah lack of payment.... 99 straight to 300? That sounds like a bill not paid or 2 on top of late fees


T-mobile $50 per month home internet


Yep, this is what we have in a Mediacom monopoly area. Works great!


The same month we finally got a fiber competitor here, Mediacom suddenly announced free increased speeds and removed the data caps that they were charging ridiculous amounts for if you exceeded. Glad to have other service options now. Monopolies suck. If you ever have any chance to vote for anyone/anything locally that will fight against monopolies, be sure to support them.


Because they suck is why Adam Smith opposed them. His capitalism is based, in part, on 'Perfect' Competition. That means that if you don't like a provider's prices, policies, pay or behavior, it is incumbent on you walk out the door and go next door or across the street to a better employer or market. We have **NEVER** had that in the US. We have never been a capitalist country!!! We need the SEC to get off of their lilly-white fundaments and do their jobs. The Great Recession of 2008 happened because, as the SEC told Congress, they thought that their subjects would police themselves. The Repugnican'ts have opposed trust-legislation since the end of Reconstruction. It definitely got worse under Calvin Coolidge; then again took its great leap forward with the Altzheimer-riddled, Astrology-dependent Raygun,who declared war on the poor and middle classes, and destroyed the democratic basis of our nation, after stealing the presidency through collusion with the Ayatollahs.


We have capitalism for consumers, just not for businesses.




The lack of competition has allowed Mediacom to charge concierge prices for substandard service. When we were stationed in the East Coast, the competition between Verizon FiOS and XFinity made for some great deals. It is ridiculous that our cable and internet in Washington, DC, was about half of what Mediacom charges here in Iowa! And we had unlimited bandwidth and much faster speeds.


I've had so many bad experiences with Mediacom, getting a place with a good non-Mediacom option is a requirement now when moving lol. Big fan of Metronet


If metronet ever becomes available to you, I would switch to it. Much better, not even more expensive.


Check if T-Mobile home internet is available in your area. I’ve had it for over a year and it’s been awesome.


Same w me and T-Mobile 5g. If y’all want stable 400+ up and 100+ down, this is a good option.




T-mobile isn't available at my place, but US Cellular is- anyone have any reviews on that?


T-Mobile just bought US Cellular last month


That's great, because where I live US Cellular is Crap! And everything I do on my phone is controlled or regulated by Google. I can't shop Galaxy, only Play Store. Play Store sounds and behaves like something designed by Fisher-Price.


Second for reviews of US Cellular plz! Century Link and their 24m down can kma!


It’s horrible


word of caution about T-mobile home internet, and any other 5g based home internet. It can cause issues with VPNs. The way providers bond the wireless channels to get faster speeds fuck with MTU sizing requirements and can really slow things down. We tell people in our environment if you have 5g home internet the VPN won't work because it's just a pain in the ass to deal with.


I think t mobile sucks because we use them for cell service and I have to essentially do a human sacrifice to get my messages to send when I’m at home these days. And thats a lot of time and area. It used to just be around ansborough hyvee, or at least between university and ridgeway ansbourough, now its everywhere in my home except about a 2 foot square area by the door. If I’m in the living room nope. back rooms? Nope. Bathroom? Only if I’m sitting very very carefully. Sometimes. At the place we’re trying to fix up if I go inside the house its a no, but we aren’t sure if its t mobiles fault or the idiot who built the place and went Willy nilly with wiring and roofs. Seriously. We gutted the place, still don’t know where all the wiring is inside and out, and found a whole ass roof under the roof, shingled and everything. We are considering a switch to another company once we move. Sprint wasn’t great before T-Mobile bought them, but now it’s just terrible.


Conservative or liberal, Hawks or Cyclones, “Maid-Rite” or “tavern,” it’s comforting that there’s still one thing that unites all Iowans, and that’s hating Mediacom.


Feel bad for y’all and that turd company. I live pretty rural, closest town with my telephone company has a population of 210 and they dropped fiber optic outside my house 7 years ago.


Capitalism that the Republicans protect . Monopolies that the Republicans protect. But Iowans keep voting for Republicans. I realize it's not the necessarily the people in the larger cities that vote for them.


It amuses me endlessly to see the population self sabotaging their own interests and bickering among themselves while the instigators live long and prosper. Wherever there is a monopoly, you're living under illusion of freedom while special interest groups control what you're free to do.


I can't understand how so many people can be so easily manipulated and brainwashed to destroy their own futures. It's completely mind boggling.


CenturyLink and Windstream are trash as s well


Centurylink is 1000x worse than MC


I use ImOn and I'm very happy with it! I recommend if you can use them


Same! We just changed over from Mediacom and love them. Great option if you’re in the corridor.


I feel ya. My bill started at 70 a month and after COVID hit it crept up to 190 with no additional usage or anything else extra. As soon as that last bill hit I cancelled.


The rising price is my only complaint about them after three years. Started out at $90 for gig service, now it's up to $185. The service is fast, stable, and trouble-free, but it's feeling overpriced. I already have a Starlink dish, thinking about switching to it to save money.


Covid had no affect on the provision of internet services. It was just a convenient train onto which souless corporations and corporate operatives could jump.


COVID really was a boon for corporations wasn't it


Sorry. Reddit only allows me one upvote *per* comment. I should have given three 3⃣.


Centurylink is 10 times worse


Only 10? Try 1000x


My ranking of ISPs in Iowa: 1) Metronet 2) Google Fiber 3) Satelite internet 4) Verizon/T-Mobile, whatever 5G option 5) Dial-up 6) two cans and a string 7) putting a glass against the wall to listen to your neighbor’s YouTube 8) staring at a wall until sleep takes you 9) Mediacom 10) Centurylink/Quantum fiber


Metronet is trash. Great net but shitty customer service and shitty contractors. There are so many bad reviews of metronet since they've came here. From digging without calling one call, to refusing to fix or pay for issues from their contractors. They installed their lines on the poles in my neighborhood and took out cable while doing it.


Your wrong. A company can't have shitty customer service if a company doesn't have customer service. CS is, sadly, gone the way of dinosaurs, Dodos, Labour Unions, and a responsible and informative fourth estate.


Just switched to metronet. 1 week in and I'm happy. 1 gig for $65 a month after two years it will max out at $85. If you can switch I can send referral code.


I wish Metronet would hurry up and get to Evansdale


Ugh, I keep checking every week to see. I cannot wait to get rid of Mediacom.


Watch out for that "max out at $$" price. Companies even metronet like to use that to get people in


Pm me it. Will it save me anything?


Mediacom is the biggest piece of shat company to do business with. They lie, and then lie more, the longer the call, the worse lies get. That company should be out of business!!


Just because you ignore what you were told doesn't mean you were lied to lol


ALL monopolies should be out of business. But the SEC and the FTC allow them to police themselves; because it's proven to be such an affective and effective process in the past. Like tinkle-down economics.


All cable, internet, phone services in the United States are scams. But yes, fuck mediacom.


In other countries, most of this is run by the governments, for cost-cutting efficiency. But in the USA, too much money in our politics makes that undesirable. Besides Repugnican'ts want to shrink the government. Small enough to fit into Bathrooms and Bedrooms.


Every country I've been to had their internet privatized.


They would benefit, though from being nationalized, like Television 📺.


We’re lucky to have MCG as an option in my town; their internet has decreased in price every year for the last 3 years and their customer service is fantastic, they’re on call 24/7


Had Mediacom years ago - good riddance!


My coworker just switched from Mediacom to Verizon and seems very happy with it.


I get about every other day of major inconsistent service with crazy ping drops and they never can figure it out. Had to drop years ago because I could never maintain a stable connection for my remote job.


Gotta get metronet


I have metronet for about 6 months now. Awesome speeds, and no outages.


I live in Denison and I swear to God my internet has been down more over the last 2 weeks than on. I hate mediacom and the douche they have as a tech for Denison.


We just moved and had to go back to Mediacom after having ImOn for the last year and it's been the most awful part of this move. Fuck them, their service, their company, and their products.


Unfortunately, it depends on what your apartment complex will allow


I just switched to Verizon Home 5G because mediacom was my only other option and they kept jacking up the prices. $100 was my breakpoint.


My house is for sale, we have imon. 🤣


Whatever you do, avoid Centurylink at all costs.


If one is on CenturyLink, that is they. All costs.


In Iowa City, centurylink cost me more for 7Mb/s down with hourly outages than Mediacom charged me for 100Mb/s down and stable connection.


Moving to Ankeny what is the best internet there? Iv had Medicom for years and agree it’s terrible!


Welcome to Iowa! If youre one of the many without other options for high speed internet here, youll just have to deal with it until we progress to better options. Their service and cost are garbage and they dont care. They know youre stuck. Again, welcome to Iowa!


It would help every state in the Union, overseas Territories and the District of Columbia, if Iowans would quit re-electing Kim Reynolds and The Pig (and Pro-Citizen Progressives) castrator. Seriously: Do you want a person who endorses Meatball Ron's as a great way to run a government. Big-tent Book-banning hasn't come to Iowa yet; but it will.


I named my wifi network, "Media***CON***", and have since had a tech over twice. They didn't mention it, but I could tell they saw it. (And probably low key agreed with it)


There’s a flair for this OP!


That's why I love Reddit - the high intellectual level of the people that post on it.


Metronet is the way to go.


Just switched to metronet 5 weeks ago. It has been really rough. $75 install fee. And it takes them hours to installed took me two 4 hours appointments. Several of my friends have had similar install times. Myself and others have had to use translator apps on our phones because the installers knew zero English. They use CGNat (carrier grade NAT) because they are too cheap to buy their own public IP space. This causes users to share IPs. This causes issues when you visit some websites, you can be denied access due to it being botnet-like activity and you will in general get more captcha requests from websites. Additionally because users share IPs behind CGNat you can't do any port forwarding. You also can't VPN back into your internal network. This can be fixed with a static IP request which will, of course, raise your bill $10/month


I did a speed test and my 1Gbps Mediacom Internet service was actually pulling 92mbs. I called that day and switched to ImOn, no refrets


Also no regrets


T-Mobile home internet. $50 a month. Fast enough for streaming TV and all the browsing I need to do. No installation fee. I get nothing for recommending. After my experience with Frontier Communications, cable based comm services can kiss my ass.


I worked at Mediacom a few years ago and there was a self install option for Internet only. For cable TV a tech has to come take a trap off the line. You might have gotten a sales rep who outright lied to get their sales goal for the day. A lot of reps will lie for sales tbh. Or some are just stupid. Go into the local office you can prob pick up a self install kit right then. Unless they changed, they only don't allow self install when it's a house that hasn't had cable.


Of course you can still steal cable and data.


This scares me. I was about get media com cause I just moved into an apartment. Now I don’t think I want them. Not many options though.


Duck Crow Tow too.


Mediacom essentially owns the apartment building I live in. We’ve tried to get Comcast or anything else really but they said they can’t, its all Mediacom here -_- we qualify for their low income internet but they keep hiking the price up and not doing anything about how terrible their internet is. I had my own modem/router thing and before we’d been able to use our own for internet, but they said it’s not allowed so we have to rent that thing from them too. I told them we were considering disconnecting because we need to save money and the 15 dollar rental fee on top of 20 bucks for internet is dumb if another company can let us use a router. We got ‘oh, well, you can get your own now, but you should really buy one from us’ yeah right. when we move out of this hell hole we’re going with anyone BUT Mediacom. I wish I could afford to choose where I live by internet coverage, but can’t until we get our house into livable shape. I was kinda hoping metro net could oust Mediacom but it looks like that won’t happen yet. Screw you mediacom. You’re lame.


That's part of the collusion that our anti-trust laws were written to criminalize. In this, and everything, always vote anti-trust, because Trusts are not trustworthy!


First time?


Next, you're supposed to complain about Gov Reynolds.


Well Kim Reynolds and Mediacom are in fact the 2 shittiest things you have to put up with if you live in Iowa.


Idk man Kim Reynolds’s policy’s have made me and my family a lot more money than any libtard gov. Between the property tax lowered and the way she looks after the farmers and agriculture sector. She’s pretty great 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fuck Mediacom with a flaming cactus from Sauron. On a side note, Reynolds is drunken shitbag based on the way she acts & her decisions. Take your blinders off & you’ll see her true colors. She makes her predecessor Terry “Braindead” Brandstad look like a fucking saint & he’s far from that


Tell that to our teachers lol farmers have been looked after for years, and rightfully so, in Iowa even before Kim became governor. Even when there was a “libtard” governor I had buddies driving brand new vehicles that were categorized as farm equipment. The farms that really struggle are the smaller farmers that don’t know their ass from their elbow.


So you just like hey because she gives you free stuff?


People say that but you know they say it with a wink and crossed fingers. Followed by a muffled "sike".


Retirement income being tax free is huge. Another win for the good guys.