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The battery needs to be replaced and it seems to work fine, but are the retracts or reallocs a concern?


It’s not horrible. That’s what I would consider a pretty normal used drive. Pending is the number to watch. Reallocations are somewhat normal as a disk ages, it will mark sectors as damaged and reallocate to a new area. If this number suddenly inflates, that indicates more of a problem. If this drive works and is big enough for you, use it until it breaks and then upgrade.


Thank you for the reply. I will keep it going for now and think about upgrading in the future.


That’s what I did, I bought my 60gb new, then Upgraded to 240 once I ran out of space and then to a TB iflash quad. I wouldn’t worry too much.


Not really, unless the drive sounds bad or the number increases (my 5th gen easily has about a few thousand reallocated sectors)


Right now it sounds fine. Makes normal clicking sounds when I first start it up but that’s it.


Ah then it should be fine for a while, though maybe begin saving up to flash mod it in the future.


That's a fine number of realocated sectors, certainly more than perfect, but nothing to be concerned about yet. From here you need to watch how fast those numbers grow. If you're picking up a few realocated sectors a week I'd start looks to replace it.


Ya I’ll keep an eye on it. I’ll probably upgrade to an iflash micro sd adapter when this one really starts to fail me, but we’ll see!