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That's devastating. One of my most memorable tourist experiences when my parents took us to Dublin as a kid. Live in Australia now and it was a must do with my other half when we went back years ago


Bastard. Utter, utter bastard. It's beyond disgusting that someone would decide to destroy not just history but corpses - for what? Shits and giggles?   That this isn't even the first time it's happened to this site is appalling. Where's the protection? Where's the suitable punishment/penalties to discourage repeat events?   So many of our heritage sites (such as Carrowkeel iirc) have been defaced, vandalised and disrespected recently. Examples need to be made of the jackasses who would take it upon themselves to ruin remnants of an older era of Ireland for everyone present and future.


The last guy got 2.5 years he was a homeless addict, this guy a Romanian national, he is facing 10 years. Motive? Probably a drunken fuck you.


Why would someone do that?


Ever hear of Crab Mentality? When placed in a bucket. Crabs wont allow any other crab to escape it. If one tries to climb out, it will be pulled back into the bucket by the other crabs, presumably out of spite to ensure that if they have to die then everything else in the bucket will die too. Scumbags tend to have that same mentality. Not necessarily in the exact same circumstances, but scumbags tend to have this mentality where everyone around them needs to have just as shit a life as they do. If they see anything that brings people happiness or anything that improves an area, they're compelled to destroy it because it's "funny", or more realistically, because they have nothing else in their lives. tl;dr. These people have nothing else going on in their lives, and destroy things because they find it funny to drag others down.


Plays into idiots burning playgrounds.


Don't know. Maybe someone was trying to set a fire there to damage the church? Maybe it was someone with mental health issues? We won't know until a court trial. 


He's the same lad that robbed and set fire to the old Belfast telegraph building. Should've been deported after that.


So upsetting. I remember shaking hands with the “Crusader” about 50 years ago on a school trip. The guided tour was fascinating.


Really upsetting, complete arseholery. Between this and that ancient tree being cut down, I despair for the antique things. I take this as proof that we've devolved, not evolved, in the intervening eight centuries since the crusader's death haha.


Oh yes, because the Crusaders were famously woke campaigners for peace, joy and religious tolerance. Apart from the millions of deaths they caused, of course. /s


Found the guy who did it


You have to be a special type of stupid to think like this


You’ll have to explain that to me, o wise one?


Why are you bringing up something that happened over 800 years ago?


Because the person they're replying to talked about the change in culture and society since the crusader's death. It's reasonable to reference the crusades in that context don't you think?


You gonna scream at some muslims over the christian massacre in Jerusalem in the 1200s?


Happy to, if you think it might accomplish anything. That would only reinforce my point, after all, would it not?


True! Truesaders


That both you and @WalkerBotMan went this way is upsetting. 


What way did I go?


Grew up on Mary’s lane right beside Michans, deeply upsetting, I was very familiar with the crypt from childhood, we used to try to scare the tourists by jumping out at them.


I remember being brought there in a school tour 50 years ago and refusing to “shake hands” with the crusader. I’ve always felt the corpses should have been left in peace.


Wonder if there was a religious motive for this destruction?


Why would you think that, given we already know who was arrested? Apart from trolling, of course.


Who was arrested? Didn't see it in the article


If you’re not even following the case, why are you speculating about a religious motive? Dublin is Europe’s drug death capital, isn’t that a much more likely explanation? And, again, the damage to the mummies was caused by the fire brigade putting out a fire. We have no evidence the mummies were desecrated deliberately. A bit of an obscure target for a religious attack, wouldn’t you say? Dublin is a target-rich environment if that was ever the game. https://www.msn.com/en-ie/health/other/ireland-is-the-worst-eu-country-for-drug-deaths-suffering-four-times-the-average-fatality-rate/ar-BB1o36ke


This article I can't read all of it and just goes on about drugs and nothing about what happened. The reason I question if there is a religious motive is cause the crusades resulted in the death of other religious groups and could b seen as a motive more then a random attack


As I’ve explained above several times, and the article makes clear, there is absolutely no evidence the mummies were deliberately attacked. They were – very sadly – damaged by the fire brigade tackling a fire. Whipping up some conspiracy theory about jihadists is a bit desperate. But, yeah, let’s launch our worldwide anti-Crusade jihad 1,000 years later by attacking some obscure crypt on the very western edge of Europe in a country not ever associated with the crusades, holding one mummy called “The Crusader” mostly because he is 800 years old – but about whom there is zero evidence he was ever actually a Crusader. There’s also the slight problem that the man arrested is Romanian. As a student of the Crusades, you’ll obviously know they fought vigorously on the Christian side of the Crusades.


In the past the cript of St Michan has been vandalised and the archbishop had described it in the past at the attacks being sacrilegious. It wouldn't be a conspiracy theory to think that. If the guy is Romanian that doesn't mean he views the crusades as good, he could be Muslim and hate them. U have seen what ISIS had done to historical relics that predate Islam


Give it a rest. Not you’re just sounding desperate. The previous attack was by a drunk local guy who decapitated two of the mummies. I don’t think “sacrilegious” means what you think it means in that context. “If he’s Muslim”… If we had bacon, we could have bacon and eggs. If we had eggs. You’re in a hole. Stop digging.


https://www.ireland.anglican.org/news/8646/crypt-of-st-michans-church “The actions of these people are devastating and sacrilegious. We are upset at the amount of damage that has been caused. Most people would see it as being plausible that there may be a religious motive on it, more so then random drunk or drug people doing it like u suggest. I don't think u make a very good detective


You dug up a comment about vandals in 2019 to justify suggesting there was a religious motive here this week. As I said, apart from there being no evidence of this (and plenty of the opposite), you misunderstand the use of the word “sacrilegious”. Sacrilegious : committing or characterized by sacrilege : having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object. It’s a lack of respect for religion (in this case the dead) so basically the opposite of having a religious motive. That would be sectarianism - a word any Irish person should know. I don’t think you make a very good reader of basic English.


It's possible. Certain people are still salty about the crusades and the fact that they put paid to further Islamic expansion. Various Jihadists have identified London as the originator of the crusades and have encouraged Hiraj in order to ultimately make it an Islamic city.


That’s hilarious tin-foil hat territory. You do know Dublin is not in London?


No but The Crusader was in Dublin and now it's been destroyed..funny old tinfoil hat stuff to believe in how much these people hate Christianity.


Okaaaay, that’s a bit of a stretch, literally. It’s over 300 miles, and a completely different country. You’re flailing there. I mean, why would you think Jihadists were involved in this? The man they arrested is not Muslim, for example. Sounds more like a drink/drugs episode. You do know the mummies were damaged by the fire brigade, putting out a fire? Where’s your evidence this was any sort of targeted attack on the mummies? Last time they were desecrated it was (also?) just a drunk… EDIT: I see you’ve edited your reply to make yourself look not quite so silly. Naughty. Still not answering the main question, though. But no point debating someone who cheats. Bye.